965 resultados para General variable neighborhood search
International audience
El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar unas bases de conocimiento sobre el denominado General Game Playing (GGP) analizando los conceptos relacionados con esta área que ha surgido recientemente, de forma que nuestro trabajo pueda ser usado como base en futuras investigaciones y tesis relacionadas con la materia. Para ello, se hará un estudio de los enfoques que se han empleado para abordar el problema y se profundizará en otras técnicas algorítmicas, tales como por ejemplo la de Montecarlo Tree Search y los algoritmos bio-inspirados que no se han empleado (o se han empleado poco) en este contexto. Adicionalmente, se realiza una propuesta de un agente autónomo (es decir, un resolutor del problema), implementando un algoritmo bio-inspirado mixto, dentro de la plataforma para la General Video Game Artificial Intelligence Competition (GVGAI), analizando sus resultados y extrayendo conclusiones.
International audience
Almost 20 years ago, Adriaan Versprille published an editorial in this journal to explain why, in his opinion, the calculation of pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) is meaningless [1]. The uncertainties of PVR were underscored a year later by McGregor and Sniderman in the American Journal of Cardiology [2]. Obviously, both papers failed to convince. A Medline search from 1985 to the end of 2002 reveals no less than 7,158 papers with PVR calculations. What is it that could be wrong in all this literature?.
Entangled quantum states can be given a separable decomposition if we relax the restriction that the local operators be quantum states. Motivated by the construction of classical simulations and local hidden variable models, we construct `smallest' local sets of operators that achieve this. In other words, given an arbitrary bipartite quantum state we construct convex sets of local operators that allow for a separable decomposition, but that cannot be made smaller while continuing to do so. We then consider two further variants of the problem where the local state spaces are required to contain the local quantum states, and obtain solutions for a variety of cases including a region of pure states around the maximally entangled state. The methods involve calculating certain forms of cross norm. Two of the variants of the problem have a strong relationship to theorems on ensemble decompositions of positive operators, and our results thereby give those theorems an added interpretation. The results generalise those obtained in our previous work on this topic [New J. Phys. 17, 093047 (2015)].
Gran parte de los estudios realizados en tomo al concepto de variable y sus diferentes usos se ha centrado en estudiantes de secundaria, bachillerato y primer semestre universitario; en todos ellos se han detectado diversas dificultades para la comprensión y manejo adecuado de tal concepto. El concepto de variable es fundamental no sólo para el aprendizaje sino también para la enseñanza del álgebra. Como marco teórico para esta investigación se utilizó la descomposición que Ursíni y Trigueros (1998) hacen del concepto de variable. En ésta se consideran una serie de aspectos que incluyen la capacidad de interpretación, simbolización y manipulación de cada uno de los 3 usos de la variable que se consideran, a saber: variable como incógnita específica, variable como número general y variables en relación funcional. Este resumen se refiere a los resultados de una investigación llevada a cabo con 74 profesores de matemáticas de secundaria a los que se les aplicó un cuestionario de 65 preguntas abiertas, dicho instrumento ya había sido diseñado y validado para realizar un estudio con estudiantes universitarios. Posteriormente se realizaron entrevistas a 6 profesores, tomando como base las respuestas dadas en el cuestionario. Se encontró que algunas de estas dificultades son similares a las que presentan los estudiantes.
The present research concerns about outdoor s thermal comfort conditions in hot-humid climate cities, understanding that life quality is a result of the urban object s type built for the human being in an environment with specific climate and morphological characteristics. It is presented as object of study the correlation between the neighborhood Renascença II s microclimate in São Luis /MA-Brazil, hot-humid climate city, and its urban morphological changes. As well as the thermal comfort s satisfaction level of its outdoor users. The research has as general goal to diagnosis the way these transformations caused by the urbanization influence the Renascença II s microclimate, identifying critical spots of the studied area, in order to contribute with land use recommendations based on bioclimatic architecture concepts and supply bases to urban design decisions adequate to the São Luis climate. It is presented as theoretical bases the urban climate, its concepts and elements. After that, the thermal comfort conditioners and its prediction models of thermal comfort sensation in outdoor are presented. The predictive models are presented along with bioclimatic assessment methods. Finally the use of bioclimatic assessment as an effective tool to identify places that need changes or preservation in order to seek environment quality. The applied methodology was based on the studies of Katzschner (1997), complemented by Oliveira s (1988) and Bustos Romero s (2001) studies that suggest an analysis and evaluation of maps of topography, buildings floors, land use, green areas and land covering, in order to overlap their characteristics and identify climate variable s measurements points; then a quantitative analysis of the climate variables (air temperature and humidity, wind speed and direction) of the chosen points takes place. It was perceived that Renaissance II has no permanence areas as squares or parks, its outdoor has little vegetation and presets high land impermeability and built density levels. The majority of the people interviewed said that was comfortable in a range of air temperature between 27,28ºC and 30,71ºC. The elaboration of a neighborhood master plan is important, which defines strategies for improvement of the life quality of its inhabitants
Se ha estudiado una muestra de 150 pacientes quirúrgicos, valorando su estado nutricional e inmunológico en el preoperatorio, mediante parámetros antropométricos bioquímicos e inmunológicos, el porcentaje de pacientes desnutridos es del 54& con una depleción inmunológica del 26.7; la distribución en los diferentes grados de desnutrición es variable. El 98.7de los pacientes tienen alterados algunos de los parámetros evaluados: encontrándose que la morbimortalidad se correlaciona con el grado de depleción inmunológica, presentando un 47.3de complicaciones y 13.1de mortalidad los pacientes alérgicos
Context:Most child population is able to undergo dental treatment in the conventional setting. However, some children fail to cope with in-office conscious state and cannot respond to usual management modalities. This review aims to discuss the topic further. Evidence Acquisition: A computerized search in databases PubMed, MEDLINE, EMBASE, Google Scholar and Google were performed using dental general anesthesia related keywords. Original and review English-written articles that were limited to child population were retrieved without any limitation of publication date. The suitable papers were selected and carefully studied. A data form designed by author was used to write relevant findings. Results: Preoperative oral examination and comprehensive evaluation of treatment needs is only possible after clinical and radiographic oral examination. Effective collaboration in dental GA team should be made to minimize psychological trauma of children who undergo dental GA. Before conducting comprehensive dental treatment under GA, the general health of the child and the success rate of procedures provided needs to be accurately evaluated. It is noteworthy that determination of the optimal timing for GA dental operation is of great importance. Providing safety with pediatric dental rehabilitation under GA is critical. Conclusions: Besides criteria for case selection of dental GA, some degree of dental practitioner’s judgment is required to make decision. Pre- and post-operative instructions to parents or caregiver decrease the risk of complications. However, trained resuscitation providers, careful monitoring and advanced equipment minimize adverse outcomes.
Con el objetivo de comparar las variaciones de frecuencia cardíaca, tensión arterial, oximetría de pulso, consumo de halotano y complicaciones en dos grupos de niïños de hasta 20 kg de pso a los que administró anestesia general ya sea con intubación endotraqueal o con mascarilla laríngea, se realizó un estudio clínico controlado aleatorizado. Se asignaron aleatoriamente dos grupos iguales de 50 niños en el Hospital VCM, desde enero del 200 a junio del 2001, sometidos a procedimientos quirúrgicos bajo anestesia general inhalatoria con halotano. En el grupo TES se utilizó intubación endotraqueal y en el grupo LMA únicamente mascarilla laríngea. Se midió hemodinamia, oximetría de pulso y consumo de halotano. Resultados:Los grupos fueron comparables en las variables demográficas a excepción del sexo, variable sin repercusión en la prueba de hipótesis. Las diferencias de frecuencia cardíaca y tensión arterial, entre los grupos, no fueron estadísticamente significativas, pero si lo fue la oximetría de pulso con valores más altos en el grupo LMA (p<0.05). El consumo de halotano fue similar. La depresión respiratoria fue más frecuente en el grupo TET (18vs 8). En ambos grupos hubo espasmo de glotis (4) y un caso (2) de vómito en el grupo TET. Ninguna de las diferencias fueron estadísticamente significativas. Conclusiones: el manejo de la vía aérea con LMZ es una alternativa de utilidad comparable a la intubación endotraqueal atendiendo a las indicaciones precisas de su uso. La LMA es un dispositivo idóneo, no invasivo, versátil, de gran ayuda en pacientes con y sin ventilación aérea difícil que debe ser incluido en el arsenal del anestesiólogo
Efficient hill climbers have been recently proposed for single- and multi-objective pseudo-Boolean optimization problems. For $k$-bounded pseudo-Boolean functions where each variable appears in at most a constant number of subfunctions, it has been theoretically proven that the neighborhood of a solution can be explored in constant time. These hill climbers, combined with a high-level exploration strategy, have shown to improve state of the art methods in experimental studies and open the door to the so-called Gray Box Optimization, where part, but not all, of the details of the objective functions are used to better explore the search space. One important limitation of all the previous proposals is that they can only be applied to unconstrained pseudo-Boolean optimization problems. In this work, we address the constrained case for multi-objective $k$-bounded pseudo-Boolean optimization problems. We find that adding constraints to the pseudo-Boolean problem has a linear computational cost in the hill climber.
Predictors of Adolescent Sexual Intentions and Behavior: Attitudes, Parenting, and Neighborhood Risk
The current study was a cross-sectional examination of data collected during an HIV risk reduction intervention in south Florida. The purpose of the study was to explore the relationships between neighborhood stress, parenting, attitudes, and adolescent sexual intentions and behavior. The Theory of Planned Behavior was used as a model to guide variable selection and propose an interaction pathway between predictors and outcomes. Potential predictor variables measured for adolescents ages 13-18 (n=196) included communication about sex, parent-family connectedness, parental presence, parent-adolescent activity participation, attitudes about sex and condom use, neighborhood disorder, and exposure to violence. Outcomes were behavioral intentions and sexual behavior for the previous eight months. Neighborhood data was supplemented with ZIP Code level data from regional sources and included median household income, percentage of minority and Hispanic residents, and number of foreclosures. Statistical tests included t-tests, Pearson’s correlations, and hierarchical linear regressions. Results showed that males and older adolescents reported less positive behavioral intentions than females and adolescents younger than 16. Intentions were associated with condom attitudes, sexual attitudes, and parental presence; unprotected sexual behavior was associated with parental presence. The best fit model for intentions included gender, sexual attitudes, condom attitudes, parental presence, and neighborhood disorder. The unsafe sexual behavior model included whether the participant lived with both natural parents in the previous year, and the percent of Hispanic residents in the neighborhood. Study findings indicate that more research on adolescent sexual behavior is warranted, specifically examining the differentials between variables that affect intentions and those that affect behavior. A focus on gender and age differences during intervention development may allow for better targeting and more efficacious interventions. Adding peer and media influences to the framework of attitudes, parenting, and neighborhood may offer more insight into patterns of adolescent sexual behavior risk.
The purpose of the study was to determine the degree of relationships among GRE scores, undergraduate GPA (UGPA), and success in graduate school, as measured by first year graduate GPA (FGPA), cumulative graduate GPA, and degree attainment status. A second aim of the study was to determine whether the relationships between the composite predictor (GRE scores and UGPA) and the three success measures differed by race/ethnicity and sex. A total of 7,367 graduate student records (masters, 5,990; doctoral: 1,377) from 2000 to 2010 were used to evaluate the relationships among GRE scores, UGPA and the three success measures. Pearson’s correlation, multiple linear and logistic regression, and hierarchical multiple linear and logistic regression analyses were performed to answer the research questions. The results of the correlational analyses differed by degree level. For master’s students, the ETS proposed prediction that GRE scores are valid predictors of first year graduate GPA was supported by the findings from the present study; however, for doctoral students, the proposed prediction was only partially supported. Regression and correlational analyses indicated that UGPA was the variable that consistently predicted all three success measures for both degree levels. The hierarchical multiple linear and logistic regression analyses indicated that at master’s degree level, White students with higher GRE Quantitative Reasoning Test scores were more likely to attain a degree than Asian Americans, while International students with higher UGPA were more likely to attain a degree than White students. The relationships between the three predictors and the three success measures were not significantly different between men and women for either degree level. Findings have implications both for practice and research. They will provide graduate school administrators with institution-specific validity data for UGPA and the GRE scores, which can be referenced in making admission decisions, while they will provide empirical and professionally defensible evidence to support the current practice of using UGPA and GRE scores for admission considerations. In addition, new evidence relating to differential predictions will be useful as a resource reference for future GRE validation researchers.
Thesis (Master, Community Health & Epidemiology) -- Queen's University, 2016-10-02 21:02:07.735
Internet growth has provoked that information search had come to have one of the most relevant roles in the industry and to be one of the most current topics in research environments. Internet is the largest information container in history and its facility to generate new information leads to new challenges when talking about retrieving information and discern which one is more relevant than the rest. Parallel to the information growth in quantity, the way information is provided has also changed. One of these changes that has provoked more information traffic has been the emergence of social networks. We have seen how social networks can provoke more traffic than search engines themselves. We can draw conclusions that allow us to take a new approach to the information retrieval problem. Public trusts the most information coming from known contacts. In this document we will explore a possible change in classic search engines to bring them closer to the social side and adquire those social advantages.