915 resultados para diallel crossing
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Mecânica
Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia de Electrónica e Telecomunicações
Mestrado em Contabilidade Internacional
For a long time the allegorical activity was considered dogmatic and equated with artistic fossilization, archaic religious propensity and lack of creativity. However, Walter Benjamin (1928) and Paul De Man (1969), among other illustrious thinkers, came to its defense, exalting, instead, its cryptic, hybrid and abstract nature, which, incidentally, are the main characteristics of modern art. “Twin Peaks – Fire Walk with Me” (David Lynch, 1992) is a wonderful object of analysis, despite being one of the most misunderstood films in the history of cinema. The fact that its narrative is a prequel to the cult television series “Twin Peaks” and incorporates many of the characters of that show, explicitly denigrating the moral image of the protagonist, Laura Palmer, brought about an intense rejection by the fans of the series, as well as the indifference of the cinephilic community in general. However, one must go deeper, in order to understand Lynch’s brave accomplishment and its artfulness. Indeed, the opus is a powerful cinematic allegory because it contains a double layer of metaphorical meaning, one of them being explicitly metacinematic. Thus, besides assuming itself as a filmic daimonic allegory, occurring in a spiritual universe of Good versus Evil, the film is also an authorial discourse on cinema itself. More specifically, it is an allegory of spectatorship, according to Robert Stam’s definition, where the existence and crossing over to “another side” duplicates the architecture of movie theatres and the psychic processes involved in film viewing.
O presente Relatório de Estágio tem como objecto de pesquisa a concepção e monitorização de duas Oficinas de Teatro dirigidas a dois grupos de mulheres constituídos, respectivamente, por estudantes universitárias e desempregadas. O estágio realizou-se entre Novembro/2013 e Junho/2014 na Quarta Parede - Associação de Artes Performativas da Covilhã e inseriu-se nos Empowerment Labs, laboratórios formativos que cruzam artes performativas e ciências sociais na reflexão e intervenção sobre a igualdade de género com foco no desemprego feminino. Este relatório expõe os três momentos do processo do estágio: pesquisa de referenciais teórico-práticos, concepção e monitorização das Oficinas de Teatro e reflexão a partir da prática laboratorial. Na pesquisa de referenciais, essencial para delinear a metodologia operacional e o programa de conteúdos, explorei dimensões como o feminismo e a igualdade de género, e procurei compreender de que forma o empowerment, a pedagogia de Paulo Freire e as metodologias do teatro aplicado serviam os objectivos do meu trabalho. A realização das oficinas foi o momento de experimentar as metodologias e o programa delineado. Tendo a igualdade de género como temática unificadora, o empowerment através da arte como objectivo maior e o teatro aplicado como base metodológica, as oficinas inserem-se nos processos de educação não-formal aplicados ao incremento de recursos intelectuais, emocionais, sociais, expressivos e criativos e, neste caso específico, à ampliação da consciência de género. Neste sentido, as oficinas desenvolveram uma abordagem metodológica processual, participativa e multidisciplinar, orientada para a pesquisa performativa, primeiro de uma dramaturgia individual, depois de uma dramaturgia do colectivo e, por fim, de uma dramaturgia orientada para a igualdade de género. O conceito de “dramaturgia” surge aqui no sentido metodológico do pachwork (trabalho com retalhos) e do sampling (recolha e transformação de materiais), relevante sobretudo na última fase, dedicada à construção colectiva de um exercício performativo apresentado publicamente.
This study deals with mastodont teeth found near Lisbon in Lower Langhian (lower Middle Miocene) fluviatile, feldspathic sands (Vb division). Conclusions are as follows: 1. Tetralophodont molars (even if at a still primitive stade of the tetralophodont condition) do exist at least since lower Langhian times, and not only since late Middle Miocene as was previously known. 2. Tri- and tetralophodont structures may (and indeed do) coexist in the same individual: such examples do not correspond to transitional forms, but instead to a mosaic of juxtaposed characters (however this does not mean there are no transitional forms in other instances). 3. So these structures coexisted in a population not yet genetically separated beyond fertile cross-breeding, i.e. beyond species' level. 4. Origin of the tetralophodont molar was due to some mutation (s). but without crossing species, limits and even more genus'ones. 5. At this times probably soon after the first appearance of tetralophodont mutants, animals with such characters were a small but significant minority among the population (17% if account is taken on D4's: only 2% after M2's). 6. There was not then any direct and clear correlation between number of lophs (transversal crests) and tooth size, even if the increase of such number goes along with length's increase. 7. Dimensions (length in special) in tetralophodont teeth tend to exceed those in «normal» trilophodont teeth, this being particularly clear in D4, even if there is no clear distinction: the situation is quite the same, maybe less marked, with the M2. 8. According to the preceding conclusions there are no reasons to segregate different taxa among such mastodont population on the grounds of the presence in D4, M1 and M2 of 3 or 4 crests (this character being regarded as diagnostic of the genus Tetralophodon). 9. On the contrary, if any natural (in biological sense) classification is disregarded and a morphological parataxonomy is adopted there should be considered both Gomphotherium angustidens and Tetralophodon sp.: however this is absolutely not our opinion.
This study deals with mastodont teeth found near Lisbon in Lower Langhian (lower Middle Miocene) fluviatile, feldspathic sands (Vb division). Conclusions are as follows: 1. Tetralophodont molars (even if at a still primitive stade of the tetralophodont condition) do exist at least since lower Langhian times, and not only since late Middle Miocene as was previously known. 2. Tri- and tetralophodont structures may (and indeed do) coexist in the same individual: such examples do not correspond to transitional forms, but instead to a mosaic of juxtaposed characters (however this does not mean there are no transitional forms in other instances). 3. So these structures coexisted in a population not yet geneticaliy separated beyond fertile cross-breeding, i.e. beyond species'level. 4. Origin of the tetralophodont molar was due to some mutation (s). but without crossing species, limits and even more genus' ones. 5. At this times probably soon after the first appearance of tetralophodont mutants, animals with such characters were a small but signifiant minority among the population (17% if account is taken on D4's: only 2% after M2's). 6. There was not then any direct and clear correlation between number of lophs (transversal crests) and tooth size, even if the increase of such number goes along with length's increase. 7. Dimensions (length in special) in tetralophodont teeth tend to exceed those in «normal» trilophodont teeth, this being particularly clear in D4, even if there is no clear distinction: the situation is quite the same, maybe less marked, with the M2. 8. According to the preceding conclusions there are no reasons to segregate different taxa among such mastodont population on the grounds of the presence in D4, M1 and M2 of 3 or 4 crests (this character being regarded as diagnostic of the genus Tetralophodon). 9. On the contrary, if any natural (in biological sense) classification is disregarded and a morphological parataxonomy is adopted there should be considered both Gomphotherium angustidens and Tetralophodon sp.: however this is absolutely not our opinion.
XVIII Jornadas de Paleontología, 2002
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Estatística e Optimização
The economic development of a region depends on the speed that people and goods can travel. The reduction of people and goods travel time can be achieved by planning smooth road layouts, which are obtained by crossing natural obstacles such as hills, by tunneling at great depths, and allowing the reduction of the road alignment length. The stress state in rock masses at such depths, either because of the overburden or due to the tectonic conditions of the rock mass induces high convergences of the tunnel walls. These high convergence values are incompatible with the supports structural performance installed in the excavation stabilization. In this article it is intended to evaluate and analyze some of the solutions already implemented in several similar geological and geotechnical situations, in order to establish a methodological principle for the design of the tunnels included in a highway section under construction in the region influenced by the Himalayas, in the state of Himachal Pradesh (India) and referenced by "four laning of Kiratpur to Ner Chowk section".
The economic development of a region depends on the speed that people and goods can travel. The reduction of people and goods travel time can be achieved by planning smooth road layouts, which are obtained by crossing natural obstacles such as hills, by tunneling at great depths, and allowing the reduction of the road alignment length. The stress state in rock masses at such depths, either because of the overburden or due to the tectonic conditions of the rock mass induces high convergences of the tunnel walls. These high convergence values are incompatible with the supports structural performance installed in the excavation stabilization. In this article it is intended to evaluate and analyze some of the solutions already implemented in several similar geological and geotechnical situations, in order to establish a methodological principle for the design of the tunnels included in a highway section under construction in the region influenced by the Himalayas, in the state of Himachal Pradesh (India) and referenced by "four laning of Kiratpur to Ner Chowk section".
Trabalho de Projeto realizado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática e de Computadores
High speed trains, when crossing regions with abrupt changes in vertical stiffness of the track and/or subsoil, may generate excessive ground and track vibrations. There is an urgent need for specific analyses of this problem so as to allow reliable esimates of vibration amplitude. Full understanding of these phenomena will lead to new construction solutions and mitigation of undesirable features. In this paper analytical transient solutions of dynamic response of one-dimensional systems with sudden change of foundation stiffness are derived. Results are expressed in terms of vertical displacement. Sensitivity analysis of the response amplitude is also performed. The analytical expressions presented herein, to the authors’ knowledge, have not been published yet. Although related to one-dimensional cases, they can give useful insight into the problem. Nevertheless, in order to obtain realistic response, vehicle- rail interaction cannot be omitted. Results and conclusions are confirmed using general purpose commercial software ANSYS. In conclusion, this work contributes to a better understanding of the additional vibration phenomenon due to vertical stiffness variation, permitting better control of the train velocity and optimization of the track design.
Geophysical data acquired on the conjugate margins system of the Gulf of Lion and West Sardinia (GLWS) is unique in its ability to address fundamental questions about rifting (i.e. crustal thinning, the nature of the continent-ocean transition zone, the style of rifting and subsequent evolution, and the connection between deep and surface processes). While the Gulf of Lion (GoL) was the site of several deep seismic experiments, which occurred before the SARDINIA Experiment (ESP and ECORS Experiments in 1981 and 1988 respectively), the crustal structure of the West Sardinia margin remains unknown. This paper describes the first modeling of wide-angle and near-vertical reflection multi-channel seismic (MCS) profiles crossing the West Sardinia margin, in the Mediterranean Sea. The profiles were acquired, together with the exact conjugate of the profiles crossing the GoL, during the SARDINIA experiment in December 2006 with the French R/V L'Atalante. Forward wide-angle modeling of both data sets (wide-angle and multi-channel seismic) confirms that the margin is characterized by three distinct domains following the onshore unthinned, 26 km-thick continental crust : Domain V, where the crust thins from 26 to 6 km in a width of about 75 km; Domain IV where the basement is characterized by high velocity gradients and lower crustal seismic velocities from 6.8 to 7.25 km/s, which are atypical for either crustal or upper mantle material, and Domain III composed of "atypical" oceanic crust.The structure observed on the West Sardinian margin presents a distribution of seismic velocities that is symmetrical with those observed on the Gulf of Lion's side, except for the dimension of each domain and with respect to the initiation of seafloor spreading. This result does not support the hypothesis of simple shear mechanism operating along a lithospheric detachment during the formation of the Liguro-Provencal basin.
European Master’s Degree in Human Rights and Democratisation Academic Year 2005/2006