967 resultados para FOUCAULT, MICHEL
La divulgation dans les médias de masse des atrocités commises dans les camps de concentration nazis et soviétiques n’a pas ébranlé que les milieux politiques. Plusieurs chercheurs en sciences humaines (on pense immédiatement à l’expérience de Milgram) et en philosophie ont cherché à comprendre le fonctionnement des régimes totalitaires. Hannah Arendt, en plus d’avoir contribué à la popularisation du concept de totalitarisme, a été l’une des premières à en rechercher les origines. Bien qu’il n’ait jamais abordé de front la question du nazisme et du stalinisme, Michel Foucault a, lui aussi, ancré ses recherches sur le pouvoir dans une démarche généalogique. Plus précisément, c’est lors de ses travaux sur la gouvernementalité et la biopolitique qu’il a étudié les rationalités gouvernementales, leurs technologies et leur effet subjectivant. Les objectifs de cette recherche sont de présenter un exposé critique de ces deux approches des phénomènes de pouvoir en Occident et de produire une étude comparative du phénomène totalitaire.
Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n
Resumen basado en el de la publicación.
Exaltée par la philosophie et reléguée à second plan par la sociologie, pour son appartenance à la vie privée, l amitié devient, à partir des anées 70, um thème d intétêret nom plus sous la perspective classique de la philia, avec son insistance sur la fraternité, égalité et dans l équivalence des amis.Les études de Hannah Arendt,Blanchot,Derrida et Foucault déséquilibrent cette vison, et la rédéfinissent em tant qu ne rapport qui donne lieu à l alterité et permet les manifestations des singularités entre amis. En reprendant ces penseurs, Michel Foucault tente réhabililiter l amitié en tant qu ne éthique et une esthétique de l existence qui conduit à la transformation du sujet, stylisant son existence dans la présence de l autre. Basés sur cette réhabilitation, nous penserons l amitié comme une expérience éthique et afective intense qui cherche autotransformation des amis, une forme de vie qui refuse les formes imposées de rapports et subjectivités
The fundamental question developed in this research is to consider the possible meanings of biopolitics in the thought of Michel Foucault. In the first chapter of this study seeks to examine the rationality of biopower. It is able to show the rationality of acting as a social machinery for the manufacture of the subjectivity of individuals, biopolitics as a producer of bodies and subjectivity. The theme of biopolitics appears as inspiration of Nietzsche's metaphor of war. The idea that history is the war for dominance of the bodies. In the second chapter, the (bio) political will and political thought of resistance, fighting criticism as an attitude of revolt of the subject before his condition subjugated. The biopolitical here is intended as a conceptual tool for reading the thought / Foucault's work. A resistance that can be thought of as a biopolitical as a "refractoriness reflected". The third chapter will seek to show how the Foucault argues that power was already present the ethics of self-care. If the subject is a product, is captured by the discourse of biopower that manufactures its subjectivity, self care, it's time to think about the inner contents. Self care is something that offers resistance, as a possibility to think that these contents are constructed historically, and that therefore it is possible to reestablish the self-care is a policy of fighting these sedimented content that promotes colonization of the subjects. You can move from ruler to ruled itself, although this pursuit of liberty is always unfinished, always be a tension, a desire for freedom that can be undertaken not as a state, but at least the minimum and temporarily in other forms of existence, and other ways of relating, other ways of sociability, friendship, sexuality
The work, here present, has as its objective to present in a clear and distinct manner the object of study of Michel Foucault in his last years of teaching at the College de France, namely, the care of the self. We present the care of the self in its birth, in its origin, from the character Socrates and its development until the beginning of the Christian age. With a keen eye, we present Foucault with a work of return and rescue of the care of the self to the personal and academic discussions; we propose, from the self care, to the contemporary subject a problematization of their life so that from this questioning he creates for herself ways of life that are coherence, knowledge and care with which he has of must particular, his himself. Passing by the sources that served as the source of study for Foucault to sketch the birth of care of the self, we design the form with which Foucault has dealt with the documents that speak of the care of self. We present Socrates as one who by excellence ensures that the other will give birth to the forms of knowledge and care of the self or, in other words, we present the care of the self socratic-foucauldian as a constant worry of the other to pay attention to ways in which he conducts her life, it creates for themselves ways of being and, therefore, creates ethics of existence. We present, finally, the care of the self as the cause of continuous immanence of modes of subjectivation of the subject that configure themselves in a non-accepting a determined essence, but a continually updated form . The care of the self leads to a single relationship and educator of modes of subjectivation of the subject; he creates, on the dynamics of temporality, ethical ways of living, which are sustained by an internal coherence of the subject with herself; he admits no stationary nature in the training of the subject, always wants a more beautiful work of himself; he is not isolation, he needs and is made with the other. The care of the self is the principle and the telos of battles and conquests of the subject within his temporality and existence
Expõe as ideias contidas em escritos de Michel Foucault, Peter Pál Pelbart e Gilles Deleuze sobre a loucura e sua interface com a arte visando explorar os questionamentos desses autores sobre a relação entre arte e loucura. Parte da ideia de que a loucura não diz a verdade da arte, e vice-versa, mas que existem conexões entre ambas que devem ser abordadas para permitir uma reflexão mais profunda sobre o tema. Problematizam-se neste texto: a afirmação de que a loucura é a ausência de obra e a interferência disso na possibilidade de uma obra artística; e a ideia da loucura como linguagem interdita, ou seja, de que a loucura não traz apenas exclusão do corpo, mas também desqualificação do discurso.
Our conception of education is that it is the responsible action whereby man becomes human, trains and faces the challenges that life and the world present, as man enters a larger, shared cultural tradition and thus joins the world. However such sharing implies that we must not just rely on tradition, but remain open to new ideas. It is essential for schooling to preserve a field where the art of living intersects with the world for which future generations are being prepared. It is in this field of intersection that this essay seeks to discuss Michel Foucault's thought, care of the self and the role played by others in the acquisition of ethical attitudes pertaining to one's conduct in life. Through reconstructing Foucault's ideas, we elaborate on the hypothesis that, before morally shaping students, teaching them values, or aiding in their skill acquisition in the sense prevailing in schooling today, it is important to understand the notion of care of the self (and how the notion implies interaction with others for effective care of the self). Care of the self is vital for thoroughly understanding the relationships between ethics and education in school. We particularly examine how Foucault's ideas and his analysis of the teacher's role in shaping the student's life conduct can help educators rethink pedagogical action in an ethical sense and find within it a certain openness to the formation of attitudes in educators and students
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Michel Foucault foi um leitor perseverante, embora sui generis, de Kant, e é essa apropriação que iremos analisar. Começaremos pela longa introdução que fez para a sua tradução de Anthropologie in pragmatischer Hinsicht, mostrando aí o insucesso da antropologia pragmática kantiana. Prosseguiremos com o estudo da Crítica kantiana em Les Mots et les Choses, condição que definiu a transição da episteme Clássica para a Moderna, autorizando no entanto, e simultaneamente, a constituição de uma nova metafísica fora das representações e constituindo uma filosofia obcecada pelo homem, ao reduzir o seu campo de saber às “empiricidades” da vida, da linguagem e do trabalho. Nietzsche virá em seu socorro oferecendo com o “desaparecimento do homem” a promessa do renascimento da filosofia. Finalmente, num terceiro ponto, pensaremos a maneira como Foucault se inscreve mais directamente na recepção kantiana, prolongando-a e renovando-a através do destaque que deu ao “diagnóstico da actualidade” e à “ontologia de nós mesmos”, em vez da “analítica da verdade”, bem como à axiologia da revolução; presentes nos textos que escreveu já na década de 80 sobre Was ist Aufklärung? e Der Streit der Facultäten, definindo aí muito da sua própria condição de pensador, público e privado.
Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar las investigaciones desarrolladas en el campo académico de la Educación Física en Argentina y Brasil basadas en la obra de Michel Foucault. Delimitaremos nuestro análisis del caso brasileño a tres pesquisadores que son, Homero Luis Alves de Lima, Alex Branco Fraga y Luiz Carlos Rigo y en el caso argentino, Ángela Aisenstein, Ricardo Crisorio y Pablo Ariel Scharagrodsky. Mostramos cómo esos trabajos están mayoritariamente referenciados en el segundo "dominio foucaultiano" y que son muy importantes para la denuncia de condiciones como la disciplinarización de los cuerpos y el control biopolítico de la población, sin embargo, el "tercer dominio" foucaultiano no es referenciado. Entendemos que ese dominio sería muy útil para la construcción de una propuesta pedagógica para la Educación Física, más allá del mero criticismo
Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar las investigaciones desarrolladas en el campo académico de la Educación Física en Argentina y Brasil basadas en la obra de Michel Foucault. Delimitaremos nuestro análisis del caso brasileño a tres pesquisadores que son, Homero Luis Alves de Lima, Alex Branco Fraga y Luiz Carlos Rigo y en el caso argentino, Ángela Aisenstein, Ricardo Crisorio y Pablo Ariel Scharagrodsky. Mostramos cómo esos trabajos están mayoritariamente referenciados en el segundo "dominio foucaultiano" y que son muy importantes para la denuncia de condiciones como la disciplinarización de los cuerpos y el control biopolítico de la población, sin embargo, el "tercer dominio" foucaultiano no es referenciado. Entendemos que ese dominio sería muy útil para la construcción de una propuesta pedagógica para la Educación Física, más allá del mero criticismo
Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar las investigaciones desarrolladas en el campo académico de la Educación Física en Argentina y Brasil basadas en la obra de Michel Foucault. Delimitaremos nuestro análisis del caso brasileño a tres pesquisadores que son, Homero Luis Alves de Lima, Alex Branco Fraga y Luiz Carlos Rigo y en el caso argentino, Ángela Aisenstein, Ricardo Crisorio y Pablo Ariel Scharagrodsky. Mostramos cómo esos trabajos están mayoritariamente referenciados en el segundo "dominio foucaultiano" y que son muy importantes para la denuncia de condiciones como la disciplinarización de los cuerpos y el control biopolítico de la población, sin embargo, el "tercer dominio" foucaultiano no es referenciado. Entendemos que ese dominio sería muy útil para la construcción de una propuesta pedagógica para la Educación Física, más allá del mero criticismo
We argue two major difficulties in current discourses of citizenship education. The first is a relative masking of student discourses of citizenship by positioning students as lacking citizenship and as outside the community that acts. The second is in failing to understand the discursive and material support for citizenship activity. We, thus, argue that it is not a lack of citizenship that education research might address, but identification and exploration of the different forms of citizenship that students already engage in. We offer a fragmentary, poststructuralist theorization oriented to explore the contemporary limits of the necessary', drawing on specific resources from the work of Michel Foucault and others for the constitution of local, partial accounts of citizenship discourses and activities, and exploration of their possibilities and constraints. We argue this as a significant tactic of theorization in support of an opening of discourses of citizenship and in avoiding the discursive difficulties that we have identified. Our theorization, then, is significant in its potential to unsettle discourses that confine contemporary thought regarding citizenship education and support exploration of what might be excessive to that confinement.