944 resultados para Environmental Management System


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A certificação de Sistemas de gestão ambiental tem se tornado quase uma obrigação para as Organizações, face ao aumento da conscientização da sociedade para os problemas relacionados ao meio ambiente. Este trabalho busca identificar se a certificação de Sistemas de gestão ambiental promove a efetiva melhoria do desempenho ambiental de empresas Brasileiras e se estes sistemas permitem uma relação custo-benefício favorável a estas Organizações. A metodologia, baseada na pesquisa qualitativa, utiliza como instrumentos a aplicação de um questionário com questões fechadas e análise de documentos do Sistema de Gestão Ambiental de Organizações certificadas há mais de dois anos. Os resultados da pesquisa conseguiram demonstrar que, embora ainda existam diversos pontos com potencial de melhoria nos sistemas pesquisados, as Organizações estão conseguindo melhorar seu desempenho ambiental ao longo do tempo e também auferir benefícios econômicos com a operação destes sistemas. Foi observado que o foco principal dos sistemas implementados nas Organizações pesquisadas está concentrado mais no sistema propriamente dito do que na busca de uma efetiva melhoria do desempenho ambiental, que é o ponto central do objetivo da implantação de um Sistema de Gestão Ambiental, segundo a norma ABNT NBR ISO 14001 (ABNT, 2004). Algumas das ações tomadas pelas Organizações já demonstram alinhamento com a tendência atual de busca da sustentabilidade, o que representa um potencial positivo para a disseminação da importância destes sistemas como uma das ferramentas a serem utilizadas para se cumprir as diretrizes estabelecidas na Agenda 21.


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No presente trabalho foi realizada uma na pesquisa bibliográfica sobre indicadores globais para avaliação da eficiência de um sistema de gestão ambiental (SGA) e sobre o conceito de sustentabilidade ambiental, com o objetivo de estudar o SGA de uma empresa petroquímica, instalada no Rio de Janeiro, certificada pela ISO 9001, ISO 14001 e OSHA 18001. Procurou-se, assim, identificar, a partir da análise dos indicadores de avaliação do desempenho ambiental, a possibilidade de implantar um indicador único para avaliação da eficiência do SGA estudado, de forma a mostrar aos observadores externos e internos, o efetivo engajamento da empresa na preservação dos recursos naturais e na minimização das emissões atmosféricas e de gases de efeito estufa, dentro da ótica de sustentabilidade ambiental focando-se um processo produtivo industrial. Por meio da pesquisa, verificou-se que, apesar de a empresa utilizar indicadores relacionados com o consumo de água, de emissões fugitivas e de geração de resíduos, dentre outros, ela não monitora, de forma objetiva, as emissões em termos de CO2 equivalente e todas as ações ligadas à sustentabilidade ambiental. Assim, foi proposto um indicador global de sustentabilidade ambiental para ser utilizado como referência do processo produtivo, visando fornecer ao responsável pelo SGA os subsídios necessários para tratar da gestão do processo sob a ótica da sustentabilidade ambiental


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A indústria farmacêutica, de um modo geral, manipula substâncias tóxicas, desenvolve atividades utilizando como matéria-prima um dos maiores bens da natureza, que é a água. Enfim, para produzir o medicamento em benefício do homem deixa como conseqüências, impactos ambientais consideráveis. Pretende-se mostrar que o segmento em questão, apesar de buscar se adequar às normas legais, como as da vigilância sanitária, ele é muito centrado na qualidade do produto, em detrimento dos aspectos ambientais, ainda que tendo disponível uma importante ferramenta para tal: A certificação de Boas Práticas de Fabricação (BPF) dos produtos farmacêuticos. A escolha do local da pesquisa foi o estado do Rio de Janeiro, por ser este, entre outros aspectos, um sítio onde historicamente se localizam empresas deste setor. O Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo são estados que congregam o maior número de fabricantes de medicamentos do país. Identificadas as indústrias foi realizado um levantamento para selecionar um grupo de empresas com características semelhantes. Como as grandes empresas deste segmento são dotadas de estrutura adequada à implantação de sistema de gestão ambiental, elas ficaram fora deste escopo. Também ficou fora da pesquisa o grupo formado por empresas que importam, embalam, comercializam, mas não fabricam os medicamentos e os produtores de fitoterápicos e veterinários. O resultado da pesquisa foi que as empresas privadas com número de empregados entre 50 e 500 e todas as públicas têm deficiência para atender aos requisitos ambientais legais, em outras palavras, as questões ambientais ficam restritas a Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA / RDC-306) e aos processos de obtenção de licenças junto a Fundação Estadual de Engenharia do Meio Ambiente (FEEMA). Apenas uma dentre às vinte e oito pesquisadas tem Sistema de Gestão Ambiental SGA implantado. Como todos os fabricantes de medicamentos têm que cumprir as exigências da RDC-210, para obterem o Certificado de BPF e os registros dos medicamentos, assim eles já possuem a cultura, parte dos requisitos e a ferramenta necessária à implantação de um SGA de acordo com padrões voluntários como a NBR ISO 14001 (2004). Para comprovar tal evidência, o estudo apresentou o caso de uma empresa pública dotada de características inovadoras e cultura diferenciada, porque agrega colaboradores advindos de laboratórios privados. Tal empresa fabrica exclusivamente vacinas, biofármacos e reativos, sendo uma grande exportadora, sujeita à fiscalização internacional, como por exemplo, a da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS). Conclui-se que as empresas priorizam as questões da ANVISA e as ambientais precisam ser monitoradas e mitigadas. Um Plano de Ação para melhorias ambientais, visando à implantação de um SGA e a obtenção de um diferencial competitivo pode ser adotado, através da estrutura existente por força das exigências da ANVISA a qualquer empresa do setor farmacêutico


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Na gestão de recursos hídricos, as questões relacionadas aos impactos ambientais causados pelas Estações de Tratamento de Água não podem ser negligenciadas, devendo ser avaliadas em todos seus aspectos. Neste trabalho foram avaliadas as condições técnicasoperacionais e a gestão de seis Estações de Tratamento de Água de pequeno porte situadas nas regiões leste e dos lagos do estado do Rio de Janeiro. Os resultados apresentam dados de produção de água tratada, perdas de água contabilizadas com lavagem de filtros e descargas de decantadores e as não contabilizadas, gastos de energia e produtos químicos, produção de resíduos e seu destino final, bem como levantamento da capacitação do pessoal de operação, comparados com valores de literatura para ETAs consideradas eficientes. A partir da discussão dos resultados concluiu-se que há necessidade de correções de operação e manutenção das ETAs e monitoramento da qualidade das águas bruta e tratada, recomendando-se que a empresa de saneamento, efetivamente, implante melhorias para uma posterior implantação, em cada unidade, de um sistema de gestão ambiental, baseado nas normas ISO 14.000.


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The two environmental management system (EMS) standards EMAS and ISO 14001 have been available in Europe for the last 15 years. ISO 14001 has been taken up at a much larger scale but many firms in the German automotive and engineering industry have certified their EMSs according to both standards. Two research questions are addressed: (i) What explains why companies adopt both EMAS and ISO 14001? (ii) Are EMAS and ISO 14001 complements or substitutes? Based on 21 interviews with industrial and institutional representatives, this study finds that, first, the two standards are adopted for completely different reasons: while ISO 14001 is often done as a response to external pressure, EMAS tends to be motivated internally. Second, it is argued that EMAS and ISO 14001 are likely in a situation of direct competition at present which may well turn into complementarity in the future.


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Scientifiques, gouvernements, entreprises et consommateurs s’entendent aujourd’hui pour dire que le système naturel est déréglé, que l’activité industrielle en est la cause principale. L’éco-conception est une manière de concevoir des biens ou des services en diminuant leurs impacts sur l’environnement et la société. De plus en plus présente dans les grandes entreprises où, associée à une gestion intégrée de l’environnement, elle procure des bénéfices non négligeables et une image de marque, l’éco-conception a beaucoup de difficultés à s’implanter dans les petites et moyennes entreprises. Dans ce travail, nous avons cherché à comprendre les raisons de ces difficultés. Deux approches ont été utilisées, l’une basée sur une analyse documentaire des rapports de RSE de dix entreprises, grandes et petites, de différents secteurs d’activité, qui nous a permis de fixer le cadre et le formalisme de la démarche de recherche, l’autre sur le principe d’entretiens semi-dirigés à partir de questions ciblées. Après une présentation générale de ce qu’est l’éco-conception et quelle en est la problématique appliquée aux PME (chapitre 2), nous précisons le cadre méthodologique de la recherche (chapitre 3) et exposons ses résultats (chapitre 4). Nous montrons que les freins à l’adoption de l’éco-conception dans les PME sont multiples et complexes, tant la diversité de ces entreprises est grande et difficile à synthétiser. En soulignant les freins, les leviers, les risques et les opportunités liés à l’intégration des principes de développement durable dans ces entreprises, nous faisons un portrait global de la situation actuelle et des difficultés rencontrées par ces PME pour adhérer à ces principes.


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This paper summarises the findings of the qualitative part of a large study aimed at exploring the extent of involvement of organisational stakeholders (employees and suppliers) during the environmental management system (EMS) adoption process. Interviews with nine senior/middle managers from Australian manufacturing and service organisations revealed the growing awareness of the impact of their products and processes on the ecological and social environments. Moreover, implementation of an EMS or waste management system (WMS) is accepted as a learning curve by both the organisation and its stakeholders, including its employees. Organisations at the same time are also contemplating the need for certifying their existing EMS against international standards such as ISO 14001 based on the cost-benefits resulting from the certification.


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This chapter presents the fundamentals of “green” marketing by drawing on traditional marketing theory as well as researchfocused on green marketing context. It discusses five critical areas in green marketing. The first critical area stems from green marketingtheory and practice that examines the logic for reducing the environmental impact of value creation and exchange. The second criticalarea highlights green marketing strategy that focuses on achieving organizational goals in ways that can reduce or eliminate negativeimpacts on the natural environment. The third critical area examines the green marketing mix that accounts for green products, greendistribution, green pricing, and green promotion. By using traditional marketing concepts, the chapter identifies how the entiremarketing mix elements should consistently provide a complete green product offering. Green products and processes need to beresearched, designed, and manufactured to include environmentally safe ingredients and components. Products need to be strategicallypriced to reflect their green values, distributed in the green chain channels and displayed effectively to highlight their status, and accuratelycommunicated to consumers and stakeholders. The fourth critical area illustrates governance and control. It shows how theholistic transformation toward greening the organization requires organizational culture change to gain support within and outside thefirm to ensure environmental issues are appropriately considered. These can be assessed by using existing management mechanisms,such as environmental management systems and/or triple bottom line management, which ensure best practice and continuousimprovements to occur. Lastly, the chapter discusses the future of green marketing and the direction that businesses need to take if theyseek to be sustainable.


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This research has aimed at studying the perception of University Hospital Onofre Lopes (HUOL) s workers on the environmental management plan of RSSS. They have been interviewed 250 workers: doctors, nurses, nursing assistants, and cleaners. It was used an exploratory and descriptive research of the type Survey, which aims at obtaining of data or information on characteristics, actions or opinions of any group of people. The questions of the questionnaire were of the kind objective", formulated in a model "scale", analyzed in according to the positioning of the interviewee. The wastes of health service have high potential for environmental impact in the activities from HUOL. Actions or environmental protective policy can improve the image of HUOL. They have been detected divergences on the rigor in application of law of ANVISA. The HUOL s workers unaware of the law of ANVISA and they have little or no knowledge about the practices of environmental control, public health and, they do not know the Environmental Management System ISO 14001. They have divergent views on the degree of importance of ISO 14001. There is not a Waste Management Plan for Health Service and / or is not disclosed for most of HUOL workers. It has not carried out audits or defined the goals and objectives. Besides, it has not been identified legal requirements, and there has not been communication about the service is performed or has been made a critical analysis and no control of documents the environmental management plan. The HUOL have not had a committee of environmental management. The direction of HUOL has not been organized courses, training and recycling of waste on environmental control of the health service. On a scale from 01 to 05, the level of aware level concerning to the waste management from health services of the workers, so is at the threshold between 01 and 02. For the reversal of this situation, the first and urgent step is the creation and institutionalization the environmental management committee of the University Hospital Onofre Lopes


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The present work aimed the elaboration of an environmental study focused on the hotel sector in order to present an analysis of the environmental aspects of Ponta Negra Beach, in Natal, RN, Brazil and also the aspects of the small and medium hotels existing in this area. By means of this work, it is possible to elaborate a model of a simplified System of Environmental Management which can attend to the exigencies required by NBR ISO 14001: 2004, as well as to present economical viability and possibility to be implemented in a way that hotels may converge to the sustainable environmental development of the tourism in Ponta Negra Beach. The research methodology presents itself divided into three items: execution of the environmental characterization of Ponta Negra Beach, by way of technical visits and interpretation of satellite images and cartograms of the main environmental characteristics of the region; execution of the work already made concerning the development, application and interpretation of the evaluation of the environmental aspects of each hotel, considering the hotels and the period of data collection, these used in evaluation, research instrument and a description of the procedure utilized for the analysis of the collected data and the utilized methodology for the elaboration of a model of a simplified System of Environmental Management. In a general way, it has been concluded that the practices executed by hotels in Ponta Negra Beach are impact-like and harmful to the environment. The simple implementation of analysis procedures and control of the environmental aspects could suggestively contribute to the reduction of environmental impacts promoted by the hotel section at this beach and in the nearby areas. It had been noticed that the study contributed to the sensitization of managers concerning the environmental problems since, in many other times, the detected problem was, in fact, the non-acquaintance about the environmental aspects and impacts from those hotels administrators, because of the lack of surveys and studies about the theme. It had also been noticed the arousing of a possible environmental attitude from some managers


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It s more and more evident the subject of the shortage of water, worsened by the accelerated urbanization, growth of the population, increase of the demand and of the costs of its treatment, factors that are also tied up to the increase of the consumption of mineral waters, whose chemical composition or physical-chemistries characteristics do with that are considered beneficial to the health. The growth accelerated all over the world in its consumption aims the concern with the waters quality, the health and the incentive to the consumption of natural products. However, in spite of quite valuable, that resource is explored, most of the time, without optimization of production or actions that avoid wastefulness. This research is justified for the need of minimizing the negative environmental impacts caused by the mineral water s production, mainly in what it say about the generation of effluents and wastes in the productive process, through the study, development and application of cleaner production tools for the environmental management, pertinent for that section. The applicability of Environmental Management System was determined by means of the characterization of the environmental aspects of productive process in a company of the section, in the state of Rio Grande do Norte and of the discussion of the panoramas that demonstrate the tendency for a sustainable development. Actions as a reforestation, optimization of energy and water uses, recycle of solid residues and water reuse were applied during the research, resulting in the considerable reduction of wastes of raw materials and inputs and consequent environmental and economic won. A specific methodology was proposed with concepts of Environmental Management, integrating with Quality Management. As foundations for the elaboration of the methodology, it was realized a similarity analysis among the systems and, mainly, an analysis of the experiences observed in the case study, including specificities, needs and difficulties of the company. With these results, the implantation of a EMS as a company strategy has environmental, economic and social benefits, and this research can be applied and adequate to others companies and sectors


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natural resources that still enjoy, in the certainty that if we do not, could culminate at the end of that remains. The environmental contamination by fuels in the retail service of oil and biofuels, has been a subject of growing research in Brazil, due to the large pollution potential of this activity. The aim of this study was to evaluate the importance of implementing the Environmental Management System (EMS) in fuel retail service stations in the city of Parnamirim-RN, but also describe the current situation the same as licensing and environmental characterization; identify existing barriers to implementation of EMS on the costs, technologies, knowledge, vision, present the potential benefits for the implementation of the EMS (social, economic and environmental), to identify the existence of plans for future action to implement the EMS , as a subsidy to promote the implementation of it. The methodology was developed through analysis of documents provided by the environmental agency responsible for licensing of retail service stations and fuel pala ANP. For data collection, we used the questionnaire was applied directly to managers or managers of sub-stations. Data were collected in 12 of 30 posts in the municipality. For purposes of data treatment was performed a descriptive analysis with respect to the opinion of twelve managers (respondents). The data acquired, according to the Likert scale were tabulated and analyzed using software SPSS 17.0 and Excel 2003, it was generated tables and graphs to observe the behavior of the data. The results showed that most respondents have a schooling level higher (58.3%) of the jobs surveyed 50% work on average 6 to 10 years and 41.6% are in operation for over 11 years , 75.0% do not have a license to operate and 12 stations, 58.3% were sued for not having a license to operate and are therefore in full commercial activity, 83% of jobs have some practice environmentally responsible, 75% agree in making planning future action to implement 8 the EMS in their ventures, 70% in full agreement that the high cost is a form of impediment to implementation of EMS; 66.67% agreed that resistance to change is an impediment to implementation of EMS; 90.91% agreed that the implementation of EMS is very complex, 80% of respondents agreed in a very significant environmental legislation is also a key factor preventing the implementation of EMS is noteworthy that 100% of respondents agreed that the knowledge about the use of the EMS will help to solve environmental problems in the fuel retail service stations, the implementation of the EMS will benefit with increased efficiency of resources applied to the findings by the agreement of 91.66% of respondents, where only 8, 33% disagreed, there was also a percentage of 100%, agreed that the company's image will be a great benefit, but also a contribution to solving environmental problems in the fuel retail service stations. Thus, the importance of the implementation of EMS in the fuel retail service stations in the city of Parnamirim-RN, with an urgent need to be deployed. And the bodies responsible for policy on state-run and supervise more tightly and action, this type of activity, in order to regulate the sustainable functioning of retail service stations of fuel, thus promoting a better quality of life for the population of the municipality of natal-RN


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This work discusses the environmental management thematic, on the basis of ISO 14001 standard and learning organization. This study is carried through an exploratory survey in a company of fuel transport, located in Natal/RN. The objective of this research was to investigate the practices of environmental management, carried through in the context of an implemented ISO 14001 environmental management system, in the researched organization, from the perspective of the learning organization. The methodology used in this work is supported in the quantitative method, combining the exploratory and descriptive types, and uses the technique of questionnaires, having as scope of the research, the managers, employee controlling, coordinators, supervisors and - proper and contracted - of the company. To carry through the analysis of the data of this research, it was used software Excel and Statistical version 6.0. The analysis of the data is divided in two parts: descriptive analysis and analysis of groupings (clusters). The results point, on the basis of the studied theory, as well as in the results of the research, that the implemented ISO 14001 environmental system in the searched organization presents elements that promote learning organization. From the results, it can be concluded that the company uses external information in the decision taking on environmental problems; that the employees are mobilized to generate ideas and to collect n environmental information and that the company has carried through partnerships in the activities of the environmental area with other companies. All these item cited can contribute for the generation of knowledge of the organization. It can also be concluded that the company has evaluated environmental errors occurrences in the past, as well as carried through environmental benchmarking. These practical can be considered as good ways of the company to acquire knowledge. The results also show that the employees have not found difficulties in the accomplishment of the tasks when the manager of its sector is not present. This result can demonstrate that the company has a good diffusion of knowledge


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The pressure for a new pattern of sustainable development began to require of modern organizations the conciliation between competitiveness and a environmental protection. In this sense, a tool that acts in the implementation of structured strategies is the Environmental Management System (EMS), which focuses on improving environmental performance. This improvement, in turn, can generate to the organizations many benefits , among which, obtaining competitive advantages, susceptible of measurement from different perspectives. One of these is the application of VRIO model, reasoned by the Resource-Based View (RBV), which considers that differences between companies occurs due to differences between its internal resources and capabilities. However, although was been found some studies in the literature that evaluate the competitive potential of certain organizations , such assessments are not performed on specific objects, like the SEM s. Thus, the aim of this study was to evaluate the resources and capabilities (environmental strategies) adopted by the SGA of the Verdegreen Hotel, identifying which of these have the potential to generate competitive advantage. For this, this exploratory-descriptive character study and delineated as field research and case study was used as data collection tools: a literature survey, semi-structured interviews, document research and participant observation. The interpretation of results and consolidation of information were conducted from a qualitative approach, using two techniques of data analysis, namely: content analysis and analysis through VRIO model. The results show that the hotel is quite structured in relation to their EMS, as well as reaching related to improving the management of environmental factors, strengthening the image and gains in competitiveness benefits. On the other hand, the main difficulties for the implementation of the system are related to employees and suppliers. With regard to environmental strategies adopted, of the 25 strategies identified, 10 showed the potential to generate competitive advantage


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O principal objetivo deste trabalho é verificar, por meio de uma pesquisa tipo survey, os benefícios e as dificuldades da adoção de Sistemas de Gestão Ambiental ISO 14001 em empresas industriais do Estado de São Paulo. Para tal, um questionário foi enviado para 194 empresas constantes da base de dados do INMETRO (Instituto Nacional de Metrologia, Normalização e Qualidade Industrial) e respondido por 69 delas, representando uma taxa de retorno de 35,36%. Duas hipóteses foram estabelecidas para realização do estudo: uma enunciando os potenciais benefícios e outra as dificuldades da gestão ambiental com base na norma NBR ISO 14001. Estas hipóteses foram parcialmente comprovadas. O artigo está estruturado da seguinte forma: introdução, sistema de gestão ambiental, norma NBR ISO 14001, método de pesquisa, apresentação e análise dos resultados, conclusão e referências bibliográficas.