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Serum taken from mice immune to malaria as a result of infection and drug cure, or from mice immunized with a recombinant form of the merozoite surface protein, MSP1, can provide passive protection of recipient mice against the lethal parasite, Plasmodium yoelii YM. However, recipients of MSP1-immune serum go on to develop long-term immunity, whereas recipients of serum from mice naturally immune to malaria rapidly lose their resistance to infection. We demonstrate that 'infection/cure' serum suppresses the development of both antibody and cell-mediated parasite-specific responses in recipients, whereas these develop in recipients of MSP1-specific antibodies. These data have profound implications for our understanding of the development of malaria immunity in babies who passively acquire antibodies from their mothers.
Around 50% of men 51-60 years of age have pathological benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Pharmacotherapy for BPH includes the 5alpha-reductase inhibitor finasteride, and alpha(1)-adrenoceptor antagonists. Finasteride reduces prostate volume and symptom scores, while increasing peak urinary flow rates. The main problem with finasteride treatment is that it increases the incidence of ejaculation disorders. All of the alpha(1)-adrenoceptor antagonists have been shown to reduce symptom scores and increase peak urinary flow rates in BPH. The nonselective alpha(1)-adrenoceptor antagonists (prazosin, terazosin and doxazosin) were developed as antihypertensives, and hypotensive-related side effects are the main problem with these agents in BPH. These side effects can be diminished by reducing peak concentrations of the drugs, as with once-daily alfuzosin, or by using the uroselective antagonist tamsulosin. Phytopharmaceuticals are commonly used in the treatment of BPH, such as saw palmetto berry which has been shown to improve the symptoms and peak urinary flow rate. Androgen receptor antagonists are not used in BPH because of their adverse effects. Newer drugs under development for the treatment of BPH include alpha(1)-adrenoceptor antagonists that show more selectivity for alpha(1A)-adrenoceptors than tamsulosin, combined 5alpha-reductase/alpha(1)-adrenoceptor inhibitors and combined type 1/type 2 5alpha-reductase inhibitors. New targets for the drug treatment of BPH include indothelin, growth factors, estrogens and the phosphodiesterase isoenzymes.
The pharmacotherapy currently recommended by the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association for heart failure (HF) is a diuretic, an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACEI), a β-adrenoceptor antagonist and (usually) digitalis. This current treatment of HF may be improved by optimising the dose of ACEI used, as increasing the dose of lisinopril increases its benefits in HF. Selective angiotensin receptor-1 (AT1) antagonists are effective alternatives for those who cannot tolerate ACEIs. AT1 antagonists may also be used in combination with ACEIs, as some studies have shown cumulative benefits for the combination. In addition to being used in Stage IV HF patients, in whom it has a marked benefit, spironolactone should be studied in less severe HF and in the presence of β-blockers. The use of carvedilol, extended-release metoprolol and bisoprolol should be extended to severe HF patients as these agents have been shown to decrease mortality in this group. The ancillary properties of carvedilol, particularly antagonism at prejunctional β-adrenoceptors, may give it additional benefits to selective β1-adrenoceptor antagonists. Celiprolol and bucindolol are not the β-blockers of choice in HF, as they do not decrease mortality. Although digitalis does not reduce mortality, it remains the only option for a long-term positive inotropic effect, as the long-term use of the phosphodiesterase inhibitors is associated with increased mortality. The calcium sensitising drug levosimendan may be useful in the hospital treatment of decompensated HF to increase cardiac output and improve dyspnoea and fatigue. The antiarrhythmic drug amiodarone should probably be used in patients at high risk of arrhythmic or sudden death, although this treatment may soon be superseded by the more expensive implanted cardioverter defibrillators, which are probably more effective and have fewer side effects. The natriuretic peptide nesiritide has recently been introduced for the hospital treatment of decompensated HF. Novel drugs that may be beneficial in the treatment of HF include the vasopeptidase inhibitors and the selective endothelin-A receptor antagonists but these require much more investigation. However, disappointing results have been obtained in a large clinical trial of the tumour necrosis factor α antagonist etanercept, where no likelihood of a difference between placebo and etanercept was observed. Small clinical trials with recombinant growth hormone to thicken ventricles in dilated cardiomyopathy have given variable results.
Purpose. As reductions in dermal clearance increase the residence time of solutes in the skin and underlying tissues we compared the topical penetration of potentially useful vasoconstrictors (VCs) through human epidermis as both free bases and ion-pairs with salicylic acid (SA). Methods. We determined the in vitro epidermal flux of ephedrine, naphazoline, oxymetazoline, phenylephrine, and xylometazoline applied as saturated solutions in propylene glycol: water (1: 1) and of ephedrine, naphazoline and tetrahydrozoline as 10% solutions of 1: 1 molar ratio ion-pairs with SA in liquid paraffin. Results. As free bases, ephedrine had the highest maximal flux, Jmax = 77.4 +/- 11.7 mug/cm(2)/h, being 4-fold higher than tetrahydrozoline and xylometazoline, 6-fold higher than phenylephrine, 10-fold higher than naphazoline and 100-fold higher than oxymetazoline. Stepwise regression of solute physicochemical properties identified melting point as the most significant predictor of flux. As ion-pairs with SA, ephedrine and naphazoline had similar fluxes (11.5 +/- 2.3 and 12.0 +/- 1.6 mug/cm(2)/h respectively), whereas tetrahydrozoline was approximately 3-fold slower. Corresponding fluxes of SA from the ion-pairs were 18.6 +/- 0.6, 7.8 +/- 0.8 and 1.1 +/- 0.1 respectively. Transdermal transport of VC's is discussed. Conclusions. Epidermal retention of VCs and SA did not correspond to their molar ratio on application and confirmed that following partitioning into the stratum corneum, ion-pairs separate and further penetration is governed by individual solute characteristics.
Indigenous studies (also referred to as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander studies) has a double identity in the Australian education system, consisting of the education of Indigenous students and education of all students about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures and histories. Through explanations of the history of the inclusion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander musics in Australian music education, this article critiques ways in which these musics have been positioned in relation to a number of agendas. These include definitions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander musics as types of Australian music, as ethnomusicological objects, as examples of postcolonial discourse, and as empowerment for Indigenous students. The site of discussion is the work of the Australian Society for Music Education, as representative of trends in Australian school-based music education, and the Centre for Aboriginal Studies in Music at the University of Adelaide, as an example of a tertiary music program for Indigenous students.
O artigo estuda um aspecto da reforma do Estado que, segundo o autor, tem sido sistematicamente negligenciado pelas atuais propostas que focalizam o modelo da administra????o gerencial. Trata-se das fun????es vitais do governo de tomar decis??es cr??ticas e adotar pol??ticas diante das mudan??as provocadas pela revolu????o global. Segundo Dror, as tarefas de alto comando (high-order tasks) de definir trajet??rias e as novas formas de governan??a exigem um ajuste significativo do governo central. Este ajuste refere-se, principalmente, ?? concep????o e ao desenvolvimento de um novo padr??o de funcion??rios do primeiro escal??o p??blico, o qual contribuiria com conhecimento e perspectivas para enfrentar as tarefas de alto comando. O autor estabelece uma tipologia para caraterizar a evolu????o do perfil do servi??o p??blico, marcando suas fases hist??ricas: a) tipo alpha (status atribu??do, fus??o de pap??is pol??ticos e administrativos); b) tipo beta (compra de cargos governamentais) e c) tipo gamma (quase profissionalismo). O novo funcion??rio s??nior, do tipo delta, se concentraria nas quest??es de ordem estrat??gica, deixando as fun????es gerenciais para servidores do tipo gamma e para os servi??os t??cnicos. Ap??s uma breve an??lise, Dror conclui que o funcionalismo p??blico de primeiro escal??o, na maioria dos pa??ses (com exce????o de alguns pa??ses do Sudeste Asi??tico), encontra-se obsoleto, com base profissional inadequada e capacidade insuficiente para lidar com escolhas cr??ticas.
O trabalho se prop??e a oferecer uma modesta contribui????o ao estudo da hist??ria das reformas administrativas realizadas no Brasil a partir da primeira metade do s??culo XX. Mais do que apresentar uma cronologia de fatos e um repert??rio de projetos, recupera as narrativas e an??lises dos estudiosos do tema para identificar as diferentes explica????es para os sucessos e insucessos do passado e estabelecer um sistema de categorias que seja ??til ?? compreens??o da din??mica hist??rica. Relatos, narrativas, teoriza????es, interpreta????es e ideologias se confundem. Em qualquer um dos casos, constituem representa????es do mundo administrativo brasileiro, quer dizer, apresentam-se como formas simb??licas de um Estado em transforma????o.
O artigo discute as caracter??sticas da regula????o dos servi??os p??blicos no setor de saneamento, apresentando comparativamente as formas de presta????o adotadas por Fran??a, Inglaterra e Brasil ??? e como esses pa??ses disciplinam a participa????o privada no setor. Enquanto a Fran??a segue um padr??o hist??rico de regula????o marcado pelo protagonismo das autoridades locais, utilizando contratos como instrumento por excel??ncia de disciplina dos servi??os, a Inglaterra introduziu, atrav??s de ambicioso processo de privatiza????o, marco regulat??rio em que ag??ncias do Governo Central s??o os atores principais. Ainda sem um modelo definido, o Brasil, atrav??s de inova????es legais, enfrenta os desafios de atrair investimentos privados para um setor sob a presen??a de conflitos federativos entre estados e munic??pios acerca da titularidade dos referidos servi??os p??blicos.
An??lise da quest??o da forma????o da burocracia p??blica no Brasil, desde a cria????o do Conselho Federal do Servi??o P??blico Civil em 1936 at?? as condi????es dadas pela Constitui????o Federal de 5 de outubro de 1988. Perspectivas e dificuldades de sua consolida????o na situa????o atual. As experi??ncias ocorridas no per??odo: o Estado Novo, o processo de Redemocratiza????o de 1946, o governo Kubitschek, o Movimento de 1964 e as grandes reformas sob o Decreto-Lei n?? 200, de 1967, a crise dos anos 80, a Constitui????o de 1988 e a Administra????o P??blica sob a Carta atual. Discuss??o dos temas em debate no momento sobre a quest??o da Administra????o P??blica: estabilidade, regime jur??dico, concurso p??blico, previd??ncia.
O artigo versa sobre o debate travado entre Say e Sismondi a respeito da possibilidade de saturação geral dos mercados. Na primeira seção, descreve-se o contexto histórico da Europa continental nas primeiras décadas do século 19, destacando-se as particularidades da experiência francesa de industrialização ante a liderança britânica nesse campo. A seguir, traça-se breve perfil da formação intelectual de Say a fim de apresentar sua visão sobre o funcionamento dos mercados. Na continuação, examina-se a perspectiva histórica de Sismondi em sua crítica da ortodoxia clássica, bem como sua versão para a tendência do sistema capitalista à superprodução. Nas duas últimas partes, recuperam-se os comentários recíprocos de Say e Sismondi a respeito de suas divergências teóricas sobre os limites da acumulação de capital.