998 resultados para 13-131


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The low frequency (<13 MHz) dielectric response and its light-induced change in undoped a-Si:H were investigated in detail. The dielectric constant epsilon (the real part) in this range decreases with illumination time: following a stretched exponential law similar to that found for other light-induced changes. The saturation relative change was about 0.1-0.2 % for the measured samples. The change is fading away either after repeated illumination-annealing training or by aging at room temperature. The present results indicate some rearrangement of the whole Si network caused by light soaking.


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Here we reported the fatty-acids and their δ 13C values in seep carbonates collected from Green Canyon lease block 185 (GC 185; Sample GC-F) at upper continental slope (water depth: ∼540 m), and Alaminos Canyon lease block 645 (GC 645; Sample AC-E) at lower continental slope (water depth: ∼2200 m) of the Gulf of Mexico. More than thirty kinds of fatty acids were detected in both samples. These fatty acids are maximized at C16. There is a clear even-over-odd carbon number predominance in carbon number range. The fatty acids are mainly composed of n-fatty acids, iso-/anteiso-fatty acids and terminally branched odd-numbered fatty acids (iso/anteiso). The low δ 13C values (−39.99‰ to.32.36‰) of n-C12:0, n-C13:0, i-C14:0and n-C14:0 suggest that they may relate to the chemosynthetic communities at seep sites. The unsaturated fatty acids n-C18:2 and C18:1Δ9 have the same δ 13C values, they may originate from theBeggiatoa/Thioploca. Unlike other fatty acids, the terminally branched fatty acids (iso/anteiso) show lowerδ 13C values (as low as −63.95‰) suggesting a possible relationship to sulfate reducing bacteria, which is common during anaerobic oxidation of methane at seep sites.


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The hydrolysis/precipitation behaviors of Al3+, Al-13 and Al-30 under conditions typical for flocculation in water treatment were investigated by studying the particulates' size development, charge characteristics, chemical species and speciation transformation of coagulant hydrolysis precipitates. The optimal pH conditions for hydrolysis precipitates formation for AlCl3, PAC(A113) and PAC(A130) were 6.5-7.5, 8.5-9.5, and 7.5-9.5, respectively. The precipitates' formation rate increased with the increase in dosage, and the relative rates were AlCl3 >> PAC(A130) > PACA113. The precipitates' size increased when the dosage increased from 50 mu M to 200 mu M, but it decreased when the dosage increased to 800 AM. The Zeta potential of coagulant hydrolysis precipitates decreased with the increase in pH for the three coagulants. The isoelectric points of the freshly formed precipitates for AlCl3, PAC(A113) and PAC(A130) were 7.3, 9.6 and 9.2, respectively. The Zeta potentials of AlCl3 hydrolysis precipitates were lower than those of PAC(A113) and PAC(A130) when pH > 5.0. The Zeta potential of PAC(A130) hydrolysis precipitates was higher than that of PACA113 at the acidic side, but lower at the alkaline side. The dosage had no obvious effect on the Zeta potential of hydrolysis precipitates under fixed pH conditions. The increase in Zeta potential with the increase in dosage under uncontrolled pH conditions was due to the pH depression caused by coagulant addition. Al-Ferron research indicated that the hydrolysis precipitates of AlCl3 were composed of amorphous AI(OH)3 precipitates, but those of PACA113 and PACA130 were composed of aggregates of Al-13 and Al-30, respectively. Al3+ was the most un-stable species in coagulants, and its hydrolysis was remarkably influenced by solution pH. Al-13 and Al-30 species were very stable, and solution pH and aging had little effect on the chemical species of their hydrolysis products. The research method involving coagulant hydrolysis precipitates based on Al-Ferron reaction kinetics was studied in detail. The Al species classification based on complex reaction kinetic of hydrolysis precipitates and Ferron reagent was different from that measured in a conventional coagulant assay using the Al--Ferron method. The chemical composition of Al-a, Al-b and Al-c depended on coagulant and solution pH. The Al-b measured in the current case was different from Keggin Al-13, and the high Alb content in the AlCl3 hydrolysis precipitates could not used as testimony that most of the Al3+ Was converted to highly charged Al-13 species during AlCl3 coagulation.


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The acid-base stabilities of Al-13 and Al-30 in polyaluminum coagulants during aging and after dosing into water were studied systematically using batch and flow-through acid-base titration experiments. The acid decomposition rates of both Al-13 and Al-30 increase rapidly with the decrease in solution pH. The acid decompositions of Al-13 and Al-30 with respect to H+ concentration are composed of two parallel first-order and second-order reactions, and the reaction orders are 1.169 and 1.005, respectively. The acid decomposition rates of Al-13 and Al-30 increase slightly when the temperature increases from 20 to ca. 35 A degrees C, but decrease when the temperature increases further. Al-30 is more stable than Al-13 in acidic solution, and the stability difference increases as the pH decreases. Al-30 is more possible to become the dominant species in polyaluminum coagulants than Al-13. The acid catalyzed decomposition and followed by recrystallization to form bayerite is one of the main processes that are responsible for the decrease of Al-13 and Al-30 in polyaluminum coagulants during storage. The deprotonation and polymerization of Al-13 and Al-30 depend on solution pH. The hydrolysis products are positively charged, and consist mainly of repeated Al-13 and Al-30 units rather than amorphous Al(OH)(3) precipitates. Al-30 is less stable than Al-13 upon alkaline hydrolysis. Al-13 is stable at pH < 5.9, while Al-30 lose one proton at the pH 4.6-5.75. Al-13 and Al-30 lose respective 5 and 10 protons and form [Al-13] (n) and [Al-30] (n) clusters within the pH region of 5.9-6.25 and 5.75-6.65, respectively. This indicates that Al-30 is easier to aggregate than Al-13 at the acidic side, but [Al-13] (n) is much easier to convert to Alsol-gel than [Al-30] (n) . Al-30 possesses better characteristics than Al-13 when used as coagulant because the hydrolysis products of Al-30 possess higher charges than that of Al-13, and [Al-30] (n) clusters exist within a wider pH range.


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胞质谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(cGPX)是生物体内重要的抗氧化含硒酶,在保护机体免受活性氧损伤方面起着重要作用,因此利用抗体酶技术进行cGPX的人工模拟具有重要意义。本文在疏水腔修饰法指导下,设计合成了两种新的具有GSH特征的半抗原Hp4和Hp5。通过单克隆抗体及化学诱变技术制备得到三种针对半抗原Hp4的含硒抗体酶和两种针对Hp5 特异的含硒抗体酶。其中SeHB5(1867 U/μmol)和SeIA7(3567U/μmol)活力达到和天然酶同一数量级,进一步验证了疏水腔修饰法。本文还对含硒抗体酶SeHB5和SeIA7的酶学性质进行了系统的研究。生物活性实验表明含硒抗体酶对不同浓度H_2O_2损伤的小鼠心肌细胞均有一定程度的保护作用。本文同时报道了三种硒代β-环糊精作为cGPX模拟物的活力,其中6,6'-(O-亚苯基)二硒基桥联-β-环糊精二聚体的活力超过目前被认为最理想的补硒试剂Ebselen。~(13)C标记UDPG在利用核磁手段发现新的UDPG依赖糖基转移酶和检测新的糖基化合物,确定糖基间连接方式,合成同位素标记寡糖和多糖等方面具有广阔的应用前景。本文首次从植物培养细胞Rauvolfia serpentina经四步纯化得到具有一定纯度的UDPG焦磷酸化酶,并应用该酶建立了经济,简便,高产率的从葡萄糖出发,酶法大量合成UDPG的方法。利用该方法首次合成得到0.5克级的UDP-[4-~(13)C]-glucose,产率高达~70%。在NMR谱学方面确定了UDPG中葡萄糖基上4位C的归属,从而纠正了文献中关于UDPG核磁谱归属中的部分错误。


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采用Cr/Al催化体系,成功地合成了全同1,2-聚丁二烯(PBD),并用DSC方法、X-射线衍射、红外光谱及~(13)C-NMR的方法进行结构与物性测定,得如下结果:全同1,2-PBD的熔点为124.3℃;三角晶系中,分子链成了螺旋,晶胞参数为a=17.3A,c= 6.5A;在红外光谱中,其特征谱带出现在694.4 cm~(-1)处;在~(13)C-NMR谱中仅出现四条谱峰,其化学位移分别为142.51、111.56、39.26、37.43 ppm。全同1,2-PBD的~(13)C-NMR谱提供的实验数据表明,在~(13)C-NMR谱中1,2-PBD-CH二碳十个五元组谱峰的归属是有别于Elgert、Kumar已有的归属。它属于一种新的归属,与半经验方法所推演的结果相符。它恰巧同聚丙烯侧甲基五元组谱峰的归属一致。采用半经验方法研究了1,2-PBD的~(13)C-NMR增中CH二碳五元组、CH_2-碳四元组及六元组共振谱峰,同时讨论了模型链的链长、温度以及立构序列的排列对各立构序列键概率的影响,求得了相应的r值。同时采用经验方法对1,2-PBD的~(13)C-NMR谱中CH_2=碳、CH-碳五元组及CH_2-碳四元组谱峰做了归属。两种方法对CH_2-碳谱峰的归属得到了一致的结果。


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本工作以EV共聚物为研究对象,明确地提出了共聚物的序列结构与其~(13)C NMR谱,包括符号表示在内的一致性问题。通过对EVAc共聚物~(13)C NMR谱的分析认为,共聚物的序列结构与其~(13)C NMR谱之间存在着某种内在的联系。我们从EV共聚物序列结构的符号表示和Bovey关系出发,阐述了它们之间的一致性,即一一对应关系,并发现了EV共聚物~(13)C NMR谱的两种类型,提出了利用取代基参数进行EV共聚物~(13)C NMR谱分类的判别标准及其衍生出的两种判别方法,阐述了关于EV共聚物~(13)C NMR谱峰分布的预见性。


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人类线粒体DNA(mtDNA)是一个长度16,569bp 的环状分子,编码13 种蛋白 质、22 种tRNA 和2 种rRNA。由于mtDNA 全基因组信息具有缺乏重组、母系 遗传、高突变速率和相对较高的分辨率等特点,近年来已经成为重建人类历史的 重要工具。这些研究已经证实,mtDNA 最古老的六个单倍型类群,L0-L5,在非 洲特异的出现;而6-7 万年前从L3 衍生出的M 和N 两个超类群最终占领了世界 其他地区。然而,mtDNA 全序列研究在世界上某些特定地区尚是一片空白,其 中之一便是作为人类“走出非洲”的关键区域——印度。 为弥补这一空白,我们从 1200 个印度样品中选择了131 个可以代表所有主 要单倍型类群的个体,进行了全基因组扩增和测序,手工重建并软件验证了系统 发育关系树。我们的结果发现了12 个新的印度特有单倍型类群(N5, R7, R8, R30, R31, M34-M40),修订了11 个已知特有单倍型类群(N1d, R5, R6, U2a, U2b, U2c, M2, M4, M5, M6, M30)的定义,详细描述了存在于印度的欧洲特有类群(HV, JT, U, N1, W)。 这一工作产生了多个推论。第一个是关于人类“走出非洲”假说长期以来 存在的争论。欧亚大陆和大洋洲mtDNA 在M 和N(包括R)超类群系统发育关系 上星状和不重叠的分布,表明了人类走出非洲是沿着亚洲海岸线(即所谓的“南 方路线”)的一个快速扩散的过程。第二个推论是关于存在于印度的欧洲特有世 系。与典型的欧洲世系相比,这些世系仅仅存在一到两个突变,从而证实了新石 器时代以来来自于近东新月地带或中亚高原的基因流。第三个推论涉及一个早期 的印度全序列研究。仔细分析其数据表明,他们的数据丢失了很多基部的特有突 变并产生了多个幻影突变,从而证实了系统发育思想对检测数据质量的作用。 随着印度人群 mtDNA 全序列研究的完成,人类mtDNA 系统发育的基本框 架得以建立。人类mtDNA 明显地呈现出大洲特异性分布。目前已经有两种假说用来解释这一现象。传统的观点把这一现象归于遗传漂变;而近期的选择假说认 为选择在人类mtDNA 的分化中扮演了极其重要的角色,而气候是主要的选择压 力。为解决这一争论,我们收集了来自南亚、大洋洲和东亚三个具有不同气候的 地区的mtDNA,使用直接计数的办法比较了各个大洲之间同义突变和异义突变 的差异。结果表明,几乎在所有的基因中,异义突变的数量低于同义突变的数量, 从而表明纯净化选择是人类mtDNA 进化中的主要力量。然而,在这三个大洲之 间没有发现显著的差异,表明mtDNA 在这三个区域上所承受的选择压力基本相 同。这一结果表明,气候不大可能是造成人类mtDNA 分化的主要原因。


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1998年10月,三位美国科学家,Daniel Tsui(崔琦,美籍华裔科学家)、Horst Stormer(美国德裔科学家)和Robert Laughlin,因他们在发现分数量子霍尔效应方面所作出的杰出贡献而获得诺贝尔物理学奖。文章力图从物理角度概要介绍分数量子霍尔效应的主要物理现象和机制。