841 resultados para Child Language Brokering,School Language Brokering,peer-teaching,integrazione,mediazione


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Uno de los objetivos que se plantea en esta comunicación es como favorecer y participar en el proceso mediante el que los y las estudiantes son capaces de transformar el conocimiento vulgar, las concepciones previas, prejuicios y estereotipos que manifiestan sobre la educación de los niños y las niñas y en como los educan sus familias y el profesorado, en conocimiento fundamentado científicamente. Para alcanzarlo, la autora propone trabajar desde una de las asignaturas que imparte, en la carrera de maestro de educación infantil, mediante metodologías que incidan directamente en la transformación del conocimiento vulgar en conocimiento científico. En esta comunicación analizaremos el trabajo llevado en la asignatura “Salud y bienestar en educación infantil” cuyos descriptores básicos se centran en: • Los contextos de vida de los niños/as y sus familias. • Las prácticas educativas familiares, conductas parentales, creencias y expectativas sobre la educación de los hijos/as. • Las relaciones familia y escuela. • Los servicios a la infancia y los programas de formación de padres y madres


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En esta comunicación se presenta la experiencia de aprendizaje llevada a cabo con la plataforma Moodle aplicada al alumnado de 1º de Maestro Especialista de E. Primaria y 2º de Educación Infantil de la Universidad de Valladolid en las asignaturas: ‘Psicología de la Educación y del Desarrollo en Edad Escolar’ y Psicología de la Educación y del Desarrollo en la Edad Infantil. Se comprueba que, en general, la metodología es atractiva para la mayoría de los alumnos, que están interesados por la asignatura, la consideran como un buen sistema de trabajo y de aprendizaje (alto índice de aprobados entre los que participan). El éxito es mayor en el grupo de 2º curso, (ya se conocen más entre ellos, están acostumbrados al trabajo en grupo y más motivados con la carrera y la asignatura), los resultados son algo más bajos en el grupo de primer curso, (quizás debido a ser una experiencia nueva para ellos, no se conocen previamente ni están familiarizados con el trabajo en red). En lo que todos parecen estar de acuerdo es que esta metodología requiere mucho tiempo, compromiso y dedicación lo cual puede ser difícil de llevar a cabo si se aplicara este sistema de trabajo en todas las asignaturas del curso


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En la educación superior, el aprendizaje colaborativo comienza a ser una realidad existiendo múltiples experiencias en torno al mismo, pero aún queda un largo camino por recorrer para que éste se generalice y se realice con garantías de éxito, rompiendo con la cultura del individualismo existente


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Históricamente se ha reconocido que los conflictos internos afectan de manera directa variables a nivel individual como la salud de las personas, los niveles de escolaridad y el desplazamiento forzoso de los afectados. Sin embargo, solo hasta la última década las investigaciones académicas se han inclinado en documentar y cuantificar rigurosamente los efectos colaterales de la violencia sobre las condiciones de vida de los individuos. La presente investigación estudia cómo la exposición al conflicto en Colombia ha afectado las decisiones en términos de mercado laboral de las personas. La estrategia de identificación internaliza los reconocidos problemas de endogeneidad del conflicto con variables de actividad y desarrollo económico y presenta resultados robustos a fenómenos de migración interna y desplazamiento. En términos de participación laboral y desempleo, se encuentran efectos heterogéneos a nivel de género como respuestas a la violencia experimentada. En particular, la probabilidad de participación laboral de las mujeres se incremente como consecuencia de la exposición al conflicto, mientras que la de desempleo disminuye. Para los hombres, los resultados muestran una menor probabilidad de participación, efecto contrario al de las mujeres, y un efecto análogo en términos de desempleo. La investigación no encuentra efectos diferenciales en términos de informalidad laboral.


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RESUMO: A qualidade da educação está sendo impactada pela falta de qualidade da gestão. Assim, apesar de saber-se que a qualidade da educação não está unicamente vinculada à qualidade da gestão escolar, já que o processo ensino-aprendizagem é permeado por uma grande diversidade de fatores, tais como, as práticas docentes, a presença da família e os recursos disponíveis, a gestão constitui-se em um dos fatores primordiais para a compreensão do desempenho da escola. A discussão acerca da qualidade da gestão escolar se faz necessária, portanto, no momento em que a educação brasileira clama pela sua qualidade. Acredita-se que entender os aspectos que envolvem a gestão escolar hoje existente no Brasil, mais especificamente no Piauí e mais diretamente no município de Teresina e a forma com que as escolas estão sendo efetivamente gerenciadas, poderá ajudar a compreender o fenômeno educacional e a melhoria da qualidade da formação promovida nas escolas brasileiras. Deste modo, tem-se como objetivo do estudo analisar como uma inovação da gestão escolar, de forma estratégica, aplicada nas escolas municipais de Teresina pode impactar na qualidade da Educação Básica municipal. Desta forma, o que se propõe, é estabelecer através da pesquisa de campo pontos positivos e negativos quanto ao modelo da gestão estratégica do ensino municipal, que possa ser um caminho para um modelo único de qualidade, na gestão da educação do Estado do Piauí. Concluiu-se que se faz necessário que o gestor da educação pública tenha o compromisso social de fazer da instituição que atua um espaço de transformação, para criar uma sociedade mais justa, mais humana e inclusiva, promovendo a liberdade, a autonomia e a melhoria da qualidade. ABSTRACT: The quality of education is being impacted by the lack of quality management. Thus, despite knowing that the quality of education is not solely linked to the quality of school management, as the teaching-learning process is permeated by a variety of factors, such as the teaching practices, the presence of family and available resources, the management is on a primary factor for the understanding of school performance. The discussion about the quality of school management is necessary, therefore, when it calls for the Brazilian education quality. It is believed that understanding the issues involving the school management that exists today in Brazil, specifically in Piauí and more directly in the city of Teresina and the way schools are being managed effectively, can help to understand the phenomenon and the improvement of educational quality promoted training in Brazilian schools. Thus, it has been the goal of the study to analyze how an innovation in school management, strategically applied in public schools of Teresina can impact the quality of basic education hall. Thus, what is proposed is to establish through research field positive and negative points about the model of strategic management and primary school, which can be a path to a single model of quality management education in the state of Piauí. It was concluded that it is necessary that the manager of public education has a social commitment to making the institution that operates a space of transformation, to create a fairer society, more humane and inclusive, promote freedom, autonomy and quality improvement.


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Apesar da modernização dos meios tecnológicos e processos de aprendizagem, a Matemática na escola pública brasileira permanece difícil de ensinar e aprender, falta inovação metodológica que promova condições necessárias na apropriação dos saberes pelo aluno. Essa pesquisa sobre a Formação continuada de professores de Matemática do Ensino Fundamental Ciclo I e inovação da prática pedagógica: a música no ensino de frações propõe o uso da música como recurso didático metodológico inovador para o ensino de frações, com o objetivo de substituir aulas expositivas e exercícios mecânicos por vivências prazerosas, significativas e formadoras de um sujeito crítico participativo. Apresenta os mecanismos de avaliação da política educacional brasileira bem como o Ensino Fundamental de nove anos. Destaca a inovação metodológica como necessidade na formação continuada para o professor polivalente não especialista em matemática. Desenvolve a pesquisa qualitativa, estudo de caso, e considera o processo histórico da sociedade e do sujeito, para compreender o papel da escola, do professor e as especificidades do processo ensino e aprendizagem. O resultados dessa pesquisa mostram a necessidade de revisão, pelas instituições de ensino superior, na formação de profissionais de postura interrogativa de sua própria ação docente, capazes de reproduzir tal atitude no aluno. Este estudo contribui para a aprendizagem de frações, evitando-se aulas expositivas, exercícios mecânicos, por meio de uma proposta de formação continuada, utilizando música como instrumento para o ensino de frações, desenvolvida pela pesquisadora durante o processo da pesquisa ação, além de promover o debate nas unidades escolares envolvidas nas inovações de seus Projetos Pedagógicos.


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Background: Children’s representations of mothers in doll-play are associated with child adjustment. Despite the importance of fathers for children’s adjustment, especially in the context of maternal psychopathology, few studies have considered children’s representations of their fathers. Method: We examined the portrayal of fathers by 5-year-old children of depressed (N = 55) and non-depressed (N = 39) mothers in a doll-play procedure concerning family experience. Results: Children gave equal prominence in their play to mothers and fathers. Representations of fathers were unrelated to maternal mood, but were associated with parental conflict. Representations of child care for the father that was unreciprocated predicted poor child adjustment in school, but only in children exposed to maternal postnatal depression. Conclusions: It may be clinically useful to consider children’s distinctive representations of their mother and father; but the concept of parentification in relation to risk and resilience effects requires refinement.


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In 2000 when Sweden signed the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities the Roma minority became one of the acknowledged national minorities in the country. It meant that the rights of the Roma mi-nority would be safeguarded and the knowledge of its history and culture would be spread. In that context, the Swedish school, with its founded as-signment of democracy, was given an important role. The education was to communicate the multicultural values of the society and to make visible the history and culture of the Roma minority. The school books used in teaching today do not meet these demands. The view of the Roma minority given in school books is often inadequate and simplified. The present study will therefore examine a different type of edu-cational material used in schools and teaching, The Swedish Educational Broadcasting Company‟s programs of history and social studies regarding the Roma minority. Starting in postcolonial theory as well as critical dis-course analysis the study examines how the picture of the Roma cultural and ethnic identity in the Swedish Educational Broadcasting Company‟s material has been displayed and possibly changed during the period of 1975 to 2013. The results show a picture of Roma which, both in form and content, con-sists of some clearly demarcated discursive categories. The obvious continui-ty of the categories gives a picture of static and invariable Roma identity. At the same time this unambiguous picture is broken both by giving the existing discourses new meaning and also adding new discourses. The complexity and nuances become more prominent and the Roma identity is integrated in common Swedish history telling. The changes in the view of Roma, given by the Swedish Educational Broadcasting Company, can mainly be explained by the change of the Swedish immigration and minority policy and, as a conse-quence of this, the change of the school‟s mission regarding knowledge communication of Sweden as a multicultural country.


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This investigation had the teacher as object of study, whose objective was to know and analyze the teacher‟s Social Representations (SR) shared by undergraduates, as from images of this professional (teachers´ photos of several levels and school systems). It was searched out the process of depreciation or estimation, in which the teaching profession has been passing, trying to catch, specifically, possible existing correlations among such SR and the reflections in the attitudes developed by these students about their own development and professional practice. The data collection was carried out at the Federal University of Piauí Teresina with 165 undergraduates (15 from each course). It was applied a semi-structured interview, mediated by iconographic grouping (SALES, 2000, 2007), outlining a methodological widening of the studies fulfilled by (ROAZZI, 1995). It was used the function Factor Analysis, available in the SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) for the analysis of the quantitative data, and it was proceeded a content analysis through the categorical analysis technique (BARDIN, 1977) for the analytical procedures of the qualitative data. It was resorted to the SR theory (MOSCOVICI, 1978) for the data interpretation and the Theory of Signs (PEIRCE. 1995) in the understanding of the decodification processes of signs that were present in the photos worked. It became evident that the undergraduates perceived the teaching profession inserted in a hierarchical scale of values (positive/negative), directly related to the school system and the teaching level, in which the teacher works. Most undergraduates share teacher‟s SR of negative content, consolidating the hegemonic SR about the teacher‟s social depreciation, although some of them imagine themselves, in the future, inserted among the teachers more appraised, showing that the SR orientate the positive and negative attitudes about the teacher. The presence of SR that mobilize the interviewers‟ attitudes in opposite senses related to the teacher, offer evidence of the necessity of future studies that can use a methodology more focused to understand other motivation factors that the undergraduates give evidence of having to the course they have chosen, besides the ones inferred by the SR caught in this investigation, as well as to establish a correlation between the teacher‟s SR (positive and negative) and the social economic level of the interviewers that share them. Such data revealed itself necessary since the literature signalizes for a relation between the course chosen and the applicant‟s social-economic level, and that the applicants‟ objective conditions to the licenciature courses are related to the subjective hopes that their group supplies


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In the first decade of the XXI century, it is possible to assert that school textbook is part of the material culture of most public Brazilian schools by means of National School Textbook Program (PNLD). This research aimed at identifying and analyzing textbooks choice in Ceara, relating it to the uses of such tool within school daily life. The setting for the study was four public schools, two of them placed in Fortaleza, and the other in Quixada. It evaluated the uses of textbooks in the 6th grade. As part of methodology, public managers were interviewed, teachers answered surveys, and a direct observation during History classes in 2008 school year was carried out. The observation was over after round chats with students in the class, in which each one designed draws and sentences concerning to the textbook. Furthermore, the study was based on MEC official documents that regulate the textbook choice process with National textbook Program announcement (PNDL/2008) and PNDL/2008 Textbook Guide, in addition to History textbooks schools used. Roger Chartier‟s concept of appropriation was an analysis category, as well as Michael de Certeau s strategy and tatics‟, and Dominique Julia‟s concept of school culture . The study recognizes textbook in the perspective of Alain Choppin and Egil Borre Johnsen, since it is a complex cultural object. For this reason, the study designs an analogy with a kaleidoscope that sends different images depending on who uses it, within a set of colorful lines, since textbook comprehends nowadays different sources and languages, as it offers countless possibilities of use in teaching History. The study concludes that only the main text of each chapter is really worked in daily class practice. Therefore, although theoretical and graphic changes in textbook production, the textbook is underused, which is central to a later rethought of teachers instruction, since, depending on the conception of teaching and learning, textbook potentialities will be used to improve the development of knowledge in History.


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This study investigates the manner in which the Activity Theory by Alexei Nikolaevich Leontiev contributed to the performance of a teacher who teaches History at the 8th year of elementary school, Escola Estadual Coronel Fernandes, in Luís Gomes - RN city. Her goal is to analyze the contributions of this theory in her teaching practice. It was opted by collaborative approach as formative strategy and was used as procedures for training of knowing the courses of study and thoughtful reflection sessions. It was used as techniques in the development of these cycles, the semistructured interview and the reflection sessions, the autoscopy and observation in real life. Regarding the theoretical foundation, held in these cycles, the teacher demonstrated to have appropriated some contributions from Activity Theory, besides relating them to her practice and understanding her importance to the improvement of teaching and learning of History. Concerning to the reflection sessions, the analysis showed that the participant has used of constructions of this theory and improved their practice, developing lessons of History so as to encourage student participation in oral and promote his integral development. The educational process, carried out on the practice of teacher, has shown an increase in her conscious learning that contributed to the improvement in their professional development. Before these findings, as needs for new thinking, this research recommends, especially the organization of teaching activities, based on this theory, which allows the teacher to improve the teaching and learning process contributing to student's full education


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Analyze the work of the school manager who now faces the changes experienced in school management for the last two decades. We propose that there have been changes in school management that have generated a larger number of activities to be developed by managers, causing both the intensification of work and a greater involvement of professionals in the financial-administrative dimension of their work in opposition to the political and pedagogical dimension. This study has a historic-critic approach. That is why we performed semi-structured interviews with school managers of the city schools in Natal RN, BR as a methodological procedure. We also analyzed the literature as well as the documentation relevant to this subject. From the study it was possible to conclude that changes in the field of school management and also teaching have led to an intensification of work of school managers and that such changes have not been followed by corresponding improvement in working conditions and teaching career of these professionals. They, as a rule, are considered by controlling agencies and by the school community as the primarily responsible for the school condition and for creating actions or projects that may improve the institutional objectives and results, including even the maintenance of the institution. Moreover, the growing number of administrative activities represents for obvious reasons extra work for these managers, who, when trying to cope with the growing bureaucratic situations, end up misplacing other political and educational aspects of school work, which may undermine the final purpose of school itself. We stress that we must broaden the discussions on the functions of the school manager, so that this worker can actualize a pedagogical project more committed to an emancipatory nature, despite all the challenge in keeping the school running in often-precarious conditions


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Official documents indicate to a curriculum organization that promotes the dialogue in different areas of knowledge. Among the proposals strategies are the "School Projects". This research appears from the staff need evidenced in the development of practice of the researcher in recent years as Pedagogical Advisor in high school. The comments made in the daily work on the kinds of projects and how they were developed in the school, generated concerns. They aroused the interest in further the discussion, aiming to reflect with teachers about the implementation of a pedagogic action on the use of educational projects in the classroom, as a didactic strategy which promotes the learning of students. In this sense, it seeks to develop studies and discussions by the application of questionnaires and the holding of a workshop with teachers in the area of Science of Nature and Mathematics in private high school institutions from Natal, searching opinions of them as the preparation and development of school projects. As general purpose, it aims to contribute with elements to the reflection of the teachers on the use of this strategy of education. For both, we propose: the knowledge of ideas/opinions of teachers on planning, development and evaluation of projects, both disciplinary and interdisciplinary, identifying the main difficulties of these teachers about the work with projects at school; reviewing projects developed at school after the press conference in a meeting with teachers, incorporating the identified aspects as weak points. In the course of the methodology research, questionnaires were used with open and closed questions for the lifting of preliminary ideas for teachers in order to subsidize the planning of a developed meeting later in the school itself on the subject in question. 10 teachers took part of the first step and 17 in the second one (pressconference). In the third stage, an individual interview was carried out and analysis of projects already developed. It is observed that, as the main difficulty for the development of projects in school, pointed to the time factor in the planning team, followed by excessive working hours for teachers that, generally, also work in other schools. Some teachers say they do not develop projects for not having knowledge of how to develop school projects, neither disciplinary, nor interdisciplinary


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Nowadays, textbook has been recognized, to a significant portion of education experts, as a relevant material to education process. In the field of Physical Education the textbook's production and study became practically neglectful. The objective of this study was to evaluate the applicability of a basketball textbook, built specifically for this study, with five teachers of Physical Education. The methodology used was qualitative, the interview was a data collection instrument. The results pointed that teachers established a critical relationship against the textbook of basketball and they pointed advantages and disadvantages for its use in school context.


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O objetivo desse artigo é problematizar a função social da escola na sociedade capitalista atual. Tendo historicamente a função da transmissão do conhecimento, a escola, nas últimas décadas, vem passando por sérias dificuldades em cumprir, ao menos em parte, essa função social. Estudantes e professores não se identificam mais nesse espaço institucional, uns porque não aprendem e outros porque não conseguem ensinar. O estranhamento dos agentes sociais em suas relações na escola faz com que sentidos e significados se percam no processo pedagógico. As motivações de ambos se distanciam na atividade, esvaziando as ações e o alcance dos objetivos que, a priori, deveriam ser comuns. O que está na base desse conflito? A escola teria esgotado sua função social, esvaindo-se como espaço de produção e socialização de conhecimentos? A contribuição do olhar sociológico nessa problemática deve se constituir como um desafio às Ciências Sociais, de modo geral, e ao ensino de Sociologia, de modo particular?