934 resultados para Crack initiation
Abstract Background Collybistin (CB), a neuron-specific guanine nucleotide exchange factor, has been implicated in targeting gephyrin-GABAA receptors clusters to inhibitory postsynaptic sites. However, little is known about additional CB partners and functions. Findings Here, we identified the p40 subunit of the eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 (eIF3H) as a novel binding partner of CB, documenting the interaction in yeast, non-neuronal cell lines, and the brain. In addition, we demonstrated that gephyrin also interacts with eIF3H in non-neuronal cells and forms a complex with eIF3 in the brain. Conclusions Together, our results suggest, for the first time, that CB and gephyrin associate with the translation initiation machinery, and lend further support to the previous evidence that gephyrin may act as a regulator of synaptic protein synthesis.
Diante da relevância mundial do desafio no enfrentamento do tema concernente ao uso de drogas, o presente artigo tem por escopo principal abordar alguns aspectos sobre a cocaína em suas diversas formas de consumo, isto é, como chá, em pó (inalada), como injeção (diluída) e fumo – neste caso denominado crack (“pedra”) ou merla (“pasta”). Nesse contexto, no primeiro tópico, explana-se um breve histórico sobre as drogas, com enfoque nas espécies do tipo estimulantes, no qual se ressalta os efeitos tóxicos que causam ao organismo dos usuários. A seguir, há relevo sobre os problemas sociais e psicológicos acarretados pelo uso da cocaína em qualquer de suas formas, bem como expõe apontamentos sobre métodos de tratamento
This work provides a numerical and experimental investigation of fatigue crack growth behavior in steel weldments including crack closure effects and their coupled interaction with weld strength mismatch. A central objective of this study is to extend previously developed frameworks for evaluation of crack clo- sure effects on FCGR to steel weldments while, at the same time, gaining additional understanding of commonly adopted criteria for crack closure loads and their influence on fatigue life of structural welds. Very detailed non-linear finite element analyses using 3-D models of compact tension C ( T ) fracture spec- imens with center cracked, square groove welds provide the evolution of crack growth with cyclic stress intensity factor which is required for the estimation of the closure loads. Fatigue crack growth tests con- ducted on plane-sided, shallow-cracked C ( T ) specimens provide the necessary data against which crack closure effects on fatigue crack growth behavior can be assessed. Overall, the present investigation pro- vides additional support for estimation procedures of plasticity-induced crack closure loads in fatigue analyses of structural steels and their weldments
This work presents an investigation of the ductile tearing properties for a girth weld made of an API 5L X80 pipeline steel using experimentally measured crack growth resistance curves. Use of these materials is motivated by the increasing demand in the number of applications for manufacturing high strength pipes for the oil and gas industry including marine applications and steel catenary risers. Testing of the pipeline girth welds employed side-grooved, clamped SE(T) specimens and shallow crack bend SE(B) specimens with a weld centerline notch to determine the crack growth resistance curves based upon the unloading compliance (UC) method using the single specimen technique. Recently developed compliance functions and η-factors applicable for SE(T) and SE(B) fracture specimens with homogeneous material and overmatched welds are introduced to determine crack growth resistance data from laboratory measurements of load-displacement records.
Despite favourable gravitational instability and ridge-push, elastic and frictional forces prevent subduction initiation fromarising spontaneously at passive margins. Here,we argue that forces arising fromlarge continental topographic gradients are required to initiate subduction at passivemargins. In order to test this hypothesis,we use 2Dnumerical models to assess the influence of the Andean Plateau on stressmagnitudes and deformation patterns at the Brazilian passive margin. The numerical results indicate that “plateau-push” in this region is a necessary additional force to initiate subduction. As the SE Brazilianmargin currently shows no signs of self-sustained subduction, we examined geological and geophysical data to determine if themargin is in the preliminary stages of subduction initiation. The compiled data indicate that the margin is presently undergoing tectonic inversion, which we infer as part of the continental–oceanic overthrusting stage of subduction initiation. We refer to this early subduction stage as the “Brazilian Stage”, which is characterized by N10 kmdeep reverse fault seismicity at themargin, recent topographic uplift on the continental side, thick continental crust at themargin, and bulging on the oceanic side due to loading by the overthrusting continent. The combined results of the numerical simulations and passivemargin analysis indicate that the SE Brazilian margin is a prototype candidate for subduction initiation.
La tesi tratta l'analisi della rugosità della superficie di frattura di un materiale policristallino portato a rottura secondo il modo I. Il continuo viene discretizzato con la tassellazione di Voronoi e la duale triangolazione di Delaunay, da cui si ottiene un traliccio equivalente ovvero il modello del problema. Viene poi effettuata un'analisi elastica incrementale che porta, ad ogni passo, al raggiungimento della soglia di rottura per un elemento del traliccio, delineando così il profilo di rottura. La rugosità del profilo di rottura viene stimata attraverso il calcolo dell'esponente di Hurst, ottenuto dallo studio della funzione di correlazione delle altezze.
Compared with other mature engineering disciplines, fracture mechanics of concrete is still a developing field and very important for structures like bridges subject to dynamic loading. An historical point of view of what done in the field is provided and then the project is presented. The project presents an application of the Digital Image Correlation (DIC) technique for the detection of cracks at the surface of concrete prisms (500mmx100mmx100mm) subject to flexural loading conditions (Four Point Bending test). The technique provide displacement measurements of the region of interest and from this displacement field information about crack mouth opening (CMOD) are obtained and related to the applied load. The evolution of the fracture process is shown through graphs and graphical maps of the displacement at some step of the loading process. The study shows that it is possible with the DIC system to detect the appearance and evolution of cracks, even before the cracks become visually detectable.
Neoplastic overgrowth depends on the cooperation of several mutations ultimately leading to major rearrangements in cellular behaviour. The molecular crosstalk occurring between precancerous and normal cells strongly influences the early steps of the tumourigenic process as well as later stages of the disease. Precancerous cells are often removed by cell death from normal tissues but the mechanisms responsible for such fundamental safeguard processes remain in part elusive. To gain insight into these phenomena I took advantage of the clonal analysis methods available in Drosophila for studying the phenotypes due to loss of function of the neoplastic tumour suppressor lethal giant larvae (lgl). I found that lgl mutant cells growing in wild-type imaginal wing discs are subject to the phenomenon of cell competition and are eliminated by JNK-dependent cell death because they express very low levels of dMyc oncoprotein compared to those in the surrounding tissue. Indeed, in non-competitive backgrounds lgl mutant clones are able to overgrow and upregulate dMyc, overwhelming the neighbouring tissue and forming tumourous masses that display several cancer hallmarks. These phenotypes are completely abolished by reducing dMyc abundance within mutant cells while increasing it in lgl clones growing in a competitive context re-establishes their tumourigenic potential. Similarly, the neoplastic growth observed upon the oncogenic cooperation between lgl mutation and activated Ras/Raf/MAPK signalling was found to be characterised by and dependent on the ability of cancerous cells to upregulate dMyc with respect to the adjacent normal tissue, through both transcriptional and post-transcriptional mechanisms, thereby confirming its key role in lgl-induced tumourigenesis. These results provide first evidence that the dMyc oncoprotein is required in lgl mutant tissue to promote invasive overgrowth in developing and adult epithelial tissues and that dMyc abundance inside versus outside lgl mutant clones plays a key role in driving neoplastic overgrowth.
Fatigue life in metals is predicted utilizing regression analysis of large sets of experimental data, thus representing the material’s macroscopic response. Furthermore, a high variability in the short crack growth (SCG) rate has been observed in polycrystalline materials, in which the evolution and distributionof local plasticity is strongly influenced by the microstructure features. The present work serves to (a) identify the relationship between the crack driving force based on the local microstructure in the proximity of the crack-tip and (b) defines the correlation between scatter observed in the SCG rates to variability in the microstructure. A crystal plasticity model based on the fast Fourier transform formulation of the elasto-viscoplastic problem (CP-EVP-FFT) is used, since the ability to account for the both elastic and plastic regime is critical in fatigue. Fatigue is governed by slip irreversibility, resulting in crack growth, which starts to occur during local elasto-plastic transition. To investigate the effects of microstructure variability on the SCG rate, sets of different microstructure realizations are constructed, in which cracks of different length are introduced to mimic quasi-static SCG in engineering alloys. From these results, the behavior of the characteristic variables of different length scale are analyzed: (i) Von Mises stress fields (ii) resolved shear stress/strain in the pertinent slip systems, and (iii) slip accumulation/irreversibilities. Through fatigue indicator parameters (FIP), scatter within the SCG rates is related to variability in the microstructural features; the results demonstrate that this relationship between microstructure variability and uncertainty in fatigue behavior is critical for accurate fatigue life prediction.
On the basis of well-known literature, an analytical tool named LEAF (Linear Elastic Analysis of Fracture) was developed to predict the Damage Tolerance (DT) proprieties of aeronautical stiffened panels. The tool is based on the linear elastic fracture mechanics and the displacement compatibility method. By means of LEAF, an extensive parametric analysis of stiffened panels, representative of typical aeronautical constructions, was performed to provide meaningful design guidelines. The effects of riveted, integral and adhesively bonded stringers on the fatigue crack propagation performances of stiffened panels were investigated, as well as the crack retarder contribution using metallic straps (named doublers) bonded in the middle of the stringers bays. The effect of both perfectly bonded and partially debonded doublers was investigated as well. Adhesively bonded stiffeners showed the best DT properties in comparison with riveted and integral ones. A great reduction of the skin crack growth propagation rate can be achieved with the adoption of additional doublers bonded between the stringers.
Laser Shock Peening (LSP) is a surface enhancement treatment which induces a significant layer of beneficial compressive residual stresses of up to several mm underneath the surface of metal components in order to improve the detrimental effects of the crack growth behavior rate in it. The aim of this thesis is to predict the crack growth behavior in metallic specimens with one or more stripes which define the compressive residual stress area induced by the Laser Shock Peening treatment. The process was applied as crack retardation stripes perpendicular to the crack propagation direction with the object of slowing down the crack when approaching the peened stripes. The finite element method has been applied to simulate the redistribution of stresses in a cracked model when it is subjected to a tension load and to a compressive residual stress field, and to evaluate the Stress Intensity Factor (SIF) in this condition. Finally, the Afgrow software is used to predict the crack growth behavior of the component following the Laser Shock Peening treatment and to detect the improvement in the fatigue life comparing it to the baseline specimen. An educational internship at the “Research & Technologies Germany – Hamburg” department of AIRBUS helped to achieve knowledge and experience to write this thesis. The main tasks of the thesis are the following: •To up to date Literature Survey related to “Laser Shock Peening in Metallic Structures” •To validate the FE model developed against experimental measurements at coupon level •To develop design of crack growth slowdown in Centered Cracked Tension specimens based on residual stress engineering approach using laser peened strip transversal to the crack path •To evaluate the Stress Intensity Factor values for Centered Cracked Tension specimens after the Laser Shock Peening treatment via Finite Element Analysis •To predict the crack growth behavior in Centered Cracked Tension specimens using as input the SIF values evaluated with the FE simulations •To validate the results by means of experimental tests
Laser Shock Peening (LSP) is a surface enhancement treatment which induces a significant layer of beneficial compressive residual stresses up to several mm underneath the surface of metal components in order to improve the detrimental effects of crack growth behavior rate in it. The aim of this thesis is to predict the crack growth behavior of thin Aluminum specimens with one or more LSP stripes defining a compressive residual stress area. The LSP treatment has been applied as crack retardation stripes perpendicular to the crack growing direction, with the objective of slowing down the crack when approaching the LSP patterns. Different finite element approaches have been implemented to predict the residual stress field left by the laser treatment, mostly by means of the commercial software Abaqus/Explicit. The Afgrow software has been used to predict the crack growth behavior of the component following the laser peening treatment and to detect the improvement in fatigue life comparing to the specimen baseline. Furthermore, an analytical model has been implemented on the Matlab software to make more accurate predictions on fatigue life of the treated components. An educational internship at the Research and Technologies Germany- Hamburg department of Airbus helped to achieve knowledge and experience to write this thesis. The main tasks of the thesis are the following: -To up to date Literature Survey related to laser shock peening in metallic structures -To validate the FE models developed against experimental measurements at coupon level -To develop design of crack growth slow down in centered and edge cracked tension specimens based on residual stress engineering approach using laser peened patterns transversal to the crack path -To predict crack growth behavior of thin aluminum panels -To validate numerical and analytical results by means of experimental tests.
Die Inhibition des programmierten Zelltods ist ein essentieller Faktor der viralen Replikationsfähigkeit. Das murine Cytomegalovirus kodiert deshalb für verschiedene Zelltod-inhibierende Gene, um dem programmierten Zelltod zu entgehen bis die Virusproduktion abgeschlossen ist. Da die Expression des viralen anti-apoptotischen Gens M36 infizierte Makrophagen vor der Apoptose schützt (Menard et al., 2003), wurde in der vorliegenden Arbeit unter Verwendung der Deletionsmutante mCMV-ΔM36 (ΔM36) der Einfluss von Apoptose auf das Priming Epitop-spezifischer CD8 T-Zellen untersucht.rnInteressanterweise waren die Frequenzen mCMV-spezifischer CD8 T-Zellen nach Infektion mit ΔM36 für alle getesteten Epitope sowohl im Haplotyp H-2d als auch im Haplotyp H-2b deutlich erhöht. Zusätzlich konnte mit Hilfe der mCMV-ORF-Library eine Verbreiterung des CD8 T-Zellepitop-Repertoire nach Infektion mit ΔM36 nachgewiesen werden, was neben der quantitativen auch eine qualitative Steigerung des CD8 T-Zell-Primings aufzeigt.rnIn der funktionellen Revertante ΔM36-FADDDN wird die anti-apoptotische Funktion durch eine dominant-negative Form des zellulären Adapterproteins FADD (FADDDN) substituiert (Cicin-Sain et al., 2008), die das Apoptose-Signaling verhindert. In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Expression von FADDDN nicht nur den Apoptose-Phänotyp wieder revertiert, sondern auch die Verbesserung des CD8 T-Zell-Primings aufhebt. Diese Beobachtung belegt eindeutig, dass das verbesserte CD8 T-Zell-Priming auf einer verstärkten Apoptose-Induktion beruht.Bemerkenswerterweise konnte das verbesserte Priming auch nach Deletion des anti-nekroptotischen Gens M45 nachgewiesen werden. So konnte nach Infektion mit mCMV-M45-BamX (M45-BamX) (Brune et al., 2001) gezeigt werden, dass auch die Induktion der Nekroptose zu einem verbesserten CD8 T-Zell-Priming sowie zu einer Verbreiterung des CD8 T-Zellepitop-Repertoires führt.Nach Infektion von Cross-Priming-defizienten 3d-Mäusen (Tabeta et al., 2006) konnte eine Steigerung mCMV-spezifischer CD8 T-Zell-Frequenzen in Abwesenheit von M36 oder M45 nicht beobachtet werden. Dieser Befund lässt auf ein erhöhtes Cross-Priming von CD8 T-Zellen durch ΔM36 oder M45-BamX infolge einer verstärkten Induktion des programmierten Zelltods schließen.rnIn der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte erstmals gezeigt werden, dass die Inhibition des programmierten Zelltods durch die mCMV-Gene M36 und M45 das CD8 T-Zell-Priming limitiert. Somit fördern virale Zelltod-inhibierende Gene die virale Replikationsfähigkeit, indem sie die Virusproduktion per se in der individuellen Zelle steigern und zusätzlich die Immunkontrolle reduzieren, was wiederum eine verbesserte Dissemination in vivo ermöglicht.
By measuring the total crack lengths (TCL) along a gunshot wound channel simulated in ordnance gelatine, one can calculate the energy transferred by a projectile to the surrounding tissue along its course. Visual quantitative TCL analysis of cut slices in ordnance gelatine blocks is unreliable due to the poor visibility of cracks and the likely introduction of secondary cracks resulting from slicing. Furthermore, gelatine TCL patterns are difficult to preserve because of the deterioration of the internal structures of gelatine with age and the tendency of gelatine to decompose. By contrast, using computed tomography (CT) software for TCL analysis in gelatine, cracks on 1-cm thick slices can be easily detected, measured and preserved. In this, experiment CT TCL analyses were applied to gunshots fired into gelatine blocks by three different ammunition types (9-mm Luger full metal jacket, .44 Remington Magnum semi-jacketed hollow point and 7.62 × 51 RWS Cone-Point). The resulting TCL curves reflected the three projectiles' capacity to transfer energy to the surrounding tissue very accurately and showed clearly the typical energy transfer differences. We believe that CT is a useful tool in evaluating gunshot wound profiles using the TCL method and is indeed superior to conventional methods applying physical slicing of the gelatine.