475 resultados para cyclical oligogyny


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Gekreuzt konjugierte Oligomere aus Benzolringen und Heterocyclen Oligomere aus Arylen- oder/und Hetarylen-Bausteinen stellenein aktuelles Arbeitsgebiet in der organischen Synthese undder Materialwissenschaft dar. Die Enoneinheit der Chalkonerepräsentiert ein bifunktionelles Elektrophil, das für denAufbau von unterschiedlichen Heterocyclen hervorragendgeeignet ist. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden dreineue Reihen von heterocyclischen Oligomeren hergestellt:1H-Pyrrole, 1H-Pyrazole und Pyridine, die über eine alter-nierende Sequenz von Phenylen- oder Benzoylen-Einheitenverbunden sind. Ihre Herstellung basierte auf Michael-Additionen von den kettenförmigen, gekreuzt konjugiertenOligochalkonen und den jeweiligen geeigneten N-haltigenBausteinen: Tosylmethylisocyanid, Methylhydrazin undPhenacylpyridiniumbromid in der Reihe der Pyrrole, Pyrazoleund Pyridine. Die UV/Vis-Untersuchung aller Reihen der Oligoheterocyclenzeigte als allgemeinen Trend im Vergleich mit dem UV/Vis-Verhalten der Oliogochalkone eine ausgeprägte hypsochromeVerschiebung der langwelligen Absorption. Dieser beobachtetehypsochrome Shift geht auf die veränderten Chromophore zurück und deutet außerdem darauf hin, dass die effektiveKonjugation bei wachsender Moleküllänge geringer sein sollte. In den einzelnen Reihen der Oligoheterocyclenerkennt man jeweils bei Vergrößerung der Chromophore einenkleinen bathochromen Shift der langwelligen Absorption.


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Organylhalogenide RX reagieren formal gemäß einer oxidativen 1,1-Addition mit Dihypersilylplumbylen) PbHyp2 zu Dihypersilyl-halogenorganylplumbanen PbHyp2RX. Diese Umsetzung gelingt mit nahezu allen untersuchten Organylresten, lediglich beispielsweise der Mesitylrest erweist sich als zu sperrig (R = Me, Et, nPr, iPr, tBu, Hx, cHx, Ad, Ph, C6F5, oTo, mTo, pTo, Naph, Anthr).rnrnFür einige Halogenorganyle wird eine analoge Addition auch an das zinnhomologe Dihypersilylstannylen beschrieben.rnrnDie untersuchten Addukte sind thermisch und gegenüber UV-Strahlung, Sauerstoff und Wasser deutlich weniger empfindlich als vergleichbare andere blei- und zinnorganische Verbindungen.rnrnUmfangreiche NMR-Datensätze beschreiben eine markante Hoch-feldverschiebung der Hypersilylprotonen beim Übergang von PbHyp2 hin zu PbHyp2RX, die für Arylreste stärker ausfällt als für Alkylreste.rnrnEin Großteil der Addukte wurde einkristallin erhalten und wird anhand der röntgendiffraktometrisch ermittelten Strukturparameter detailliert charakterisiert. rnrnEs finden sich gegenüber dem idealen Tetraderwinkel auffällig stark aufgeweitete Si Pb Si-Winkel von 130-143°, während die anderen Winkel mehrheitlich unter dem theoretischen Idealwert bleiben (Si Pb X: 94 103°; Si Pb C: 98-112°; C Pb X: 95-103°). Insbesondere größere, weichere Reste und planare Arylplumbane rücken näher an das Halogen heran.rnDie insgesamt recht hohen Blei-Halogen-Abstände nehmen von den Chloriden hin zu den Iodiden zu. Die Iodoplumbane zeigen dabei generell die kleinsten Pb Si und die größten Pb C Abstände. Alkylplumbane weisen längere Pb C Bindungen auf als ansonsten vergleichbare Arylplumbane.rnrnViele der gefundenen Molekülstrukturen zeigen Anzeichen hoher sterischer Spannung in Form von Substituentenverzerrungen. rnrnDie Bildungsgeschwindigkeit der Addukte ist auch bei tiefen Temperaturen hoch. Sie nimmt von X = Cl über Br hin zu I zu und ist für Alkylreste höher als für Aryle. Die Zerfallsgeschwindigkeiten verhalten sich genau entgegengesetzt. Bei den Thermolysen wird regelmäßig Hypersilylhalogenid eliminiert. Dabei entstehen in Abwesenheit koordinierender Solventien Dihypersilyl-diorganylplumbane PbHyp2R2.rnAndere, unbekannte Zerfallskanäle führen zu unerwarteten Produkten, wie dem Iodonium-verbrückten, cyclischen Tetraplumbetan Pb4I(C6F5)Hyp3.rnrnIn Anwesenheit von Lewis-Basen hingegen können sich hetero-leptische Plumbylene bilden, wie am Beispiel eines Bitolyldiylbisplumbylens gezeigt wird. Dieses zeigt auch, dass prinzipiell eine zweifache Addition von Dihalogenorganylen an zwei Äqui-valente Dihypersilylplumbylen möglich ist. Entsprechende Untersuchungen beschäftigen sich ausführlich mit dafür geeigneten und ungeeigneten Organdiylresten.rnrnUnter günstigen reduktiven Bedingungen lassen sich mittels Metal-lierungsreagenz aus den Dihypersilylhalogenorganylplumbanen unter Halogenidentzug Plumbanide erhalten, die in Form getrennter Ionenpaare isolierbar sind. Diese lassen sich in Ana-logie zu den zuvor beschriebenen Plumbanen ebenfalls als Addukt aus Dihypersilylplumbylen und Lithiumorganylen darstellen.rnrnUnter geeigneten speziellen Bedingungen sind neben metallierten auch formal hydridierte Halogenplumbanide zugänglich.rnrnEntsprechend einer geringen Hybridisierung am zentralen Blei-atom, also eines hohen p-AO-Charakters der bindenden Molekülorbitale und s-AO-Charakters des LEP-Orbitals ergeben sich keine trigonal-planaren, sondern Strukturen mit Substituenten-winkeln sogar nahe bei 90°. Die Bindungslängen zum Blei sind deutlich größere als bei den entsprechenden Halogenplumbanen.rnrnEin besonderes Augenmerk der Arbeit liegt auf der Betrachtung von langlebigen und persistenten heteroleptischen Plumbyl-Radikalen, die durch milde Oxidation mittels PbNsi23) aus den Dihypersilylorganylplumbaniden erhalten werden. Während bislang nur homoleptische Vertreter bekannt waren, die aufgrund des sterischen Anspruchs der Substituenten und aufgrund von Hyperkonjugation von axialsymmetrischer nahezu planarer Geometrie sind, findet sich für die heteroleptischen Plumbyle dieser Arbeit eine stärker pyramidale Geometrie. Ausführlich diskutierte EPR-Experimente liefern Spektren, die gut mit Simulationen für die entsprechenden Radikale übereinstimmen.rnrnDie im Zentrum der Betrachtungen dieser Arbeit stehenden Dihypersilylhalogenorganylplumbane stellen somit einen aussichtsreichen und darüber hinaus persistenten und gut zu handhabenden Ausgangspunkt bei der Darstellung neuartiger und interessanter Spezies dar.


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In dieser Arbeit wird eine Einteilung der degenerativen strukturellen Veränderungen der Synovialmembran vorgestellt. Anhand der Kriterien Fibrosierung des Stromas, Rückgang des Gefäßnetzes, Auftreten von Hyalinose und chondroider Metaplasie mit und ohne Nachweis von CPPD Kristallen wurden Präparate der Synovialmembran von 59 Patienten mit Nachweis degenerativer strukturellen Veränderungen in 4 Stadien eingeteilt. rnHyalinose (Stadium 3) konnte in den untersuchten Schnitten nur relativ selten beobachtet werden, so dass am ehesten von einem Vorstadium zur chondroiden Metaplasie auszugehen ist. rnDie Verteilung der Erkrankungsdauer und des Alters in den verschiedenen Stadien lassen darauf schließen, dass höhere Stadien mit höherem Alter und längerer Erkrankungsdauer korrelieren. rnAus der vorhandenen Literatur ergeben sich Hinweise, welche Faktoren zu der Entstehung der strukturellen Veränderungen beitragen können: rnAus dem Netzwerk der Zytokine scheinen TGF-beta und die BMP’s an der Zunahme der Fibrose und an der Entstehung chondroider Metaplasie beteiligt zu sein. Makrophagen scheinen dabei eine wichtige Rolle zu spielen. Dies weist darauf hin, dass entzündliche und strukturelle Veränderungen miteinander vernetzt sind. rnBei der Entstehung der chondroiden Metaplasie kommen zusätzlich mechanische Einflüsse in Form von zyklischen Kompressionen als Einflussfaktor in Frage. rnDie Regulierung der Angiogenese ist noch zu wenig verstanden, um den Gefäßrückgang bei fortgeschrittenen strukturellen Veränderungen zu erklären. Erklärungsansätze sind zum einen zunehmende mechanische Schädigung bei zunehmender Inkongruenz der Gelenkflächen. Zum anderen könnte eine beginnende chondroide Metaplasie mit Expression von Chondromodulin I eine entscheidende Rolle spielen. rnInsgesamt muss man davon ausgehen, dass die zunehmenden strukturellen Veränderungen die Ernährung des Knorpels erschweren. Dabei ist an erster Stelle der Rückgang des Gefäßnetzes zu nennen. Dies erschwert nicht nur die Versorgung mit Nährstoffen, sondern auch den Abtransport von Stoffwechselprodukten. Ab einem gewissen Punkt ist aber auch davon auszugehen, dass die Funktion der Deckzellschicht beeinträchtigt wird. Wenn die Konzentration der Hyaluronsäure in der Synovia dadurch sinkt, kann dies durch eine vermehrte Permeabilität der Synovialmembran zum verstärkten Ausstrom von Wasser aus der Gelenkhöhle führen. Durch ein Ödem des umliegenden Gewebes kann dadurch der Blutfluss im Bereich des Gelenks zusätzlich vermindert werden. rnAuch die zunehmende Fibrosierung der Synovialmembran kann einen Einfluss auf die Permeabilität der Synovialmembran haben. Ob und in welchen Stadien der Veränderungen das einen relevanten Einfluss für die Ernährung der Chondrozyten hat, ist noch unklar.rn


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The reactivty of poly(glycidyl methacrylate), obtained by RAFT controlled radical polymerization, has been investigated with a nucelophilic agent, such as morpholine, in various aprotic polar solvents in order to optimize the reaction (time and nucleophile excess). A strong interaction between polymer and solvent, gained by hydrogen bonds, during the process has proved to be essential in order to lower the reaction time and the nucelophilic agent excess. Dissimilar behaviors have been detected by GPC analysis due to the reactivity of the sulfhydryl formed during the RAFT's aminolysis. The various solvents lead to conditions in which different inter and intra-chain associations occur; the result is the formation of dimers, trimers and tetramers (to a less extent) in the first case, and cyclical structures in the second one. The reactivity of the hydroxy group, formed during the ring opening reaction, has been further investigated in order to link isothiocyanate-functionalized fluorescent marker along the polymeric chain.


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The thesis is concerned with local trigonometric regression methods. The aim was to develop a method for extraction of cyclical components in time series. The main results of the thesis are the following. First, a generalization of the filter proposed by Christiano and Fitzgerald is furnished for the smoothing of ARIMA(p,d,q) process. Second, a local trigonometric filter is built, with its statistical properties. Third, they are discussed the convergence properties of trigonometric estimators, and the problem of choosing the order of the model. A large scale simulation experiment has been designed in order to assess the performance of the proposed models and methods. The results show that local trigonometric regression may be a useful tool for periodic time series analysis.


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Gegenstand der Arbeit: Die distale Radiusfraktur ist der häufigste Bruch des Menschen. Neben etablierten Verfahren wie der dorsalen und palmaren Plattenosteosynthese gibt es seit Kurzem neuartige minimalinvasive Osteosynthesesysteme. Gegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Untersuchung der biomechanischen Stabilität von zwei neuartigen Implantaten für die distale extraartikuläre Radiusfraktur. rnMethodik: Es handelt sich einerseits um das System XSCREW (Zimmer, Freiburg i. Br., Deutschland), eine kanülierte Schraube, die über den Processus styloideus eingeführt wird und mit bis zu neun Bohrdrähten im Knochen fixiert werden kann. Das Vergleichsimplantat DorsalNailPlate (HandInnovations, Miami, Florida, USA) ist ein Hybrid aus einer dorsalen Platte und einem Marknagel. Beide Systeme wurden an 8 paarigen frischen unfixierten Leichenradii unter Axialbelastung bis 100 N und Torsionsbelastung bis 1,5 Nm getestet. Die A3-Fraktur wurde durch eine standardisierte Keilosteotomie simuliert. Das Biomaterial wurde prä- und postinterventionell sowie nach einem Dauerbelastungstest unter 1000 Zyklen in Rotation mit 0,5 Hz untersucht. Ein Versagenstest mit steigendem Drehmoment beendete das Experiment. rnErgebnisse: Die XSCREW erreichte eine Axialsteifigkeit von 136 N/mm und eine Torsionssteifigkeit von 0,16 Nm/°. Die DNP erzielte hingegen axial 70 N/mm und torsional 0,06 Nm/°. Der Unterschied zwischen beiden Verfahren war nur für die Torsion eindeutig statistisch auffällig (p=0,012), jedoch nicht für die Axialsteifigkeit (p=0,054). Die ursprüngliche Axial- und Torsionssteifigkeit wurde durch die XSCREW signifikant besser wiederhergestellt als durch die DNP (p=0,012). Beide Verfahren erzielten nach der Intervention signifikant niedrigere Steifigkeiten als die intakten Knochen (p=0,012). Ein Präparat der DNP-Gruppe und vier Präparate der XSCREW-Gruppe überstanden den Dauerbelastungstest. Das Drehmoment bei Versagen war mit der XSCREW höher als mit der DNP, der Unterschied zwischen den Verfahren war signifikant (p=0,043). Die Schwachstellen beider Systeme lagen vorwiegend in der proximalen Verankerung im Knochen. Kirschner-Drähte bzw. Verriegelungsschrauben führten unter andauernder Belastung zu einer Spaltung der Kortikalis im Schaftbereich. Bedingt durch die Ausrichtung der distalen Verriegelungen können mit beiden Implantaten Schäden an der radiocarpalen bzw. radioulnaren Gelenkfläche entstehen. rnZusammenfassung: Die XSCREW ermöglicht insgesamt eine höhere mechanische Stabilität als die DNP. Beide Verfahren sind jedoch einer winkelstabilen palmaren Plattenosteosynthese insbesondere unter rotatorischer Dauerbelastung unterlegen und erreichen nicht die Stabilität eines anderen neuartigen minimalinvasiven Systems.


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ABSTRACT Varying pulmonary shunt fractions during the respiratory cycle cause oxygen oscillations during mechanical ventilation. In artificially damaged lungs, cyclical recruitment of atelectasis is responsible for varying shunt according to published evidence. We introduce a complimentary hypothesis that cyclically varying shunt in healthy lungs is caused by cyclical redistribution of pulmonary perfusion. Administration of crystalloid or colloid infusions would decrease oxygen oscillations if our hypothesis was right. Therefore, n = 14 mechanically ventilated healthy pigs were investigated in 2 groups: crystalloid (fluid) versus no-fluid administration. Additional volume interventions (colloid infusion, blood withdrawal) were carried out in each pig. Intra-aortal PaO(2) oscillations were recorded using fluorescence quenching technique. Phase shift of oxygen oscillations during altered inspiratory to expiratory (I:E) ventilation ratio and electrical impedance tomography (EIT) served as control methods to exclude that recruitment of atelectasis is responsible for oxygen oscillations. In hypovolemia relevant oxygen oscillations could be recorded. Fluid and volume state changed PaO(2) oscillations according to our hypothesis. Fluid administration led to a mean decline of 105.3 mmHg of the PaO(2) oscillations amplitude (P < 0.001). The difference of the amplitudes between colloid administration and blood withdrawal was 62.4 mmHg in pigs not having received fluids (P = 0.0059). Fluid and volume state also changed the oscillation phase during altered I:E ratio. EIT excluded changes of regional ventilation (i.e., recruitment of atelectasis) to be responsible for these oscillations. In healthy pigs, cyclical redistribution of pulmonary perfusion can explain the size of respiratory-dependent PaO(2) oscillations.


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The process of transition has brought an urgent need to develop many new market-oriented institutions or in some cases to reconstruct existing ones. One of the most important institutions of western-type economies is a central bank. It fulfils several "public good" functions, the most important of which are the achievement of stable price levels and assuring the financial stability of the economy. Nevertheless, even in economies with a long-standing market tradition, the question of whether a central bank is able to stimulate economic activity or whether all its cyclical actions lead only to changes in price levels remains open. The main purpose of this analysis was to empirically prove or disprove the relation between monetary policy and economic activity in more advanced transition countries. Basing his findings on commonly used econometric methods (causality tests, VAR modelling and simulations, simultaneous equations models), Delakorda concludes that the relation between money and economic activity is a mutual one, as there are significant differences between different countries in the conduct of monetary policy and in the environment of central banks. It is the latter which determines the relation between money and economic activity.


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Galina Kovaleva. The Formation of the Exchange Rate on the Russian Market: Dynamics and Modelling. The Russian financial market is fast becoming one of the major sectors of the Russian economy. Assets have been increasing steadily, while new market segments and new financial market instruments have emerged. Kovaleva attempted to isolate the factors influencing exchange rates, determine patterns in the dynamic changes to the rouble/dollar exchange rate, construct models of the processes, and on the basis of these activities make forecasts. She studied the significance of economic indicators influencing the rouble/dollar exchange rate at different times, and developed multi-factor econometric models. In order to reveal the inner structure of the financial indicators and to work out ex-post forecasts for different time intervals, she carried out a series of calculations with the aim of constructing trend-cyclical (TC) and harmonic models, and Box and Jenkins models. She found that: 1. The Russian financial market is dependant on the rouble/dollar exchange rate. Its dynamics are formed under the influence of the short-term state treasury notes and government bonds markets, interbank loans, the rouble/DM exchange rate, the inflation rate, and the DM/dollar exchange rate. The exchange rate is influenced by sales on the Moscow Interbank Currency Exchange and the mechanism of those sales. 2. The TC model makes it possible to conduct an in-depth study of the structure of the processes and to make forecasts of the dynamic changes to currency indicators. 3. The Russian market is increasingly influenced by the world currency market and its prospects are of crucial interest for the world financial community.


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BACKGROUND: Cyclic recruitment during mechanical ventilation contributes to ventilator associated lung injury. Two different pathomechanisms in acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) are currently discussed: alveolar collapse vs persistent flooding of small airways and alveoli. We compare two different ARDS animal models by computed tomography (CT) to describe different recruitment and derecruitment mechanisms at different airway pressures: (i) lavage-ARDS, favouring alveolar collapse by surfactant depletion; and (ii) oleic acid ARDS, favouring alveolar flooding by capillary leakage. METHODS: In 12 pigs [25 (1) kg], ARDS was randomly induced, either by saline lung lavage or oleic acid (OA) injection, and 3 animals served as controls. A respiratory breathhold manoeuvre without spontaneous breathing at different continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) was applied in random order (CPAP levels of 5, 10, 15, 30, 35 and 50 cm H(2)O) and spiral-CT scans of the total lung were acquired at each CPAP level (slice thickness=1 mm). In each spiral-CT the volume of total lung parenchyma, tissue, gas, non-aerated, well-aerated, poorly aerated, and over-aerated lung was calculated. RESULTS: In both ARDS models non-aerated lung volume decreased significantly from CPAP 5 to CPAP 50 [oleic acid lung injury (OAI): 346.9 (80.1) to 96.4 (48.8) ml, P<0.001; lavage-ARDS: 245 17.6) to 42.7 (4.8) ml, P<0.001]. In lavage-ARDS poorly aerated lung volume decreased at higher CPAP levels [232 (45.2) at CPAP 10 to 84 (19.4) ml at CPAP 50, P<0.001] whereas in OAI poorly aerated lung volume did not vary at different airway pressures. CONCLUSIONS: In both ARDS models well-aerated and non-aerated lung volume respond to different CPAP levels in a comparable fashion: Thus, a cyclical alveolar collapse seems to be part of the derecruitment process also in the OA-ARDS. In OA-ARDS, the increase in poorly aerated lung volume reflects the specific initial lesion, that is capillary leakage with interstitial and alveolar oedema.


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Cyclical recruitment of atelectasis with each breath is thought to contribute to ventilator-associated lung injury. Extrinsic positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEPe) can maintain alveolar recruitment at end exhalation, but PEEPe depresses cardiac output and increases overdistension. Short exhalation times can also maintain end-expiratory recruitment, but if the mechanism of this recruitment is generation of intrinsic PEEP (PEEPi), there would be little advantage compared with PEEPe. In seven New Zealand White rabbits, we compared recruitment from increased respiratory rate (RR) to recruitment from increased PEEPe after saline lavage. Rabbits were ventilated in pressure control mode with a fraction of inspired O(2) (Fi(O(2))) of 1.0, inspiratory-to-expiratory ratio of 2:1, and plateau pressure of 28 cmH(2)O, and either 1) high RR (24) and low PEEPe (3.5) or 2) low RR (7) and high PEEPe (14). We assessed cyclical lung recruitment with a fast arterial Po(2) probe, and we assessed average recruitment with blood gas data. We measured PEEPi, cardiac output, and mixed venous saturation at each ventilator setting. Recruitment achieved by increased RR and short exhalation time was nearly equivalent to recruitment achieved by increased PEEPe. The short exhalation time at increased RR, however, did not generate PEEPi. Cardiac output was increased on average 13% in the high RR group compared with the high PEEPe group (P < 0.001), and mixed venous saturation was consistently greater in the high RR group (P < 0.001). Prevention of end-expiratory derecruitment without increased end-expiratory pressure suggests that another mechanism, distinct from intrinsic PEEP, plays a role in the dynamic behavior of atelectasis.


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Glucocorticosteroid-induced spinal osteoporosis (GIOP) is the most frequent of all secondary types of osteoporosis. The understanding of the pathophysiology of glucocorticoid (GC) induced bone loss is of crucial importance for appropriate treatment and prevention of debilitating fractures that occur predominantly in the spine. GIOP results from depressed bone formation due to lower activity and higher death rate of osteoblasts on the one hand, and from increase bone resorption due to prolonged lifespan of osteoclasts on the other. In addition, calcium/phosphate metabolism may be disturbed through GC effects on gut, kidney, parathyroid glands and gonads. Therefore, therapeutic agents aim at restoring balanced bone cell activity by directly decreasing apoptosis rate of osteoblasts (e.g., cyclical parathyroid hormone) or by increasing apoptosis rate of osteoclasts (e.g., bisphosphonates). Other therapeutical efforts aim at maintaining/restoring calcium/phosphate homeostasis: improving intestinal calcium absorption (using calcium supplementation, vitamin D and derivates) and avoiding increased urinary calcium loss (using thiazides) prevent or counteract a secondary hyperparthyroidism. Bisphosphonates, particularly the aminobisphosphonates risedronate and alendronate, have been shown to protect patients on GCs from (further) bone loss to reduce vertebral fracture risk. Calcitonin may be of interest in situation where bisphosphonates are contraindicated or not applicable and in cases where acute pain due to vertebral fracture has to be manage. The intermittent administration of 1-34-parathormone may be an appealing treatment alternative, based on its documented anabolic effects on bone resulting from the reduction of osteoblastic apoptosis. Calcium and vitamin D should be a systematic adjunctive measure to any drug treatment for GIOP. Based on currently available evidence, fluoride, androgens, estrogens (opposed or unopposed) cannot be recommended for the prevention and treatment of GIOP. However, substitution of gonadal hormones may be indicated if GC-induced hypogonadism is present and leads to clinical symptoms. Data using the SERM raloxifene to treat or prevent GIOP are lacking, as are data using the promising bone anabolic agent strontium ranelate. Kyphoplasty performed in appropriately selected osteoporotic patients with painful vertebral fractures is a promising addition to current medical treatment.


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As environmental problems became more complex, policy and regulatory decisions become far more difficult to make. The use of science has become an important practice in the decision making process of many federal agencies. Many different types of scientific information are used to make decisions within the EPA, with computer models becoming especially important. Environmental models are used throughout the EPA in a variety of contexts and their predictive capacity has become highly valued in decision making. The main focus of this research is to examine the EPA’s Council for Regulatory Modeling (CREM) as a case study in addressing science issues, particularly models, in government agencies. Specifically, the goal was to answer the following questions: What is the history of the CREM and how can this information shed light on the process of science policy implementation? What were the goals of implementing the CREM? Were these goals reached and how have they changed? What have been the impediments that the CREM has faced and why did these impediments occur? The three main sources of information for this research came from observations during summer employment with the CREM, document review and supplemental interviews with CREM participants and other members of the modeling community. Examining a history of modeling at the EPA, as well as a history of the CREM, provides insight into the many challenges that are faced when implementing science policy and science policy programs. After examining the many impediments that the CREM has faced in implementing modeling policies, it was clear that the impediments fall into two separate categories, classic and paradoxical. The classic impediments include the more standard impediments to science policy implementation that might be found in any regulatory environment, such as lack of resources and changes in administration. Paradoxical impediments are cyclical in nature, with no clear solution, such as balancing top-down versus bottom-up initiatives and coping with differing perceptions. These impediments, when not properly addressed, severely hinder the ability for organizations to successfully implement science policy.


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Madagascar’s terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems have long supported a unique set of ecological communities, many of whom are endemic to the tropical island. Those same ecosystems have been a source of valuable natural resources to some of the poorest people in the world. Nevertheless, with pride, ingenuity and resourcefulness, the Malagasy people of the southwest coast, being of Vezo identity, subsist with low development fishing techniques aimed at an increasingly threatened host of aquatic seascapes. Mangroves, sea grass bed, and coral reefs of the region are under increased pressure from the general populace for both food provisions and support of economic opportunity. Besides purveyors and extractors, the coastal waters are also subject to a number of natural stressors, including cyclones and invasive, predator species of both flora and fauna. In addition, the aquatic ecosystems of the region are undergoing increased nutrient and sediment runoff due, in part, to Madagascar’s heavy reliance on land for agricultural purposes (Scales, 2011). Moreover, its coastal waters, like so many throughout the world, have been proven to be warming at an alarming rate over the past few decades. In recognizing the intimate interconnectedness of the both the social and ecological systems, conservation organizations have invoked a host of complimentary conservation and social development efforts with the dual aim of preserving or restoring the health of both the coastal ecosystems and the people of the region. This paper provides a way of thinking more holistically about the social-ecological system within a resiliency frame of understanding. Secondly, it applies a platform known as state-and-transition modeling to give form to the process. State-and-transition modeling is an iterative investigation into the physical makeup of a system of study as well as the boundaries and influences on that state, and has been used in restorative ecology for more than a decade. Lastly, that model is sited within an adaptive management scheme that provides a structured, cyclical, objective-oriented process for testing stakeholders cognitive understanding of the ecosystem through a pragmatic implementation and monitoring a host of small-scale interventions developed as part of the adaptive management process. Throughout, evidence of the application of the theories and frameworks are offered, with every effort made to retool conservation-minded development practitioners with a comprehensive strategy for addressing the increasingly fragile social-ecological systems of southwest Madagascar. It is offered, in conclusion, that the seascapes of the region would be an excellent case study worthy of future application of state-and-transition modeling and adaptive management as frameworks for conservation-minded development practitioners whose multiple projects, each with its own objective, have been implemented with a single goal in mind: preserve and protect the state of the supporting environment while providing for the basic needs of the local Malagasy people.


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The process of blood vessel proliferation, known as angiogenesis, is essential during embryonic development and organogenesis. In adult life, it participates in normal tissue repair, wound healing, and cyclical growth of the corpus luteum and the endometrium. Crucial as it is, angiogenesis can become pathological, and abnormal angiogenesis contributes to the pathogenesis of inflammatory and neoplasic diseases. The present review highlights the evidence for the role of angiogenesis in HCC (hepatocellular carcinoma) and discusses the increasing importance of inhibitors of angiogenesis in HCC therapy.