979 resultados para MÚSICA ROCK


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A presente dissertação problematiza a trajectória colonial e pós-colonial do funaná, um género de música e dança historicamente associado à população caboverdiana santiaguense e, desde a Independência Nacional do país, difundido entre outros grupos em Cabo Verde e na diáspora. Ao propor uma história e etnografia multisituada, questiona de que modo no contexto da governação colonial, da construção do estado nação e na localização da diáspora da Área Metropolitana de Lisboa do presente póscolonial, o domínio da prática cultural, nomeadamente da prática musical, foi política e socialmente mobilizado na produção das fronteiras de diferença cultural da raça, da nação, do género e da subjectividade incidindo sobre as populações produtoras da cultura expressiva. Defende que após a Independência Nacional de Cabo Verde o funaná se tornou uma prática multiforme, codificando experiências sociais, estéticas e identidades diferenciadas. Enquanto que para uma jovem geração de músicos de perfil urbano e cosmopolita ela passou a ser reenquadrada de acordo com uma poética da nação, para as populações diaspóricas vivendo entre o interior de Santiago, a capital Praia e a Área Metropolitana de Lisboa ela persiste enquanto expressiva e performativa de uma condição diaspórica racializada.


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Os estudos na área da Performance Practice têm conhecido, nos últimos dez anos, uma grande expansão no meio académico. Os trabalhos, neste campo, repartem-se por três grandes temas que reflectem a diversidade de metodologias e perspectivas deste campo de estudos: teoria da interpretação, prática interpretativa e interpretação historicamente informada. O tema desta dissertação recai sobre este último tópico. O projecto incide sobre a interpretação histórica e os pressupostos teóricos que fundamentam as práticas interpretativas da musica coral seiscentista ibérica. Através da recolha e análise de um corpus de registos fonográficos da polifonia dos compositores que se formaram na Escola de Música da Sé de Évora, pretende-se compreender qual o peso da evidência documental nas opções interpretativas. Além da análise das gravações, foi realizado um questionário aos directores corais sobre os critérios na escolha de diversos parâmetros como transposição, tactus, articulação, dimensão do coro, entre outros.


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This thesis focuses on the representation of Popular Music in museums by mapping, analyzing, and characterizing its practices in Portugal at the beginning of the 21st century. Now that museums' ability to shape public discourse is acknowledged, the examination of popular music's discourses in museums is of the utmost importance for Ethnomusicology and Popular Music Studies as well as for Museum Studies. The concept of 'heritage' is at the heart of this processes. The study was designed with the aim of moving the exhibiting of popular music in museums forward through a qualitative inquiry of case studies. Data collection involved surveying pop-rock music exhibitions as a qualitative sampling of popular music exhibitions in Portugal from 2007 to 2013. Two of these exhibitions were selected as case studies: No Tempo do Gira-Discos: Um Percurso pela Produção Fonográfica Portuguesa at the Museu da Música in Lisbon in 2007 (also Faculdade de Letras, 2009), and A Magia do Vinil, a Música que Mudou a Sociedade at the Oficina da Cultura in Almada in 2008 (and several other venues, from 2009 to 2013). Two specific domains were observed: popular music exhibitions as instances of museum practice and museum professionals. The first domain encompasses analyzing the types of objects selected for exhibition; the interactive museum practices fostered by the exhibitions; the concepts and narratives used to address popular music discursively, as well as the interpretative practices they allow. The second domain, focuses museum professionals and curators of popular music exhibitions as members of a group, namely their goals, motivations and perspectives. The theoretical frameworks adopted were drawn from the fields of ethnomusicology, popular music studies, and museum studies. The written materials of the exhibitions were subjected of methods of discourse analysis methods. Semi-structured interviews with curators and museum professional were also conducted and analysed. From the museum studies perspective, the study research suggests that the practice adopted by popular music museums largely matches that of conventional museums. From the ethnomusicological and popular music studies stand point, the two case studies reveal two distinct conceptual worlds: the first exhibition, curated by an academic and an independent researcher, points to a mental configuration where popular music is explained through a framework of genres supported by different musical practices. Moreover, it is industry actors such as decision makers and gatekeepers that govern popular music, which implies that the visitors' romantic conception of the musician is to some extent dismantled; the second exhibition, curated by a record collector and specialist, is based on a more conventional process of the everyday historical speech that encodes a mismatch between “good” and “bad music”. Data generated by a survey shows that only one curator, in fact that of my first case study, has an academic background. The backgrounds of all the others are in some way similar to the curator of the second case study. Therefore, I conclude that the second case study best conveys the current practice of exhibiting Popular Music in Portugal.


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This paper studies the economic and social impact of Faz Música Lisboa on the segment of society that feels from any direct or indirect consequence due to its existence. A qualitative research based on surveys and interviews is made to retract a list of the benefits and costs that each stakeholder perceives. Relying on the quantifiable variables, it is performed a cost-benefit analysis to measure how much the event is “worth” for the community. I conclude this is a viable project, as it brings a positive net benefit to the society, value that could increase with a higher institutional support.


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O casal de suíços, Heinrich (1795–1866) e Cécile Däniker-Haller (1816–1887), com seus filhos, viveu no Rio de Janeiro entre 1828 e 1852. Comerciantes prósperos, cosmopolitas e melômanos, deixaram grande quantidade de informações sobre suas atividades de música em ambiente doméstico daquele período, mas também depois de terem voltado a se estabelecer na Suíça. O Genealogisches Archiv der Helene und Cécile Rübel Familienstiftung (FA HCR), na cidade de Zurique, documenta a história desta família. As informações registradas pelo casal estudado, principalmente em forma de cartas e diários, permitem-nos conhecer e analisar a prática musical em ambiente doméstico das famílias estrangeiras no Rio de Janeiro, e demonstrar quais eram os repertórios por eles utilizados. Entre as conclusões tiradas, inclui-se o fato de que o romantismo alemão teria feito sua entrada no ambiente musical brasileiro através dos salões musicais das famílias estrangeiras, exatamente como foi o caso em outras cidades do mundo não germânico. Nos documentos deixados pela família Däniker-Haller encontram-se os mais antigos testemunhos até hoje encontrados da execução de Lieder de Schubert em ambiente doméstico no Rio de Janeiro. Por outro lado, a prática da Hausmusik na cidade de Zurique vem descrita e comparada àquela carioca. A análise destes relatos também nos permite descrever a diferença que havia entre os eventos musicais em ambiente doméstico íntimo e informal, e os "salões musicais", onde diletantes se produziam em esfera semi-pública previamente preparados e ensaiados, e a marcante diferença no repertório destes dois tipos de eventos sociais.


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Como produto das experiências tidas no âmbito da prática de ensino supervisionada no Mestrado em Ensino de História e Geografia, que decorreu no ano letivo de 2014/2015, na Escola Secundária Quinta do Marquês, em Oeiras, surge o presente relatório que teve como principal objetivo refletir sobre o papel da música enquanto estratégia/recurso no processo de ensino e aprendizagem na disciplina de História. Considerando o que a música representa para os jovens na atualidade, procuramos através da elaboração e aplicação de inquéritos perceber a eficácia desta estratégia no ensino da História. Os resultados obtidos apontam para o facto de a música surgir como um recurso capaz de captar a atenção, permitir a contextualização histórica e motivar para o estudo.


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A perda auditiva por exposição ao ruído é um problema de saúde ocupacional, não reconhecido nas escolas de música. Em Portugal, a legislação relativa a ruído ocupacional não possui indicações específicas para músicos, existindo apenas um código de conduta europeu, proveniente da Diretiva 2003/10/CE que estabelece as orientações gerais relativas a como devem ser protegidos do ruído músicos e trabalhadores de setores de entretenimento. Avaliou-se o nível sonoro contínuo equivalente (LAeq), individualmente no decorrer das atividades letivas, o que permitiu determinar o nível exposição pessoal diária ao ruído (Lex,8h) de 20 docentes de música. Paralelamente, os docentes preencheram um questionário relativo a fatores intrínsecos e individuais e todos efetuaram audiogramas tonais simples. Os dados recolhidos foram estatisticamente tratados através do programa Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) versão 21. Existem atividades letivas que implicam níveis de exposição pessoal diária ao ruído superiores ao nível de ação inferior (25%), pelo que se devem adotar medidas para sensibilizar e alertar os docentes para a adoção de medidas de proteção. A atividade dos docentes expostos a níveis de exposição pessoal diária mais elevados correspondeu a aulas de grupo e a aulas individuais, com utilização de instrumentos musicais direcionais. A manifestação de sintomatologia relevante relativa a perda auditiva (audição de zumbidos, dificuldades de perceção do diálogo e dificuldade em adormecer) e a evolução da surdez profissional, não parecem estar diretamente relacionadas com os níveis de exposição pessoal diária ao ruído nem atividades com exposição ao ruído desenvolvidas nos tempos livres.


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The high density of slope failures in western Norway is due to the steep relief and to the concentration of various structures that followed protracted ductile and brittle tectonics. On the 72 investigated rock slope instabilities, 13 were developed in soft weathered mafic and phyllitic allochthons. Only the intrinsic weakness of such rocks increases the susceptibility to gravitational deformation. In contrast, the gravitational structures in the hard gneisses reactivate prominent ductile or/and brittle fabrics. At 30 rockslides along cataclinal slopes, weak mafic layers of foliation are reactivated as basal planes. Slope-parallel steep foliation forms back-cracks of unstable columns. Folds are specifically present in the Storfjord area, together with a clustering of potential slope failures. Folding increases the probability of having favourably orientated planes with respect to the gravitational forces and the slope. High water pressure is believed to seasonally build up along the shallow-dipping Caledonian detachments and may contribute to destabilization of the rock slope upwards. Regional cataclastic faults localized the gravitational structures at 45 sites. The volume of the slope instabilities tends to increase with the amount of reactivated prominent structures and the spacing of the latter controls the size of instabilities.


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A resident within one of the counties in your region has expressed some concern regarding potential adverse health effects from dust and material that may be found within foundry slag that has been used as a replacement for road rock. This consultation includes a comparison of nuisance issues from dust generated from a road constructed of foundry slag and dust generated from a road constructed from typical road rock. This consultation also includes a discussion of the potential health effects of exposure of heavy metals from incidental ingestion of foundry slag.


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Frank Reynolds was in charge of the Rock at Brock featuring the Guess Who and 7 other Canadian Bands, held on the back field at Brock. It was a geat affair, with 40,000 in attendance and few incidents. The student union rented every bus the City of St Catharines owned and took everyone home at 1 AM when the event ended.


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There were three purposes to this study. The first purpose was to determine how learning can be influenced by various factors i~ the rock climbing experience. The second purpose was to examine what people can learn from the rock climbing experience. The third purpose was to investigate whether that learning can transfer from the rock climbing experience to the subjects' real life in the workplace. Ninety employees from a financial corporation in the Niagara Region volunteered for this study. All subjects were surveyed throughout a one-day treatment. Ten were purposefully selected one month later for interviews. Ten themes emerged from the subjects in terms of what was learned. Inspiration, motivation, and determination, preparation, goals and limitations, perceptions and expectations, confidence and risk taking, trust and support, teamwork, feedback and encouragement, learning from failure, and finally, skills and flow. All participants were able to transfer what was learned back to the workplace. The results of this study suggested that subjects' learning was influenced by their ability to: take risks in a safe environment, fail without penalty, support each other, plan without time constraints, and enjoy the company of fellow workers that they wouldn't normally associate with. Future directions for research should include different types of treatments such as white water rafting, sky diving, tall ship sailing, or caving.


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The endocrine pancreas of the rock bass (Ambloplites rupestris) was examined by light and electron microscopy. Two cell types with staining properties similar to mammalian A and B cells, and a third, non-staining cell type were found in the spherical pancreatic islets that were surrounded by a connective tissue capsule and embedded in two small masses of exocrine tissue. From an analysis of the ultrastructure of the A and B cells, a secretory cycle for each of these cell types was proposed. The secretory cycle of the A cell consisted of three well defined stages: (1) A cell production stage: during which A granule formation occurred in the sacs of the Golgi apparatus and the cell was characterized by the presence of numerous secretory granules, some elements of lamellar endoplasmic reticulum, and a homogeneously granular nucleus. The cytoplasm contained few distended cisternae, variable numbers of free ribosomes, microtubules and small vesicles. (2) A cell release stage: during which the release of A granules occurred and the cell usually contained several large distended cisternae and variable numbers of secretory granules. Granule release mechanisms included exocytosis, by which individual granules were released into the extracellular space after their membranes fused with the plasmalemma, and emiocytosis, by which one or more granules were released into a large cisterna whose membrane fused with the plasmalemma and formed a pore through which the cisternal contents passed out of the cell. (3) A cell reorganization stage: during which the changeover from the release stage to the production stage occurred and the reorganization of organelles and membrane structures took place. The cell contained few secretory granules and numerous small endoplasmic reticular cisternae. The cytoplasm exhibited less electron density than either of the other two stages. The A granule after formation underwent a series of morphological changes which were described in four numerically identified phases. The secretory cycle of the B cell consisred of two stages: (1) B cell production stage: during which the B granule formation occurred in the sacs of the Go1gi apparatus. The cell was characterized by an irregular outline, the presence of numerous secretory granules, and an irregularly shaped nucleus which contained variable amounts of clumped chromatin. The cytoplasm contained moderate amounts of lamellar endoplasmic reticulum studded with ribosomes, several small vesicles, and an active Go1gi apparatus. (2) B cell release stage: during which the release of B granules occurred. The cell contained a rounded nucleus with dispersed chromatin, several distended endoplasmic reticular cisternae and a variable number of secretory granules. Granule release occu~ by emiocytosis and exocytosis similar to that found for the A cell.