761 resultados para Mobile devices


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Com o aumento de plataformas móveis disponíveis no mercado e com o constante incremento na sua capacidade computacional, a possibilidade de executar aplicações e em especial jogos com elevados requisitos de desempenho aumentou consideravelmente. O mercado dos videojogos tem assim um cada vez maior número de potenciais clientes. Em especial, o mercado de jogos massive multiplayer online (MMO) tem-se tornado muito atractivo para as empresas de desenvolvimento de jogos. Estes jogos suportam uma elevada quantidade de jogadores em simultâneo que podem estar a executar o jogo em diferentes plataformas e distribuídos por um "mundo" de jogo extenso. Para incentivar a exploração desse "mundo", distribuem-se de forma inteligente pontos de interesse que podem ser explorados pelo jogador. Esta abordagem leva a um esforço substancial no planeamento e construção desses mundos, gastando tempo e recursos durante a fase de desenvolvimento. Isto representa um problema para as empresas de desenvolvimento de jogos, e em alguns casos, e impraticável suportar tais custos para equipas indie. Nesta tese e apresentada uma abordagem para a criação de mundos para jogos MMO. Estudam-se vários jogos MMO que são casos de sucesso de modo a identificar propriedades comuns nos seus mundos. O objectivo e criar uma framework flexível capaz de gerar mundos com estruturas que respeitam conjuntos de regras definidas por game designers. Para que seja possível usar a abordagem aqui apresentada em v arias aplicações diferentes, foram desenvolvidos dois módulos principais. O primeiro, chamado rule-based-map-generator, contem a lógica e operações necessárias para a criação de mundos. O segundo, chamado blocker, e um wrapper à volta do módulo rule-based-map-generator que gere as comunicações entre servidor e clientes. De uma forma resumida, o objectivo geral e disponibilizar uma framework para facilitar a geração de mundos para jogos MMO, o que normalmente e um processo bastante demorado e aumenta significativamente o custo de produção, através de uma abordagem semi-automática combinando os benefícios de procedural content generation (PCG) com conteúdo gráfico gerado manualmente.


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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Em cooperação com Glorianna Davenport do M.I.T. Media Lab


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Nowadays there is a big percentage of the population, specially young users, which are smartphone users and there is a lot of information to be provided within the applications, information provision should be done carefully and should be accurate, otherwise an overload of information will be produced, and the user will discard the app which is providing the information. Mobile devices are becoming smarter and provide many ways to filter information. However, there are alternatives to improve information provision from the side of the application. Some examples are, taking into account the local time, considering the battery level before doing an action and checking the user location to send personalized information attached to that location. SmartCampus and SmartCities are becoming a reality and they have more and more data integrated every day. With all this amount of data it is crucial to decide when and where is the user going to receive a notification with new information. Geofencing is a technique which allows applications to deliver information in a more useful way, in the right time and in the right place. It consists of geofences, physical regions delimited by boundaries, and devices that are eligible to receive the information assigned to the geofence. When devices cross one of these geofences an alert is pushed to the mobile device with the information.


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This report aims at describing the project developed in the Customer Relationship Management Field Lab, under a partnership established between Nova SBE and the group IMPRESA. The major goal was to elaborate on possible initiatives to increase the traffic on the website of Expresso, which were supported by evidences found through structured interviews and the company’s internal data. As the main findings are the increasing role of mobile devices and social media on the news’ consumption habits. These encourage an integrated improvement of the overall digital offer of Expresso, in a perspective of brand and audience development that should be a goal for the whole company.


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This project aims to illuminate two perspectives on travel retail. On the one hand, it describes the main character of the shopping scenario at airports, namely the Global Shopper. It covers the entire profile of the referred character, the main nationalities that represent him and the current shopping trends of the passenger. Also estimates of the booming nationalities and the future purchasing trends are accurately presented. On the other hand, the travel retail market is analyzed from the airport brands’ perspective. It is described what is currently done in terms of brands communication in the top ten airports around the world and the expected future market retail trends. To accurately explore the Global Shopper behavior and purchasing preferences, a market research was conducted with a sample of 128 respondents, male and female, from different nationalities, age groups, occupation and education backgrounds. The essay tests hypothesis regarding the relevance of several variables in the purchasing process of the Global Shopper in order to understand the most pleasant way to approach consumers in travel retail. The main variables studied concern the reasons to shop at airports, to whom the passenger shops, the preferred category and brand of purchase, feelings while shopping abroad, impulsive buying behavior, brand loyalty, the use of mobile devices in the shopping process, brands communication at airports, pre-ordering online and the attitude towards self-service stores. Some findings were in accordance with expectations, while others were a surprise and may produce valuable recommendations for future travel retail practices. 4 The main relevant results concern two areas, namely pre-ordering online and self-service stores. Results showed a certain stress about not having enough time to choose between the various offerings in travel retail, as well as difficulty in dealing with crowed stores. However, pre-ordering online was not common, which would be an initiative that could solve the discomfort at airport’s stores. Moreover, self-service would promote efficiency in stores allowing passengers to save time if they already know how to go through the shopping process by themselves. Another possible recommendation concerns differentiating the strategy in travel retail for the two genders. Some differences were found in the categories bought by male and female, as well as to how brands should shape their approach concerning the demands of each gender.


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L’innovation pédagogique pour elle-même s’avère parfois discutable, mais elle se justifie quand les enseignants se heurtent aux difficultés d’apprentissage de leurs étudiants. En particulier, certaines notions de physique sont réputées difficiles à appréhender par les étudiants, comme c’est le cas pour l’effet photoélectrique qui n’est pas souvent compris par les étudiants au niveau collégial. Cette recherche tente de déterminer si, dans le cadre d’un cours de physique, la simulation de l’effet photoélectrique et l’utilisation des dispositifs mobiles et en situation de collaboration favorisent une évolution des conceptions des étudiants au sujet de la lumière. Nous avons ainsi procédé à l’élaboration d’un scénario d’apprentissage collaboratif intégrant une simulation de l’effet photoélectrique sur un ordinateur de poche. La conception du scénario a d’abord été influencée par notre vision socioconstructiviste de l’apprentissage. Nous avons effectué deux études préliminaires afin de compléter notre scénario d’apprentissage et valider la plateforme MobileSim et l’interface du simulateur, que nous avons utilisées dans notre expérimentation : la première avec des ordinateurs de bureau et la seconde avec des ordinateurs de poche. Nous avons fait suivre à deux groupes d’étudiants deux cours différents, l’un portant sur une approche traditionnelle d’enseignement, l’autre basé sur le scénario d’apprentissage collaboratif élaboré. Nous leur avons fait passer un test évaluant l’évolution conceptuelle sur la nature de la lumière et sur le phénomène de l’effet photoélectrique et concepts connexes, à deux reprises : la première avant que les étudiants ne s’investissent dans le cours et la seconde après la réalisation des expérimentations. Nos résultats aux prétest et post-test sont complétés par des entrevues individuelles semi-dirigées avec tous les étudiants, par des enregistrements vidéo et par des traces récupérées des fichiers logs ou sur papier. Les étudiants du groupe expérimental ont obtenu de très bons résultats au post-test par rapport à ceux du groupe contrôle. Nous avons enregistré un gain moyen d’apprentissage qualifié de niveau modéré selon Hake (1998). Les résultats des entrevues ont permis de repérer quelques difficultés conceptuelles d’apprentissage chez les étudiants. L’analyse des données recueillies des enregistrements des séquences vidéo, des questionnaires et des traces récupérées nous a permis de mieux comprendre le processus d’apprentissage collaboratif et nous a dévoilé que le nombre et la durée des interactions entre les étudiants sont fortement corrélés avec le gain d’apprentissage. Ce projet de recherche est d’abord une réussite sur le plan de la conception d’un scénario d’apprentissage relatif à un phénomène aussi complexe que l’effet photoélectrique, tout en respectant de nombreux critères (collaboration, simulation, dispositifs mobiles) qui nous paraissaient extrêmement utopiques de réunir dans une situation d’apprentissage en classe. Ce scénario pourra être adapté pour l’apprentissage d’autres notions de la physique et pourra être considéré pour la conception des environnements collaboratifs d’apprentissage mobile innovants, centrés sur les besoins des apprenants et intégrant les technologies au bon moment et pour la bonne activité.


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In dieser Arbeit wird ein generisches Modell fuer synchrone Gruppenarbeit auf gemeinsamen Informationsraeumen entwickelt. Fuer die Entwicklung dieses Modells muessen die Grundfunktionen fuer Anwendungen der synchronen Gruppenarbeit realisiert werden. Neben der Modellierung des Datenraumes (Datenmodell) und der operationellen Schnittstelle (Interaktionsmodell), muessen Mechanismen fuer die Darstellung der Aktivitaeten der Gruppenmitglieder auf dem Informationsraum (Awareness), sowie fuer die Synchronisierung gleichzeitiger Zugriffe verschiedener Benutzer auf dem Datenraum realisiert werden (Nebenlaeufgkeitskontrolle). Das Grundproblem bei der Loesung der Nebenlaeufigkeit liegt bei der Aufgabe der Isolation aus den klassischen ACID-Transaktionen zu gunsten von Awareness. Die rapide Entwicklung von Techniken der mobilen Kommunikation ermoeglicht den Einsatz dieser Geraete fuer den Zugriff auf Daten im Internet. Durch UMTSund WLAN-Technologien koennen Mobilgeraete fuer Anwendungen ueber die reine Kommunikation hinaus eingesetzt werden. Eine natuerliche Folge dieser Entwicklung sind Anwendungen fuer die Zusammenarbeit mehrerer Benutzer. In der Arbeit wird daher auf die Unterstuetzung mobiler Geraete besonderen Wert gelegt. Die Interaktion der Benutzer auf den gemeinsamen Datenraum wird durch einfache Navigationsoperationen mit einem Cursor (Finger) realisiert, wobei der Datenraum durch XML-Dokumente dargestellt wird. Die Visualisierung basiert auf der Transformierung von XML-Dokumenten in andere XML-basierte Sprachen wie HTML oder SVG durch XSLT-Stylesheets. Awareness-Informationen werden, aehnlich dem Fokus/Nimbus-Modell, von der Interaktion der Benutzer und der Ermittlung der sichtbaren Objekte bei dem Benutzer hergeleitet. Fuer eine geeignete Kontrolle der Nebenlaeufigkeit wurde der Begriff der visuellen Transaktion eingefuehrt, wo die Auswirkungen einer Transaktion von anderen Benutzern (Transaktionen) beobachtet werden koennen. Die Synchronisierung basiert auf einem Sperrverfahren und der Einfuehrung der neuen W-Sperre und der Grundoperationen readV und writeV. Das Modell (Groupware-Server) wird in der Arbeit in einem Prototyp implementiert. Weiterhin wird eine Java-Anwendung sowohl auf einem Desktop PC als auch auf einem Pocket PC (iPAQ 3970) implementiert, welche die Einsetzbarkeit dieses Prototyps demonstriert.


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In the vision of Mark Weiser on ubiquitous computing, computers are disappearing from the focus of the users and are seamlessly interacting with other computers and users in order to provide information and services. This shift of computers away from direct computer interaction requires another way of applications to interact without bothering the user. Context is the information which can be used to characterize the situation of persons, locations, or other objects relevant for the applications. Context-aware applications are capable of monitoring and exploiting knowledge about external operating conditions. These applications can adapt their behaviour based on the retrieved information and thus to replace (at least a certain amount) the missing user interactions. Context awareness can be assumed to be an important ingredient for applications in ubiquitous computing environments. However, context management in ubiquitous computing environments must reflect the specific characteristics of these environments, for example distribution, mobility, resource-constrained devices, and heterogeneity of context sources. Modern mobile devices are equipped with fast processors, sufficient memory, and with several sensors, like Global Positioning System (GPS) sensor, light sensor, or accelerometer. Since many applications in ubiquitous computing environments can exploit context information for enhancing their service to the user, these devices are highly useful for context-aware applications in ubiquitous computing environments. Additionally, context reasoners and external context providers can be incorporated. It is possible that several context sensors, reasoners and context providers offer the same type of information. However, the information providers can differ in quality levels (e.g. accuracy), representations (e.g. position represented in coordinates and as an address) of the offered information, and costs (like battery consumption) for providing the information. In order to simplify the development of context-aware applications, the developers should be able to transparently access context information without bothering with underlying context accessing techniques and distribution aspects. They should rather be able to express which kind of information they require, which quality criteria this information should fulfil, and how much the provision of this information should cost (not only monetary cost but also energy or performance usage). For this purpose, application developers as well as developers of context providers need a common language and vocabulary to specify which information they require respectively they provide. These descriptions respectively criteria have to be matched. For a matching of these descriptions, it is likely that a transformation of the provided information is needed to fulfil the criteria of the context-aware application. As it is possible that more than one provider fulfils the criteria, a selection process is required. In this process the system has to trade off the provided quality of context and required costs of the context provider against the quality of context requested by the context consumer. This selection allows to turn on context sources only if required. Explicitly selecting context services and thereby dynamically activating and deactivating the local context provider has the advantage that also the resource consumption is reduced as especially unused context sensors are deactivated. One promising solution is a middleware providing appropriate support in consideration of the principles of service-oriented computing like loose coupling, abstraction, reusability, or discoverability of context providers. This allows us to abstract context sensors, context reasoners and also external context providers as context services. In this thesis we present our solution consisting of a context model and ontology, a context offer and query language, a comprehensive matching and mediation process and a selection service. Especially the matching and mediation process and the selection service differ from the existing works. The matching and mediation process allows an autonomous establishment of mediation processes in order to transfer information from an offered representation into a requested representation. In difference to other approaches, the selection service selects not only a service for a service request, it rather selects a set of services in order to fulfil all requests which also facilitates the sharing of services. The approach is extensively reviewed regarding the different requirements and a set of demonstrators shows its usability in real-world scenarios.


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We present a low cost and easily deployed infrastructure for location aware computing that is built using standard Bluetooth® technologies and personal computers. Mobile devices are able to determine their location to room-level granularity with existing bluetooth technology, and to even greater resolution with the use of the recently adopted bluetooth 1.2 specification, all while maintaining complete anonymity. Various techniques for improving the speed and resolution of the system are described, along with their tradeoffs in privacy. The system is trivial to implement on a large scale – our network covering 5,000 square meters was deployed by a single student over the course of a few days at a cost of less than US$1,000.


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Learning contents adaptation has been a subject of interest in the research area of the adaptive hypermedia systems. Defining which variables and which standards can be considered to model adaptive content delivery processes is one of the main challenges in pedagogical design over e-learning environments. In this paper some specifications, architectures and technologies that can be used in contents adaptation processes considering characteristics of the context are described and a proposal to integrate some of these characteristics in the design of units of learning using adaptation conditions in a structure of IMS-Learning Design (IMS-LD) is presented. The key contribution of this work is the generation of instructional designs considering the context, which can be used in Learning Management Systems (LMSs) and diverse mobile devices


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This 11-minute video provides some guidance on the learning technologies available at Southampton that can be used to support assessment and feedback. It was produced using the Panopto lecture capture system. The first link is to the native Panopto podcast, which requires the Silverlight player to be installed. The second link is the MP4 video version of the podcast, which should play on all PCs, Macs and suitable mobile devices. This share also provides a link to the video's script.


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This 11-minute video focuses on how self and peer assessment could be used as an integral part of CIP modules, and discusses some innovative methods for assessing written work. The first link is to the native Panopto podcast, which requires the Silverlight player to be installed. The second link is the MP4 video version of the podcast, which should play on all PCs, Macs and suitable mobile devices. This share also includes links to the papers discussed in the video - these are also provided at the end of the script.


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Transmeconomics es la propuesta de un modelo para realizar periodismo económico a través de las narrativas transmediáticas. En este sentido, se realiza una reconstrucción de lo que se ha hecho en cuanto a periodismo económico en Colombia para obtener algunas bases teóricas de cómo funciona este tipo de periodismo especializado y se recurre a la producción transmediatica para la elaboración de una página web disponible para dispositivos móviles, en la cual se plasma la idea de cómo se podría elaborar un modelo eficiente para transmitir este tipo de información. Asimismo, se crea una sección en la que se enseña a la población algunos conceptos de la economía para que la información publicada sea más fácil de entender.