354 resultados para F54 - Colonialism
En este trabajo se reflexiona sobre la necesidad de un marco epistemolgico inclusivo que aborde la multivocalidad de los procesos histricos objeto de estudio y permita crear relatos histricos ms plurales y representativos. Pero el relato sobre el pasado ser mejor si, adems de ser inclusivo a nivel epistemolgico, tambin contribuye de alguna manera a mejorar la sociedad actual. Por ello se reclama una arqueologa que incluya una preocupacin axiolgica y busque posibles mbitos de aplicacin para los resultados de sus investigaciones. Ejemplificamos esta reivindicacin con un caso de estudio sobre cermica, que subraya que los objetos cotidianos fueron y son utilizados en las estrategias de construccin social de la desigualdad. En este contexto se reclama la toma de consciencia de esta prctica en la actualidad y la renuncia a determinados recursos discursivos. Por ejemplo, se propone retomar el concepto inclusivo, este vez para oponerlo a la significacin social del adjetivo exclusivo. Aunque todas estas reflexiones derivan de casos de estudio de arqueologa histrica, pueden ser tiles a la arqueologa en general, sin sesgo cronolgico alguno.
El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar el primer tropiezo histrico de las tropas de Napolen Bonaparte, en Santo Domingo, y los paralelismos entre la Guerra de Independencia espaola y la Reconquista dominicana. Para ello se han analizado los testimonios de los personajes implicados, con el fin de indagar el ideario que inspir su accin militar. Adems probaremos que, contra las ideas defendidas por algunos historiadores, tras la paz de Basilea los dominicanos siguieron sintindose ligados a Espaa, como demostraron en la Guerra de Reconquista contra el gobierno francs. Slo Cuba, Puerto Rico y Santo Domingo participaron de este sentimiento, mientras el resto de Hispanoamrica comenzaba a clamar por la independencia.
En este artculo se explora el impacto socio-econmico de la crisis internacional de 1929 en Senegal y ms concretamente en la ciudad-puerto de Dakar. Se analizan las consecuencias de la dependencia externa y la extroversin econmica que caracterizaba a las estructuras productivas coloniales, destacando tambin la respuesta organizada de los movimientos sociales africanos. Por otra parte, se estudia la evolucin de las infraestructuras y actividad portuaria, observando la metropolizacin regional de Dakar durante este periodo.
Con este trabajo nos proponemos estudiar las polticas agrarias del franquismo y particularmente la creacin y actuacin del Servicio de Extensin Agraria (1955) en el contexto de la difusin de la Teora de la Modernizacin. Comenzaremos con una contextualizacin de las relaciones culturales entre Espaa y los EE.UU. y su potencial proyeccin sobre el mbito rural. A continuacin, prestaremos atencin a la impronta del modelo extensionista norteamericano en la organizacin y metodologa del Servicio de Extensin Agraria. Sin perder de vista la importancia de la escala estatal para la implementacin y adaptacin de las distintas polticas agrarias, atenderemos al contexto poltico e ideolgico internacional como elemento que permite ampliar la comprensin y estudio de dichas polticas. En ese sentido, propondremos finalmente una primera aproximacin comparativa al estudio del SEA en relacin con diferentes experiencias de extensionismo agrario en Latinoamrica.
The relationship between population and government in the City of Buenos Aires is analyzed, focusing on the tensions generated by the arrival of new individuals, a local elite with great interests in commerce and in charge of community affairs, and Spanish functionaries that progressively adopted the ideals of the Bourbon Dynasty, despite also being implicated in local logics. It interests us to observe the governors perspectives with respect to everyday developments in the city, their preoccupations and interests, and how they would vary the mechanisms to which they resorted in order to organize daily life, in the period defined between 1740 and 1776.
El presente trabajo tiene por objeto presentar la primera aproximacin a las relaciones intertnicas en el escenario del Fuerte San Jos y el Puesto de la Fuente, desde una perspectiva histrica y arqueolgica. En particular, presentaremos los primeros resultados de las investigaciones histricas respecto de la problemtica mencionada, sobre la base de informacin indita analizada hasta el momento. Para ello nos centraremos en los primeros diez aos de vida en el Fuerte (1779-1789) y estableceremos una comparacin con los otros dos asentamientos que formaron parte del plan de poblamiento espaol de las costa patagnica (siglo XVIII): el Fuerte Nuestra Seora del Carmen y la Nueva Colonia de Floridablanca, a los efectos de destacar la particularidad del Fuerte San Jos en el marco de la variabilidad de la estructuracin de las relaciones intertnicas en las colonias patagnicas.
The year 1977 saw the making of the first Latino superhero by a Latino artist. From the 1980s onwards it is also possible to find Latina super-heroines, whose number and complexity has kept increasing ever since. Yet, the representations of spandexed Latinas are still few. For that reason, the goal of this paper is, firstly, to gather a great number of Latina super-heroines and, secondly, to analyze the role that they have played in the history of American literature and art. More specifically, it aims at comparing the spandexed Latinas created by non-Latino/a artists and mainstream comic enterprises with the Latina super-heroines devised by Latino/a artists. The conclusion is that whereas the former tend to conceive heroines within the constraints of the logic of Girl Power, the latter choose to imbue their works with a more daring political content and to align their heroines with the ideologies of Feminism and Postcolonialism.
The comments of Charles Kegan Paul, the Victorian publisher who was involved in publishing the novels of the nineteenth-century British-Indian author Philip Meadows Taylor as single volume reprints in the 1880s, are illuminating. They are indicative of the publisher's position with regard to publishing - that there was often no correlation between commercial success and the artistic merit of a work. According to Kegan Paul, a substandard or mediocre text would be commercially successful as long it met a perceived want on the part of the public. In effect, the ruminations of the publisher suggests that a firm desirous of acquiring commercial success for a work should be an astute judge of the pre-existing wants of consumers within the market. Yet Theodor Adorno, writing in the mid-twentieth century, offers an entirely distinctive perspective to Kegan Paul's observations, arguing that there is nothing foreordained about consumer demand for certain cultural tropes or productions. They in fact are driven by an industry that preempts and conditions the possible reactions of the consumer. Both Kegan Paul's and Adorno's insights are illuminating when it comes to addressing the key issues explored in this essay. Kegan Paul's comments allude to the ways in which the publisher's promotion of Philip Meadows Taylor's fictional depictions of India and its peoples were to a large extent driven in the mid- to late-nineteenth century by their expectations of what metropolitan readers desired at any given time, whereas Adorno's insights reveal the ways in which British-Indian narratives and the public identity of their authors were not assured in advance, but were, to a large extent, engineered by the publishing industry and the literary marketplace.
Germany, Italy and Japan were engaged in China from the turn of the 20th century to WWII. However, they formed an anti-Chinese alliance only at the final stage of their presence there, when Japan assumed an undisputed role of leader in the region. Despite its alliance with the Axis powers, Japan never implemented racial laws against the Jews in China. All of them took part in the Boxer Upraising suppression and received as a consequence extraterritorial rights and concessions. Moreover, Japan won the war against China in 1895 and transformed itself from a tributary country of China into an imperialistic power. It took possession of Taiwan and in the 1930s established a puppet government in Manchuria.Germany followed different route obtaining as indemnity for the murders of two missionaries the control of the Shandong province, which was later expanded thanks to the anti-Boxer coalition's victory. However, Germany lost all possessions when China entered WWI. The issue of Shandong was finally resolved at the Conference for Disarmament hold in Washington in 1921-2. Japan failed to gain ex-Germany territories. Finally, Italy arrived in the Far East at the turn of the century but was not very interested in the oriental colonialism to the same extent it was interested in Africa. Tianjin was its only concession in China, and it took almost a decade before a subvention to arrive from the Italian government for its development.In the 1920s and 1930s Germany and Italy engaged in successful diplomatic, commercial and military relationships with China. In fact, both were considered China's partners thanks to their experts at the service of the Chinese government. On the other hand, Japan position was opposite to them, because of its plans of aggression towards China which was to be transformed into the natural extension of the mainland. In 1935 Italy declared war on Ethiopia and abandoned the seat at the League of Nations. China interpreted the Italian aggression as the endorsement of Japan's politics towards China in Manchuria, and the relations between the two countries were broken off. After that Italy supported Wang Jingwei's puppet government during the Japanese occupation of China. Germany followed the same path in 1937, when it was evident that the Japanese were playing the leading role in the region, and decided to ally with Wang Jingwei too. Both Italy and Germany decided also to recognise the Manzhuguo and established diplomatic relations, definitively turning their backs on the old Chinese ally.The Rome-Berlin-Tokyo Axis sealed the alliance among the three countries, and it confirmed Japan as the leading power in the region. Nevertheless Japan did not apply the racial law against the Jews in China.
The excavation of the Sanctuary of Poseidon at Kalaureia in 1894 marks the beginning of Swedish archaeological fieldwork in Greece. During a couple of hot summer months, two philologists from Uppsala University, Sam Wide (1861-1918) and Lennart Kjellberg (1857-1936), worked in the sanctuary together with the architect Sven Kristenson (1858-1937), the Greek foreman Pankalos and around twenty local workmen. In 1997, the Swedish Institute at Athens began new excavations at the sanctuary. This thesis examines the beginnings of Swedish fieldwork in Greece. Within the framework of a cultural history of archaeology, inspired by archaeological ethnography and the New Cultural History, it explores how archaeology functioned as a cultural practice in the late nineteenth century. A micro-historical methodology makes use of a wide array of different source material connected to the excavation of 1894, its prelude and aftermath. The thesis takes the theoretical position that the premises for archaeological knowledge production are outcomes of contemporary power structures and cultural politics. Through an analysis of how the archaeologists constructed their self-images through a set of idealized stereotypes of bourgeois masculinity, academic politics of belonging is highlighted. The politics of belonging existed also on a national level, where the Swedish archaeologists entered into a competition with other foreign actors to claim heritage sites in Greece. The idealization of classical Greece as a birthplace of Western values, in combination with contemporary colonial and racist cultural frameworks in Europe, created particular gazes through which the modern country was appropriated and judged. These factors all shaped the practices through which archaeological knowledge was created at Kalaureia. Some excavations tend to have extensive afterlives through the production of histories of archaeology. Therefore, this thesis also explores the representations of the 1894 excavation in the historiography of Swedish classical archaeology. It highlights the strategies by which the excavation at Kalaureia has served to legitimize further Swedish engagements in Greek archaeology, and explores the way in which historiography shapes our professional identities.
Lobjectif de ce travail tait dapporter une rflexion sur les influences du colonialisme europen aux XVII-XVIIIe sicles. Ayant dj rdig mon mmoire de fin de matrise sur la Corinthe archaque et ses colonies, jai souhait approfondir la question, en choisissant de situer la problmatique dans un contexte historiographique plus large, dans le temps comme dans lespace. Plusieurs auteurs se sont intresss aux rceptions de lAntiquit des priodes spcifiques (Grell et Alexandre le Grand en France, Richard et les influences antiques de la Rvolution amricaine,). Cependant, aucune analyse sur le long terme navait encore t fournie, pas davantage quune rflexion de fonds sur la place de lAntiquit dans la manire de penser les colonies en Europe moderne. Cet tat de fait, de mme que la relative raret des sources modernes traitant des colonies grecques, mont oblig largir au maximum le champ de recherche, en y incluant des auteurs qui, sils ne se proccuprent pas de colonisation, recoururent nanmoins au prcdent grec pour illustrer des problmatiques de leur temps. Toutefois, il est possible de constater quel point les rpertoires historiographiques concernant la Grce antique et ses colonisations se sont dvelopps dans le courant de ces deux sicles qui virent lapoge et la chute des premiers empires coloniaux europens en Amrique du nord. Si la comparaison lHistoire grecque ne relevait souvent que du Topos et de la propagande (comme dans le cas de la comparaison du Grand Cond ou de Louis XIV Alexandre le Grand), son utilisation dans le cadre de controverses plus large chelle outrepassait aussi le seul lieu commun pour sinscrire dans un discours rhtorique plus approfondi. Le choix de la colonisation grecque comme modle de comparaison simposait dautant plus logiquement que les divers auteurs, depuis les premiers colons jusquaux pres fondateurs amricains, insistaient sur les mrites conomiques des colonies europennes. Dautres rgimes, comme lempire espagnol au XVIe sicle ou lempire britannique au XIXe sicle, ont davantage recouru une terminologie dinspiration romaine. En effet, leur politique se fondait plus sur lide dune extension imprialiste de ltat que sur une vision commerciale du colonialisme. Larticle de Krishan Kumar demeure lun des plus importants sur la question. La rception de lHistoire des colonies grecques aux Temps modernes fut avant tout le fruit dune tentative de dfinition du colonialisme comme phnomne global, et dune volont de situer les nations europennes dans un contexte remontant aux origines de lOccident. lheure o lEurope amorait sa domination sur la totalit de la plante, et o la course la colonisation sacclrait, la majorit des auteurs sabritaient derrire limage de thalassocraties antiques qui, si elles ne dnotaient pas un pouvoir politique centralis, nen contriburent pas moins imposer la culture fondatrice de la pense occidentale tout le bassin mditerranen. Quant aux guerres qui poussrent les puissances antiques les unes contre les autres, elles ne faisaient quaugurer des conflits large chelle que furent les guerres franco-britanniques du XVIIIe sicle.
The forces surrounding the emerging economies of underdeveloped world, especially Africa has practically stifled its economic progress, growth, development and sustainability. This economic condition brings to the fore the massive onslaught of rural/urban poverty which the African continent grapples with since the post-world war II era to date. The economic misfortunes and incidence of mass poverty in Africa, vis--vis Nigeria is used as a point of departure in this study. The paper underscores the ideological and philosophical undertone of international capital manifesting in form of colonialism and imperialism as a major character in the historical process of underdevelopment and mass poverty in peripheral states of Africa, Asia and Latin America, respectively. Of particular interest in this study is the activities of domestic bourgeoisie elite class who have vigorously displayed some degree of lack of much needed vision and abject lack of desires to draw up workable plans to redeem the battered image of African/ Nigerian economic misfortunes. This state of affairs has practically engendered economic underdevelopment, misery and disturbing levels of poverty in the nation-state system. The paper concludes with the forward towards realizing the vision 20-20-20 objectives in the 21t century and beyond.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06