949 resultados para new in ILL units
Os efeitos dietéticos de lisina digestível e zinco quelato para frangos de corte machos entre 22 e 42 dias de idade foram avaliados em dois ensaios experimentais. Adotou-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado em arranjo fatorial 5 × 2, com cinco níveis de lisina (0,841; 0,876; 0,997; 1,022 e 1,030%) e dois de zinco (43 e 243 ppm). No primeiro ensaio, utilizaram-se 900 aves com peso médio inicial de 957,4 g distribuídas em parcelas experimentais de 30 aves e três repetições e, no segundo ensaio, 180 frangos com peso médio inicial de 866,22 g, divididos em parcelas de três aves e seis repetições. As características avaliadas foram desempenho, rendimento de cortes e composição corporal (1º ensaio), balanço de nitrogênio e digestibilidade aparente das dietas (2º ensaio). Houve interação entre os níveis de lisina e zinco para o ganho de peso, a conversão alimentar, a matéria seca ingerida e o balanço energético. Os rendimentos de peito, coxa e sobrecoxa tiveram aumentos lineares em resposta ao acréscimo no nível de lisina digestível na dieta. O melhor desempenho foi obtido com o nível de 0,997% de lisina digestível (ou 1,134% lisina total) e de 43 ppm de zinco. Para maior rendimento dos cortes, o nível de lisina digestível recomendável deve ser no mínimo 1,002% (ou 1,139% de lisina total), independentemente dos níveis de zinco quelato. A maior inclusão de zinco em dietas para frangos de corte dos 22 aos 42 dias de idade não melhora a utilização da lisina na dieta e aumenta a deposição de gordura corporal.
A Geodia species collected from southern Australian waters of the Great Australian Eight has yielded a potent new in vitro nematocidal agent identified as geodin A Mg salt (1), a new macrocyclic polyketide lactam tetramic acid magnesium salt. The structure for 1 was assigned on the basis of detailed spectroscopic analysis.
Background: This study evaluated the impact of 2 models of educational intervention on rates of central venous catheter-associated bloodstream infections (CVC-BSIs). Methods: This was a prospective observational study conducted between January 2005 and June 2007 in 2 medical intensive care units (designated ICU A and ICU B) in a large teaching hospital. The study was divided into in 3 periods: baseline (only rates were evaluated), preintervention (questionnaire to evaluate knowledge of health care workers [HCWs] and observation of CVC care in both ICUs), and intervention (in ICU A, tailored, continuous intervention; in ICU B, a single lecture). The preintervention and intervention periods for each ICU were compared. Results: During the preintervention period, 940 CVC-days were evaluated in ICUA and 843 CVC-days were evaluated in ICU B. During the intervention period, 2175 CVC-days were evaluated in ICUA and 1694 CVC-days were evaluated in ICU B. Questions regarding CVC insertion, disinfection during catheter manipulation, and use of an alcohol-based product during dressing application were answered correctly by 70%-100% HCWs. Nevertheless, HCWs` adherence to these practices in the preintervention period was low for CVC handling and dressing, hand hygiene (6%-35%), and catheter hub disinfection (45%-68%). During the intervention period, HCWs` adherence to hand hygiene was 48%-98%, and adherence to hub disinfection was 82%-97%. CVC-BSI rates declined in both units. In ICUA, this decrease was progressive and sustained, from 12CVC-BSIs/1000 CVC-days at baseline to 0 after 9 months. In ICU B, the rate initially dropped from 16.2 to 0 CVC-BSIs/1000 CVC-days, but then increased to 13.7 CVC-BSIs/1000 CVC-days. Conclusion: Personal customized, continuous intervention seems to develop a ""culture of prevention"" and is more effective than single intervention, leading to a sustained reduction of infection rates.
Photodynamic therapy requires a photosensitizer, oxygen, and activating light. For acne, pilosebaceous units are ""target"" structures. Porphyrins are synthesized in vivo from 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA), particularly in pilosebaceous units. Different photosensitizers and drug delivery methods have been reported for acne treatment. There are a variety of porphyrin precursors with different pharmacokinetic properties. Among them, ALA and methyl-ester of ALA (MAT.) are available for possible off-label treatment of acne vulgaris. In addition, various light sources, light dosimetry, drug incubation time, and pre- and posttreatment care also change efficacy and side effects. None of these variables has been optimized for acne treatment, but a number of clinical trials provide helpful guidance. In this paper, we critically analyze clinical trials, case reports, and series of cases published through 2009. (J Am Acad Dermatol 2010;63:195-211.)
The present study has investigated in conscious rats the influence of the duration of physical training sessions on cardiac autonomic adaptations by using different approaches; 1) double blockade with methylatropine and propranolol; 2) the baroreflex sensitivity evaluated by alternating bolus injections of phenylephrine and sodium nitroprusside; and 3) the autonomic modulation of HRV in the frequency domain by means of spectral analysis. The animals were divided into four groups: one sedentary group and three training groups submitted to physical exercise (swimming) for 15, 30, and 60 min a day during 10 weeks. All training groups showed similar reduction in intrinsic heart rate (IHR) after double blockade with methylatropine and propranolol. However, only 30-min and 60-min physical training presented an increase in the vagal autonomic component for determination of basal heart rate (HR) in relation to group sedentary. Spectral analysis of HR showed that the 30-min and 60-min physical training presented the reduction in low-frequency oscillations (LF = 0.20-0.75 Hz) and the increase in high-frequency oscillations (HF = 0.75-2.5 Hz) in normalized units. These both groups only showed an increased baroreflex sensitivity to tachycardiac responses in relation to group sedentary, however when compared, the physical training of 30-min exhibited a greater gain. In conclusion, cardiac autonomic adaptations, characterised by the increased predominance of the vagal autonomic component, were not proportional to the duration of daily physical training sessions. In fact, 30-minute training sessions provided similar cardiac autonomic adaptations, or even more enhanced ones, as in the case of baroreflex sensitivity compared to 60-minute training sessions. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Objective: To investigate the effect of aerobic physical training on cardiovascular autonomic control in ovariectomized rats using different approaches. Design: Female Wistar rats were divided into four groups: sedentary sham rats (group SSR), trained sham rats (group TSR), sedentary ovariectomized rats (group SOR), and trained ovariectomized rats (group TOR). Animals from the trained groups were submitted to a physical training protocol (swimming) for 12 weeks. Results: Pharmacological evaluation showed that animals from group TSR had an increase in their cardiac vagal tonus compared with the animals from groups SSR and SOR. The analysis of heart rate variability (HRV) showed that groups TSR and SOR had fewer low-frequency oscillations (0.20-0.75 Hz) compared with groups SSR and TOR. When groups TSR and SOR were compared, the former was found to have fewer oscillations. With regard to high-frequency oscillations (0.75-2.5 Hz), group SSR had a reduction compared with the other groups, whereas group TSR had the greatest oscillation compared with groups SOR and TOR, with all values expressed in normalized units. Analysis of HRV was performed after pharmacological blockade, and low-frequency oscillations were found to be predominantly sympathetic in sedentary animals, whereas there was no predominance in trained animals. Conclusion: Ovariectomy did not change the tonic autonomic control of the heart and, in addition, reduced the participation of sympathetic component in cardiac modulation. Physical training, on the other hand, increased the participation of parasympathetic modulation on the HRV, including ovariectomized rats.
Reformas de corte gerencial n??o s??o uma novidade no Brasil e est??o condenadas a reaparecerem de forma recorrente, dado o incessante processo de renova????o das teorias de administra????o no setor privado. Dado permanente apelo que det??m junto ?? ??rea governamental, ?? natural que estejam continuamente sendo transplantadas para o setor p??blico com maior ou menor sucesso, conforme um conjunto de circunst??ncias e caracter??sticas. O trabalho busca fazer uma breve an??lise comparativa dos processos de transforma????es em determinadas pol??ticas de gest??o p??blica nos dois ciclos de reformas autodenominadas gerenciais ocorridas nos dois mandatos de Fernando Henrique Cardoso. O texto identifica contrastes em rela????o a aspectos do policy making process nos dois momentos, com ??nfase para os momentos relacionados com a forma????o da agenda, especifica????o de propostas e processos decis??rios. Na primeira parte s??o recuperadas algumas quest??es comuns a outro esfor??o de reforma ??? no caso a de 1967 ??? e na conclus??o, s??o feitos alguns coment??rios relacionados com o legado de reformas de cunho gerencial no contexto do governo atual.
Mestrado em Intervenção Sócio-Organizacional na Saúde - Área de especialização: Políticas de Administração e Gestão de Serviços de Saúde.
Mestrado em Intervenção Sócio-Organizacional na Saúde - Área de especialização: Qualidade e Tecnologias da Saúde.
Mestrado em Engenharia Química
Dissertação de Mestrado, Ambiente, Saúde e Segurança, 18 de Fevereiro de 2011, Universidade dos Açores.
A CIF é uma ferramenta universal desenvolvida pela OMS que permite a classificação de funcionalidade e incapacidade, através de uma visualização global do que condiciona o desempenho do indivíduo na concretização de atividades e na participação em ocupações. A ideologia da CIF e os seus componentes interrelacionam-se com a essência da TO, indo ao encontro dos modelos da profissão. As UCCI constituem uma atualidade em Portugal e o terapeuta ocupacional é um dos profissionais obrigatórios na equipa multidisciplinar destas unidades. Atendendo à relevância internacional da CIF, à sua ligação com a TO e à necessidade de tornar a CIF operacional na prática clínica diária dado que é uma ferramenta complexa e extensa, é objetivo deste estudo contribuir para a construção de um code set da CIF para terapeutas ocupacionais que exercem funções em UCCI, especificamente em UC, UMDR e ULDM. Para a concretização desta investigação, utilizou-se a técnica de Delphi, que envolveu duas rondas. Na primeira ronda foi possível contar com a participação de 37 terapeutas ocupacionais experientes na área, uma vez que exercem funções em UCCI, e na segunda ronda contou-se com a participação de 20 elementos. Obtiveram consenso na última ronda de Delphi um total de 96 categorias, constituindo esta listagem uma proposta de code set para UCCI. No que se refere às tipologias de unidades, 69 categorias obtiveram consenso em UC, 91 em UMDR e 41 em ULDM. Concluiu-se que a criação de code sets poderá constituir uma mais-valia em contexto de equipa multidisciplinar das UCCI, sendo uma forma de tornar a CIF operacional na prática clínica diária.
Mestrado em Radioterapia
OBJECTIVE To evaluate factors associated with users’ satisfaction in the Tuberculosis Control Program. METHODS A cross-sectional study of 295 patients aged ≥ 18 years, with two or more outpatient visits in the Tuberculosis Control Program, in five cities in the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Southeastern Brazil, in 2010. Considering an estimated population of 4,345 patients, the sampling plan included 15 health care units participating in the program, divided into two strata: units in Rio de Janeiro City, selected with probability proportional to the monthly average number of outpatient visits, and units in the other four cities. In the units, four temporal clusters of five patients each were selected with equal probability, totaling 300 patients. A questionnaire investigating the users’ clinical and sociodemographic variables and aspects of care and service in the program relevant to user satisfaction was applied to the patients. Descriptive statistics about users and their satisfaction with the program were obtained, and the effects of factors associated with satisfaction were estimated. RESULTS Patients were predominantly males (57.7%), with a mean age of 40.9 and with low level of schooling. The mean treatment time was 4.1 months, mostly self-administered (70.4%). Additionally, 25.8% had previously been treated for tuberculosis. There was a high level of satisfaction, especially regarding medication provision, and respect to patients by the health professionals. Patients who were younger (≤ 30), those on self-administered treatment, and with graduate level, showed less satisfaction. Suggestions to improve the services include having more doctors (70.0%), and offering exams in the same place of attendance (55.1%). CONCLUSIONS Patient satisfaction with the Tuberculosis Control Program was generally high, although lower among younger patients, those with university education and those on self-administered treatment. The study indicates the need for changes to structural and organizational aspects of care, and provides practical support for its improvement.
OBJECTIVE To estimate the incidence and predicting factors associated with falls among older inpatients.METHODS Prospective cohort study conducted in clinical units of three hospitals in Cuiaba, MT, Midwestern Brazil, from March to August 2013. In this study, 221 inpatients aged 60 or over were followed until hospital discharge, death, or fall. The method of incidence density was used to calculate incidence rates. Bivariate analysis was performed by Chi-square test, and multiple analysis was performed by Cox regression.RESULTS The incidence of falls was 12.6 per 1,000 patients/day. Predicting factors for falls during hospitalization were: low educational level (RR = 2.48; 95%CI 1.17;5.25), polypharmacy (RR = 4.42; 95%CI 1.77;11.05), visual impairment (RR = 2.06; 95%CI 1.01;4.23), gait and balance impairment (RR = 2.95; 95%CI 1.22;7.14), urinary incontinence (RR = 5.67; 95%CI 2.58;12.44) and use of laxatives (RR = 4.21; 95%CI 1.15;15.39) and antipsychotics (RR = 4.10; 95%CI 1.38;12.13).CONCLUSIONS The incidence of falls of older inpatients is high. Predicting factors found for falls were low education level, polypharmacy, visual impairment, gait and balance impairment, urinary incontinence and use of laxatives and antipsychotics. Measures to prevent falls in hospitals are needed to reduce the incidence of this event.