949 resultados para Teachers Perspectives
This note reviews the political-scientific literature on European competition policy (ECP) in the 2000s. Based on a data set extracted from four well-known journals, and using an upfront methodology and explicit criteria, it analyzes the literature both quantitatively and qualitatively. On the quantitative side, it shows that, although a few sub-policy areas are still neglected, ECP is not the under-researched policy it used to be. On the qualitative side, the literature has greatly improved since the 1990s: Almost all articles now present a clear research question, and most advance specific theoretical claims/hypotheses. Yet, improvements can be made on research design, statistical testing, and, above all, state-of-the-art theorizing (e.g. in the game-theoretical treatment of delegation problems). Indeed, it is paradoxical that ECP specialists do not pay more attention to theoretical questions which are so central to the actual policy area they study.
Macrophages and muscle cells are the main targets for invasion of Trypanosoma cruzi. Ultrastructural studies of this phenomenon in vitro showed that invasion occurs by endocytosis, with attachment and internalization being mediated by different components capable of recognizing epi-or trypomastigotes (TRY). A parasitophorus vacuole was formed in both cell types, thereafter fusing with lysosomes. Then, the mechanism of T. cruzi invasion of host cells (HC) is essentially similar (during a primary infection in the abscence of a specific immune response), regardless of wether the target cell is a professional or a non-professional phagocytic cell. Using sugars, lectins, glycosidases, proteinases and proteinase inhibitors, we observed that the relative balance between exposed sialic acid and galactose/N-acetyl galactosamine (GAL) residues on the TRY surface, determines the parasite's capacity to invade HC, and that lectin-mediated phagocytosis with GAL specificity is important for internalization of T. cruzi into macrophages. On the other hand, GAL on the surface to heart muscle cells participate on TRY adhesion. TRY need to process proteolytically both the HC and their own surface, to expose the necessary ligands and receptors that allow binding to, and internalization in the host cell. The diverse range of molecular mechanisms which the parasite could use to invade the host cell may correspond to differences in the available "receptors"on the surface of each specific cell type. Acute phase components, with lectin or proteinase inhibitory activities (a-macroglobulins), may also be involved in T. cruzi-host cell interaction.
Despite opportunities for radiation provided by spatio-temporal isolation, the basic morphological plan of pulmonate snails has remained conservative. In consequence of the resulting dearth of morphological characters and their plasticity, there is a case for using biochemical characters such as exogenous chemicals released by the snails (e.g. amino acids) and their chemoreception niche as taxonomic aids to classify snails of medical importance. As these same chemicals are used by snails to distinguish conspecifics they could also be used as "environmental antibodies" in controlled release formulations (CRF's) designed to remove target snails in a specific, cost-effective and ecologically acceptable manner. The snails, surface-living bacteria, algae and macrophytic plants are considered as co-evolved, interactive modular systems with strong mutualistic elements. Recently, anthropogenic perturbations such as deforestation, and damming of flowing waters, have benefited these modules whereas others such as river canalization, acid deposition, accumulation of pesticide residues and eutrophication have harmed them. Research is needed to elucidate the factors which limit the growth of snails in primitive habitats, uninfluenced by man, as well as in those subject to harmful anthropogenic factors. The understanding thus gained could be applied to develop cost-effective primary health care strategies to reduce or prevent transmission of schistosomiasis and other water related diseases.
In recent years, the strategy for the control of schistosomiasis has placed increased emphasis on the role of health education, public information, and communication. This should, not only bring about specific changes in behavior aiming at disease prevention, but also stimulate participation of the community in health programs. Beyond this, it is desirable that both community members and researchers should seek better life conditions through a transformative social action. The present paper addresses these concerns; first, by critically reviewing some health education programs that were developed in Brazil, and, secondly, by analyzing and suggesting ways to improve this area.
Attempts to control schistosomiasis have hitherto involved the use of one or more of the following methods, either in isolation or in combination: (1) control of the intermediate host using molluscicides or biological methods; (2) basic sanitation and clean water supply; (3) health education; (4) individual or mass treatment; (5) protection of individuals in such a way as to prevent cercariae from penetrating the skin; (6) vaccine-based strategies against schistosomiasis. None of these methods is capable, on its own, of bringing about effective control of schistosomiasis, except in populations of a very limited size or under very special conditions. Molluscicides, besides expensive and toxic, have only a temporary effect. As for biological control, there is no effective method yet. Basic sanitation and clean water supply combined with health education potentially constitute the most effective approach, but only in the mid-to-long term. Mass treatment reduces morbidity, but does not control transmission. Protection of individuals has proved to be impracticable on a large scale. Vaccine-based strategies against schistosomiasis are still in the experimental stage. Experiments carried out in Brazil in the last 20 years have shown that mass treatment with single doses of oxamniquine or praziquantel can rapidly reduce levels of Shistosoma mansoni infection and morbidity in endemic areas. They have also shown that subsequent transmission and reinfection frequently occur in defined foci or "clusters", due to human contact with water, and in inverse proportion to the number and frequency of treatments carried out. On the basis of these experiments, the author suggests a multidisciplinary strategy for schistosomiasis control.
This book explores the perceptions of academic staff and representatives of institutional leadership about the changes in academic careers and academic work experienced in recent years. It emphasizes standardization and differentiation of academic career paths, impact of new forms of quality management on academic work, changes in recruitment, employment and working conditions, and academics' perceptions of their professional contexts. The book demonstrates a growing diversity within the academic profession and new professional roles inhabiting a space which is neither located in the core business of teaching and research nor at the top level management and leadership. The new higher education professionals tend to be important change agents within the higher education institutions not only fulfilling service and bridging functions but also streamlining academic work to make a contribution to the reputation and competitiveness of the institutions as a whole. Based on interviews with academic staff, this book explores the situation in eight European countries: Austria, Croatia, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Romania, and Switzerland.
AIM OF THE PAPER: Arouse the reflection with a fiction having a scientific appearance, presenting a late and unexpected complication of the universal inactivation of pathogens. CONCLUSION: Such a fiction story opens the debate on a series of fundamental questions that could be addressed during the paradigm shift that is expected by introducing universal pathogen inactivation of blood products.
This research project gathers several ideas and guidelines on professional improvement as a teacher. This study includes two empirical studies. The first one focuses mainly on the teacher's figure. It is meant to be a study of the several resources that the teacher uses in order to construct the student's knowledge in an English classroom context. The second empirical study focuses on the students. It is a study on how students learn cooperatively by analyzing their oral productions when working in small groups
This research project analyzes the reactions the teacher has on students' responses. Different techniques as discourse markers, types of questions and repair sequences are taken into account, but the author puts a special emphasis on non-verbal communication. To be aware of all these ways of reacting in a class interaction is essential for an adequate task monitoring
Aquest projecte pretén incorporar a la titulació d’Enginyeria Tècnica en Química Industrial les competències transversals amb què hauran de comptar els futurs enginyers perquè entrin en el món laboral amb tots els requisits tècnics i competencials que requereixen els canvis dels models educatius (crèdits ECTS) i la canviant situació laboral en l’àmbit de la Unió Europea. La incorporació de competències transversals en les assignatures del pla d’estudis és un dels eixos bàsics plantejats en el Pla Estratègic 2005-2009 de l’Escola Universitària d’Enginyeria Tècnica Industrial d’Igualada. Aquest procés s’ha portat a terme en quatre fases: Disseny: Implicar els empresaris en el disseny de programes de formació que capacitin els estudiant en les competències que demana el mercat de treball. Presentació: Sensibilitzar els professors i els alumnes de la importància de desenvolupar competències transversals dins del marc actual i futur de l’ensenyament. Planificació de les assignatures: Portar a terme la incorporació de competències transversals de forma gradual des del primer curs i donar suport i formació a tot el professorat. Difusió: Divulgar la important transformació que s’està realitzant a l’Escola dins de l’àmbit de la nova implantació de competències transversals per formar als enginyers per tal de fer-los més competitius. Per a aconseguir l’adaptació de les assignatures del pla d’estudis a les noves directrius de l’EEES s’ha treballat des de dues vessants: a) introduint canvis metodològics en la forma d’impartir les assignatures per part del professorat per permetre la incorporació de competències transversals, com ara el treball en equip, a través de l’aprenentatge basat en projectes, i la competència lingüística en anglès, a partir de la introducció de l’anglès a l’aula, i b) adaptant al nou sistema la documentació associada a les matèries que s’imparteixen: guia docent, guies de les assignatures, etc.