867 resultados para Segregated lipid domains
Development of cardiac hypertrophy and progression to heart failure entails profound changes in myocardial metabolism, characterized by a switch from fatty acid utilization to glycolysis and lipid accumulation. We report that hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)1alpha and PPARgamma, key mediators of glycolysis and lipid anabolism, respectively, are jointly upregulated in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and cooperate to mediate key changes in cardiac metabolism. In response to pathologic stress, HIF1alpha activates glycolytic genes and PPARgamma, whose product, in turn, activates fatty acid uptake and glycerolipid biosynthesis genes. These changes result in increased glycolytic flux and glucose-to-lipid conversion via the glycerol-3-phosphate pathway, apoptosis, and contractile dysfunction. Ventricular deletion of Hif1alpha in mice prevents hypertrophy-induced PPARgamma activation, the consequent metabolic reprogramming, and contractile dysfunction. We propose a model in which activation of the HIF1alpha-PPARgamma axis by pathologic stress underlies key changes in cell metabolism that are characteristic of and contribute to common forms of heart disease.
To reliably differentiate among Staphylococcus aureus isolates we recently developed the Double Locus Sequence Typing (DLST) based on the analysis of partial sequences of clfB and spa genes. This method is highly discriminatory and gives unambiguous definition of types. The highly clonal population structure of S. aureus suggests that isolates with identical clfB or spa alleles belong to the same clonal complex (CC) defined by Multi-Locus Sequence Typing (MLST). To test this hypothesis as well as to investigate putative intra-CC genetic structure, we analyzed a total of 289 isolates (186 MSSA and 103 MRSA) with DLST-, spa- and MLST-typing. Among the 289 strains, 242 were clustered into 7 major MLST CCs, 40 into minor CCs and 7 were not grouped into CCs. A total of 205 DLST- and 129 spa-types were observed. With one exception, all DLST-clfB, DLST-spa and spa-type alleles were segregated into CCs. DLST-types sharing an identical allele (clfB or spa) were clustered using eBURST. Except for one strain, all isolates from each DLST cluster belonged to the same CC. However, using both DLST- and spa-typing we were not able to disclose a clear intra-CC structure. Nevertheless, the high diversity of these loci confirmed that they are good markers for local epidemiological investigations.
Caveolins are a crucial component of caveolae but have also been localized to the Golgi complex, and, under some experimental conditions, to lipid bodies (LBs). The physiological relevance and dynamics of LB association remain unclear. We now show that endogenous caveolin-1 and caveolin-2 redistribute to LBs in lipid loaded A431 and FRT cells. Association with LBs is regulated and reversible; removal of fatty acids causes caveolin to rapidly leave the lipid body. We also show by subcellular fractionation, light and electron microscopy that during the first hours of liver regeneration, caveolins show a dramatic redistribution from the cell surface to the newly formed LBs. At later stages of the regeneration process (when LBs are still abundant), the levels of caveolins in LBs decrease dramatically. As a model system to study association of caveolins with LBs we have used brefeldin A (BFA). BFA causes rapid redistribution of endogenous caveolins to LBs and this association was reversed upon BFA washout. Finally, we have used a dominant negative LB-associated caveolin mutant (cavDGV) to study LB formation and to examine its effect on LB function. We now show that the cavDGV mutant inhibits microtubule-dependent LB motility and blocks the reversal of lipid accumulation in LBs.
Caveolins are a crucial component of plasma membrane (PM) caveolae but have also been localized to intracellular compartments, including the Golgi complex and lipid bodies. Mutant caveolins associated with human disease show aberrant trafficking to the PM and Golgi accumulation. We now show that the Golgi pool of mainly newly synthesized protein is detergent-soluble and predominantly in a monomeric state, in contrast to the surface pool. Caveolin at the PM is not recognized by specific caveolin antibodies unless PM cholesterol is depleted. Exit from the Golgi complex of wild-type caveolin-1 or -3, but not vesicular stomatitis virus-G protein, is modulated by changing cellular cholesterol levels. In contrast, a muscular dystrophy-associated mutant of caveolin-3, Cav3P104L, showed increased accumulation in the Golgi complex upon cholesterol treatment. In addition, we demonstrate that in response to fatty acid treatment caveolin can follow a previously undescribed pathway from the PM to lipid bodies and can move from lipid bodies to the PM in response to removal of fatty acids. The results suggest that cholesterol is a rate-limiting component for caveolin trafficking. Changes in caveolin flux through the exocytic pathway can therefore be an indicator of cellular cholesterol and fatty acid levels.
The basidiospores of Pisolithus sp. contain large amounts of lipids, indicating provision for future germination in the host rhizosphere. However, the accumulation, composition, and mobilization of lipids during formation and germination of these spores are largely unknown. In this study, lipid storage and fatty acid composition during basidiosporogenesis were analyzed in fresh basidiocarps using bright-field microscopy and gas chromatography. Abundant lipid bodies are found in the hyphae, basidia, and basidiospores of fungal basidiocarps. This evidences a considerable C transport in the basidiocarp to meet the C demand during basidiospore formation. Fatty acid composition analysis revealed the presence of 24 compounds with chains of 9 to 18 C atoms, either saturated or insaturated, with one or two insaturations. The fatty acid composition and content varied according to the developmental stage of the peridioles. In free basidiospores, the predominant compounds were 16:0, 16:1w5c, 18:1w9c, and 18:2w6,9c/18:0ante, at concentrations of 76, 46, 192, and 51 µg g-1 dry matter, respectively. Our results indicate that oleic acid is the major constituent of lipid reserves in Pisolithus sp. basidiospores. Further studies are being conducted to determine the factors that induce lipid mobilization during spore germination.
BACKGROUND: Because of the known relationship between exposure to combination antiretroviral therapy and cardiovascular disease (CVD), it has become increasingly important to intervene against risk of CVD in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients. We evaluated changes in risk factors for CVD and the use of lipid-lowering therapy in HIV-infected individuals and assessed the impact of any changes on the incidence of myocardial infarction. METHODS: The Data Collection on Adverse Events of Anti-HIV Drugs Study is a collaboration of 11 cohorts of HIV-infected patients that included follow-up for 33,389 HIV-infected patients from December 1999 through February 2006. RESULTS: The proportion of patients at high risk of CVD increased from 35.3% during 1999-2000 to 41.3% during 2005-2006. Of 28,985 patients, 2801 (9.7%) initiated lipid-lowering therapy; initiation of lipid-lowering therapy was more common for those with abnormal lipid values and those with traditional risk factors for CVD (male sex, older age, higher body mass index [calculated as the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in meters], family and personal history of CVD, and diabetes mellitus). After controlling for these, use of lipid-lowering drugs became relatively less common over time. The incidence of myocardial infarction (0.32 cases per 100 person-years [PY]; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.29-0.35 cases per 100 PY) appeared to remain stable. However, after controlling for changes in risk factors for CVD, the rate decreased over time (relative rate in 2003 [compared with 1999-2000], 0.73 cases per 100 PY [95% CI, 0.50-1.05 cases per 100 PY]; in 2004, 0.64 cases per 100 PY [95% CI, 0.44-0.94 cases per 100 PY]; in 2005-2006, 0.36 cases per 100 PY [95% CI, 0.24-0.56 cases per 100 PY]). Further adjustment for lipid levels attenuated the relative rates towards unity (relative rate in 2003 [compared with 1999-2000], 1.06 cases per 100 PY [95% CI, 0.63-1.77 cases per 100 PY]; in 2004, 1.02 cases per 100 PY [95% CI, 0.61-1.71 cases per 100 PY]; in 2005-2006, 0.63 cases per 100 PY [95% CI, 0.36-1.09 cases per 100 PY]). CONCLUSIONS: Although the CVD risk profile among patients in the Data Collection on Adverse Events of Anti-HIV Drugs Study has decreased since 1999, rates have remained relatively stable, possibly as a result of a more aggressive approach towards managing the risk of CVD.
In this paper we propose a novel unsupervised approach to learning domain-specific ontologies from large open-domain text collections. The method is based on the joint exploitation of Semantic Domains and Super Sense Tagging for Information Retrieval tasks. Our approach is able to retrieve domain specific terms and concepts while associating them with a set of high level ontological types, named supersenses, providing flat ontologies characterized by very high accuracy and pertinence to the domain.
Plants have acquired the ability for organized multicellular development independent from animals. Because of this, they represent an independent example in nature for the development of coordinated, complex cell polarity from the simple polarity found in unicellular eukaryotes. Plants display a striking array of polarized cell types, with different axes of polarity being defined in one cell. The most investigated and best understood aspect of plant polarity is the apical-basal polarity of the PIN family of auxin efflux facilitators, which are of crucial importance for the organization of the entire plant body. Striking differences exist between the PAR-polarity modules known in animals and the ways PINs polarize plant cells. Nonetheless, a common regulatory logic probably applies to all polarizing eukaryotic cells, which includes self-reinforcing, positive feedback loops, intricate interactions between membrane-attached proteins, lipid signatures, and the targeting of transmembrane proteins to the correct domains of the plasma membrane.
284 million people worldwide suffered from type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in 2010, which will, in approximately half of them, lead to the development of diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN). Although DPN is the most common complication of diabetes mellitus and the leading cause of non-traumatic amputations its pathophysiology is still poorly understood. To get more insight into the molecular mechanism underlying DPN in T2DM, I used a rodent model of T2DM, the db/db mice.¦ln vivo electrophysiological recordings of diabetic animals indicated that in addition to reduced nerve conduction velocity db/db mice also present increased nerve excitability. Further ex vivo evaluation of the electrophysiological properties of db/db nerves clearly established a presence of the peripheral nerve hyperexcitability (PNH) phenotype in diabetic animals. Using pharmacological inhibitors we demonstrated that PNH is mostly mediated by the decreased activity of Kv1 channels. ln agreement with these data 1 observed that the diabetic condition led to a reduced presence of the Kv1.2 subunits in juxtaparanodal regions of db/db peripheral nerves whereas its mANA and protein expression levels were not affected. Lmportantly, I confirmed a loss of juxtaparanodal Kv1.2 subunits in nerve biopsies from type 2 diabetic patients. Together these observations indicate that the type 2 diabetic condition leads to potassium-channel mediated changes of nerve excitability thus identifying them as potential drug targets to treat sorne of the DPN related symptoms.¦Schwann cells ensheath and isolate peripheral axons by the production of myelin, which consists of lipids and proteins in a ratio of 2:1. Peripheral myelin protein 2 (= P2, Pmp2 or FABP8) was originally described as one of the most abundant myelin proteins in the peripheral nervous system. P2, which is a member of the fatty acid binding protein (FABP) family, is a 14.8 kDa cytosolic protein expressed on the cytoplasmic side of compact myelin membranes. As indicated by their name, the principal role of FABPs is thought to be the binding and transport of fatty acids.¦To study its role in myelinating glial cells I have recently generated a complete P2 knockout mouse model (P2-/-). I confirmed the loss of P2 in the sciatic nerve of P2-/- mice at the mRNA and protein level. Electrophysiological analysis of the adult (P56) mutant mice revealed a mild but significant reduction in the motor nerve conduction velocity. lnterestingly, this functional change was not accompanied by any detectable alterations in general myelin structure. However, I have observed significant alterations in the mRNA expression level of other FABPs, predominantly FABP9, in the PNS of P2-/- mice as compared to age-matched P2+/+ mice indicating a role of P2 in the glial myelin lipid metabolism.¦Le diabète de type 2 touche 284 million de personnes dans le monde en 2010 et son évolution conduit dans la moitié des cas à une neuropathie périphérique diabétique. Bien que la neuropathie périphérique soit la complication la plus courante du diabète pouvant conduire jusqu'à l'amputation, sa physiopathologie est aujourd'hui encore mal comprise. Dans le but d'améliorer les connaissances moléculaires expliquant les mécanismes de la neuropathie liée au diabète de type 2, j'ai utilisé un modèle murin du diabète de type 2, les souris db/db.¦ln vivo, les enregistrements éléctrophysiologiques des animaux diabétiques montrent qu'en plus d'une diminution de la vitesse de conduction nerveuse, les souris db/db présentent également une augmentation de l'excitabilité nerveuse. Des mesures menées Ex vivo ont montré l'existence d'un phénotype d'hyperexcitabilité sur les nerfs périphériques isolés d'animaux diabétiques. Grâce à l'utilisation d'inhibiteurs pharmacologiques, nous avons pu démontrer que l'hyperexcitabilité démontrée était due à une réduction d'activité des canaux Kv1. En accord avec ces données, j'ai observé qu'une situation de diabète conduisait à une diminution des canaux Kv1.2 aux régions juxta-paranodales des nerfs périphériques db/db, alors que l'expression du transcrit et de la protéine restait stable. J'ai également confirmé l'absence de canaux Kv1.2 aux juxta-paranoeuds de biopsies de nerfs de patients diabétiques. L'ensemble de ces observations montrent que les nerfs périphériques chez les patients atteints de diabète de type 2 est due à une diminution des canaux potassiques rapides juxtaparanodaux les identifiant ainsi comme des cibles thérapeutiques potentielles.¦Les cellules de Schwann enveloppent et isolent les axones périphériques d'une membrane spécialisée, la myéline, composée de deux fois plus de lipides que de protéines. La protéine P2 (Pmp2 "peripheral myelin protein 2" ou FABP8 "fatty acid binding protein") est l'une des protéines les plus abondantes au système nerveux périphérique. P2 appartient à la famille de protéines FABP liant et transportant les acides gras et est une protéine cytosolique de 14,8 kDa exprimée du côté cytoplasmique de la myéline compacte.¦Afin d'étudier le rôle de P2 dans les cellules de Schwann myélinisantes, j'ai généré une souris knockout (P2-/-). Après avoir validé l'absence de transcrit et de protéine P2 dans les nerfs sciatiques P2-/-, des mesures électrophysiologiques ont montré une réduction modérée mais significative de la vitesse de conduction du nerf moteur périphérique. Il est important de noter que ces changements fonctionnels n'ont pas pu être associés à quelconque changement dans la structure de la myéline. Cependant, j'ai observé dans les nerfs périphériques P2-/-, une altération significative du niveau d'expression d'ARNm d'autres FABPs et en particulier FABP9. Ce dernier résultat démontre l'importance du rôle de la protéine P2 dans le métabolisme lipidique de la myéline.
A Monte Carlo study of the late time growth of L12-ordered domains in a fcc A3B binary alloy is presented. The energy of the alloy has been modeled by a nearest-neighbor interaction Ising Hamiltonian. The system exhibits a fourfold degenerated ground state and two kinds of interfaces separating ordered domains: flat and curved antiphase boundaries. Two different dynamics are used in the simulations: the standard atom-atom exchange mechanism and the more realistic vacancy-atom exchange mechanism. The results obtained by both methods are compared. In particular we study the time evolution of the excess energy, the structure factor and the mean distance between walls. In the case of atom-atom exchange mechanism anisotropic growth has been found: two characteristic lengths are needed in order to describe the evolution. Contrarily, with the vacancyatom exchange mechanism scaling with a single length holds. Results are contrasted with existing experiments in Cu3Au and theories for anisotropic growth.
Mutations in the coding sequence of SOX9 cause campomelic dysplasia (CD), a disorder of skeletal development associated with 46,XY disorders of sex development (DSDs). Translocations, deletions, and duplications within a ∼2 Mb region upstream of SOX9 can recapitulate the CD-DSD phenotype fully or partially, suggesting the existence of an unusually large cis-regulatory control region. Pierre Robin sequence (PRS) is a craniofacial disorder that is frequently an endophenotype of CD and a locus for isolated PRS at ∼1.2-1.5 Mb upstream of SOX9 has been previously reported. The craniofacial regulatory potential within this locus, and within the greater genomic domain surrounding SOX9, remains poorly defined. We report two novel deletions upstream of SOX9 in families with PRS, allowing refinement of the regions harboring candidate craniofacial regulatory elements. In parallel, ChIP-Seq for p300 binding sites in mouse craniofacial tissue led to the identification of several novel craniofacial enhancers at the SOX9 locus, which were validated in transgenic reporter mice and zebrafish. Notably, some of the functionally validated elements fall within the PRS deletions. These studies suggest that multiple noncoding elements contribute to the craniofacial regulation of SOX9 expression, and that their disruption results in PRS.
A mechanism of extraction of tubular membranes from a lipid vesicle is presented. A concentration gradient of anchoring amphiphilic polymers generates tubes from budlike vesicle protrusions. We explain this mechanism in the framework of the Canham-Helfrich model. The energy profile is analytically calculated and a tube with a fixed length, corresponding to an energy minimum, is obtained in a certain regime of parameters. Further, using a phase-field model, we corroborate these results numerically. We obtain the growth of tubes when a polymer source is added, and the budlike shape after removal of the polymer source, in accordance with recent experimental results.
Staphylococcus aureus experimental endocarditis relies on sequential fibrinogen binding (for valve colonization) and fibronectin binding (for endothelial invasion) conferred by peptidoglycan-attached adhesins. Fibronectin-binding protein A (FnBPA) reconciles these two properties--as well as elastin binding--and promotes experimental endocarditis by itself. Here we attempted to delineate the minimal subdomain of FnBPA responsible for fibrinogen and fibronectin binding, cell invasion, and in vivo endocarditis. A large library of truncated constructs of FnBPA was expressed in Lactococcus lactis and tested in vitro and in animals. A 127-amino-acid subdomain spanning the hinge of the FnBPA fibrinogen-binding and fibronectin-binding regions appeared necessary and sufficient to confer the sum of these properties. Competition with synthetic peptides could not delineate specific fibrinogen- and fibronectin-binding sites, suggesting that dual binding arose from protein folding, irrespective of clearly defined binding domains. Moreover, coexpressing the 127-amino-acid subdomain with remote domains of FnBPA further increased fibrinogen binding by > or =10 times, confirming the importance of domain interactions for binding efficacy. In animals, fibrinogen binding (but not fibronectin binding) was significantly associated with endocarditis induction, whereas both fibrinogen binding and fibronectin binding were associated with disease severity. Moreover, fibrinogen binding also combined with fibronectin binding to synergize the invasion of cultured cell lines significantly, a feature correlating with endocarditis severity. Thus, while fibrinogen binding and fibronectin binding were believed to act sequentially in colonization and invasion, they appeared unexpectedly intertwined in terms of both functional anatomy and pathogenicity (in endocarditis). This unforeseen FnBPA subtlety might bear importance for the development of antiadhesin strategies.
BACKGROUND: High sugar and fat intakes are known to increase intrahepatocellular lipids (IHCLs) and to cause insulin resistance. High protein intake may facilitate weight loss and improve glucose homeostasis in insulin-resistant patients, but its effects on IHCLs remain unknown. OBJECTIVE: The aim was to assess the effect of high protein intake on high-fat diet-induced IHCL accumulation and insulin sensitivity in healthy young men. DESIGN: Ten volunteers were studied in a crossover design after 4 d of either a hypercaloric high-fat (HF) diet; a hypercaloric high-fat, high-protein (HFHP) diet; or a control, isocaloric (control) diet. IHCLs were measured by (1)H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy, fasting metabolism was measured by indirect calorimetry, insulin sensitivity was measured by hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp, and plasma concentrations were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry; expression of key lipogenic genes was assessed in subcutaneous adipose tissue biopsy specimens. RESULTS: The HF diet increased IHCLs by 90 +/- 26% and plasma tissue-type plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (tPAI-1) by 54 +/- 11% (P < 0.02 for both) and inhibited plasma free fatty acids by 26 +/- 11% and beta-hydroxybutyrate by 61 +/- 27% (P < 0.05 for both). The HFHP diet blunted the increase in IHCLs and normalized plasma beta-hydroxybutyrate and tPAI-1 concentrations. Insulin sensitivity was not altered, whereas the expression of sterol regulatory element-binding protein-1c and key lipogenic genes increased with the HF and HFHP diets (P < 0.02). Bile acid concentrations remained unchanged after the HF diet but increased by 50 +/- 24% after the HFHP diet (P = 0.14). CONCLUSIONS: Protein intake significantly blunts the effects of an HF diet on IHCLs and tPAI-1 through effects presumably exerted at the level of the liver. Protein-induced increases in bile acid concentrations may be involved. This trial was registered at www.clinicaltrials.gov as NCT00523562.
Plasmodium sporozoites make a remarkable journey from the mosquito midgut to the mammalian liver. The sporozoite's major surface protein, circumsporozoite protein (CSP), is a multifunctional protein required for sporozoite development and likely mediates several steps of this journey. In this study, we show that CSP has two conformational states, an adhesive conformation in which the C-terminal cell-adhesive domain is exposed and a nonadhesive conformation in which the N terminus masks this domain. We demonstrate that the cell-adhesive domain functions in sporozoite development and hepatocyte invasion. Between these two events, the sporozoite must travel from the mosquito midgut to the mammalian liver, and N-terminal masking of the cell-adhesive domain maintains the sporozoite in a migratory state. In the mammalian host, proteolytic cleavage of CSP regulates the switch to an adhesive conformation, and the highly conserved region I plays a critical role in this process. If the CSP domain architecture is altered such that the cell-adhesive domain is constitutively exposed, the majority of sporozoites do not reach their target organs, and in the mammalian host, they initiate a blood stage infection directly from the inoculation site. These data provide structure-function information relevant to malaria vaccine development.