951 resultados para Stratigraphic and structural controls
The biochemical and functional characterization of wasp venom toxins is an important prerequisite for the development of new tools both for the therapy of the toxic reactions due to envenomation caused by multiple stinging accidents and also for the diagnosis and therapy of allergic reactions caused by this type of venom. PLA(1) was purified from the venom of the neotropical social wasp Polybia paulista by using molecular exclusion and cation exchange chromatographies; its amino acid sequence was determined by using automated Edman degradation and compared to the sequences of other vespid venom PLA(1)'s. The enzyme exists as a 33,961.40 da protein, which was identified as a lipase of the GX class, liprotein lipase superfamily, pancreatic lipases (ab20.3) homologous family and RP2 sub-group of phospholipase. P. paulista PLA(1) is 53-82% identical to the phospholipases from wasp species from Northern Hemisphere. The use restrained-based modeling permitted to describe the 3-D structure of the enzyme, revealing that its molecule presents 23% alpha-helix, 28% beta-sheet and 49% coil. The protein structure has the alpha/beta fold common to many lipases; the core consists of a tightly packed beta-sheet constituted of six-stranded parallel and one anti-parallel beta-strand, surrounded by four alpha-helices. P. paulista PLA(1) exhibits direct hemolytic action against washed red blood cells with activity similar to the Cobra cardiotoxin from Naja naja atra. In addition to this, PLA(1) was immunoreactive to specific IgE from the sera of P. paulista-sensitive patients. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
One of the most studied ceramic superconductors for application has been, undoubtedly, Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta. Although being a multiphasic material, it has proved to have great advantages compared to other ceramic systems. Measurements of the elastic energy loss and modulus (anelastic spectroscopy) as a function of temperature call distinguish among different atomic jumps that occur inside the various phases or at different local ordering. In this paper, mechanical loss spectra of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+delta bar shaped samples, made by a conventional method, have been measured between 80 and 600 K, using a torsion pendulum operating in frequencies below 50 Hz, for samples annealed in vacuum up to 600 K. Possible relaxation mechanisms are proposed to explain the origin of the mechanical-loss peaks observed 300 and 500 K. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We have utilized infra-red and optical absorption measurements, grazing incidence X-ray diffraction (GIXRD) and extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) measurements to investigate the influence of hydrogenation on the optical and structural properties of GaAs thin films prepared by rf-magnetron sputtering. Hydrogenation induces distinct changes in the optical properties, namely shifts in the absorption edges and reduction of the Urbach energy. Such modifications are correlated to a reduction in structural disorder as determined by EXAFS and the increase of crystallinity determined by GIXRD. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
New glasses have been prepared in the oxifluoride mixed system TeO2-PbF2-CdF2. Starting from pure TeO2 the addition of the fluorides leads to a decrease in the glasses characteristic temperatures. Also from Raman scattering results a structural evolution was observed where the number of structural units described as [TeO3] trigonal pyramids and [TeO3+1] polyhedra increases at the expense of the [TeO4] trigonal bipyramids supposed to exist in the TeO2, rich samples. Transparent glass ceramics were obtained from the glass with composition 80TeO(2)-10PbF(2)-10CdF(2), (mol%) with the PbTe3O7 crystalline phase being identified by X-ray diffraction and EXAFS measurements performed at the Te K, Cd K and Pb L-III edges. Also from Exafs measurements it is proposed that cadmium ions are preferentially surrounded by oxygen atoms although they were in a fluoride anion environment in the starting material. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier B.V. Ltd.
The polymeric precursor method was successfully used to synthesize CoxZn7-xSbO12 (x = 0-7) powders. Pigments were evaluated using colorimetry, X-ray diffraction, UV-vis and infrared spectroscopy. The optical band gap values vary with the Co2+ substitution. These results suggest that the concomitant presence of Co and Zn in the spinel lattice leads to the rupture of the Vegard law, as well as other properties of the studied system, such as unit cell volume. The Co-richer samples display a higher absorbance than the Co-lean samples. The high absorption of the Co7Sb2O12 sample at most of the visible region makes this compound a candidate for a black pigment. It was shown that color depends on the site where the chromophore ion is located, in agreement with the ligand field theory. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Superconductor films of the BSCCO system have been grown by dip coating technique with good success. The chemical method allows us to grow high temperature superconductor thin films to get better control of stoichiometry, large areas and is cheaper than other methods. There is a great technological interest in growth oriented superconductor films due anisotropic characteristics of superconductor materials of high critical temperature, specifically the cuprates, as we know that the orientation may increase the electrical transport properties. Based on this, the polymeric precursor method has been used to obtain thin films of the BSCCO system. In this work we have applied that method together with the deposition technique known as dip coating to obtain Bi-based superconductor thin films, specifically, Bi1.6Pb0.4Sr2.0C2.0Cu3.0Ox+8, also known as 2223 phase with a critical temperature around 110 K. The films with multilayers have been grown on crystalline substrates of LaAlO3 and orientated (100) after being heat treated around 790 degrees C - 820 degrees C in lapse time of 1 hour in a controlled atmosphere. XRD measurements have shown the presence of a crystalline phase 2212 with a critical temperature around 85 K with (001) orientation, as well as a small fraction of 2223 phase. SEM has shown a low uniformity and some cracks that maybe related to the applied heat treatment. WDS has also been used to study the films composition. Different heat treatments have been used with the aim to increase the percentage of 2223 phase. Measurements of resistivity confirmed the presence of at least two crystalline phases, 2212 and 2223, with T-c around 85 K and 110 K, respectively.
Mononuclear pyrazolyl Pd(II) complexes of the type [PdX2(phmPz)(2)] (X = Cl-, N-3(-)) have been prepared. The 1-phenyl-3-methylpyrazole displaces acetonitrile from [PdCl2(CH3CN)(2)] to form [PdCl2(PhMPz)(2)] (phmPz = 1-phenyl-3-methylpyrazole) (1). [Pd(N-3)(2)(PhmPz)(2)] (2) could be obtained by metathesis from [PdCl2(CH3CN)(2)] or by substitution of the chloride in (1) by the azide ion. Both complexes were characterized by elemental analysis, infrared spectroscopy, H-1 and C-13 NMR and by single crystal X-ray diffraction. The coordination geometry around Pd(II) in these complexes is nearly square-planar, with the ligands in a trans configuration.
The sols produced by admixture of ZrOCl2 acidified solutions to hot H2SO4 aqueous solutions were studied to clarify the effects of Cl- and SO42- ions on the kinetic stability of nanoparticles and to obtain some new evidence concerning the mechanism of a thermoreversible sol-gel transition observed in this system. The study of suspensions prepared with different molar ratios R-S = [Zr]/[SO42-] and R-Cl = [Zr]/[Cl-] revealed domains of composition of formation of thermoreversible gels, thermostable sols, and powder precipitation. The effects of R-S and R-Cl on the structural features of nanoparticles and on the particle solution interface were systematically analyzed for samples of thermoreversible and thermostable sol domains. Small-angle X-ray scattering measurements revealed the presence of small fractal aggregates in all samples of thermoreversible domains, while compact packing aggregates of primary particles are present in the thermostable sol. Extended X-ray absorption fine structure and elemental chemical analysis revealed that irrespective of the nominal value of R-S and R-Cl all studied samples of the thermoreversible domain are constituted by a well-defined compound possessing an inner core made of hydroxyl and oxo groups bridging together zirconium atoms surrounded on the surface by complexing sulfate ligands. zeta potentials of powders extracted by freeze-drying from the thermoreversible gel revealed a point of surface charge inversion attributed to the specific adsorption of SO42- ion. Thermoreversible gel formation is rationalized by considering the effect of the specific adsorption on the electrical double-layer repulsion together with the temperature dependency of the physical chemical properties of ions in solution.
Thin films of barium and strontium titanate (BST), synthesized by the polymeric precursor solution and spin coated on [Pt (140nm)/Ti (10 nM)/SiO2(1000 nm)/Si] substrates were found to be photoluminescent at room temperature when heat treated below 973 K, i.e. before their crystallization. First principles quantum mechanical techniques, based on density functional theory (DFT) were employed to study the electronic structure of two periodic models: one is standing for the crystalline BST thin film and the other one for the structurally disordered thin film. The aim is to compare the photoluminescence (PL) spectra of the crystalline and disordered thin films with their UV-vis spectra and with their computed electronic structures. The calculations show that new localized states are created inside the band gap of the crystalline model, as predicted by the UV-vis spectra. The study of the charge repartition in the structure before and after deformation of the periodic model shows that a charge gradient appears among the titanate clusters. This charge gradient, together with the new localized levels, gives favorable conditions for the trapping of holes and electrons in the structure, and thus to a radiative recombination process. Our models are not only consistent with the experimental data, they also allow to explain the relations between structural disorder and photoluminescence at room temperature. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The structural and electronic properties of SrZrO3 selected surfaces were investigated by means of density functional theory applied to periodic calculations at B3LYP level. The relaxation effects for two symmetric and asymmetric terminations are analyzed. The electronic and energy band properties are discussed on the basis of band structure as well density of states. There is a more significant rumpling in the SrO as compared to the ZrO2 terminated surfaces. The calculated indirect gap is 4.856, 4.562, 4.637 eV for bulk, ZrO2 and asymmetric terminations, respectively. The gap becomes direct; 4.536 eV; for SrO termination. The contour in the (110) diagonal plane indicates a partial covalent character between Zr and 0 atoms for the SrO terminated surface. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Polycrystalline tin oxide thin films were prepared from ethanol solution of SnCl2.H2O (concentrations: 0.05, 0.1, 0.2 and 0.4 mol/dm(3)) at different substrate temperatures ranging from 300 to 450 degreesC. The kinetic deposition processes were studied in terms of various process parameters. The crystal phases, crystalline structure, grain size and surface morphology are revealed in accordance to X-ray diffractometry and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Texture coefficients (TCs) for (110), (2 0 0), (2 11) and (3 0 1) reflections of the tetragonal SnO2 were calculated. Structural characteristics of deposited films with respect to varying precursor chemistry and substrate temperature are presented and discussed. (C) 2003 Published by Elsevier B.V.
SnO2-based materials are used as sensors, catalysts and in electro-optical devices. This work aims to synthesize and characterize the SnO2/Sb2O3-based inorganic pigments, obtained by the polymeric precursor method, also known as Pechini method (based on the metallic citrate polymerization by means of ethylene glycol). The precursors were characterized by thermogravimetry (TG) and differential thermal analysis (DTA). After characterization, the precursors were heat-treated at different temperatures and characterized by X-ray diffraction. According to the TG/DTA curves basically two-step mass loss process was observed: the first one is related to the dehydration of the system; and the second one is representative to the combustion of the organic matter. Increase of the heat treatment temperature from 500 to 600 degrees C and 700 degrees C resulted higher crystallinity of the formed product.
The compound (1,10-phenanthroline)(thiocyanate-N)(triphenylphosphine)copper(I), was synthesized and studied by IR spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction techniques. It is monomeric with the thiocyanate acting as a N-donor ligand. The copper atom shows a distorted tetrahedral coordination geometry.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)