984 resultados para Calcium phosphate cements
Most patients with chronic kidney disease experience abnormalities in serum calcium, phosphorus, parathyroid hormone, and vitamin D metabolism. These can lead to vascular calcification (VC), which has been associated with increased risk for cardiovascular disease and mortality. Although hyperphosphatemia is believed to be a risk factor for mortality and VC, no randomized trial was ever designed to demonstrate that lowering phosphate reduces mortality. Nonetheless, binders have been used extensively, and the preponderance of evidence shows that sevelamer slows the development of VC whereas calcium salts do not. Four studies have demonstrated a slower progression of VC with sevelamer than with calcium-containing binders, although a fifth study showed nonsuperiority. Conversely, the results on mortality with sevelamer have been variable, and data on calcium-based binders are nonexistent. Improved survival with sevelamer was demonstrated in a small randomized clinical trial, whereas a larger randomized trial failed to show a benefit. In addition, preclinical models of renal failure and preliminary clinical data on hemodialysis patients suggest a potential benefit for bone with sevelamer. Meanwhile, several randomized and observational studies suggested no improvement in bone density and fracture rate, and a few noted an increase in total and cardiovascular mortality in the general population given calcium supplements. Although additional studies are needed, there are at least indications that sevelamer may improve vascular and bone health and, perhaps, mortality in hemodialysis patients, whereas data on calcium-based binders are lacking. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 5: S31-S40, 2010. doi: 10.2215/CJN.05880809
Adult Channa punctatus murrels of both sexes (60-80 g) were collected locally from Ramgarh Lake during the second week of every month (10 individuals of each sex/month) throughout the year. Blood samples were collected and analyzed for serum calcium and phosphate levels by the methods of Trinder (1960) and Fiske and Subbarow (1925), respectively. Gonads were fixed to judge the state of maturation of the fish. Males exhibited no change in serum calcium levels throughout the year in correlation with testicular maturation. However, serum phosphate levels exhibited a rise in correlation with the increased gonadosomatic index. Females showed marked seasonal changes in serum calcium and phosphate levels which were associated with ovarian maturation (vitellogenesis).
La gazéification est aujourd'hui l'une des stratégies les plus prometteuses pour valoriser les déchets en énergie. Cette technologie thermo-chimique permet une réduction de 95 % de la masse des intrants et génère des cendres inertes ainsi que du gaz de synthèse (syngaz). Le syngaz est un combustible gazeux composé principalement de monoxyde de carbone (CO), d'hydrogène (H2) et de dioxyde de carbone (CO2). Le syngaz peut être utilisé pour produire de la chaleur et de l'électricité. Il est également la pierre angulaire d'un grand nombre de produits à haute valeur ajoutée, allant de l'éthanol à l'ammoniac et l'hydrogène pur. Les applications en aval de la production de syngaz sont dictées par son pouvoir calorifique, lui-même dépendant de la teneur du gaz en H2. L’augmentation du contenu du syngaz en H2 est rendu possible par la conversion catalytique à la vapeur d’eau, largement répandu dans le cadre du reformage du méthane pour la production d'hydrogène. Au cours de cette réaction, le CO est converti en H2 et CO2 selon : CO + H2O → CO2 + H2. Ce processus est possible grâce à des catalyseurs métalliques mis en contact avec le CO et de la vapeur. La conversion catalytique à la vapeur d’eau a jusqu'ici été réservé pour de grandes installations industrielles car elle nécessite un capital et des charges d’exploitations très importantes. Par conséquent, les installations de plus petite échelle et traitant des intrants de faible qualité (biomasse, déchets, boues ...), n'ont pas accès à cette technologie. Ainsi, la seule utilisation de leur syngaz à faible pouvoir calorifique, est limitée à la génération de chaleur ou, tout au plus, d'électricité. Afin de permettre à ces installations une gamme d’application plus vaste de leurs syngaz, une alternative économique à base de catalyseur biologique est proposée par l’utilisation de bactéries hyperthermophiles hydrogénogènes. L'objectif de cette thèse est d'utiliser Carboxydothermus hydrogenoformans, une bactérie thermophile carboxydotrophe hydrogénogène comme catalyseur biologique pour la conversion du monoxyde de carbone en hydrogène. Pour cela, l’impact d'un phénomène de biominéralisation sur la production d’H2 a été étudié. Ensuite, la faisabilité et les limites de l’utilisation de la souche dans un bioréacteur ont été évaluées. Tout d'abord, la caractérisation de la phase inorganique prédominante lorsque C. hydrogenoformans est inoculé dans le milieu DSMZ, a révélé une biominéralisation de phosphate de calcium (CaP) cristallin en deux phases. L’analyse par diffraction des rayons X et spectrométrie infrarouge à transformée de Fourier de ce matériau biphasique indique une signature caractéristique de la Mg-whitlockite, alors que les images obtenues par microscopie électronique à transmission ont montré l'existence de nanotiges cristallines s’apparentant à de l’hydroxyapatite. Dans les deux cas, le mode de biominéralisation semble être biologiquement induit plutôt que contrôlé. L'impact du précipité de CaP endogène sur le transfert de masse du CO et la production d’H2 a ensuite été étudié. Les résultats ont été comparés aux valeurs obtenues dans un milieu où aucune précipitation n'est observée. Dans le milieu DSMZ, le KLa apparent (0.22 ± 0.005 min-1) et le rendement de production d’H2 (89.11 ± 6.69 %) étaient plus élevés que ceux obtenus avec le milieu modifié (0.19 ± 0.015 min-1 et 82.60 ± 3.62% respectivement). La présence du précipité n'a eu aucune incidence sur l'activité microbienne. En somme, le précipité de CaP offre une nouvelle stratégie pour améliorer les performances de transfert de masse du CO en utilisant les propriétés hydrophobes de gaz. En second lieu, la conversion du CO en H2 par la souche Carboxydothermus hydrogenoformans fut étudiée et optimisée dans un réacteur gazosiphon de 35 L. Parmi toutes les conditions opérationnelles, le paramètre majeur fut le ratio du débit de recirculation du gaz sur le débit d'alimentation en CO (QR:Qin). Ce ratio impacte à la fois l'activité biologique et le taux de transfert de masse gaz-liquide. En effet, au dessus d’un ratio de 40, les performances de conversion du CO en H2 sont limitées par l’activité biologique alors qu’en dessous, elles sont limitées par le transfert de masse. Cela se concrétise par une efficacité de conversion maximale de 90.4 ± 0.3 % et une activité spécifique de 2.7 ± 0.4 molCO·g–1VSS·d–1. Malgré des résultats prometteurs, les performances du bioréacteur ont été limitées par une faible densité cellulaire, typique de la croissance planctonique de C. hydrogenoformans. Cette limite est le facteur le plus contraignant pour des taux de charge de CO plus élevés. Ces performances ont été comparées à celles obtenues dans un réacteur à fibres creuses (BRFC) inoculé par la souche. En dépit d’une densité cellulaire et d’une activité volumétrique plus élevées, les performances du BRFC à tout le moins cinétiquement limitées quand elles n’étaient pas impactées par le transfert de masse, l'encrassement et le vieillissement de la membrane. Afin de parer à la dégénérescence de C. hydrogenoformans en cas de pénurie de CO, la croissance de la bactérie sur pyruvate en tant que seule source de carbone a été également caractérisée. Fait intéressant, en présence simultanée de pyruvate et de CO, C. hydrogenoformans n’a amorcé la consommation de pyruvate qu’une fois le CO épuisé. Cela a été attribué à un mécanisme d'inhibition du métabolisme du pyruvate par le CO, faisant ainsi du pyruvate le candidat idéal pour un système in situ de secours.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the physicochemical properties and bioactivity of two formulations of calcium silicate-based cements containing additives (CSCM) or resin (CSCR), associated with radiopacifying agents zirconium oxide (ZrO2) and niobium oxide (Nb2O5) as micro- and nanoparticles; calcium tungstate (CaWO4); and bismuth oxide (Bi2O3). MTA Angelus was used as control. Methods. Surface features and bioactivity were evaluated by scanning electron microscopy and the chemical composition by energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (EDS-X). Results. CSCM and CSCR presented larger particle sizes than MTA. Hydroxyapatite deposits were found on the surface of some materials, especially when associated with the radiopacifier with ZrO2 nanoparticles. All the cements presented calcium, silicon, and aluminum in their composition. Conclusion. Both calcium silicate-based cements presented composition and bioactivity similar to MTA when associated with the radiopacifiers evaluated.
The purpose of this work was to evaluate the biological compatibility of the Sealapex, Apexit, Sealer 26 and Ketac Endo endodontic cements. Polyethylene tubes containing these cements were implanted in the subcutaneous tissue of 40 (forty) rats. The animals were sacrificed after 14 and 90 days. A descriptive analysis of the reactions found in the connective tissue by contact with the cements was performed. The magnitude of inflammatory infiltrate, the presence and predominance of cell types and their distribution as to the filling material and reparative phenomena, such as fibroblastic and angioblastic proliferation and formation of fibrous capsules, were subjectively measured. After 90 days, all cements presented statistically significant reduction of the inflammatory reaction, presence of a fibrous tissue capsule in contact with the opening of the tubes containing the filling materials, and reduction of fibroblastic proliferation. Angioblastic proliferation decreased only for the Sealer 26 and Ketac Endo groups. All cements tested were either partially or totally phagocyted, and the mildest inflammatory response was found for the Sealer 26 group at both evaluation periods.
Higher plants share with animals a responsiveness to the Ca2+ mobilizing agents inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (InsP3) and cyclic ADP-ribose (cADPR). In this study, by using a vesicular 45Ca2+ flux assay, we demonstrate that microsomal vesicles from red beet and cauliflower also respond to nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NAADP), a Ca2+-releasing molecule recently described in marine invertebrates. NAADP potently mobilizes Ca2+ with a K1/2 = 96 nM from microsomes of nonvacuolar origin in red beet. Analysis of sucrose gradient-separated cauliflower microsomes revealed that the NAADP-sensitive Ca2+ pool was derived from the endoplasmic reticulum. This exclusively nonvacuolar location of the NAADP-sensitive Ca2+ pathway distinguishes it from the InsP3- and cADPR-gated pathways. Desensitization experiments revealed that homogenates derived from cauliflower tissue contained low levels of NAADP (125 pmol/mg) and were competent in NAADP synthesis when provided with the substrates NADP and nicotinic acid. NAADP-induced Ca2+ release is insensitive to heparin and 8-NH2-cADPR, specific inhibitors of the InsP3- and cADPR-controlled mechanisms, respectively. However, NAADP-induced Ca2+ release could be blocked by pretreatment with a subthreshold dose of NAADP, as previously observed in sea urchin eggs. Furthermore, the NAADP-gated Ca2+ release pathway is independent of cytosolic free Ca2+ and therefore incapable of operating Ca2+-induced Ca2+ release. In contrast to the sea urchin system, the NAADP-gated Ca2+ release pathway in plants is not blocked by L-type channel antagonists. The existence of multiple Ca2+ mobilization pathways and Ca2+ release sites might contribute to the generation of stimulus-specific Ca2+ signals in plant cells.
Biomimetic hydroxyapatite was synthesized by the controlled release of calcium and phosphate ions from poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-acrylic acid) (poly(NIPAAm-co-AA)) nanogels. Mixing nanogels containing calcium chloride (CaCl2 ·2H2O) and nanogels containing sodium hydrogen phosphate (Na2HPO4·2H2O) in simulated body fluid (SBF) at physiological conditions of 37 °C and pH 7.4, biomimetic hydroxyapatite was obtained. By studying separately the loading and controlled release of the salts from the nanogels, adequate conditions were chosen to synthesize the hydroxyapatite: Calcium loaded (Ca-loaded) nanogels (1000 mg/ml; 400:3) and inorganic phosphate loaded (Pi-loaded) nanogels (90 mg/ml; 12:1) in a ratio of 2:1 were placed in SBF solution. The obtained powders characterization showed that a low crystalline and substituted hydroxyapatite similar to bone apatite was formed. Such a strategy could be used in medical and dental procedures to induce rapid inorganic mineral formation from a nanogel-containing biomaterial. © 2012 American Scientific Publishers. All rights reserved.
The stable increase in average life expectancy and the consecutive increase in the number of cases of bone related diseases has led to a growing interest in the development of materials that can promote bone repair and/or replacement. Among the best candidates are those materials that have a high similarity to bones, in terms of composition, structure, morphology and functionality. Biomineralized tissue, and thus also bones, have three main components: water, an organic matrix and an inorganic deposit. In vertebrates, the inorganic deposit consists of what is called biological apatite, which slightly differ from stoichiometric hydroxyapatite (HA) both in crystallographic terms and in the presence of foreign atoms and species. This justifies the great attention towards calcium phosphates, which show excellent biocompatibility and bioactivity. The performances of the material and the response of the biological tissue can be further improved through their functionalization with ions, biologically active molecules and nanostructures. This thesis focuses on several possible functionalizations of calcium phosphates, and their effects on chemical properties and biological performances. In particular, the functionalizing agents include several biologically relevant ions, such as Cobalt (Co), Manganese (Mn), Strontium (Sr) and Zinc (Zn); two organic molecules, a flavonoid (Quercetin) and a polyphenol (Curcumin); and nanoparticles, namely tungsten oxide (WO3) NPs. Functionalization was carried out on various calcium phosphates: dicalcium phosphate dihydrate (DCPD), dicalcium phosphate anhydrous (DCPA) and hydroxyapatite (HA). Two different strategies of functionalization were applied: direct synthesis and adsorption from solution. Finally, a chapter is devoted to a preliminary study on the development of cements based on some of the functionalized phosphates obtained.
The present study evaluated the progression of osteogenic cell cultures exposed to a novel calcium aluminate cement (CAC+) in comparison with the gold standard mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA). Cells were enzimatically isolated from newborn rat calvarial bone, plated on glass coverslips containing either CAC+ or a control MTA samples in the center, and grown under standard osteogenic conditions. Over the 10-day culture period, roundening of sample edges was clearly noticed only for MTA group. Although both cements supported osteogenic cell adhesion, spreading, and proliferation, CAC+-exposed cultures showed significantly higher values in terms of total cell number at days 3 and 7, and total protein content and alkaline phosphatase activity at day 10. The present in vitro results indicate that the exposure to CAC+ supports a higher differentiation of osteogenic cells compared with the ones exposed to MTA. Further experimental studies should consider CAC+ as a potential alternative to MTA when the repair of mineralized tissues is one of the desired outcomes in endodontic therapy.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the hydrogenionic potential and electrical conductivity of Portland cements and MTA, as well as the amount of arsenic and calcium released from these materials. In Teflon molds, samples of each material were agitated and added to plastic flasks containing distilled water for 3, 24, 72 and 168 h. The results were analyzed with a Kruskal-Wallis non-parametric test for global comparisons and a Dunn-Tukey test for pairwise comparisons. The results revealed no significant differences in the pH of the materials (p > 0.05). The electrical conductivity of the cements were not statistically different (p > 0.05). White non-structural cement and MTA BIO released the largest amount of calcium ions into solution (p < 0.05), while arsenic release was insignificant in all of the materials (p > 0.05). The results indicated that the physico-chemical properties of Portland cements and MTA were similar. Furthermore, all materials produced an alkaline environment and can be considered safe for clinical use because arsenic was not released. The electrical conductivity and the amount of calcium ions released into solution increased over time.
It has been suggested that phosphate binders may reduce the inflammatory state of hemodialysis (HD) patients. However, it is not clear whether it has any effect on oxidative stress. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of sevelamer hydrochloride (SH) and calcium acetate (CA) on oxidative stress and inflammation markers in HD patients. Hemodialysis patients were randomly assigned to therapy with SH (n=17) or CA (n=14) for 1 year. Before the initiation of therapy (baseline) and at 12 months, we measured in vitro reactive oxygen species (ROS) production by stimulated and unstimulated polymorphonuclear neutrophils and serum levels of tumor necrosis factor alpha, interleukin-10, C-reactive protein, and albumin. There was a significant reduction of spontaneous ROS production in both groups after 12 months of therapy. There was a significant decrease of Staphylococcus aureus stimulated ROS production in the SH group. There was a significant increase in albumin serum levels only in the SH group. In the SH group, there was also a decrease in the serum levels of tumor necrosis factor alpha and C-reactive protein. Our results suggest that compared with CA treatment, SH may lead to a reduction in oxidative stress and inflammation. Therefore, it is possible that phosphate binders exert pleiotropic effects on oxidative stress and inflammation, which could contribute toward decreasing endothelial injury in patients in HD.
Background and Aims: Calcium-containing phosphate binders have been shown to increase the progression of vascular calcification in hemodialysis patients. This is a prospective study that compares the effects of calcium acetate and sevelamer on coronary calcification (CAC) and bone histology. Methods: 101 hemodialysis patients were randomized for each phosphate binder and submitted to multislice coronary tomographies and bone biopsies at entry and 12 months. Results: The 71 patients who concluded the study had similar baseline characteristics. On follow-up, the sevelamer group had higher levels of intact parathyroid hormone (498 +/- 352 vs. 326 +/- 236 pg/ml, p = 0.017), bone alkaline phosphatase (38 +/- 24 vs. 28 +/- 15 U/l, p = 0.03) and deoxypyridinoline (135 +/- 107 vs. 89 +/- 71 nmol/l, p = 0.03) and lower LDL cholesterol (74 +/- 21 vs. 91 +/- 28 mg/dl, p = 0.015). Phosphorus (5.8 +/- 1.0 vs. 6 +/- 1.0 mg/dl, p = 0.47) and calcium (1.27 +/- 0.07 vs. 1.23 +/- 0.08 mmol/l, p = 0.68) levels did not differ between groups. CAC progression (35 vs. 24%, p = 0.94) and bone histological diagnosis at baseline and 12 months were similar in both groups. Patients of the sevelamer group with a high turnover at baseline had an increase in bone resorption (eroded surface, ES/BS = 9.0 +/- 5.9 vs. 13.1 +/- 9.5%, p = 0.05), whereas patients of both groups with low turnover at baseline had an improvement in bone formation rate (BFR/BS = 0.015 +/- 0.016 vs. 0.062 +/- 0.078, p = 0.003 for calcium and 0.017 +/- 0.016 vs. 0.071 +/- 0.084 mu m(3)/mu m(2)/day, p = 0.010 for sevelamer). Conclusions: There was no difference in CAC progression or changes in bone remodeling between the calcium and the sevelamer groups. Copyright (C) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel