902 resultados para two stage quantile regression
The gold mineralization of the Hutti Mine is hosted by nine parallel, N - S trending, steeply dipping, 2 - 10 m wide shear zones, that transect Archaean amphibolites. The shear zones were formed after peak metamorphism during retrograde ductile D, shearing in the lower amphibolite facies. They were reactivated in the lower to mid greenschist facies by brittle-ductile D-3 shearing and intense quartz veining. The development of a S-2-S-3 crenulation cleavage facilitates the discrimination between the two deformation events and contemporaneous alteration and gold mineralization. Ductile D, shearing is associated with a pervasively developed distal chlorite - sed cite alteration assemblage in the outer parts of the shear zones and the proximal biotite-plagioclase alteration in the center of the shear zones. D3 is characterized by development of the inner chlorite-K-feldspar alteration, which forms a centimeter-scale alteration halo surrounding the laminated quartz veins and replaces earlier biotite along S-3. The average size of the laminated vein systems is 30-50 m along strike as well as down-dip and 2-6 m in width. Mass balance calculations suggest strong metasomatic changes for the proximal biotite-plagioclase alteration yielding mass and volume increase of ca. 16% and 12%, respectively. The calculated mass and volume changes of the distal chlorite-sericite alteration (ca. 11%, ca. 8%) are lower. The decrease in 6180 values of the whole rock from around 7.5 parts per thousand for the host rocks to 6-7 parts per thousand for the distal chlorite-sericite and the proximal biotite-plagioclase alteration and around 5 parts per thousand for the inner chlorite-K-feldspar alteration suggests hydrothermal alteration during two-stage deformation and fluid flow. The ductile D-2 deformation in the lower amphibolite facies has provided grain scale porosities by microfracturing. The pervasive, steady-state fluid flow resulted in a disseminated style of gold-sulfide mineralization and a penetrative alteration of the host rocks. Alternating ductile and brittle D3 deformation during lower to mid greenschist facies conditions followed the fault-valve process. Ductile creep in the shear zones resulted in a low permeability environment leading to fluid pressure build-up. Strongly episodic fluid advection and mass transfer was controlled by repeated seismic fracturing during the formation of laminated quartz(-gold) veins. The limitation of quartz veins to the extent of earlier shear zones indicate the importance of preexisting anisotropies for fault-valve action and economic gold mineralization. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Depuis le séminaire H. Cartan de 1954-55, il est bien connu que l'on peut trouver des éléments de torsion arbitrairement grande dans l'homologie entière des espaces d'Eilenberg-MacLane K(G,n) où G est un groupe abélien non trivial et n>1. L'objectif majeur de ce travail est d'étendre ce résultat à des H-espaces possédant plus d'un groupe d'homotopie non trivial. Dans le but de contrôler précisément le résultat de H. Cartan, on commence par étudier la dualité entre l'homologie et la cohomologie des espaces d'Eilenberg-MacLane 2-locaux de type fini. On parvient ainsi à raffiner quelques résultats qui découlent des calculs de H. Cartan. Le résultat principal de ce travail peut être formulé comme suit. Soit X un H-espace ne possédant que deux groupes d'homotopie non triviaux, tous deux finis et de 2-torsion. Alors X n'admet pas d'exposant pour son groupe gradué d'homologie entière réduite. On construit une large classe d'espaces pour laquelle ce résultat n'est qu'une conséquence d'une caractéristique topologique, à savoir l'existence d'un rétract faible X K(G,n) pour un certain groupe abélien G et n>1. On généralise également notre résultat principal à des espaces plus compliqués en utilisant la suite spectrale d'Eilenberg-Moore ainsi que des méthodes analytiques faisant apparaître les nombres de Betti et leur comportement asymptotique. Finalement, on conjecture que les espaces qui ne possédent qu'un nombre fini de groupes d'homotopie non triviaux n'admettent pas d'exposant homologique. Ce travail contient par ailleurs la présentation de la « machine d'Eilenberg-MacLane », un programme C++ conçu pour calculer explicitement les groupes d'homologie entière des espaces d'Eilenberg-MacLane. <br/><br/>By the work of H. Cartan, it is well known that one can find elements of arbitrarilly high torsion in the integral (co)homology groups of an Eilenberg-MacLane space K(G,n), where G is a non-trivial abelian group and n>1. The main goal of this work is to extend this result to H-spaces having more than one non-trivial homotopy groups. In order to have an accurate hold on H. Cartan's result, we start by studying the duality between homology and cohomology of 2-local Eilenberg-MacLane spaces of finite type. This leads us to some improvements of H. Cartan's methods in this particular case. Our main result can be stated as follows. Let X be an H-space with two non-vanishing finite 2-torsion homotopy groups. Then X does not admit any exponent for its reduced integral graded (co)homology group. We construct a wide class of examples for which this result is a simple consequence of a topological feature, namely the existence of a weak retract X K(G,n) for some abelian group G and n>1. We also generalize our main result to more complicated stable two stage Postnikov systems, using the Eilenberg-Moore spectral sequence and analytic methods involving Betti numbers and their asymptotic behaviour. Finally, we investigate some guesses on the non-existence of homology exponents for finite Postnikov towers. We conjecture that Postnikov pieces do not admit any (co)homology exponent. This work also includes the presentation of the "Eilenberg-MacLane machine", a C++ program designed to compute explicitely all integral homology groups of Eilenberg-MacLane spaces. <br/><br/>Il est toujours difficile pour un mathématicien de parler de son travail. La difficulté réside dans le fait que les objets qu'il étudie sont abstraits. On rencontre assez rarement un espace vectoriel, une catégorie abélienne ou une transformée de Laplace au coin de la rue ! Cependant, même si les objets mathématiques sont difficiles à cerner pour un non-mathématicien, les méthodes pour les étudier sont essentiellement les mêmes que celles utilisées dans les autres disciplines scientifiques. On décortique les objets complexes en composantes plus simples à étudier. On dresse la liste des propriétés des objets mathématiques, puis on les classe en formant des familles d'objets partageant un caractère commun. On cherche des façons différentes, mais équivalentes, de formuler un problème. Etc. Mon travail concerne le domaine mathématique de la topologie algébrique. Le but ultime de cette discipline est de parvenir à classifier tous les espaces topologiques en faisant usage de l'algèbre. Cette activité est comparable à celle d'un ornithologue (topologue) qui étudierait les oiseaux (les espaces topologiques) par exemple à l'aide de jumelles (l'algèbre). S'il voit un oiseau de petite taille, arboricole, chanteur et bâtisseur de nids, pourvu de pattes à quatre doigts, dont trois en avant et un, muni d'une forte griffe, en arrière, alors il en déduira à coup sûr que c'est un passereau. Il lui restera encore à déterminer si c'est un moineau, un merle ou un rossignol. Considérons ci-dessous quelques exemples d'espaces topologiques: a) un cube creux, b) une sphère et c) un tore creux (c.-à-d. une chambre à air). a) b) c) Si toute personne normalement constituée perçoit ici trois figures différentes, le topologue, lui, n'en voit que deux ! De son point de vue, le cube et la sphère ne sont pas différents puisque ils sont homéomorphes: on peut transformer l'un en l'autre de façon continue (il suffirait de souffler dans le cube pour obtenir la sphère). Par contre, la sphère et le tore ne sont pas homéomorphes: triturez la sphère de toutes les façons (sans la déchirer), jamais vous n'obtiendrez le tore. Il existe un infinité d'espaces topologiques et, contrairement à ce que l'on serait naïvement tenté de croire, déterminer si deux d'entre eux sont homéomorphes est très difficile en général. Pour essayer de résoudre ce problème, les topologues ont eu l'idée de faire intervenir l'algèbre dans leurs raisonnements. Ce fut la naissance de la théorie de l'homotopie. Il s'agit, suivant une recette bien particulière, d'associer à tout espace topologique une infinité de ce que les algébristes appellent des groupes. Les groupes ainsi obtenus sont appelés groupes d'homotopie de l'espace topologique. Les mathématiciens ont commencé par montrer que deux espaces topologiques qui sont homéomorphes (par exemple le cube et la sphère) ont les même groupes d'homotopie. On parle alors d'invariants (les groupes d'homotopie sont bien invariants relativement à des espaces topologiques qui sont homéomorphes). Par conséquent, deux espaces topologiques qui n'ont pas les mêmes groupes d'homotopie ne peuvent en aucun cas être homéomorphes. C'est là un excellent moyen de classer les espaces topologiques (pensez à l'ornithologue qui observe les pattes des oiseaux pour déterminer s'il a affaire à un passereau ou non). Mon travail porte sur les espaces topologiques qui n'ont qu'un nombre fini de groupes d'homotopie non nuls. De tels espaces sont appelés des tours de Postnikov finies. On y étudie leurs groupes de cohomologie entière, une autre famille d'invariants, à l'instar des groupes d'homotopie. On mesure d'une certaine manière la taille d'un groupe de cohomologie à l'aide de la notion d'exposant; ainsi, un groupe de cohomologie possédant un exposant est relativement petit. L'un des résultats principaux de ce travail porte sur une étude de la taille des groupes de cohomologie des tours de Postnikov finies. Il s'agit du théorème suivant: un H-espace topologique 1-connexe 2-local et de type fini qui ne possède qu'un ou deux groupes d'homotopie non nuls n'a pas d'exposant pour son groupe gradué de cohomologie entière réduite. S'il fallait interpréter qualitativement ce résultat, on pourrait dire que plus un espace est petit du point de vue de la cohomologie (c.-à-d. s'il possède un exposant cohomologique), plus il est intéressant du point de vue de l'homotopie (c.-à-d. il aura plus de deux groupes d'homotopie non nuls). Il ressort de mon travail que de tels espaces sont très intéressants dans le sens où ils peuvent avoir une infinité de groupes d'homotopie non nuls. Jean-Pierre Serre, médaillé Fields en 1954, a montré que toutes les sphères de dimension >1 ont une infinité de groupes d'homotopie non nuls. Des espaces avec un exposant cohomologique aux sphères, il n'y a qu'un pas à franchir...
Anaerobic treatment as a first biological stage in wastewater treatment is nowadays a well-established technology in recycled paper processing mills using closed water circuits. Today further developed high-rate processes and especially high-tower reactors are also able to handle lower organic loads and become therefore feasible for deinking pulp plant effluents. The interest in the anaerobic method is based on a positive energy balance in form of biogas production and low biomass yield from the process. The anaerobic treatment method was researched and its suitability for the deinking pulp plant effluents was tested experimentally at Stora Enso Maxau mill. In the theory, the deinking pulp process is introduced and the effluents from the deinking process are characterized. The anaerobic treatment is brought up in depth in terms of its use for the deinking effluents, and different kind of reactor types are presented. In addition, other wastewater treatment methods are shortly introduced with the focus on tertiary treatment. Static biodegradability tests were carried out for the wastewaters both anaerobically and aerobically. Based on the results, the deinking effluents can be degraded anaerobically, and inhibition to the methanogenic bacteria was not noticed. In the aerobic static test a good performance of the existing wastewater treatment plant at Maxau mill was proved. Later on pilot trials with sequential anaerobic-aerobic treatment were carried out for the deinking effluents. The anaerobic reactor used was a so called internal circulation reactor. The results confirmed that the combination of the anaerobic treatment and the aerobic activated sludge process is a suitable method for deinking wastewaters with a COD reduction as good as with a two stage aerobic method. When combined with the outstanding quality of the produced biogas and the cost savings acquired from the lower sludge production, the anaerobic treatment was found to be an especially favorable treatment method.
Työssä tutkittiin UPM-Kymmene Oyj Kaukaan kemiallisella tehtaalla käytössä olevia steroliprosesseja. Steroleita erotetaan sulfaattiselluloosan keitossa syntyvasta suovasta uutetusta neutraaliainejakeesta. Neutraaliaine sisältää β-sitosterolia, α-sitosterolia ja kampesterolia yhteensä noin 20 p-%. Primal-laadun valmistus perustuu neste-nesteuuttoon sekä kiteytykseen ja Ultra-laadun kaksivaiheiseen suorakiteytykseen. Työn kirjallisessa osassa perehdytään sterolien kemiaan sekä neste-nesteuuttoon ja kiteytykseen erotus- ja puhdistusmenetelminä. Laboratoriokokeissa tutkittiin kolmen eri alkoholin ja kahden eri hiilivetyliuottimen soveltuvuutta Primal-sitosterolin uuttoon ja kiteytykseen. Lisaksi tutkittiin liuotinseoksen vesipitoisuuden vaikutusta. Tavoitteena oli löytää uuttoliuottimien koostumus, jolla uuton sterolisaanto ja sterolikiteiden puhtaus olisivat mahdollisimman korkeat. Havaittiin, että uuton sterolisaanto voitiin maksimoida pitämällä uuttoalkoholin vesipitoisuus niin alhaisena, että faasit juuri ja juuri erottuvat toisistaan. Laboratoriokokeissa saatujen tulosten perusteella tehtiin tehdasmittakaavan koeajo Primal-sitosterolin valmistuslaitteistolla UPM-Kymmene Oyj Kaukaan kemiallisella tehtaalla. Talloin uutossa saavutettiin noin 50 %:n sterolisaanto. Ultra-sitosterolin laboratoriomittakaavaisissa kiteytyskokeissa vertailtiin neljän eri alkoholin ja kahden muun orgaanisen liuottimen soveltuvuutta kiteytysliuoksen komponenteiksi. Lisaksi tutkittiin vesipitoisuuden liuotinseoksen vaikutusta. Tarkoituksena oli löytää se liuotinkoostumus, jolla sterolikiteiden saanto ja puhtaus olisivat mahdollisimman korkeat. Sopivalla kiteytysliuoksen koostumuksella saavutettiin melko hyvä sterolisaanto ja lähes 98 %:n puhtaus.
Purpose The purpose of this paper is (1) to measure school technical efficiency and (2) to identify the determinants of primary school performance. Design/methodology/approach A two-stage Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) of school efficiency is conducted. At the first stage, DEA is employed to calculate an individual efficiency score for each school. At the second stage, efficiency is regressed on school characteristics and environmental variables. Findings The mean technical efficiency of schools in the State of Geneva is equal to 93%. By improving the operation of schools, 7% (100 - 93) of inputs could be saved, representing 17'744'656.2 Swiss francs in 2010. School efficiency is negatively influenced by (1) operations being held on multiple sites, (2) the proportion of disadvantaged pupils enrolled at the school and (3) the provision of special education, but positively influenced by school size (captured by the number of pupils). Practical implications Technically, the determinants of school efficiency are outside of the control of the headteachers. However, it is still possible to either boost the positive impact or curb the negative impact. Potential actions are discussed. Originality/value Unlike most similar studies, the model in this study is tested for multicollinearity, heteroskedasticity and endogeneity. It is therefore robust. Moreover, one explanatory variable of school efficiency (operations being held on multiple sites) is a truly original variable as it has never been tested so far.
Vinouden huomioiva arvopapereiden hinnoittelumalli ja sen empiirinen testaaminen Suomen markkinoilla
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on tutkia osaketuottojen jakauman vinoutta ja sen mahdollisia vaikutuksia osakkeiden hinnoitteluun Suomen markkinoilla. Aineistona käytetään kuutta portfoliota jotka on muodostettu Suomen markkinoilla noteerattavista osakkeista ajanjaksolla 1.1.1987–31.12.2004. Osakkeet on jaettu portfolioihin markkina-arvon mukaan. Empiiriset tulokset osoittavat, että osaketuotot Suomen markkinoilla ovat positiivisesti vinoja mutta pääosin eivät merkitsevästi. Teoreettisen taustan perusteella olisi ollut odotettavaa, että vinoutta olisi ollut enemmän. Regressioanalyysillä ja kahta artikkelia replikoiden tutkittiin perinteisen ja vinouden sisältäviä CAPM-malleja. Odotettavissa oli, että perinteinen CAPM-malli suoriutuu huonommin kuin vinouden sisältävä. Regressio-analyysillä testatessa molemmat mallit suoriutuivat hyvin tuottojen selittämisessä, mutta vakiotermien perusteella kolmimomenttinen malli suoriutuisi paremmin. Regressiomallin ja artikkelin perusteella saadut betat olivat yhteneväisiä. Regressiomallin ja artikkelin perusteella saaduissa gam-moissa oli kuitenkin eroja ja niiden perusteella ei voida tehdä johtopäätöksiä. Regressiomalli näyttäisi kuitenkin huomioivan vinouden.
This paper examines the role of assortative mating in the intergenerational economic mobility in Spain. Sons and daughters usually marry individuals with similar characteristics, which may lower mobility. Our empirical strategy employs the Two-sample two-stage least squares estimator to estimate the intergenerational income elasticity in absence of data for two generations not residing in the same household. Our findings suggest that assortative mating plays an important role in the intergenerational transmission process. On average about 50 per 100 of the covariance between parents’ income and child family’s incomecan be accounted for by the person the child is married to
Infection is one of the most serious complications after total knee arthroplasty (TKA). The current incidence of prosthetic knee infection is 1-3%, depending on the series(.) For treatment and control to be more cost effective, multidisciplinary groups made up of professionals from different specialities who can work together to eradicate these kinds of infections need to be assembled. About the microbiology, Staphylococcus aureus and coagulase-negative staphylococcus were among the most frequent microorganisms involved (74%). Anamnesis and clinical examination are of primary importance in order to determine whether the problem may point to a possible acute septic complication. The first diagnosis may then be supported by increased CRP and ESR levels. The surgical treatment for a chronic prosthetic knee infection has been perfectly defined and standardized, and consists in a two-stage implant revision process. In contrast, the treatment for acute prosthetic knee infection is currently under debate. Considering the different surgical techniques that already exist, surgical debridement with conservation of the prosthesis and polythene revision appears to be an attractive option for both surgeon and patient, as it is less aggressive than the two-stage revision process and has lower initial costs. The different results obtained from this technique, along with prognosis factors and conclusions to keep in mind when it is indicated for an acute prosthetic infection, whether post-operative or haematogenous, will be analysed by the authors.
Valtimotautiriskin arviointi verenpainepotilailla Valtimotaudit ovat yleisin kuolinsyy koko maailmassa. Väestön elintapojen muuttuminen ja ikääntyminen uhkaavat edelleen lisätä valtimotautien esiintyvyyttä. Kokemäenjokilaakson valtimotautien ehkäisyprojektin tavoitteena oli löytää 45–70-vuotiaasta väestöstä henkilöt, joilla on kohonnut riski sairastua valtimotauteihin. Kaksivaiheisen seulontamenetelmän avulla voitiin terveydenhoitajan antama elintapaneuvonta kohdistaa riskihenkilöihin ja rajoittaa lääkärin vastaanoton tarve niihin potilaisiin, jotka todennäköisesti hyötyvät ennaltaehkäisevästä lääkityksestä. Suomalainen tyypin 2 diabeteksen sairastumisriskin arviointikaavake ja hoitajan toteama kohonnut verenpaine osoittautuivat käytännöllisiksi menetelmiksi seuloa väestöstä riskihenkilöitä. Valtimotautien ehkäisyprojektissa Harjavallassa ja Kokemäellä todettiin verenpainetauti 1 106 henkilöllä, jotka eivät sairastaneet valtimotautia tai aiemmin todettua diabetesta. Heidän tutkimustulostensa avulla voidaan arvioida kohonneen verenpaineen vaikutusta sokeriaineenvaihduntaan ja verenpaineen aiheuttamiin kohde-elinvaurioihin. Sokeriaineenvaihdunnan häiriöt ovat verenpainetautia sairastavilla yleisempiä kuin väestössä muutoin. Käyttämällä metabolisen oireyhtymän kriteerejä sokerirasituskokeen suorittamisen edellytyksenä voidaan tutkimusten määrää vähentää kolmanneksella ja silti löytää lähes kaikki diabetesta tai sen esiastetta sairastavat verenpainepotilaat. Verenpainepotilaista etenkin metabolista oireyhtymää sairastavilla naisilla on suurentunut munuaisten vajaatoiminnan riski. Jos verenpainepotilaan munuaisten toimintaa arvioidaan pelkästään plasman kreatiniini -arvon perusteella, kolme neljästä munuaisten vajaatoimintaa potevasta jää toteamatta verrattuna laskennallisen glomerulusten suodattumisnopeuden määritykseen seulontamenetelmänä. Joka kolmannella verenpainetautia sairastavalla voidaan todeta alaraajavaltimoiden kovettumista; useammin niillä, joiden ylä- ja alaverenpaineen erotus, pulssipaine on yli 65 mmHg. Verenpainetauti on itsenäinen perifeerisen valtimotaudin vaaratekijä. Tutkimuksessa käytetty menetelmä nilkka-olkavarsipainesuhteen määrittämiseksi soveltunee hyvin perusterveydenhuollon käyttöön riskihenkilöiden löytämiseksi. Valtimotautien kokonaisriskin arviointimenetelmät tai uuden riskitekijän, herkän C-reaktiivisen proteiinin määritys eivät voi korvata kohde-elinvaurioiden mittaamista verenpainepotilaan valtimotautiriskin huolellisessa arvioinnissa.
The chemical kinetics of sugarcane filter cake (FC) organic matter degradation at rates (0, 40, 80, and 120 t ha-1) in non-contaminated and different degrees of cadmium-contaminated Oxisol (0.19, 28, 56, 112 and 200 mg Cd kg-1) and DTPA-extractable Cd was studied. FC degradation was determined by quantifying CO2 emitted from soil samples during 72 days of incubation. DTPA-extractable Cd was performed after the incubation period. FC degradation was described by a two-stage equation of chemical kinetics. FC degradation rates were between 15 and 33%. Total CO2 emitted from FC declined with increasing degree in Cd-contamination and the DTPA-extractable Cd declined with FC rates.
A small carbonatite dyke swarm has been identified at Naantali, southwest Finland. Several swarms of shoshonitic lamprophyres are also known along the Archean-Proterozoic boundary in eastern Finland and northwest Russia. These intrusions, along with the carbonatite intrusion at Halpanen, eastern Finland, represent a stage of widespread low-volume mantle-sourced alkaline magmatism in the Svecofennian Domain. Using trace element and isotope geochemistry coupled with precise geochronology from these rocks, a model is presented for the Proterozoic metasomatic evolution of the Fennoscandian subcontinental lithospheric mantle. At ~2.2-2.06 Ga, increased biological production in shallow seas linked to continental rifting, resulted in increased burial rates of organic carbon. Subduction between ~1.93-1.88 Ga returned organic carbon-enriched sediments of mixed Archean and Proterozoic provenance to the mantle. Dehydration reactions supplied water to the mantle wedge, driving arc volcanism, while mica, amphibole and carbonate were brought deeper into the mantle with the subducting slab. The cold subducted slab was heated conductively from the surrounding warm mantle, while pressures continued to gradually increase as a result of crustal thickening. The sediments began to melt in a two stage process, first producing a hydrous alkaline silicate melt, which infiltrated the mantle wedge and crystallised as metasomatic veins. At higher temperatures, carbonatite melt was produced, which preferentially infiltrated the pre-existing metasomatic vein network. At the onset of post-collisional extension, deep fault structures formed, providing conduits for mantle melts to reach the upper crust. Low-volume partial melting of the enriched mantle at depths of at least 110 km led to the formation of first carbonatitic magma and subsequently lamprophyric magma. Carbonatite was emplaced in the upper crust at Naantali at 1795.7 ± 6.8 Ma; lamprophyres along the Archean-Proterozoic boundary were emplaced between 1790.1 ± 3.3 Ma and 1781 ± 20 Ma.
The consumption of manganese is increasing, but huge amounts of manganese still end up in waste in hydrometallurgical processes. The recovery of manganese from multi-metal solutions at low concentrations may not be economical. In addition, poor iron control typically prevents the production of high purity manganese. Separation of iron from manganese can be done with chemical precipitation or solvent extraction methods. Combined carbonate precipitation with air oxidation is a feasible method to separate iron and manganese due to the fast kinetics, good controllability and economical reagents. In addition the leaching of manganese carbonate is easier and less acid consuming than that of hydroxide or sulfide precipitates. Selective iron removal with great efficiency from MnSO4 solution is achieved by combined oxygen or air oxidation and CaCO3 precipitation at pH > 5.8 and at a redox potential of > 200 mV. In order to avoid gypsum formation, soda ash should be used instead of limestone. In such case, however, extra attention needs to be paid on the reagents mole ratios in order to avoid manganese coprecipitation. After iron removal, pure MnSO4 solution was obtained by solvent extraction using organophosphorus reagents, di-(2-ethylhexyl)phosphoric acid (D2EHPA) and bis(2,4,4- trimethylpentyl)phosphinic acid (CYANEX 272). The Mn/Ca and Mn/Mg selectivities can be increased by decreasing the temperature from the commonly used temperatures (40 –60oC) to 5oC. The extraction order of D2EHPA (Ca before Mn) at low temperature remains unchanged but the lowering of temperature causes an increase in viscosity and slower phase separation. Of these regents, CYANEX 272 is selective for Mn over Ca and, therefore, it would be the better choice if there is Ca present in solution. A three-stage Mn extraction followed by a two-stage scrubbing and two-stage sulfuric acid stripping is an effective method of producing a very pure MnSO4 intermediate solution for further processing. From the intermediate MnSO4 some special Mn- products for ion exchange applications were synthesized and studied. Three types of octahedrally coordinated manganese oxide materials as an alternative final product for manganese were chosen for synthesis: layer structured Nabirnessite, tunnel structured Mg-todorokite and K-kryptomelane. As an alternative source of pure MnSO4 intermediate, kryptomelane was synthesized by using a synthetic hydrometallurgical tailings. The results show that the studied OMS materials adsorb selectively Cu, Ni, Cd and K in the presence of Ca and Mg. It was also found that the exchange rates were reasonably high due to the small particle dimensions. Materials are stable in the studied conditions and their maximum Cu uptake capacity was 1.3 mmol/g. Competitive uptake of metals and acid was studied using equilibrium, batch kinetic and fixed-bed measurements. The experimental data was correlated with a dynamic model, which also accounts for the dissolution of the framework manganese. Manganese oxide micro-crystals were also bound onto silica to prepare a composite material having a particle size large enough to be used in column separation experiments. The MnOx/SiO2 ratio was found to affect significantly the properties of the composite. The higher the ratio, the lower is the specific surface area, the pore volume and the pore size. On the other hand, higher amount of silica binder gives composites better mechanical properties. Birnesite and todorokite can be aggregated successfully with colloidal silica at pH 4 and with MnO2/SiO2 weight ratio of 0.7. The best gelation and drying temperature was 110oC and sufficiently strong composites were obtained by additional heat-treatment at 250oC for 2 h. The results show that silica–supported MnO2 materials can be utilized to separate copper from nickel and cadmium. The behavior of the composites can be explained reasonably well with the presented model and the parameters estimated from the data of the unsupported oxides. The metal uptake capacities of the prepared materials were quite small. For example, the final copper loading was 0.14 mmol/gMnO2. According to the results the special MnO2 materials are potential for a specific environmental application to uptake harmful metal ions.
In this work it was evaluated the performance of two systems of swine wastewater treatment consisting of two-stage upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactors, with and without post-treatment in sequencing batch reactor (SBR), fed continuously, with aerobic phase. The UASB reactors in the first stage had 908 L in the sets I and II, and in the second stage 350 and 188 L, respectively. In the set II the post-treatment was performed in a SBR of 3,000 L. The hydraulic detention times in the anaerobic treatment systems were 100, 75 and 58 h in the set I; 87, 65 and 51 h in the set II; and 240 and 180 h in the SBR. The volumetric organic load applied in the first stage UASB reactors ranged from 6.9 to 12.6 g total COD (L d)-1 in the set I and 7.5 to 9.8 g total COD (L d)-1 in the set II. The average removal efficiencies of total COD, total phosphorus (Ptotal), and Kjeldahl and organic nitrogen (KN and Norg) in the anaerobic treatment systems were similar and reached maximum values of 97%, 64%, 68%, and 98%. In the SBR, the removal efficiencies of total COD and thermotolerant coliforms were up to 62 and 92% resulting, respectively, in effluent concentrations of 135 mg L-1 and 2x10(4)MPN (100 mL)-1. For Ptotal, total nitrogen (TN) and Norg, the average removal efficiencies in the SBR were up to 58, 25 and 73%, respectively.
OBJECTIVES: to determine the prognostic factors that may impact on morbidity and mortality and survival of patients undergoing surgical treatment of liver metastases from neuroendocrine tumors. METHODS: We studied 22 patients undergoing liver resection for metastases from neuroendocrine tumors between 1997 and 2007. Epidemiological and clinical data were correlated with morbidity and mortality and overall and disease-free survivals. RESULTS: twelve patients were male and ten female, with a mean age of 48.5 years. Bilobar disease was present in 17 patients (77.3%). In ten patients (45.5%) the primary tumor originated in the pancreas, terminal ileum in eight, duodenum in two, rectum in one and jejunum in one. Complete surgical resection (R0) was achieved in 59.1% of patients. Eight patients (36.3%) developed complications in the immediate postoperative period, one of them dying from septicemia. All patients undergoing re-hepatectomy and/or two-stage hepatectomy had complications in the postoperative period. The overall survival at one and five years was 77.3% and 44.2%. The disease-free survival at five years was 13.6%. The primary pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor (p = 0.006) was associated with reduced overall survival. Patients with number of metastatic nodules < 10 (p = 0.03) and asymptomatic at diagnosis (p = 0.015) had higher disease-free survival. CONCLUSION: liver metastases originating from pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors proved to be a negative prognostic factor. Symptomatic patients with multiple metastatic nodules showed a significant reduction in disease-free survival.
PURPOSE: To verify the predictors of intravasation rate during hysteroscopy.METHODS: Prospective observational study (Canadian Task Force classification II-1). All cases (n=200 women; 22 to 86 years old) were treated in an operating room setting. Considering respective bag overfill to calculate water balance, we tested two multiple linear regression models: one for total intravasation (mL) and the other for absorption rate (mL.min-1). The predictors tested (independent variables) were energy (mono/bipolar), tube patency (with/without tubal ligation), hysterometry (cm), age≤50 years, body surface area (m2), surgical complexity (with/without myomectomy) and duration (min).RESULTS: Mean intravasation was significantly higher when myomectomy was performed (442±616 versus 223±332 mL; p<0.01). In the proposed multiple linear regression models for total intravasation (adjusted R2=0.44; p<0.01), the only significant predictors were myomectomy and duration (p<0.01).In the proposed model for intravasation rate (R2=0.39; p<0.01), only myomectomy and hysterometry were significant predictors (p=0.02 and p<0.01, respectively).CONCLUSIONS: Not only myomectomy but also hysterometry were significant predictors of intravasation rate during operative hysteroscopy.