913 resultados para willing seller
BACKGROUND: Personalised nutrition (PN) may promote public health. PN involves dietary advice based on individual characteristics of end users and can for example be based on lifestyle, blood and/or DNA profiling. Currently, PN is not refunded by most health insurance or health care plans. Improved public health is contingent on individual consumers being willing to pay for the service.
METHODS: A survey with a representative sample from the general population was conducted in eight European countries (N= 8233). Participants reported their willingness to pay (WTP) for PN based on lifestyle information, lifestyle and blood information, and lifestyle and DNA information. WTP was elicited by contingent valuation with the price of a standard, non-PN advice used as reference.
RESULTS: About 30% of participants reported being willing to pay more for PN than for non-PN advice. They were on average prepared to pay about 150% of the reference price of a standard, non-personalised advice, with some differences related to socio-demographic factors.
CONCLUSION: There is a potential market for PN compared to non-PN advice, particularly among men on higher incomes. These findings raise questions to what extent personalized nutrition can be left to the market or should be incorporated into public health programs.
Previous research has found that behavioural synchrony between people leads to greater prosocial tendencies towards co-performers. In this study we investigated the scope of this prosocial effect: does it extend beyond the performance group to an extended in-group (extended parochial prosociality) or even to other people in general (generalized prosociality)? Participants performed a simple rhythmic movement either in time (synchrony condition) or out of time (asynchrony condition) with each other. Before and during the rhythmic movement, participants were exposed to a prime that made salient an extended in-group identity. After the task, half the participants had the opportunity to help an extended in-group member; the other half had the opportunity to help an out-group member. We found a main effect of our synchrony manipulation across both help targets suggesting that the prosocial effects of synchrony extend to non-performers. Furthermore, there was a significantly higher proportion of participants willing to help an out-group member after moving collectively in synchrony. This study shows that under certain intergroup contexts synchrony can lead to generalized prosociality with performers displaying greater prosociality even towards out-group members.
Este trabalho, desenvolvido por uma professora em contexto académico, movida por uma vontade de intervenção em contexto escolar para melhoria da qualidade do desempenho profissional e das aprendizagens dos alunos, assenta: por um lado, num entendimento de desenvolvimento profissional (DP) enquanto processo contínuo que se articula com e inscreve na prática do quotidiano docente; e, por outro lado, num entendimento da educação em línguas como um processo que valoriza a diversidade e enfatiza o plurilinguismo como valor e competência, enriquecendo os repertórios linguístico-comunicativos dos sujeitos, de modo a facilitar a abertura ao Outro, num processo de construção e recriação de significado sobre o mundo e sobre si na relação com esse Outro. Pretendeu-se, neste estudo, compreender o processo de desenvolvimento profissional de professores de línguas, tentando identificar potencialidades e constrangimentos que se colocam a esse desenvolvimento profissional em contexto. Para tal, foi desenvolvido um projecto de formação para a educação plurilingue numa escola Secundária com 3º Ciclo do Ensino Básico com um grupo de cinco professoras ao longo de dois anos. A formação, promovida através de um Centro de Formação de Escolas e acreditada pelo Conselho- Científico da Formação Contínua desenvolveu-se em duas fases. A primeira fase (2004/2005), na modalidade Oficina de Formação com 10 sessões de formação num total de 50 horas, e a segunda fase (2005/2006), na modalidade Projecto com nove sessões de formação, num total de 50 horas. O estudo seguiu uma metodologia de cariz qualitativo e de inspiração interpretativa/fenomenológica, pretendendo colocar em evidência o sujeito e sublinhando a interacção que estabelece consigo e com os outros, a partir das práticas discursivas que vai construindo. A estratégia investigativa desenhou-se em torno do estudo de caso no qual procurámos analisar a (des/re)construção de conhecimento profissional no contexto de um grupo de professoras em formação. Esta análise assumiu duas vertentes, uma tomando a interacção entre o grupo como alvo de análise, outra olhando para o percurso de cada formanda na sua singularidade. Os dados recolhidos e analisados incluem um inquérito por questionário inicial, a transcrição das sessões de formação e as reflexões escritas ao longo das duas fases da formação, bem como um inquérito por entrevista semiestruturada, após o terminus da formação, em Julho de 2007. Os resultados da análise indicam que os processos formativos que promovem o questionamento de si e das suas práticas, ajudando a identificar representações e a analisar o modo como as representações interferem ou não nas práticas para, em seguida, estas poderem ser reconstruídas, são facilitadores de DP. Evidenciaram-se, nestes processos, dois tempos de formação distintos, mas complementares, o tempo da observação e da análise e o tempo da apropriação e da acção, que englobam espaços de trabalho individual e colectivo. Nestes dois tempos de formação identificámos quatro modos facilitadores da reconstrução do conhecimento profissional, nomeadamente: a articulação da teoria com a prática; a tomada do objecto de trabalho em objecto de análise e de experimentação, incluindo a visualização, a análise e a reflexão sobre as experiências realizadas; a colocação do aluno no centro do processo de ensino; e o alargamento da consciencialização do trabalho com as línguas e das suas finalidades educativas. Estes quatro modos constituem-se como impulsionadores ou inibidores de DP, dependendo a sua percepção de factores, tanto de carácter individual como de carácter colectivo. Os factores de carácter individual dizem respeito ao comprometimento, ao empenho, ao modo como cada sujeito se vê como pessoa e como profissional, bem como à fase da carreira em que se situa. Os factores de carácter colectivo dizem respeito aos contextos nos quais o sujeito se move, nomeadamente a cultura da escola em que exerce funções, às relações interpessoais e profissionais que estabelece com os colegas de trabalho e às possibilidades e espaços de formação que cada sujeito encontra com os outros. Tendo constatado que o desenvolvimento profissional é fruto da intersecção da acção individual com a acção colectiva, concluímos que, na constituição de ambientes facilitadores de DP, importa ter em conta seis componentes: a apropriação individual da construção do conhecimento profissional pelos sujeitos, a construção de oportunidades de desenvolvimento, a construção da capacidade de intervenção em contexto, a promoção da colegialidade, a monitorização e avaliação de processos e resultados do trabalho no âmbito do DP e a criação de espaços e tempos próprios para esse trabalho. Os resultados da análise indicam também que a formação em contexto permite iniciar um trabalho de DP porque cria condições de auto/hetero/eco e coformação que incluem um potencial de aprendizagem profissional transformativa. Enquanto constrangimentos ao DP em contexto destacam-se aspectos contextuais que se relacionam com o tempo e a sua gestão, bem como com a visibilidade, o reconhecimento e o impacto do trabalho realizado no contexto. Através da descrição e análise de uma experiência de formação contínua em contexto, este trabalho revela possibilidades de ultrapassar os constrangimentos contextuais, sublinhando as potencialidades de desenvolvimento profissional em contexto, pelo modo como professoras, predispostas à mudança e comprometidas com a profissão, onde os alunos têm um papel particular, são capazes de inscrever transformação nas suas práticas, evidenciando a urgência não só de um apoio concreto e explícito, mas também de reconhecimento do trabalho desenvolvido em cada sala de aula, com cada turma, à descoberta de si e do outro, através das línguas para a construção de um mundo mais plural.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Gestão da Água e da Costa, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2010
Objectives. To empirically determine a categorization of people who inject drug (PWIDs) recently infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV), in order to identify profiles most likely associated with early HCV treatment uptake. Methods.The study population was composed of HIV-negative PWIDs with a documented recent HCV infection. Eligibility criteria included being 18 years old or over, and having injected drugs in the previous 6 months preceding the estimated date of HCV exposure. Participant classification was carried out using a TwoStep cluster analysis. Results. FromSeptember 2007 to December 2011, 76 participants were included in the study. 60 participants were eligible for HCV treatment. Twenty-one participants initiated HCV treatment.The cluster analysis yielded 4 classes: class 1: Lukewarm health seekers dismissing HCV treatment offer; class 2: multisubstance users willing to shake off the hell; class 3: PWIDs unlinked to health service use; class 4: health seeker PWIDs willing to reverse the fate. Conclusion. Profiles generated by our analysis suggest that prior health care utilization, a key element for treatment uptake, differs between older and younger PWIDs. Such profiles could inform the development of targeted strategies to improve health outcomes and reduce HCV infection among PWIDs.
Dissertação de mestrado, Economia do Turismo e Desenvolvimento Regional, Faculdade de Economia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015
Dieser Leitfaden dient als Hilfsmittel für die Vernehmung von erwachsenen Zeugen und Beschuldigten. Die Anwendung dieser Struktur folgt dem typischen Ablauf einer Vernehmung und wird durch ein spezielles Kartenformat unterstützt. Beginnend mit konkreten Beispielformulierungen für die Belehrung folgen bewährte praktikable Fragen, die entsprechend eines roten Fadens durch die Vernehmung leiten. Zusätzlich finden sich zu jeder Karte ergänzende Erläuterungen. Durch diese Methode können bei aussagewilligen Personen umfangreiche und qualitativ hochwertige Aussagen generiert werden. Diese ermöglichen die spätere Bewertung des Wahrheitsgehaltes der Aussagen. Die gesamte Methodik der Befragung orientiert sich an neuesten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen. Die Kartenform wurde gewählt, damit beispielsweise Polizeibeamte in der Lage sind, an jedem Ort und zu jeder Zeit eine Vernehmung durchfzuführen. Die vorgegebene Struktur trägt dazu bei, dass rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen eingehalten werden und die Verwertbarkeit der Aussagen vor Gericht erreicht wird. Im letzten Teil werden Fragen zu diesem Verfahren beantwortet sowie Hinweise zu weiterführender Literatur für den interessierten Leser gegeben.
The IfBB – Institute for Bioplastics and Biocomposites is a research institute within the Hochschule Hannover, University of Applied Sciences and Arts, which was established in 2011 to respond to the growing need for expert knowledge in the area of bioplastics. With its practice-oriented research and its collaboration with industrial partners, the IfBB is able to shore up the market for bioplastics and, in addition, foster unbiased public awareness and understanding of the topic. As an independent research-led expert institution for bioplastics, the IfBB is willing to share its expertise, research findings and data with any interested party via the Internet, online and offline publications or at fairs and conferences. In carrying on these efforts, substantial information regarding market trends, processes and resource needs for bioplastics is being presented here in a concise format, in addition to the more detailed and comprehensive publication and “Engineering Biopolymers”1. One of our main concerns is to furnish a more rational basis for discussing bioplastics and use fact-based arguments in the public discourse. Furthermore, “Biopolymers – facts and statistics” aims to provide specific, qualified answers easily and quickly for decision-makers in particular from public administration and the industrial sector. Therefore, this publication is made up like a set of rules and standards and largely foregoes textual detail. It offers extensive market-relevant and technical facts presented in graphs and charts, which means that the information is much easier to grasp. The reader can expect comparative market figures for various materials, regions, applications, process routes, agricultural land use or resource consumption, production capacities, geographic distribution, etc.
Relatório da prática de ensino supervisionada, Mestrado em Ensino de Economia e Contabilidade, Universidade de Lisboa, 2011
Trabalho de projecto de mestrado, Ciências da Educação (Formação de Adultos), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2011
Relatório da Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, Ensino de História e Geografia no 3.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e Ensino Secundário, Universidade de Lisboa, 2013
At a time when the traditional major airlines have struggled to remain viable, the low-cost carriers have become the major success story of the European airline industry. This paper looks behind the headlines to show that although low-cost airlines have achieved much, they too have potential weaknesses and face a number of challenges in the years ahead. The secondary and regional airports that have benefited from low-cost carrier expansion are shown to be vulnerable to future changes in airline economics, government policy and patterns of air service. An analysis of routes from London demonstrates that the low-cost airlines have been more successful in some markets than others. To attractive and historically under-served leisure destinations in Southern Europe they have stimulated dramatic growth and achieved a dominant position. To major hub cities however they typically remain marginal players and to secondary points in Northern Europe their traffic has been largely diverted from existing operators. There is also evidence that the UK market is becoming saturated and new low-cost services are poaching traffic from other low-cost routes. Passenger compensation legislation and possible environmental taxes will hit the low-cost airline industry disproportionately hard. The high elasticities of demand to price in certain markets that these airlines have exploited will operate in reverse. One of the major elements of the low-cost business model involves the use of smaller uncongested airports. These offer faster turn-arounds and lower airport charges. In many cases, local and regional government has been willing to subsidise expansion of air services to assist with economic development or tourism objectives. However, recent court cases against Ryanair now threaten these financial arrangements. The paper also examines the catchment areas for airports with low-cost service. It is shown that as well as stimulating local demand, much traffic is captured from larger markets nearby through the differential in fare levels. This has implications for surface transport, as access to these regional airports often involves long journeys by private car. Consideration is then given to the feasibility of low-cost airlines expanding into the long-haul market or to regional operations with small aircraft. Many of the cost advantages are more muted on intercontinental services.
Tese de mestrado integrado em Engenharia da Energia e do Ambiente, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2016
Purpose: In recent years, there has been a big increase in the use of ethical attributes as marketing appeals. This paper examines consumers’ willingness to pay for three selected ethical attributes, namely ‘Organic’, ‘Recyclable Packaging’ and ‘Fairtrade’ in monetary terms. Design/Methodology/Approach: A modified choice-based experimental design with manipulation of the key constructs was used to estimate the mean value of how much consumers are willing to pay for the selected attributes attached to a box of premium chocolates. The results are based on the responses of a total of 208 consumers. Findings: Of the three attributes, ‘Recyclable Packaging’ has the strongest influence on the purchase decision, although this attribute generates the least additional value. The aggregated result shows that although consumers are willing to pay more for the product with ethical attributes than the one that is without, still around a half of them are not willing to pay more. In terms of demographics, the results show no significant differences between the two genders or different age groups in their willingness to pay for ethical attributes. As might be expected, willingness to pay was correlated with the level of consciousness of the ethical attributes. Originality/Value: The findings of this study help management to think practically about the value consumers willing to pay for the selected attributes. The results show a significant synergy in a combination of ethical attributes in products.
In this paper we argue that Niccolò Machiavelli has little to do with Realism in International Relations theory. By concentrating, as Machaivelli did, on the walls that define political relations—both inside and outside the polity—we find his insights deeply rooted in the specific political contexts of Sixteenth century Italy. Others may wish to generalize from them, but Machiavelli did not. In fact, as we show, Machiavelli was mindful of the difficulties of generalizing about walls and acknowledged the dangers political actors faced in navigating between the internal and external walls of the polity. We examine the geopolitical contours of Machiavelli’s walls and seek to demonstrate how morality is present in these historical spaces. In contrast to Realists, Machiavelli was ready and willing to make ethical judgments. We argue that theorists of international politics should exercise care in reaching for Machiavelli as the iconic thinker for making sense of anarchy in world politics. This article concludes by suggesting that the ideology of Machiavellianism has obscured deeper understanding of the particular contexts of Machiavelli’s own world.