331 resultados para genômica
Gene therapy is one of the major challenges of the post-genomic research and it is based on the transfer of genetic material into a cell, tissue or organ in order to cure or improve the patient s clinical status. In general, gene therapy consists in the insertion of functional genes aiming substitute, complement or inhibit defective genes. The achievement of a foreigner DNA expression into a population of cells requires its transfer to the target. Therefore, a key issue is to create systems, vectors, able to transfer and protect the DNA until it reaches the target. The disadvantages related to the use of viral vectors have encouraged efforts to develop emulsions as non-viral vectors. In fact, they are easy to produce, present suitable stability and enable transfection. The aim of this work was to evaluate two different non-viral vectors, cationic liposomes and nanoemulsions, and the possibility of their use in gene therapy. For the two systems, cationic lipids and helper lipids were used. Nanoemulsions were prepared using sonication method and were composed of Captex® 355; Tween® 80; Spam® 80; cationic lipid, Stearylamine (SA) or 1,2-dioleoyl-3-trimethylammoniumpropane (DOTAP) and water (Milli-Q®). These systems were characterized by average droplet size, Polidispersion Index (PI) and Zeta Potential. The stability of the systems; as well as the DNA compaction capacity; their cytotoxicity and the cytotoxicity of the isolated components; and their transfection capacity; were also evaluated. Liposomes were made by hydration film method and were composed of DOTAP; 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine (DOPE), containing or not Rhodaminephosphatidylethanolamine (PE- Rhodamine) and the conjugate Hyaluronic Acid DOPE (HA-DOPE). These systems were also characterized as nanoemulsions. Stability of the systems and the influence of time, size of plasmid and presence or absence of endotoxin in the formation of lipoplexes were also analyzed. Besides, the ophthalmic biodistribution of PE-Rhodamine containing liposomes was studied after intravitreal injection. The obtained results show that these systems are promising non-viral vector for further utilization in gene therapy and that this field seems to be very important in the clinical practice in this century. However, from the possibility to the practice, there is still a long way
The sequencing of the genome of Chromobacterium violaceum identified one single circular chromosome of 4.8 Mb, in which approximately 40% of the founded ORFs are classified as hypothetical conserved or hypothetical. Some genic regions of biotechnological and biological interest had been characterized, e. g., environmental detoxification and DNA repair genes, respectively. Given this fact, the aim of this work was to identify genes of C. violaceum related to stress response, as the ones involved with mechanisms of DNA repair and/or genomic integrity maintenance. For this, a genomic library of C. violaceum was built in Escherichia coli strain DH10B (RecA-), in which clones were tested to UVC resistance, resulting in five candidates clones. In the PLH6A clone were identified four ORFs (CV_3721 to 3724). Two ORFs, CV_3722 and CV_3724, were subcloned and a synergic complementation activity was observed. The occurrence of an operon was confirmed using cDNA from C. violaceum in a RT-PCR assay. Further, it was observed the induction of the operon after the treatment with UVC. Thus, this operon was related to the stress response in C. violaceum. The mutagenesis assay with rifampicin after the treatment with UVC light showed high frequency of mutagenicity for the ORF CV_3722 (Pol III δ subunit). In this way, we propose that the C. violaceum δ subunit can act in DH10B in the translesion synthesis using Pol IV in a RecA independent-manner pathway. In growth curve assays other four clones (PLE1G, PLE7B, PLE10B and PLE12H) were able to complement the function at the dose 5 J/m2 and in mutagenicity assays PLE7B, PLE10B and PLE12H showed frequencies of mutation with significant differences upon the control (DH10B), demonstrating that in some way they are involved with the stress response in C. violaceum. These clones appear to be interrelated, probably regulated by a messenger molecule (eg., nucleotide c-di-GMP) and/or global regulatory molecule (eg., σS subunit of RNA polymerase).The results obtained contribute for a better genetic knowledge of this specie and its response mechanisms to environmental stress.
The Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) allows to sequence the whole genome of an organism, compared to Maxam and Gilbert and Sanger sequencing that only allow to sequence, hardly, a single gene. Removing the separation of DNA fragments by electrophoresis, and the development of techniques that let the parallelization (analysing simultaneously several DNA fragments) have been crucial for the improvements of this process. The new companies in this ambit, Roche and Illumina, bet for different protocols to achieve these goals. Illumina bets for the sequencing by synthesis (SBS), requiring the library preparation and the use of adapters. Likewise, Illumina has replaced Roche because its lower rate of misincorporation, making it ideal for studies of genetic variability, transcriptomic, epigenomic, and metagenomic, in which this study will focus. However, it is noteworthy that the last progress in sequencing is carried out by the third generation sequencing, using nanotechnology to design small sequencers that sequence the whole genome of an organism quickly and inexpensively. Moreover, they provide more reliable data than current systems because they sequence a single molecule, solving the problem of synchronisation. In this way, PacBio and Nanopore allow a great progress in diagnostic and personalized medicine. Metagenomics provide to make a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the various species present in a sample. The main advantage of this technique is the no necessary isolation and growth of the species, allowing the analysis of nonculturable species. The Illumina protocol studies the variable regions of the 16S rRNA gene, which contains variable and not variables regions providing a phylogenetic classification. Therefore, metagenomics is a topic of interest to know the biodiversity of complex ecosystems and to study the microbiome of patients given the high involvement with certain microbial profiles on the condition of certain metabolic diseases.
Members of the oomycete cause extensive losses in agriculture and widespread degradation in natural plant communities, being responsible for the death of thousands of trees every year. Two of the representative species are Phytophthora infestans, which causes late blight of potato, and Phytophthora cinnamomi, which causes chestnut ink disease, responsible for losses on sweet chestnut production in Europe. Genome sequencing efforts have been focused on the study of three species: P. infestans, P. sojae and P. ramorum. Phytophthora infestans has been developed as the model specie for the genus, possessing excellent genetic and genomics resources including genetic maps, BAC libraries, and EST sequences. Our research team is trying to sequence the genome of P. cinnamomi in order to gain a better understanding of this oomycete, to study changes in plant-pathogen relationships including those resulting from climate change and trying to decrease the pathogen’s impact on crops and plants in natural ecosystems worldwide. We present here a preliminary report of partially sequenced genomic DNA from P. cinnamomi encoding putative protein-coding sequences and tRNAs. Database analysis reveals the presence of genes conserved in oomycetes.
La estimación de parámetros genéticos en bovinos lecheros requiere ajustar modelos estadísticos para datos longitudinales (modelos de regresión aleatoria y/o medidas repetidas). Es esencial en regresión aleatoria determinar el orden correcto de los polinomios que describen los coeficientes aleatorios en el tiempo. Tradicionalmente, esta tarea se desarrolló empleando criterios de selección como AIC o BIC, que no siempre logran dilucidar claramente el modelo apropiado. Esta tesis introduce el criterio PAL para la selección del orden del polinomio en modelos de regresión aleatoria, empleando una penalización adaptativa de la función de verosimilitud. Comparativamente, PAL presentó un desempeño superior a AIC y BIC, y su aplicación a datos de producción produjo un modelo parsimonioso, con buena bondad de ajuste y habilidad de predicción. Se abordó además el problema de estimar parámetros genéticos bajo un modelo de medidas repetidas para caracteres que muestran distribución asimétrica. Para evitar desvíos del supuesto de normalidad de los errores, se presentó un modelo alternativo basado en asumir una distribución Normal asimétrica. Se implementó un enfoque bayesiano con muestreo de Gibbs en datos de intervalos entre partos. Incluyendo un parámetro adicional, se obtuvieron estimaciones más precisas de los parámetros genéticos. Estos desarrollos metodológicos estuvieron motivados por los desafíos que enfrenta actualmente el programa de mejoramiento genético de la raza Holstein en Colombia. Entre ellos, figura también el impacto de introducir toros extranjeros provenientes del programa de selección genómica norteamericana. En este marco, se estimó el progreso genético esperado en la población comercial colombiana. Los cálculos reflejaron que utilizar toros genómicos jóvenes se traducirá en una respuesta genética acelerada y en una disminución de la diferencia genética entre el hato comercial y el núcleo del cual provienen.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Ciências Biomédicas, Departamento de Ciências Biomédicas e Medicina, Universidade do Algarve, 2014
Entamoeba histolytica representa una de las principales causas a nivel mundial de muertes por parasitosis. Aunque se ha identificado como el agente causal de la amibiasis desde 1875, los mecanismos moleculares por los cuales este parásito causa la enfermedad aún no estan completamente comprendidos. Los microRNAs (miRNAs) son grupos de RNAs pequeños no codificantes que juegan un papel importante en la regulación de la expresión de genes y la traducción de proteínas en una gran variedad de organismos. Su identificación ha sido un paso importante para facilitar y entender la biología, organización y evolución del genoma, así como su regulación posttranscripcional, sin embargo en E. histolytica no se tiene registro de la presencia de estas moléculas reguladoras. En nuestro laboratorio a partir de un cultivo de trofozoitos de E. histolytica en condiciones axénicas se aislaron los RNA totales y se purificaron en una fracción de 15 a 50 nucleótidos los cuales se utilizaron para construir una biblioteca de RNAs pequeños que posteriormente fueron secuenciados y en donde se detectaron 199 miRNAs exclusivos para este parásito. Durante el desarrollo de esta tesis, se analizó la expresión de miRNAs en trofozoítos de E. histolytica HM1-IMSS, usando la técnica de microarreglo µParaflo Microfluidic Biochip Technology y posteriormente se realizó la verificación de la expresión de los miRNAs mediante RT-PCR Tiempo Real. Los resultados del microarreglo demostraron la expresión 41 candidatos a miRNAs de los cuales se confirmó la presencia de 9 microRNAs de E. histolytica (Ehi-miRNAs) mediante RT-PCR Tiempo Real. La estructura de los Ehi-miRNAs permitió predecir 32 probables genes blanco ya descritos y 34 genes hipotéticos probables. Los resultados obtenidos postulan una colección de miRNAs reguladores en E. histolytica que generan una plataforma para analizar molecularmente la estructura genómica, regulación génica y validación de los Ehi-miRNAs en este parásito
Dissertação de Mestrado, Oncobiologia – Mecanismos Moleculares do Cancro, Departamento de Ciências Biomédicas e Medicina, Universidade do Algarve, 2015
Programação. Resumo das palestras. Sessões: Biodiversidade e taxonomia; Ciências ômicas; Fixação biológica de nitrogênio em não-leguminosas; Coquetéis de microrganismos para um buffet de plantas e possibilidades; Estratégias para a obtenção de plantas hospedeiras com maior capacidade de FBN; Quantificando e qualificando a FBN; Planejando o futuro: difusão e transferência de tecnologias e formação de recursos humanos; Soja: o carro-chefe da FBN na América do Sul; A FBN em culturas de menor impacto econômico e grande importância social e ambiental; Indústria e negócios. Pôsters: Biodiversidade e taxonomia, evolução e ecologia de rizobactérias; Genética e genômica de rizobactérias e leguminosas; Fisiologia e bioquímica de rizobactérias e leguminosas; Interações associativas e endofíticas planta/rizobactérias; Aspectos agronômicos relacionados a bactérias fixadoras do nitrogênio e promotoras do crescimento de plantas; Tecnologias em inoculantes e inoculação; Ensino, difusão e transferência de tecnologia.
In this study, we investigated the cellular and molecular mechanisms that regulate salt acclimation. The main objective was to obtain new insights into the molecular mechanisms that control salt acclimation. Therefore, we carried out a multidisciplinary study using proteomic, transcriptomic, subcellular and physiological techniques. We obtained a Nicotiana tabacum BY-2 cell line acclimated to be grown at 258 mM NaCl as a model for this study. The proteomic and transcriptomic data indicate that the molecular response to stress (chaperones, defence proteins, etc.) is highly induced in these salt-acclimated cells. The subcellular results show that salt induces sodium compartmentalization in the cell vacuoles and seems to be mediated by vesicle trafficking in tobacco salt-acclimated cells. Our results demonstrate that abscisic acid (ABA) and proline metabolism are crucial in the cellular signalling of salt acclimation, probably regulating reactive oxygen species (ROS) production in the mitochondria. ROS may act as a retrograde signal, regulating the cell response. The network of endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus is highly altered in salt-acclimated cells. The molecular and subcellular analysis suggests that the unfolded protein response is induced in salt-acclimated cells. Finally, we propose that this mechanism may mediate cell death in salt-acclimated cells.
Com o objetivo de contribuir com conhecimentos sobre a reprodução em laboratório de ostras nativas do gênero Crassostrea e estudar as possíveis interações entre as espécies cultivadas no Brasil, o presente trabalho avaliou: 1) um método de anestesia e amostragem de tecido gonádico sem sacrifício de animais para a análise do estado de desenvolvimento sexual; 2) a hibridação entre a espécie de ostra do Pacífico, Crassostrea gigas, e as espécies nativas, C. rhizophorae e C. gasar; e 3) o uso de marcadores de DNA mitocondrial e nuclear para a identificação de híbridos. Como resultados, o uso de Cloreto de Magnésio (50 g.L-1), aplicado à água do mar, promoveu o relaxamento muscular e a abertura das valvas nas três espécies de ostras estudadas, permitindo biópsias de tecido gonádico com seringas e agulhas e a determinação do sexo dos animais. Os procedimentos de anestesia e amostragem de tecido não causaram mortalidade nestes indivíduos que apresentaram 100% de sobrevivência após 10 dias. Após o uso do anestésico, também não foram observadas alterações na atividade reprodutiva e na geração de larvas-D de C. gigas. A partir dos cruzamentos recíprocos entre C. gigas, C. rhizophorae e C. gasar, houve sucesso assimétrico na fecundação de oócitos de C. rhizophorae (R) com espermatozoides de C. gigas (G), oócitos de C. gasar (B) com espermatozoides de C. gigas (G) e oócitos de C. rhizophorae (R) com espermatozoides de C. gasar (B). A compatibilidade unidirecional de gametas entre as três espécies resultou na formação de larvas híbridas que apresentaram crescimento similar à espécie materna até sete dias de idade. Após este período, as larvas pararam de crescer e morreram. As análises de marcadores moleculares confirmaram que as progênies RG eram híbridos verdadeiros e continham o DNA de ambas as espécies parentais em seu genoma. A inviabilidade no desenvolvimento de larvas híbridas interespecíficas em laboratório sugere que a incompatibilidade genômica é suficiente para evitar o risco de hibridação natural entre C. gigas e as espécies nativas C. rhizophorae e C. gasar.
Se describe la variante homocigota c.320-2A>G de TGM1 en dos hermanas con ictiosis congénita autosómica recesiva. El clonaje de los transcritos generados por esta variante permitió identificar tres mecanismos moleculares de splicing alternativos.
A bioinformática e a genômica trabalham com bases de dados fora do padrão tradicional ou clássico que, por sua vez, caracterizam-se pela organizacão tabular e pelo tratamento destas em SGBDRs. Arquivos de genótipos são exemplos de bases de dados não clássicas e são caracterizados por serem gerados como arquivos textos, com dados desbalanceados, com alta dimensionalidade e por ocuparem muito espaço, entre outros aspectos. Os SGBDRs não têm se mostrado uma boa solucão para o tratamento de tais bases e, portanto, o presente trabalho busca avaliar o desempenho relativo entre bancos de dados NoSQL que representam duas famílias de diferentes modelo de dados, a partir de cenários de teste para a manipulação de arquivos de genótipo.
Brazil is one of the largest beef producers and exporters in the world with the Nelore breed representing the vast majority of Brazilian cattle (Bos taurus indicus). Despite the great adaptability of the Nelore breed to tropical climate, meat tenderness (MT) remains to be improved. Several factors including genetic composition can influence MT. In this article, we report a genome-wide analysis of copy number variation (CNV) inferred from Illumina1 High Density SNP-chip data for a Nelore population of 723 males. We detected >2,600 CNV regions (CNVRs) representing 6.5% of the genome. Comparing our results with previous studies revealed an overlap in 1400 CNVRs (>50%). A total of 1,155 CNVRs (43.6%) overlapped 2,750 genes. They were enriched for processes involving guanosine triphosphate (GTP), previously reported to influence skeletal muscle physiology and morphology. Nelore CNVRs also overlapped QTLs for MT reported in other breeds (8.9%, 236 CNVRs) and from a previous study with this population (4.1%, 109 CNVRs). Two CNVRs were also proximal to glutathione metabolism genes that were previously associated with MT. Genome-wide association study of CN state with estimated breeding values derived from meat shear force identified 6 regions, including a region on BTA3 that contains genes of the cAMP and cGMP pathway. Ten CNVRs that overlapped regions associated with MT were successfully validated by qPCR. Our results represent the first comprehensive CNV study in Bos taurus indicus cattle and identify regions in which copy number changes are potentially of importance for the MT phenotype.