963 resultados para Archias, Aulus Licinius, b. 120 B.C.


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An experiment was conducted with Labeo rohita fingerlings in an indoor static fish rearing water system of glass made aquaria. Five experimental diets A, B, C, D and E were formulated containing 33% dietary protein level in five treatments each having two replicates containing 12 fingerlings of mean total initial weight of 13.00±0.2g. Sixty days of feeding trial in this experiment showed that fish fed on diet 'A' containing fish meal and diet 'E' containing mixed plant sources protein had significantly highest and lowest growth respectively. However, no significant difference of growth was found in fish fed on diets C and D containing meat and bone meal, and mix of animal protein source diets respectively. The result showed that the apparent protein digestibility (APD) of diets 'A' and 'E' had significantly best and least values respectively. Food conversion ratio (FCR) and protein efficiency ratio (PER) ranged between 1.37 to 2.17 and 1.38 to 2.18 respectively. On the basis of observed FCR and PER diets 'A' and 'E' produced significantly highest and lowest growth respectively.


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I 理论部分:对未知结构聚合物的ESCA谱进行表征,一是利用已知结构小分子化合物的ESCA谱中结合能值进行标定,二是运用电荷电位模型经量子化学计算对谱峰进行归属。由于所处化学环境不同,用小分子化合物的ESCA谱峰位对象合物标定不够准确,量子化学计算又太复杂。本工作提出了电负性经验公式,可计算ESCA谱中C_(1S)结合能位移值,与实测值作对照即可判断聚合物结构,方法简便,准确可靠。电负性经验公式表达如下:聚合物分子链上某碳原子1S电子结合能位移ΔEc可看作该碳原子与相邻基团间电负性差值和的函数,即ΔEc = K_c ∑ from i=1 to 4 1/(n_i) (X_i - 2.5) + b聚合物分子链上各碳原子的实际电负性为X_c = (∑ form j=1 to 4 1/(n_j) X_j/∑ form j=1 to 4 1/(n_j) + 2.5)/2运用电负性经验公式计算了九个模型化合物中C_(1S)的ΔEc,推导出F作为α、β、γ位碳上的取代基的对α位碳上1s电子结合能位移影响产生的效应值,即,对于ΔEc = aα + b + cγ,有α = 3.018 (±0.007),β = 0.2513 (±0.0007) γ = 0.0176 (±0.003)。此结果与ESCA谱实测值相符。本工作设计了十六种化合物模型,模型中具有含氟等离子体聚合物中可能存在的大部分基团,通过电负性经验公式计算求得化学环境不同的C_(1S)结合能位移值,把ESCA谱的实测值和计算值进行对照,可对象合物的求知结构作出大致判断。II 在辉光放电中八氟环丁烷的聚合与刻蚀反应:在碳氧化合物的辉光放电中同时存在聚合与刻蚀两种相反的过程,聚合与刻蚀竞争的结果对聚合速率,产物结构都有很大影响。本工作通过测定聚合速率、IR谱、ESCA谱研究了反应条件对八氟环丁烷等离子体聚合与刻蚀的影响,得到了一致的和半定量的结果。实验证实,随着功率的增大或压力的减小,刻蚀有增强的趋势,不同的等离子气体对聚合与刻蚀的竞争过程有不同的影响,刻蚀强弱的顺序为Ar>N_2>H_2>He,增加等离子气体对单体的比率,引起刻蚀增加。聚合速率不随功率的改变而变化的状态是由聚合与刻蚀间的平衡引起的。随着功率增大或压力减少,聚合产物支化程度增加,线性程度减小,F/C比相应减小。同样随等离子气体种类不同,聚合物支化程度大小的顺序是Ar>N_2>H_2>He,F/C比相应变化。总之,聚合产物支化程度的变化和聚合与刻蚀的竞争结果相一致。对等离子体聚合与刻蚀竞争过程的定量描述未见文献报导。III 八氟环丁烷等离子体聚合物的结构和表征:用IR和ESR谱测得OFCB离子体聚合物中存在五种元素:C、F、O、N、Si,并对可能存在于结构中的基因作了分析。通过NaHSO_3的亲核双键加成反应,用IR和ESR谱证实了等离子体聚合物中存在的双键及其类型。类似工作未见文献报导。用CuSO_4·5H_2作标样,测出PPOFCB的自由基浓度为10~(19)自旋数/克。在80、100、120、140 ℃考察PPOFCB俘获自由基的衰减过程,证实此过程涉及两类不同的反应,一是自由基的复合反应,二是自由基的氧气的终止反应。对上述两类反应进行动力学处理,求出了自由基复合反应在不同温度时的速度常数,并得到反应治化能为374焦耳/摩尔或8.869千卡/摩尔。氧和自由基的终止反应中,氧气的扩散过程是决定反应速度的步骤,反应速度常数就是扩散速度常数,K = 5.3 * 10~(-23)自旋数~(-1)、克分~(-1)。根据VPO测出的PPOFCB分子量和自由基浓度,算出每4.5个分子中有一个自由基。类似工作未见文献报导。PPOFCB分子量随反应条件不同而变化,用VPO测出,在80W和40W功率,在Ar存在下制备的OFCB离子体聚合物的分子量分别为2736和2003。用~(19)F-NMR谱对PPOFCB的基团进行定量计算,得出在一个90W,He气中制备的聚合物分子中,CF_3-CF_2为6.1,CF_2为13.5,CF_3-CF为7.9,CF为17.5,CF_3-C为6.1,C为13.5。在用上述方法进行结构表征的基础上,提出了OFCB离子体聚合物的结构模型。IV 八氟环丁烷等离子体聚合的反应历程:以Ar、N_2、H_2、He为等离子气体,分别对OFCB离子体聚合的气体冷凝物进行GC-Mg、~(19)F-NMR和ESR测试,观察到在气相中,OFCB历了等离子态反应。单体被打断的程度,和高能电子浓度有关。体系中电子浓度依赖于气体的第一电离势和气相内的化学反应类型。初级粒子二氟卡宾:CF_2和中间体六氟丙烯是气相中的主要产物。~(19)F-NMR证实气相中存在支化产物,表明聚合物在气相中发生了重排。ESR谱测得,在气相产物中存在高浓度的由二种以上组分混合而成的自由基,自由基间的复合反应是生成聚合物的主要增长过程,气相产物的分子量随放电功率的升高而增大。根据聚合物中存在的高含量CF_3基团,分析了CF_3基团对聚合过程的影响。CF_3基团产生了屏蔽效应,它既保护了聚合物不致被降解,也限制了生成高分子量产物。实验证实,CF_3基团的生长来自F的重排,同时未自支化气相产物的非均相增长。OFCB离子体聚合物中俘获自由基主要是由高能电子轰击聚合物表面产生的,同时来自被固相吸附的带有自由基的气相产物。在碳氟化合物的等离子体聚合中,吸附是和聚合同样重要的过程,气相产物被吸附后,可继续再引发、增长、刻蚀等反应过程、直到成为固相内层分子为止。ESR谱证实,高能粒子的轰击在辉光放电中起主导作用,紫外辐射对含氟聚合物引发和脱氟作用微弱。在气相和表面反应历程讨论的基础上,提出了OFCB离子体聚合的反应历程模型,解释了碳氢和碳氟两个等离子体象合体系遵循不同反应历程的原因。本部分工作的实验和反应历程解释基本未见文献报导。


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从新几内亚核桃木的树皮中分离得到的吲哚类喹诺里西定生物碱10-Desbromoarborescidine A,因发现其具有阻滞钙离子通道的活性而倍受关注。10-Desbromoarborescidine A由A、BC、D四个环组成,只有一个手性中心,是吲哚生物碱中结构较简单的一种,常作为此类生物碱全合成方法的模型化合物。但迄今为止,能高效而简便的实现手性10-Desbromoarborescidine A不对称全合成方法线路不多,大多数以不对称诱导的方式建立其手性中心,手性催化的方式仅有一例金属催化。从逆合成分析可知,Desbromoarborescidine A的全合成可以通过亚胺不对称催化还原进行关键的手性中心构建,而本课题组在之前的研究中通过手性有机小分子催化剂的发展,已将三氯硅烷氢转移还原亚胺发展成了一类简便实用、高效、高对映选择性并具有优良底物适应范围的不对称催化反应,我们希望以这一反应作为关键手段,发展一条Desbromoarborescidine A及其类似物不对称合成新路线。 根据我们设计的新路线,首先成功合成了其关键中间体,然后我们进行了关键的不对称催化尝试。用本实验室已有的高性能有机小分子催化剂虽得到了较好的对应选择性,但是产率很低。同时,为了验证整条线路的可行性,我们也用消旋的中间体进行拉通线路的尝试。但不幸的是,在脱除保护基时遇到了很大困难。尝试换不同的保护基,或改变脱保护基的顺序,都未能成功合成目标产物。究其原因可能是由于吲哚的特殊性造成的,吲哚类亚胺与常规的芳香亚胺有较大的差异,其NH基团无论保护还是不保护,对与其2位相联接的C=N双键均有很大的影响,导致其不对称催化还原难以进行。另外,由于所设计的还原产物含有处在吲哚苄位的胺基,稳定性较差,造成保护基脱除困难。 烯胺C-亚磺酰化反应是本课题组最近发现的一个新反应,之前未见文献报道。本研究对该反应进行了反应条件优化和底物扩展,发现带Cbz,Ac,COt-Bu,CO2Et,Bz等保护基的一系列环状和非环状烯胺在亚磺酸钠、DMAc和MeSiCl3的共同作用下能高效高产率生成β-胺基烯基亚砜类新化合物,为合成多官能团化的烯基亚砜新化合物提供了一条简便实用的途径。 The main constituent of Dracontomelum mangiferum B1, indoloquinolizidine alkaloid 10-Desbromoarborescidine A, has drawn great attention due to its calcium channel blocking activity. Its molecular structure is relatively simple compared with the other alkaloids of the same type, which has only one chiral center, albeit with four cycles A, B, C, and D. This compound is often used as a model target for exploring different strategies for the total synthesis of indole alkaloids. Nevertheless, so far there still lack practical and highly efficient methods for the asymmetric total synthesis of 10-Desbromoarborescidine A. Most of the current available methods rely on stoichiometric asymmetric synthesis for the construction of the chiral center. There is only one example reporting utilization of asymmetric catalysis, but with transition metal complex as the catalyst. Our retrosynthetic analysis shows that catalytic asymmetric reduction of imine could be used as the key step for the construction of the chiral center of Desbromoarborescidine A. Since in the previous studies our group has developed the asymmetric reduction of imines by trichlorosilane into a practical and highly efficient and enantioselective method using newly designed chiral organocatalysts, we hope to apply this method to develop a novel synthetic route for the total synthesis of Desbromoarborescidine A and its analogues in this study. According to the newly designed synthetic route, we first accomplished the synthesis of the key intermediates which was then examined for the critical asymmetric catalysis. The asymmetric reduction using the highly efficient organocatalysts, developed in our lab afforded high ee but poor yield. We tried different reaction conditions to improve the yield, but failed to get any good results. Simultaneously, to vertify the feasibility of the synthetic route we designed, we also tired to go through the route toward the racemic synthesis of Desbromoarborescidine A. But unfortunately, protection and deprotection proved to be big hurdles. All the different protection groups and different sequences of protection and deprotection we tried failed to get us through the designed synthetic sequence and furnish the final product. Most likely, the indole part is the culprit behind the failures.The NH group of the indole, no matter protected or not, may impact the catalytic asymmetric reduction of C-N double bond connected with 2-C. Additionally, the reduction product we designed contains an amino group in the β-position of the indole, which may cause problems due to its instability. C-sulfenylation of enamines is a novel reaction discovered recently by our group, which has not been seen before in the literature. In this study, optimization of the reaction conditions and exploration of the substrate scope were further undertaken for this reaction, which reveal that a series of enamines with N-Cbz, Ac, COt-Bu, CO2Et protection groups could all undergo smooth C-sulfinylations with the comined use of sodium benzene sulphinate, DAMc and MeSiCl3, efficiently furnishing the β-amino vinylsulfoxide products in high yield, affording a practical and highly efficient methods for synthesis of functional vinylsulfoxides.


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The isothermal crystallization behavior of poly(L-lactic acid)/organo-montmorillonite nanocomposites (PLLA/OMMT) with different content of OMMT, using a kind of twice-functionalized organoclay (TFC), prepared by melt intercalation process has been investigated by optical depolarizer. In isothermal crystallization from melt, the induction periods (t(i)) and half times for overall PLLA crystallization (100 degrees C <= T-c <= 120 degrees C) were affected by the temperature and the content of TFC in nanocomposites. The kinetic of isothermal crystallization of PLLA/TFC nanocomposites was studied by Avrami theory. Also, polarized optical photomicrographs supplied a direct way to know the role of TFC in PLLA isothermal crystallization process. Wide angle X-ray diffraction (WAXD) patterns showed the nanostructure of PLLA/TFC material, and the PLLA crystalline integrality was changed as the presence of TFC. Adding TFC led to the decrease of equilibrium melting point of nanocomposites, indicating that the layered structure of clay restricted the full formation of crystalline structure of polymer.


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Experimental electron diffraction patterns and high resolution images were used to determine the space group and unit cell dimensions of 2,3,6,7,10,11-hexakispentyloxytriphenylene. Subsequently the molecular conformation was calculated by energy minimized package in Cerius2. Using this method, we got the HPT crystal structure: space group: P6/mmm; lattice type: hexogonal; the lattice parameters are a = b = 20.3 angstrom, c = 3.52 angstrom, = = 90 degrees, = 120 degrees. The core of HPT is not perpendicular to the column. The angle between a axis and HPT core plane is 9 degrees which cannot be seen in b-c projection. The simulated ED patterns and HREM images are good agreement with the experimental ED patterns and HREM images.


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Green malt was kilned at 95 degrees C following two regimens: a standard regimen (SKR) and a rapid regimen (RKR). Both resulting malts were treated further in a tray dryer heated to 120 degrees C, as was green malt previously dried to 65 degrees C (TDR). Each regimen was monitored by determining the color, antioxidant activity (by both ABTS(center dot+) and FRAP methods), and polyphenolic profile. SKR and RKR malts exhibited decreased L* and increased b* values above approximately 80 degrees C. TDR malts changed significantly less, and color did not develop until 110 degrees C, implying that different chemical reactions lead to color in those malts. Antioxidant activity increased progressively with each regimen, although with TDR malts this became significant only at 110-120 degrees C. The RKR malt ABTS(center dot+) values were higher than those of the SKR malt. The main phenolics, that is, ferulic, p-coumaric, and vanillic acids, were monitored throughout heating. Ferulic acid levels increased upon heating to 80 degrees C for SKR and to 70 degrees C for RKR, with subsequent decreases. However, the levels for TDR malts did not increase significantly. The increase in free phenolics early in kilning could be due to enzymatic release of bound phenolics and/or easier extractability due to changes in the matrix. The differences between the kilning regimens used suggest that further modification of the regimens could lead to greater release of bound phenolics with consequent beneficial effects on flavor stability in beer and, more generally, on human health.


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The activity and nature (i e heterogeneous and/or homogeneous) of catalysts based on CsF supported on alpha-Al2O3 were investigated for the transesterification of vegetable oil with methanol. The effect of the activation temperature, CsF loading and the reusability in a recirculating reactor were first studied CsF/alpha-Al2O3 exhibited the highest activity for a CsF loading of 0 6 mmol/g and when activated at 120 degrees C An important aspect of this study is the effect of CsF leaching into the reaction mixture, which is attributed to the high solubility of CsF in methanol, leading to a complete loss of activity after one run It was Identified that the activity of the catalyst resulted from a synergy between alumina and dissolved CsF, the presence of both compounds being absolutely necessary to observe any conversion The use of an alumina with a higher surface area resulted in a far greater reaction rate, showing that the concentration of surface site on the oxide (probably surface hydroxyl) was rate-limiting in the case of the experiments using the low surface area alpha-Al2O3 This work emphasizes that combined homogeneous-heterogeneous catalytic systems made from the blending of the respective catalysts can be used to obtain high conversion of vegetable oil to biodiesel. Despite the homogeneous/heterogeneous dual character, such a catalytic system may prove valuable in developing a simple and cost-effective continuous catalytic process for biodiesel production (C) 2010 Elsevier B V All rights reserved


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The first part of this thesis studied the capacity of amino acids and enzymes to catalyze the hydrolysis and condensation of tetraethoxysilane and phenyltrimethoxysilane. Selected amino acids were shown to accelerate the hydrolysis and condensation of tetraethoxysilane under ambient temperature, pressure and at neutral pH (pH 7±0.02). The nature of the side chain of the amino acid was important in promoting hydrolysis and condensation. Several proteases were shown to have a capacity to hydrolyze tri- and tet-ra- alkoxysilanes under the same mild reaction conditions. The second part of this thesis employed an immobilized Candida antarctica lipase B (Novozym-435, N435) to produce siloxane-containing polyesters, polyamides, and polyester amides under solvent-free conditions. Enzymatic activity was shown to be temperature dependent, increasing until enzyme denaturation became the dominant pro-cess, which typically occurred between 120-130ᵒC. The residual activity of N435 was, on average, greater than 90%, when used in the synthesis of disiloxane-containing polyesters, regardless of the polymerization temperature except at the very highest temperatures, 140-150ᵒC. A study of the thermal tolerance of N435 determined that, over ten reaction cycles, there was a decrease in the initial rate of polymerization with each consecutive use of the catalyst. No change in the degree of monomer conversion after a 24 hour reaction cycle was found.


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Andrographis paniculata, commonly known as Kalmegh, is used both in Ayurvedic and Unani system of medicines because of its immunological, antibacterial and hepatoprotective properties. This study was carried out to investigate the influence of four harvesting times (120,135,150 days after planting and at seed maturity) and four planting distances (30×15, 30×10, 20×15 and 20×10 cm) on growth, dry herbage biomass, seed yield and quality traits of Andrographis paniculata at CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar, India in the two years 2005 and 2006. The treatments were laid out in a split plot design with three replications. The maximum values for dry herbage biomass yield (5.14 t ha^(-1)), net returns (760.00 EUR ha^(-1)), B:C ratio (2.59), andrographolide content (2.63%) and total yield (135.00 kg ha^(-1)) were detected 135 days after planting with an optimum planting distance of 30×15 cm. However, the maximum iron content was estimated 120 days after planting. The highest dry herbage (4.58 t ha^(-1)) and maximum seed yield (19.7 kg ha^(-1)) were registered at plants that were lined out with a distance of 20×10 cm.


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La ceràmica d'engalba és una de les produccions indígenes més personals dels dos darrers segles abans de l'era vulgar. La seva distribució queda limitada, bsicament, a les comarques costaneres de Girona i la seva tipologia de formes s'especialitza en urnes i gerres, molts de cops de dimensions considerables, esveltes. El centre de producció cal cercar-lo a “Emporiae”, i el seu estudi pot ajudar a aprofundir en el coneixement de la primera etapa de la romanització a casa nostra


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Teniendo en cuenta las dificultades que ha presentado el Sistema de Salud colombiano caracterizado por la corrupción, las barreras administrativas para el acceso a los servicios de salud y la falta de una estructura administrativa, que le permita desarrollar mecanismos para ser eficiente en la prestación de servicios de salud, entre otros (Pantoja, 2011) (Colprensa, 2011) (Ruíz Gómez, 2012); el presente proyecto de investigación busca determinar los factores clave de éxito de una aseguradora Estadounidense y que se podrían adaptar al Sistema de Salud colombiano. Para lograr el propósito de este proyecto, se realizó una bsqueda de artículos donde se describieran los factores claves de éxito del modelo de aseguramiento y prestación de la aseguradora Kaiser Permanente, con el fin de analizar si dichos factores se pueden implementar de acuerdo al marco normativo en el que se desarrolla el sistema de salud colombiano. De acuerdo al análisis de la información y a la revisión de la normatividad que modela el Sistema de Salud colombiano, se pudo determinar que el Sistema General de Seguridad Social en Salud (SGSSS) cuenta con los mecanismos normativos que le permiten adoptar e implementar los factores claves de éxito que caracterizan el modelo de aseguramiento y prestación de servicios de Kaiser Permanente; por otra parte, es necesario tener en cuenta que en el modelo colombiano se permite la integración vertical sólo en un 40% , lo que no se ha estudiado es si este modelo de integración es beneficioso o no, a la hora de buscar la eficiencia en la prestación en salud, ya que el modelo Kaiser se caracteriza por aplicar una integración vertical del 100%, característica que le permite, por la evidencia encontrada, ser eficiente en la atención de sus usuarios.