926 resultados para scientific visualization
AIMS: We sought to evaluate the utility of contrast-enhanced coronary magnetic resonance imaging (CE-MRI) for selective visualization and non-invasive differentiation of atherosclerotic coronary plaque in humans. METHODS AND RESULTS: Nine patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) as confirmed by X-ray angiography and multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) were studied by T1-weighted black blood inversion recovery coronary MRI before (N-IR) and after administration of Gd-DTPA (CE-IR). Plaques were categorized as calcified, non-calcified, and mixed based on their Hounsfield number derived from MDCT. With MDCT, a total of 29 plaques were identified, including calcified (n=6), non-calcified (n=6), and mixed calcified/non-calcified (n=17). On N-IR MRI, 26 plaques (90%) were dark, whereas three plaques (two non-calcified and one mixed) appeared bright. On CE-MRI, 13/29 (45%) plaques, 11 of which were mixed, one non-calcified, and one calcified showed contrast uptake. All others remained dark. CONCLUSION: In this preliminary study, we demonstrate the potential utility of CE-IR MRI for selective plaque visualization and differentiation of plaque types. The observed contrast uptake may be associated with endothelial dysfunction, neovascularization, inflammation, and/or fibrosis.
Phenytoin is an anticonvulsant that has been used in wound healing. The objectives of this study were to describe how the scientific production presents the use ofphenytoinas a healing agent and to discuss its applicability in wounds. A literature review and hierarchy analysis of evidence-based practices was performed. Eighteen articles were analyzed that tested the intervention in wounds such as leprosy ulcers, leg ulcers, diabetic foot ulcers, pressure ulcers, trophic ulcers, war wounds, burns, preparation of recipient graft area, radiodermatitis and post-extraction of melanocytic nevi. Systemic use ofphenytoinin the treatment of fistulas and the hypothesis of topical use in the treatment of vitiligo were found. In conclusion, topical use ofphenytoinis scientifically evidenced. However robust research is needed that supports a protocol for the use ofphenytoinas another option of a healing agent in clinical practice.
OBJECTIVE To analyze the scientific production about the validity and reliability of the Manchester Triage System (MTS) protocol. METHOD A descriptive study of an integrative literature review. Articles on the validity and reliability of the MTS developed with children and adults published between 1999 and 2013 were included. RESULTS 14 articles were selected from a total of 8438, nine of validity and five of reliability. The reliability of the MTS ranged from moderate to almost perfect, with higher intra-evaluation. Regarding validity, the results seem to point to equivalent and satisfactory sensibility and specificity levels of the MTS. The instrument proved to be a good predictor of the need for hospitalization and of hospital mortality. CONCLUSION The reliability and validity of the MTS obtained in the studies is varied. It is recommended that new studies indicate necessary modifications to the MTS so that it is more safely used by nurses.
OBJECTIVE To analyze scientific production about workplace bullying and harassment in dissertations and theses in Brazil, with emphasis on the year of publication; educational institution; area of knowledge; professional and academic background of the authors; keywords used; and concept map organization. METHOD Bibliometric study with a quantitative approach with a sample consisting of 57 papers, 5 theses and 52 dissertations, published between 2002 and 2012. RESULTS It was found that 2012 was the year with the highest number of publications in this topic area. The region that stood out was the Southeast. The institution with the highest number of publications was the Federal University of Santa Catarina. There was a predominance of dissertations and most publications were produced by researchers focused on a multidisciplinary perspective. CONCLUSION Expanding the views regarding bullying in order to disseminate scientific production was proposed, promoting further advancement of debates and raising pertinent questions.
AbstractOBJECTIVEPresenting methodology for transferring knowledge to improve maternal outcomes in natural delivery based on scientific evidence.METHOD: An intervention study conducted in the maternity hospital of Itapecerica da Serra, SP, with 50 puerperal women and 102 medical records from July to November 2014. The PACES tool from Joanna Briggs Institute, consisting of pre-clinical audit (phase 1), implementation of best practice (phase 2) and Follow-up Clinical Audit (phase 3) was used. Data were analyzed by comparing results of phases 1 and 3 with Fisher's exact test and a significance level of 5%.RESULTSThe vertical position was adopted by the majority of puerperal women with statistical difference between phases 1 and 3. A significant increase in bathing/showering, walking and massages for pain relief was found from the medical records. No statistical difference was found in other practices and outcomes. Barriers and difficulties in the implementation of evidence-based practices have been identified. Variables were refined, techniques and data collection instruments were verified, and an intervention proposal was made.CONCLUSIONThe study found possibilities for implementing a methodology of practices based on scientific evidence for assistance in natural delivery.
In proton magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) metallic substances lead to magnetic field distortions that often result in signal voids in the adjacent anatomic structures. Thus, metallic objects and superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO)-labeled cells appear as hypointense artifacts that obscure the underlying anatomy. The ability to illuminate these structures with positive contrast would enhance noninvasive MR tracking of cellular therapeutics. Therefore, an MRI methodology that selectively highlights areas of metallic objects has been developed. Inversion-recovery with ON-resonant water suppression (IRON) employs inversion of the magnetization in conjunction with a spectrally-selective on-resonant saturation prepulse. If imaging is performed after these prepulses, positive signal is obtained from off-resonant protons in close proximity to the metallic objects. The first successful use of IRON to produce positive contrast in areas of metallic spheres and SPIO-labeled stem cells in vitro and in vivo is presented.
Problems regarding the order of authorship of scientific papers have become more frequent and more abusive. These problems may have heightened due to the ever increasing pressure to "publish or perish" in the academic world, given that the publication of scientific articles has become the benchmark of success in a field with few job opportunities. This article reviews the abuses in the authorship of scientific papers. Different examples are given of the most common problems and recommendations are provided for authors and journal editors.
Recent technological progress has greatly facilitated de novo genome sequencing. However, de novo assemblies consist in many pieces of contiguous sequence (contigs) arranged in thousands of scaffolds instead of small numbers of chromosomes. Confirming and improving the quality of such assemblies is critical for subsequent analysis. We present a method to evaluate genome scaffolding by aligning independently obtained transcriptome sequences to the genome and visually summarizing the alignments using the Cytoscape software. Applying this method to the genome of the red fire ant Solenopsis invicta allowed us to identify inconsistencies in 7%, confirm contig order in 20% and extend 16% of scaffolds.Scripts that generate tables for visualization in Cytoscape from FASTA sequence and scaffolding information files are publicly available at https://github.com/ksanao/TGNet.
It is well accepted that people resist evidence that contradicts their beliefs.Moreover, despite their training, many scientists reject results that are inconsistent withtheir theories. This phenomenon is discussed in relation to the field of judgment anddecision making by describing four case studies. These concern findings that clinical judgment is less predictive than actuarial models; simple methods have proven superiorto more theoretically correct methods in times series forecasting; equal weighting ofvariables is often more accurate than using differential weights; and decisions cansometimes be improved by discarding relevant information. All findings relate to theapparently difficult-to-accept idea that simple models can predict complex phenomenabetter than complex ones. It is true that there is a scientific market place for ideas.However, like its economic counterpart, it is subject to inefficiencies (e.g., thinness,asymmetric information, and speculative bubbles). Unfortunately, the market is only correct in the long-run. The road to enlightenment is bumpy.
The shape of supercoiled DNA molecules in solution is directly visualized by cryo-electron microscopy of vitrified samples. We observe that: (i) supercoiled DNA molecules in solution adopt an interwound rather than a toroidal form, (ii) the diameter of the interwound superhelix changes from about 12 nm to 4 nm upon addition of magnesium salt to the solution and (iii) the partition of the linking deficit between twist and writhe can be quantitatively determined for individual molecules.
Estudi centrat en el paper de la comunicació no verbal com a eina docent per a la gestió de l’aula, prenent com a referència el model de comunicació de Michael Grinder (Pentimento), basat en la Programació Neuro-lingüística (PNL). Aquest model s’analitza i es compara amb altres models i estudis sobre la comunicació no verbal, per establir-ne similituds i diferències. Per tal d’avaluar l’eficàcia de les tècniques de gestió de l’aula a través de la comunicació no verbal proposades per Grinder en un context educatiu real, s’inclouen i s’analitzen enregistraments de la implementació de diferents tècniques en un institut de secundària de Catalunya. Tota la informació recollida i analitzada permet valorar i ressaltar com és de significatiu tot allò que s’expressa més enllà del llenguatge, i per tant, com són d’importants i d’útils les habilitats comunicatives d’un professor en la seva tasca d’ensenyar.