997 resultados para drugs susceptibility test
Il tema della ricerca ha riguardato preliminarmente la definizione di farmaco descritta nel d.lgs. n. 219 del 2006 (Codice dei farmaci per uso umano). Oltre al danno prodotto da farmaci, la ricerca ha approfondito anche la tutela ex ante ed ex post riguardante la produzione di dispositivi medici (Direttiva della Comunità Economica Europea n. 42 del 1993 e Direttiva della Comunità Economica Europea n. 374 del 1985). E’ stato necessario soffermarsi sull’analisi del concetto di precauzione per il quale nell’ambito di attività produttive, come quelle che cagionano inquinamento ambientale, o “pericolose per la salute umana” come quelle riguardanti la produzione di alimenti e farmaci, è necessario eliminare i rischi non conosciuti nella produzione di questi ultimi al fine di garantire una tutela completa della salute. L’analisi della Direttiva della Comunità Economica Europea n. 374 del 1985 nei suoi aspetti innovativi ha riguardato l’esame dei casi di danno da farmaco (Trib. Roma, 20 Giugno 2002, Trib. Roma 27 Giugno 1987, Trib. Milano 19 Novembre 1987, Cassazione Civile n. 6241 del 1987): profilo critico è quello riguardante la prova liberatoria, mentre l'art. 2050 prevede che «si debbano adottare tutte le misure necessarie per evitare il danno», l'art. 118, lett. e), c. cons.) prevede una serie di casi di esonero di responsabilità del produttore (tra cui il rischio di sviluppo). Dall'analisi emerge poi la necessità da parte del produttore di continuo utilizzo del duty to warn (Art. 117 del Codice del Consumo lett. A e B ): esso consiste nel dovere continuo di informazione del produttore tramite i suoi rappresentanti e il bugiardino presente nelle confezioni dei farmaci. Tale dovere è ancor più importante nel caso della farmacogenetica, infatti, al fine di evitare reazioni avverse nel bugiardino di alcuni farmaci verrà prescritta la necessità di effettuare un test genetico prima dell’assunzione.
Bone metastases are responsible for different clinical complications defined as skeletal-related events (SREs) such as pathologic fractures, spinal cord compression, hypercalcaemia, bone marrow infiltration and severe bone pain requiring palliative radiotherapy. The general aim of these three years research period was to improve the management of patients with bone metastases through two different approaches of translational research. Firstly in vitro preclinical tests were conducted on breast cancer cells and on indirect co-colture of cancer cells and osteoclasts to evaluate bone targeted therapy singly and in combination with conventional chemotherapy. The study suggests that zoledronic acid has an antitumor activity in breast cancer cell lines. Its mechanism of action involves the decrease of RAS and RHO, as in osteoclasts. Repeated treatment enhances antitumor activity compared to non-repeated treatment. Furthermore the combination Zoledronic Acid + Cisplatin induced a high antitumoral activity in the two triple-negative lines MDA-MB-231 and BRC-230. The p21, pMAPK and m-TOR pathways were regulated by this combined treatment, particularly at lower Cisplatin doses. A co-colture system to test the activity of bone-targeted molecules on monocytes-breast conditioned by breast cancer cells was also developed. Another important criticism of the treatment of breast cancer patients, is the selection of patients who will benefit of bone targeted therapy in the adjuvant setting. A retrospective case-control study on breast cancer patients to find new predictive markers of bone metastases in the primary tumors was performed. Eight markers were evaluated and TFF1 and CXCR4 were found to discriminate between patients with relapse to bone respect to patients with no evidence of disease. In particular TFF1 was the most accurate marker reaching a sensitivity of 63% and a specificity of 79%. This marker could be a useful tool for clinicians to select patients who could benefit for bone targeted therapy in adjuvant setting.
Iron deficiency is the most common deficiency disease worldwide with many patients who require intravenous iron. Within the last years new kind of parenteral iron complexes as well as generic preparations entered the market. There is a high demand for methods clarifying benefit to risk profiles of old and new iron complexes. It is also necessary to disclose interchangeability between originator and intended copies to avoid severe anaphylactic and anaphylactoid side reaction and assure equivalence of therapeutic effect.rnrnThe investigations presented in this work include physicochemical characterization of nine different parenteral iron containing non-biological complex drugs. rnWe developed an in-vitro assay, which allows the quantification of labile iron in the different complexes and thus it is a useful tool to estimate the pharmaclogical safety regarding iron related adverse drug events. This assay additionally allowed the estimation of complex stability by evaluation of degradation kinetics at the applied conditions.rnrnAn in-ovo study was performed to additionally compare different complexes in respect to body distribution. This in combination with complex stability information allowed the risk estimation of potential local acute and chronic reactions to iron overload.rnrnInformation obtained by the combination of the methods within this work are helpful to estimate the safety and efficacy profile of different iron containing non-biological complex drugs. rnrnPhysicochemical differences between the complexes were demonstrated in respect to size of the inorganic fraction, size and size distribution of the complete particles, structure of the inorganic iron fraction, morphology of the complexes and charge of the complexes. And furthermore significant differences in the biological behavior of different complexes were demonstrated. rnrnThe combination of complex stability and biodistribution as well as the combination of structure, size and stability represent helpful tools for the physicochemical characterization of iron containing non-biological complex drugs and for the estimation of pharmacological safety. This work thus represents an up to date summary of some relevant methods for the characterization of intravenous iron complex drugs in respect to pharmaceutical quality, pharmacological safety and aspects of efficacy. rnrnProspectively, it is worthwhile that the methods within this work will contribute to the development and/or characterization of iron containing nanoparticular formulations with beneficial efficacy and safety profiles.rn
Biorelevante Medien sind entwickelt worden, um die Bedingungen im Magen-Darm-Trakt vor und nach der Mahlzeit zu imitieren. Mit FaSSIF und FeSSIF wurden Medien eingeführt, die nicht nur die pH- und Puffer-Kapazität des Dünndarms widerspiegeln, sondern auch Lipid und physiologische Tensid-Arten enthalten. Diese Medien (FaSSIF-V2 und FaSSlFmod6.5) wurden für Bioverfügbarkeitstudien in der Medikamentenentwicklung im Laufe der Jahre kontinuierlich weiterentwickelt. Dennoch sind die auf dem Markt verfügbaren Medien immer noch nicht in der Lage, die realen physiologischen Bedingungen zu simulieren. In der jetzigen Zusammensetzung sind nicht alle Kompetenten enthalten, welche natürlicher Weise im Duodenum vorkommen. Darüber hinaus wird nur eine 1:5 Verdünnung von FeSSIF zu FaSSIF angenommen, die individuelle Wasserzufuhr bei Medikamentengabe wird hierdurch jedoch nur eingeschränkt simuliert, obwohl diese von Patient zu Patient schwanken kann. rnZiel dieser Dissertation war die Verbesserung der Vorhersage der Auflösung und Absorption lipophiler Arzneistoffe durch Simulation der Bedingungen im zweiten Teil des Zwölffingerdarms mit neuen biorelevanten Medien, sowie unter Einwirkung zusätzlicher Detergention als Wirkstoffträger. rnUm den Effekt der Verdünnungsrate und Zeit im Dünndarm zu untersuchen, wurde die Entwicklung der Nanopartikel in der Magen-Darm-Flüssigkeit FaSSIFmod6.5 zu verschiedenen Zeitpunkten und Wassergehalten untersucht. Dafür wurden kinetische Studien an verschieden konzentrierten Modellmedien nach Verdünnungssprung untersucht. Das Modell entspricht der Vermischung der Gallenflüssigkeit mit dem Darminhalt bei variablem Volumen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Art und Größe der Nanopartikel stark von Verdünnung und Einirkungszeit abhängen. rnrnDie menschliche Darmflüssigkeit enthält Cholesterin, welches in allen früheren Modellmedien fehlt. Daher wurden biokompatible und physiologische Modellflüssigkeiten, FaSSIF-C, entwickelt. Der Cholesteringehalt von FaSSIF - 7C entspricht der Gallenflüssigkeit einer gesunden Frau, FaSSIF - 10C der einer gesunden männlichen Person und FaSSIF - 13C der in einigen Krankheitszuständen. Die intestinale Teilchen-Struktur-Untersuchung mit dynamische Lichtstreuung (DLS) und Neutronen-Kleinwinkelstreuung (SANS) ergab, dass die Korngröße von Vesikeln mit zunehmender Cholesterin-Konzentration abnahm. Zu hohe Cholesterin-Konzentration bewirkte zusätzlich sehr große Partikel, welche vermutlich aus Cholesterin-reichen “Disks“ bestehen. Die Löslichkeiten einiger BCS Klasse II Wirkstoffe (Fenofibrat, Griseofulvin, Carbamazepin, Danazol) in diesen neuen Medien zeigten, dass die Löslichkeit in unterschiedlicher Weise mit der Cholesteringehalt zusammen hing und dieser Effekt selektiv für die Droge war. rnDarüber hinaus wurde die Wirkung von einigen Tensiden auf die kolloidale Struktur und Löslichkeit von Fenofibrat in FaSSIFmod6.5 und FaSSIF -7C untersucht. Struktur und Löslichkeit waren Tensid- und Konzentrations-abhängig. Im Falle von FaSSIFmod6.5 zeigten die Ergebnisse eine dreifache Verzweigung der Lösungswege. Im Bereich mittlerer Tensidkonzentration wurde eine Löslichkeitslücke der Droge zwischen der Zerstörung der Galle-Liposomen und der Bildung von Tensid-reichen Mizellen beobachtet. In FaSSIF - 7C, zerstörten Tenside in höherer Konzentration die Liposomenstruktur trotz der allgemeinen Stabilisierung der Membranen durch Cholesterin. rnDie in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Ergebnisse ergeben, dass die Anwesenheit von Cholesterin als eine fehlende Komponente der menschlichen Darmflüssigkeit in biorelevanten Medien wichtig ist und dazu beitragen kann, das in vivo Verhalten schwerlöslicher Arzneistoffe im Körper besser vorhersagen zu können. Der Verdünnungsgrad hat einen Einfluss auf die Nanopartikel-Struktur und Tenside beeinflussen die Löslichkeit von Medikamenten in biorelevanten Medien: Dieser Effekt ist sowohl von der Konzentration das Tensids abhängig, als auch dessen Typ.rnrn
La ricerca riguarda lo studio delle modifiche indotte dalla diffusione di acqua e umidità nelle pavimentazioni stradali con riferimento ai materiali bituminosi. Lo scopo è stato quello di analizzare le implicazioni che si sviluppano a livello chimico e reologico in vari bitumi. In questo progetto oltre alla fase sperimentale, è stato utilizzato un software per la simulazione agli elementi finiti. Per quanto concerne la fase di laboratorio, è stato sviluppato un nuovo protocollo di condizionamento. Tre diversi bitumi sono stati soggetti alla diffusione di acqua in forma liquida o vapore, a determinate condizioni ambientali e per svariati intervalli temporali. Grazie a l’utilizzo di due camere climatiche il condizionamento è stato realizzato in modo uniforme a precisi valori temperatura e umidità mantenuti stabili. I materiali analizzati: un bitume soft, uno hard, ed infine uno modificato con l’aggiunta di polimeri. Il dispositivo FTIR-ATR è stato utilizzato per la caratterizzazione chimica, mentre il comportamento reologico è stato analizzato tramite test eseguiti con il DSR. Le avanzate tecnologie presenti nel laboratorio della TU Delft hanno consentito di ottenere notevoli risultati. L’analisi è stata condotta con l’obiettivo di evidenziare i diversi cambiamenti indotti dalla diffusione di acqua liquida o vapore e per analizzare l’influenza della temperatura, del tipo del bitume e dell’incremento del tempo di condizionamento. Una analisi analoga è stata condotta parallelamente, con lo scopo di investigare la correlazione tra il processo di invecchiamento e la diffusione di umidità. Infine, la simulazione agli elementi finiti è stata sviluppata tramite il software CAPA-3D per analizzare il comportamento del bitume in periodi più estesi di diffusione di umidità. Inoltre, il comportamento dei bitumi è stato studiato anche in presenza di particelle di riempitivo. Particelle granitiche e calcaree sono state aggiunte ai bitumi in differenti percentuali.
In this study, we evaluated the potential use of entomopathogenic nematodes as a control for the beetle Aethina tumida Murray (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae). In particular, we conducted 1) four screening bioassays to determine nematode (seven species, 10 total strains tested) and application level effects on A. tumida larvae and pupae, 2) a generational persistence bioassay to determine whether single inoculations with nematodes would control multiple generations of A. tumida larvae in treated soil, and 3) a field bioassay to determine whether the nematodes would remain efficacious in the field. In the screening bioassays, nematode efficacy varied significantly by tested nematode and the infective juvenile (IJ) level at which they were applied. Although nematode virulence was moderate in screening bioassays 1-3 (0 - 68% A. tumida mortality), A. tumida mortality approached higher levels in screening bioassay 4 (nearly 100% after 39 d) that suggest suitable applicability of some of the test nematodes as field controls for A. tumida. In the generational persistence bioassay, Steinernema Hobrave Cabanillas, Poinar & Raulston 7-12 strain and Heterorhabditis indica Poinar, Karunaka & David provided adequate A. tumida control for 19 wk after a single soil inoculation (76-94% mortality in A. tumida pupae). In the field bioassay, the same two nematode species also showed high virulence toward pupating A. tumida (88-100%) mortality. Our data suggest that nematode use may be an integral component of an integrated pest management scheme aimed at reducing A. tumida populations in bee colonies to tolerable levels.
Multicentre evaluation of a new point-of-care test for the determination of NT-proBNP in whole blood
BACKGROUND: The Roche CARDIAC proBNP point-of-care (POC) test is the first test intended for the quantitative determination of N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) in whole blood as an aid in the diagnosis of suspected congestive heart failure, in the monitoring of patients with compensated left-ventricular dysfunction and in the risk stratification of patients with acute coronary syndromes. METHODS: A multicentre evaluation was carried out to assess the analytical performance of the POC NT-proBNP test at seven different sites. RESULTS: The majority of all coefficients of variation (CVs) obtained for within-series imprecision using native blood samples was below 10% for both 52 samples measured ten times and for 674 samples measured in duplicate. Using quality control material, the majority of CV values for day-to-day imprecision were below 14% for the low control level and below 13% for the high control level. In method comparisons for four lots of the POC NT-proBNP test with the laboratory reference method (Elecsys proBNP), the slope ranged from 0.93 to 1.10 and the intercept ranged from 1.8 to 6.9. The bias found between venous and arterial blood with the POC NT-proBNP method was < or =5%. All four lots of the POC NT-proBNP test investigated showed excellent agreement, with mean differences of between -5% and +4%. No significant interference was observed with lipaemic blood (triglyceride concentrations up to 6.3 mmol/L), icteric blood (bilirubin concentrations up to 582 micromol/L), haemolytic blood (haemoglobin concentrations up to 62 mg/L), biotin (up to 10 mg/L), rheumatoid factor (up to 42 IU/mL), or with 50 out of 52 standard or cardiological drugs in therapeutic concentrations. With bisoprolol and BNP, somewhat higher bias in the low NT-proBNP concentration range (<175 ng/L) was found. Haematocrit values between 28% and 58% had no influence on the test result. Interference may be caused by human anti-mouse antibodies (HAMA) types 1 and 2. No significant influence on the results with POC NT-proBNP was found using volumes of 140-165 muL. High NT-proBNP concentrations above the measuring range of the POC NT-proBNP test did not lead to false low results due to a potential high-dose hook effect. CONCLUSIONS: The POC NT-proBNP test showed good analytical performance and excellent agreement with the laboratory method. The POC NT-proBNP assay is therefore suitable in the POC setting.
There is no accepted way of measuring prothrombin time without time loss for patients undergoing major surgery who are at risk of intraoperative dilution and consumption coagulopathy due to bleeding and volume replacement with crystalloids or colloids. Decisions to transfuse fresh frozen plasma and procoagulatory drugs have to rely on clinical judgment in these situations. Point-of-care devices are considerably faster than the standard laboratory methods. In this study we assessed the accuracy of a Point-of-care (PoC) device measuring prothrombin time compared to the standard laboratory method. Patients undergoing major surgery and intensive care unit patients were included. PoC prothrombin time was measured by CoaguChek XS Plus (Roche Diagnostics, Switzerland). PoC and reference tests were performed independently and interpreted under blinded conditions. Using a cut-off prothrombin time of 50%, we calculated diagnostic accuracy measures, plotted a receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve and tested for equivalence between the two methods. PoC sensitivity and specificity were 95% (95% CI 77%, 100%) and 95% (95% CI 91%, 98%) respectively. The negative likelihood ratio was 0.05 (95% CI 0.01, 0.32). The positive likelihood ratio was 19.57 (95% CI 10.62, 36.06). The area under the ROC curve was 0.988. Equivalence between the two methods was confirmed. CoaguChek XS Plus is a rapid and highly accurate test compared with the reference test. These findings suggest that PoC testing will be useful for monitoring intraoperative prothrombin time when coagulopathy is suspected. It could lead to a more rational use of expensive and limited blood bank resources.
OBJECTIVES: In order to create a suitable model for high-throughput drug screening, a Giardia lamblia WB C6 strain expressing Escherichia coli glucuronidase A (GusA) was created and tested with respect to susceptibility to the anti-giardial drugs nitazoxanide and metronidazole. METHODS: GusA, a well-established reporter gene in other systems, was cloned into the vector pPacVInteg allowing stable expression in G. lamblia under control of the promoter from the glutamate dehydrogenase (gdh) gene. The resulting transgenic strain was compared with the wild-type strain in a vitality assay, characterized with respect to susceptibility to nitazoxanide, metronidazole and -- as assessed in a 96-well plate format -- to a panel of 15 other compounds to be tested for anti-giardial activity. RESULTS: GusA was stably expressed in G. lamblia. Using a simple glucuronidase assay protocol, drug efficacy tests yielded results similar to those from cell counting. CONCLUSIONS: G. lamblia WB C6 GusA is a suitable tool for high-throughput anti-giardial drug screening.
Mycoplasmal pneumonia and arthritis is a problem of increasing significance in Midwestern feedlots. The disease presentation cannot be prevented by vaccination or successfully treated with antimicrobials. Due to the reported difficulty in treating these outbreaks, in-vitro antimicrobial susceptibility was tested on isolates of Mycoplasma bovis recovered from cases of pneumonia or pneumonia and arthritis where the mycoplasma was involved as a causative agent. Using a broth microdilution method, 36 M. bovis isolates from cases of pneumonia and 9 from cases of pneumonia and arthritis were tested for susceptibility to antimicrobials currently used in cattle with respiratory disease (ampicillin, tilmycosin, spectinomycin, tylosin, lincomycin, tetracycline, ceftiofur, and erythromycin). Among the isolates from cases with pneumonia, resistance to more antimicrobials was shown in recent isolates than in isolates from earlier years. Tetracycline and lincomycin were the drugs of choice for these isolates, although 3 of 36 isolates were resistant to all drugs tested. Isolates from cases of pneumonia and arthritis were from recent accessions. A majority of these isolates (5/9) were resistant to all antimicrobials tested. Lincomycin, spectinomycin, and tetracycline were antibiotics usable with 4/9 of the isolates. Overall, the results indicate that antimicrobial therapy in cases of mycoplasmal feedlot pneumonia and arthritis may be unrewarding.
The Implicit Association Test (IAT) had already gained the status of a prominent assessment procedure before its psychometric properties and underlying task structure were understood. The present critique addresses five major problems that arise when the IAT is used for diagnostic inferences: (1) the asymmetry of causal and diagnostic inferences; (2) the viability of the underlying association model; (3) the lack of a testable model underlying IAT-based inferences; (4) the difficulties of interpreting difference scores; and (5) the susceptibility of the IAT to deliberate faking and strategic processing. Based on a theoretical reflection of these issues, and a comprehensive survey of published IAT studies, it is concluded that a number of uncontrolled factors can produce (or reduce) significant IAT scores independently of the personality attribute that is supposed to be captured by the IAT procedure.
BACKGROUND Patients with Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) or toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) are often exposed simultaneously to a few potentially culprit drugs. However, both the standard lymphocyte transformation tests (LTT) with proliferation as the assay end-point as well as skin tests, if done, are often negative. OBJECTIVE As provocation tests are considered too dangerous, there is an urgent need to identify the relevant drug in SJS/TEN and to improve sensitivity of tests able to identify the causative drug. METHODS Fifteen patients with SJS/TEN with the ALDEN score ≥ 6 and 18 drug-exposed controls were included. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were isolated and cultured under defined conditions with drugs. LTT was compared to the following end-points: cytokine levels in cell culture supernatant, number of granzyme B secreting cells by ELISpot and intracellular staining for granulysin and IFNγ in CD3(+) CD4(+), CD3(+) CD8(+) and NKp46(+) cells. To further enhance sensitivity, the effect of IL-7/IL-15 pre-incubation of PBMC was evaluated. RESULTS Lymphocyte transformation tests was positive in only 4/15 patients (sensitivity 27%, CI: 8-55%). Similarly, with granzyme B-ELISpot culprit drugs were positive in 5/15 patients (sensitivity 33%, CI: 12-62%). The expression of granulysin was significantly induced in NKp46(+) and CD3(+) CD4(+) cells (sensitivity 40%, CI: 16-68% and 53%, CI: 27-79% respectively). Cytokine production could be demonstrated in 38%, CI: 14-68% and 43%, CI: 18-71% of patients for IL-2 and IL-5, respectively, and in 55%, CI: 23-83% for IFNγ. Pre-incubation with IL-7/IL-15 enhanced drug-specific response only in a few patients. Specificities of tested assays were in the range of 95 (CI: 80-99%)-100% (CI: 90-100%). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE Granulysin expression in CD3(+) CD4(+) , Granzyme B-ELISpot and IFNγ production considered together provided a sensitivity of 80% (CI: 52-96%) and specificity of 95% (80-99%). Thus, this study demonstrated that combining different assays may be a feasible approach to identify the causative drug of SJS/TEN reactions; however, confirmation on another group of patients is necessary.
We analyzed the species distribution of Candida blood isolates (CBIs), prospectively collected between 2004 and 2009 within FUNGINOS, and compared their antifungal susceptibility according to clinical breakpoints defined by the European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST) in 2013, and the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) in 2008 (old CLSI breakpoints) and 2012 (new CLSI breakpoints). CBIs were tested for susceptiblity to fluconazole, voriconazole and caspofungin by microtitre broth dilution (Sensititre® YeastOne™ test panel). Of 1090 CBIs, 675 (61.9%) were C. albicans, 191 (17.5%) C. glabrata, 64 (5.9%) C. tropicalis, 59 (5.4%) C. parapsilosis, 33 (3%) C. dubliniensis, 22 (2%) C. krusei and 46 (4.2%) rare Candida species. Independently of the breakpoints applied, C. albicans was almost uniformly (>98%) susceptible to all three antifungal agents. In contrast, the proportions of fluconazole- and voriconazole-susceptible C. tropicalis and F-susceptible C. parapsilosis were lower according to EUCAST/new CLSI breakpoints than to the old CLSI breakpoints. For caspofungin, non-susceptibility occurred mainly in C. krusei (63.3%) and C. glabrata (9.4%). Nine isolates (five C. tropicalis, three C. albicans and one C. parapsilosis) were cross-resistant to azoles according to EUCAST breakpoints, compared with three isolates (two C. albicans and one C. tropicalis) according to new and two (2 C. albicans) according to old CLSI breakpoints. Four species (C. albicans, C. glabrata, C. tropicalis and C. parapsilosis) represented >90% of all CBIs. In vitro resistance to fluconazole, voriconazole and caspofungin was rare among C. albicans, but an increase of non-susceptibile isolates was observed among C. tropicalis/C. parapsilosis for the azoles and C. glabrata/C. krusei for caspofungin according to EUCAST and new CLSI breakpoints compared with old CLSI breakpoints.
OBJECTIVES The protozoan parasite Giardia lamblia causes giardiasis, a persistent diarrhoea. Nitro drugs such as the nitroimidazole metronidazole and the nitrothiazolide nitazoxanide are used for the treatment of giardiasis. Nitroreductases may play a role in activating these drugs. G. lamblia contains two nitroreductases, GlNR1 and GlNR2. The aim of this work was to elucidate the role of GlNR2. METHODS Expression of GlNR2 was analysed by reverse transcription PCR. Recombinant GlNR2 was overexpressed in G. lamblia and drug susceptibility was analysed. Recombinant GlNR2 was subjected to functional assays. Escherichia coli expressing full-length or truncated GlNR1 and GlNR2 were grown in the presence of nitro compounds. Using E. coli reporter strains for nitric oxide and DNA damage responses, we analysed whether GlNR1 and GlNR2 elicited the respective responses in the presence, or absence, of the drugs. RESULTS G. lamblia trophozoites overexpressing GlNR2 were less susceptible to both nitro drugs as compared with control trophozoites. GlNR2 was a functional nitroreductase when expressed in E. coli. E. coli expressing GlNR1 was more susceptible to metronidazole under aerobic and semi-aerobic and to nitazoxanide under semi-aerobic growth conditions. E. coli expressing GlNR2 was not susceptible to either drug. In reporter strains, GlNR1, but not GlNR2, elicited nitric oxide and DNA repair responses, even in the absence of nitro drugs. CONCLUSIONS These findings suggest that GlNR2 is an active nitroreductase with a mode of action different from that of GlNR1. Thus, susceptibility to nitro drugs may depend not only on activation, but also on inactivation of the drugs by specific nitroreductases.
In sheep, small ruminant lentiviruses cause an incurable, progressive, lymphoproliferative disease that affects millions of animals worldwide. Known as ovine progressive pneumonia virus (OPPV) in the U.S., and Visna/Maedi virus (VMV) elsewhere, these viruses reduce an animal's health, productivity, and lifespan. Genetic variation in the ovine transmembrane protein 154 gene (TMEM154) has been previously associated with OPPV infection in U.S. sheep. Sheep with the ancestral TMEM154 haplotype encoding glutamate (E) at position 35, and either form of an N70I variant, were highly-susceptible compared to sheep homozygous for the K35 missense mutation. Our current overall aim was to characterize TMEM154 in sheep from around the world to develop an efficient genetic test for reduced susceptibility. The average frequency of TMEM154 E35 among 74 breeds was 0.51 and indicated that highly-susceptible alleles were present in most breeds around the world. Analysis of whole genome sequences from an international panel of 75 sheep revealed more than 1,300 previously unreported polymorphisms in a 62 kb region containing TMEM154 and confirmed that the most susceptible haplotypes were distributed worldwide. Novel missense mutations were discovered in the signal peptide (A13V) and the extracellular domains (E31Q, I74F, and I102T) of TMEM154. A matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time-of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) assay was developed to detect these and six previously reported missense and two deletion mutations in TMEM154. In blinded trials, the call rate for the eight most common coding polymorphisms was 99.4% for 499 sheep tested and 96.0% of the animals were assigned paired TMEM154 haplotypes (i.e., diplotypes). The widespread distribution of highly-susceptible TMEM154 alleles suggests that genetic testing and selection may improve the health and productivity of infected flocks.