Weighted mean depth of zooplankton during ALKOR cruise AL207

Autoria(s): Schulz, Jan; Hirche, Hans-Jürgen

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 55.288271 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: 15.780188 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 54.618833 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 14.998000 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 55.623667 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 16.494167 * DATE/TIME START: 2002-07-23T14:25:00 * DATE/TIME END: 2002-07-27T14:55:00 * MINIMUM ELEVATION: -95.0 m * MAXIMUM ELEVATION: -58.0 m




text/tab-separated-values, 567 data points










Schulz, Jan; Hirche, Hans-Jürgen (2007): Living below the halocline: strategies of deep-living species in the highly stratified brackish Bornholm Basin (central Baltic Basin). Journal of Plankton Research, 29(10), 881-894, doi:10.1093/plankt/fbm066


CC-BY: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported

Access constraints: unrestricted


Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Center for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven

Palavras-Chave #Acartia bifilosa, c1, weighted mean depth; Acartia bifilosa, c2, weighted mean depth; Acartia bifilosa, c3, weighted mean depth; Acartia bifilosa, c4, weighted mean depth; Acartia bifilosa, c5, weighted mean depth; Acartia bifilosa, female, weighted mean depth; Acartia bifilosa, male, weighted mean depth; Acartia bifilosa, nauplii, weighted mean depth; Acartia longiremis, c1, weighted mean depth; Acartia longiremis, c2, weighted mean depth; Acartia longiremis, c3, weighted mean depth; Acartia longiremis, c4, weighted mean depth; Acartia longiremis, c5, weighted mean depth; Acartia longiremis, female, weighted mean depth; Acartia longiremis, male, weighted mean depth; Acartia longiremis, nauplii, weighted mean depth; Acartia spp., damaged, weighted mean depth; Acartia spp., nauplii, weighted mean depth; Acartia tonsa, c5, weighted mean depth; Acartia tonsa, female, weighted mean depth; Acartia tonsa, male, weighted mean depth; AL207_1004-ZNET_9; AL207_955-ZNET_1; AL207_958-ZNET_2; AL207_968-ZNET_3; AL207_977-ZNET_4; AL207_979-ZNET_5; AL207_988-ZNET_6; AL207_998-ZNET_8; AL207/208; Alkor (1990); Appendicularia, weighted mean depth; Balanidae, cypris, weighted mean depth; Baltic Sea; BB0003; BB0006; BB0012; BB0021; BB0023; BB0026; BB0035; BB0045; Bivalvia, larvae, weighted mean depth; Bosmina, eggs, weighted mean depth; Bosmina, juvenile, weighted mean depth; Bosmina coregoni maritima, damaged, weighted mean depth; Bosmina coregoni maritima, weighted mean depth; Calculated, Ocean Sneakers Tool (Schulz, 2006); Centropages hamatus, c1, weighted mean depth; Centropages hamatus, c2, weighted mean depth; Centropages hamatus, c3, weighted mean depth; Centropages hamatus, c4, weighted mean depth; Centropages hamatus, c5, weighted mean depth; Centropages hamatus, female, weighted mean depth; Centropages hamatus, male, weighted mean depth; Centropages hamatus, nauplii, weighted mean depth; Cladocera, damaged, weighted mean depth; Coelenterata, weighted mean depth; Copepoda, damaged, weighted mean depth; Copepoda, eggs, weighted mean depth; Copepoda, egg sac, weighted mean depth; Date/Time of event; Elevation of event; Eurytemora hirundoides, c2, weighted mean depth; Eurytemora hirundoides, c3, weighted mean depth; Eurytemora hirundoides, c4, weighted mean depth; Eurytemora hirundoides, c5, weighted mean depth; Eurytemora hirundoides, female, weighted mean depth; Eurytemora hirundoides, male, weighted mean depth; Eurytemora hirundoides, nauplii, weighted mean depth; Eurytemora spp., c1, weighted mean depth; Eurytemora spp., c2, weighted mean depth; Eurytemora spp., c3, weighted mean depth; Eurytemora spp., c4, weighted mean depth; Eurytemora spp., c5, weighted mean depth; Eurytemora spp., female, weighted mean depth; Eurytemora spp., male, weighted mean depth; Eurytemora spp., nauplii, weighted mean depth; Evadne nordmanni, weighted mean depth; Event label; Foraminifera, weighted mean depth; Fritillaria borealis, weighted mean depth; Fritillaria spp., weighted mean depth; Gastropoda, larvae, weighted mean depth; GG02_09; Global Ocean Ecosystem Dynamics; GLOBEC; Harpacticoida, weighted mean depth; Invertebrata, eggs, weighted mean depth; Invertebrata, larvae, weighted mean depth; Keratella quadrata, weighted mean depth; Keratella spp., weighted mean depth; Latitude of event; Longitude of event; Microsetella spp., weighted mean depth; Nematoda, weighted mean depth; Oikopleura spp., weighted mean depth; Oithona similis, c1, weighted mean depth; Oithona similis, c2, weighted mean depth; Oithona similis, c3, weighted mean depth; Oithona similis, c4, weighted mean depth; Oithona similis, c5, weighted mean depth; Oithona similis, damaged, weighted mean depth; Oithona similis, female, weighted mean depth; Oithona similis, male, weighted mean depth; Oithona similis, nauplii, weighted mean depth; Paracalanus parvus, female, weighted mean depth; Pisces, eggs, weighted mean depth; Podon, juvenile, weighted mean depth; Podon intermedius, weighted mean depth; Podon leucartii, weighted mean depth; Podon spp., weighted mean depth; Polychaeta, larvae, weighted mean depth; Pseudocalanus spp., c1, weighted mean depth; Pseudocalanus spp., c2, weighted mean depth; Pseudocalanus spp., c3, weighted mean depth; Pseudocalanus spp., c4, weighted mean depth; Pseudocalanus spp., c5, weighted mean depth; Pseudocalanus spp., damaged, weighted mean depth; Pseudocalanus spp., female, weighted mean depth; Pseudocalanus spp., male, weighted mean depth; Pseudocalanus spp., nauplii, weighted mean depth; Rotatoria, eggs, weighted mean depth; Rotatoria, weighted mean depth; Rotifera-Synchaeta, weighted mean depth; Sample code/label; Synchaeta, eggs, weighted mean depth; Temora longicornis, c1, weighted mean depth; Temora longicornis, c2, weighted mean depth; Temora longicornis, c3, weighted mean depth; Temora longicornis, c4, weighted mean depth; Temora longicornis, c5, weighted mean depth; Temora longicornis, damaged, weighted mean depth; Temora longicornis, female, weighted mean depth; Temora longicornis, male, weighted mean depth; Temora longicornis, nauplii, weighted mean depth; Trochophora, weighted mean depth; ZNET; Zooplankton indeterminata, weighted mean depth; Zooplankton net
