334 resultados para Mítica hindu


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The study on the concept of sanctity of human life is a journey in finding out what is it said to be “human” in human life. It is an evaluation of the universal concept and the role it plays in controlling and moulding human conduct and relationships. This concept is a foundational principle of human rights law and the grundnorm of every legal system. However, of late, the challenges by way of certain advances in human genetic research had prompted the need to evaluate the significance and extent of the concept in human endeavours. Scientific advances by way of human genetic research promises significant diagnostic and therapeutic advances but at the same time pose threat to fundamental notions and assumptions on humanity, hence there is a global concern to derive common legal standards, Thus the major challenge is to analyse universal principles which can be a common criteria for evolving legal standards to control certain advances in human genetic research. Hence the relevance of the study. The study aims at analysing the content, scope, extent and limitation of the concept of sanctity of human life. In this attempt it evaluates the extent to which the concept had been accommodated by legal systems and international human rights regimes. The problem which had been undertaken in the study is the extent of intrusion made to the concept by virtue of certain advances in human genetic research.


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El breve commentum in Statii Achilleida resulta muy interesante para el estudio de la transmisión mitográfica de la Antigüedad tardía al Medievo, pues no sólo participa de las características propias de la mitografía (narraciones de mitos, exégesis racionalista y/o alegórica, interpretaciones etimológicas, anonimato, pseudepigrafía,…), sino que también es otro eslabón en la cadena textual de transmisión, simplificación y canonización de los mitos clásicos.


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Durante años la investigación literaria ha encontrado fruición en buscar y encontrar inconsistencias narrativas en la Tebaida de Estacio. Concretamente, hay cierto grado de consenso respecto a que las incongruencias en que incurre Júpiter son debidas a negligencia o incuria por parte del poeta. De hecho, no se puede negar que el soberano del cielo se contradice en las ocasiones en que alude a su relación con el Destino. No obstante, no será únicamente el poeta flavio el objeto de mi atención en este artículo. Hoy día se continúa acudiendo a la autoridad filosófica de Séneca (fundamentalmente a Dial. 1.5.8) siempre que el Zeus/Júpiter poshomérico (también el virgiliano) incurre en lo que hemos dado en considerar «incoherencias». Sin embargo, excepción hecha de las composiciones hesiódicas, el estatuto teológico de Zeus/Júpiter es altamente inestable en toda la tradición literaria griega y romana. Quizá deberíamos aceptar, entonces, que durante siglos los que estudiamos literatura antigua hemos tendido a prescindir de la voz autorial y de su autoridad omnímoda para manipular el material literario preexistente con el objeto de generar nuevos significados y nuevas cosmovisiones. En definitiva, nos hemos mostrado proclives a calificar de inconsistencias todo aquello que no se adecua a nuestras expectativas o prejuicios.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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This dissertation is the result of an ethnographic journey undertaken in three spiritual centers of Umbanda , located in different districts of Natal/RN. The aim of the study was to understand how the representations of exus (spirit category) are established in the studied religious environment. In order to study this, mythical narratives of songs and of people were analyzed. In addition, the incorporated spirit entities, loaded with codes and values, were possible to be read and understood. The present work was developed according to a theoretical and methodological approach that interprets culture as a constant construction process, with representations and significations. The empirical research focuses on the ethnographic observations and the narratives; providing the experimentation of the models of discursive dialogues and polyphony. It was observed that the studied empirical field is marked by the cult of the Jurema which influences the mythical construction of exus . Therefore, this study enabled a reflection on the meeting of notions of two distinct worlds ( Umbanda and Jurema ). This reflection is crucial to the understanding of the position that exus occupy in the local umbandista system


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Con el presente estudio hemos intentado rastrear a través de la fuentes literarias e historiográficas la fundación de Alejandría, su desarrollo urbano, la creación de sus monumentos más icónicos y su transformación en una ciudad mítica. El trabajo concluye con el análisis de la visión que el cine contemporáneo ha ofrecido de su perfil desde la época ptolemaica hasta el final del Bajo Imperio Romano.


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Los mitos griegos constituyen un acervo cultural que todavía impregna y conforma nuestra manera de pensar y de ser. Nos son conocidos gracias a la literatura, a los poetas y mitógrafos, y al arte de las manifestaciones de Grecia y de Roma. La tragedia ateniense tiene una influencia decisiva como transmisora de la tradición mítica ya que el mito es fuente de creación poética. La tragedia nace y llega a su máximo esplendor en el siglo V a C, pero como género no muere con los tres grandes dramaturgos sino que continúa en el siglo siguiente e incluso sobrevive hasta el final del mundo pagano, experimentando las variaciones y cambios propios del paso del tiempo. La máscara utilizada en sus representaciones ha pasado a ser un símbolo de la tragedia. Platón habla de la tragedia como la forma de poesía más universal. Las representaciones teatrales formaban parte de la vida cotidiana de los ciudadanos, como espectadores o como participantes en las actuaciones. La afición por la tragedia fue grande en la Atenas del siglo V donde miles de espectadores las veían cada año y suponemos que además de disfrutar con el espectáculo, se educaban y formaban su personalidad. Sabemos por ejemplo que la tragedia de Esquilo Los Persas, había contribuido a que los atenienses tomaran conciencia de su superioridad espiritual y que se representa en Sicilia todavía en vida de su autor, que muere en el 456 precisamente en la ciudad siciliana de Gela. Los autores trágicos adquieren fama y notoriedad que se traslada pronto a la Magna Grecia, sobre todo a las ciudades de Sicilia donde el tirano Dioniso era un fanático de la tragedia. Construye teatros en la isla, los mejor conservados, prueba evidente de la gran afición que despierta. Las colonias, algunas de las cuales llegaron a ser muy prósperas, mantienen lazos con las ciudades de origen y más tarde producen sus propias obras. Es lógico que los artistas, sobre todo los pintores, desde épocas tempranas se inspiraran en los mitos para plasmarlos en sus obras y que haya correspondencia entre la palabra y la imagen, que se refuerzan mutuamente. Las imágenes adquieren una nueva dimensión cuando se convierten en portavoces del mensaje de los poetas. La tragedia, por tanto, además de palabra y acción es también imagen. Vamos a ver una muestra 2 de cómo se reproduce a través de las imágenes. El poeta Simónides decía que la pintura es la poesía silenciosa y la poesía es pintura parlante. Nos vamos a limitar a las pinturas que decoran la cerámica, objetos imprescindibles en la vida de los griegos tanto por su uso práctico como simbólico. Los vasos se adornaban con todo tipo de imágenes, con escenas de la vida normal y con las procedentes del mito sin que, en este último caso, podamos comprender lo que el tema representado significaba en cada ocasión. Se utilizaban en el hogar, en los symposios, como premios en las competiciones atléticas, en las ceremonias nupciales y de manera especial en los ritos funerarios.


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A anagnorisis da Electra de Euripides tem sido considerada, pela crítica, uma das cenas mais controversas — e geradores de controvérsias — da antiga dramaturgia grega. A complexidade desta cena deve-se, sobretudo, ao facto de Euripides ter retardado o reconhecimento de Orestes e ter reutilizado, de forma crítica e paródica, os tradicionais semeia das Coéforas, refutados por Electra através de um racicíonio sofístico, tão em voga nos finais do século V a. C. Parodiar num tom humorístico a tradição permitiu-lhe experimentar as convenções dramáticas, num modo de estruturação formal diferente, de forma a possibilitar-lhe situar o texto no mundo e, assim, renovar o antigo significado da mítica história de vingança dos filhos de Agamémnon.


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Singapore brings together representatives of different cultures. Currently, 76% of the Singapore population is Chinese, 14% - Malay, 8% Hindu. All of them (with the rest 2%) have a possibility to participate in one of the best education models in the world. However, education and other political institutions are assessed in an ambivalent way. The article will address these controversies, including the Confucian thought of self-improvement and Peranakan Chinese as an example for the hypothesis.


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Książka stanowi poszerzoną i uzupełnioną wersję pracy magisterskiej, napisanej pod kierunkiem prof. Tadeusza Buksińskiego w Instytucie Filozofii im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu.


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This dissertation is the result of an ethnographic journey undertaken in three spiritual centers of Umbanda , located in different districts of Natal/RN. The aim of the study was to understand how the representations of exus (spirit category) are established in the studied religious environment. In order to study this, mythical narratives of songs and of people were analyzed. In addition, the incorporated spirit entities, loaded with codes and values, were possible to be read and understood. The present work was developed according to a theoretical and methodological approach that interprets culture as a constant construction process, with representations and significations. The empirical research focuses on the ethnographic observations and the narratives; providing the experimentation of the models of discursive dialogues and polyphony. It was observed that the studied empirical field is marked by the cult of the Jurema which influences the mythical construction of exus . Therefore, this study enabled a reflection on the meeting of notions of two distinct worlds ( Umbanda and Jurema ). This reflection is crucial to the understanding of the position that exus occupy in the local umbandista system


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Dissertação de dout. História da Arte, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Univ. do Algarve, 2006


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Balinese architecture was established prior to European colonization and significantly enhances traditional Balinese values that are woven into the predominant Hindu religion. Palaces are integral to the architectural heritage of Bali and were dated back to the Majapahit Empire. Balinese palaceswere constructed for non-ritualistic activities in this historical cultural landscape. Palaces were often located on road corners called catuspatha1andthey possess sacred values embodied in the concept of pempatanagung.Although Bali Province is today governed as one governance unit, these palaces still reflect their own multiple regal associations which arestill respected by Balinese society. The representations and architecture of these palaces andthe communicative symbols of a heyday era of Bali are raising questions as to how they can be accommodated within the over-arching tourism development and globalization of culture that Bali is experiencing. Therefore, this paper reviews pre-colonial Balinese palaces, their architecture, the catuspatha concept, and considers the traditional values of these ancient monuments as to conservation of palaces and their associated cultural heritage. An extensive literature review, surveys and observational inventories were undertaken at several palaces to obtain results that raise new questions about how these complexes can withstand globalization challenges whilst respecting traditional Balinese culture and society.


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In the last 20 years, India has witnessed visible, and often acrimonious, contests between global and local, modernity and tradition, markets and the State. The economic domain has seen a shift from a protected capitalist economy that tried to mix planning with a market-based economy, to a regime increasingly marked by neoliberalism and declining welfare state. This is a period of high economic growth, prosperity for some groups, and an increase in inequality levels in the country. We also witness an ongoing agrarian crisis in rural India, where the majority lives, contributing to more than 200,000 farm suicides in the last two decades. In the political domain, there is a distinct rightward shift with an unprecedented rise of Hindu majoritarianism that has recently culminated in the elevation of Narendra Modi to the post of Prime Minister. On the one hand, the new India is trying to be assertive as it tries to find its place as a global power and is stridently militaristic in its geopolitical interactions. On the other hand, it is trying to integrate into the global capitalist economy to catch up with the richer nations of the world as it strives for greater growth. In the socio-cultural sphere, marketization comes mixed with emphases on Hindu notions of good life and India’s mythical past, as the country witnesses a heady cocktail of religion and neoliberal capitalism that defines its political economy.


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Since the late 1990s, the Indian community in Australia has grown faster than any other immigrant community. The Indian Diaspora has made substantial contributions to the multi-ethnic and multi-religious diversity within Australia. The growth of Hinduism and Sikhism through gurus, temples, yoga and rituals of many kind has brought new colours, images, customs and practices to the profile of Australian religion, and the Australian landscape more widely. At the same time, Hinduism and Sikhism have themselves been transformed as Hindus and Sikhs from different parts of India as well as Fiji, Malaysia and other parts of the world have come together to establish a pan-Indian ethos. Hindus and Sikhs here have also interacted with other sectors of the Australian population and with religions from the Western world. This is the theme of this book.The Indian Diaspora covers the theory of diaspora, the historical development of the Indian communities in Australia since the late 19th century to the present times, current practices and statistical profiles of Hindus and Sikhs in Australia, and interactions between Hindus and Sikhs with the wider Australian community. There are case-studies of the Indian students and women in the Australian community, of Indian communities in Melbourne and South Australia, and of temple building and the Sikh gurdwara. The book has been edited by and contains contributions from Purushottama Bilimoria, an internationally-known scholar of philosophy and religion, Jayant Bhalchandra Bapat, one of Australia’s most senior Hindu priests and a scholar of Hinduism, and Philip Hughes, a leading analyst of the religious profiles of the Australian people. It also contains contributions from several other prominent scholars. Included are special essays on the importance of diaspora by the late Ninian Smart and on the 19th century Afghan cameleers and Indian hawkers.