Samples of zooplankton were collected in the Barents Sea during cruise 11 of R/V Akademik Sergey Vavilov in September-October 1997. Three different sampling methods were used: 30 l bottle, Judey net, and BR net. More than 40 species of zooplankton were revealed. The greatest species diversity occurred in zones of junction of waters of different origin. Within the 100 m upper water layer zooplankton biomass was rather high: aver. 32 g/m**2. The highest biomass was observed in the northeastern part of the region under study and over the shelf of the Russkaya Gavan' Bay. The lowest biomass occurred in the southern part and in the region of the Gusinaya Banka. The average autumn value of zooplankton biomass in the 100 m upper layer (321 mg/m**3) slightly exceeded the multiannual average for the summer period (200 mg/m**3)
Silicoflagellates ranging from middle Eocene to middle Miocene in age are present in Ocean Drilling Program Hole 1219A. The hole was drilled 250.8 meters below seafloor of which an ~120 m section primarily composed of nannofossil ooze with variable radiolarian and clay content is early Miocene and Oligocene in age, and a 95-m section is Eocene radiolarian and zeolithic clays, radiolarian and diatom oozes, and nannofossil oozes and chalks. A total of 150 samples were studied at a sample interval of one per section. Diversity of silicoflagellates is moderate, and the preservation is good. Abundance is generally low, with many samples barren of silicoflagellates, but 31 species and subspecies were identified. One new species, Naviculopsis trigeminus, is described.
Errata for Ars pictoria, p. [8] of preliminaries. Errata for Appendix, p. 39.
Plates [25] and [26] etched, remainder engraved.
Includes index.
Inscripción en parte inferior: "E Tabula Romae in Capitolio asservata"
Inscripción en parte inferior: "Londini ex Tabula apud Comitem de Ofsory asservata"
Inscripción en parte inferior: "E Tabula Romae Burghesianis in Aedibus asservata"
Inscripción en parte inferior: "Romae ex Tabula in Aedibus Lancellotti"
Inscripción en parte inferior: "Romae in Aedibus Farnesianis depicta"
Vol. 2 includes the following reprints: Osservazioni sopra li libro della Felsina pittrice, per difesa di Raffaello da Urbino, dei Carraci e della loro scuola, pubblicate e divise in sette lettere da D. Vincenzo Vittoria ... Roma, Stamparia di G. Zenobj, 1703; Lettere familiari scritte ad un amico in difesa del conte Carlo Cesare Malvasia ... da Gio. Pietro Cavazzoni Zanotti, pittore ... Bologna, C. Pisarri, 1705; Dialogo di Gio. Pietro Cavazzoni Zanotti, pittore bolognese, in difesa di Guido Reni, steso in una lettera al Sig. dottor Girolamo Baruffaldi ... Venezia, A. Bortoli, 1710.
Vol. 13-14 have imprint date 1902.