942 resultados para systems integration
Organizational intelligence can be seen as a function of the viable structure of an organization. With the integration of the Viable System Model and Soft Systems Methodology (systemic approaches of organizational management) focused on the role of the intelligence function, it is possible to elaborate a model of action with a structured methodology to prospect, select, treat and distribute information to the entire organization that improves the efficacy and efficiency of all processes. This combination of methodologies is called Intelligence Systems Methodology (ISM) whose assumptions and dynamics are delimited in this paper. The ISM is composed of two simultaneous activities: the Active Environmental Mapping and the Stimulated Action Cycle. The elaboration of the formal ISM description opens opportunities for applications of the methodology on real situations, offering a new path for this specific issue of systems thinking: the intelligence systems. Knowledge Management Research & Practice (2012) 10, 141-152. doi:10.1057/kmrp.2011.44
Over the last decade, Brazil has pioneered an innovative model of branchless banking, known as correspondent banking, involving distribution partnership between banks, several kinds of retailers and a variety of other participants, which have allowed an unprecedented growth in bank outreach and became a reference worldwide. However, despite the extensive number of studies recently developed focusing on Brazilian branchless banking, there exists a clear research gap in the literature. It is still necessary to identify the different business configurations involving network integration through which the branchless banking channel can be structured, as well as the way they relate to the range of bank services delivered. Given this gap, our objective is to investigate the relationship between network integration models and services delivered through the branchless banking channel. Based on twenty interviews with managers involved with the correspondent banking business and data collected on almost 300 correspondent locations, our research is developed in two steps. First, we created a qualitative taxonomy through which we identified three classes of network integration models. Second, we performed a cluster analysis to explain the groups of financial services that fit each model. By contextualizing correspondents' network integration processes through the lens of transaction costs economics, our results suggest that the more suited to deliver social-oriented, "pro-poor'' services the channel is, the more it is controlled by banks. This research offers contributions to managers and policy makers interested in understanding better how different correspondent banking configurations are related with specific portfolios of services. Researchers interested in the subject of branchless banking can also benefit from the taxonomy presented and the transaction costs analysis of this kind of banking channel, which has been adopted in a number of developing countries all over the world now. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The complexity of power systems has increased in recent years due to the operation of existing transmission lines closer to their limits, using flexible AC transmission system (FACTS) devices, and also due to the increased penetration of new types of generators that have more intermittent characteristics and lower inertial response, such as wind generators. This changing nature of a power system has considerable effect on its dynamic behaviors resulting in power swings, dynamic interactions between different power system devices, and less synchronized coupling. This paper presents some analyses of this changing nature of power systems and their dynamic behaviors to identify critical issues that limit the large-scale integration of wind generators and FACTS devices. In addition, this paper addresses some general concerns toward high compensations in different grid topologies. The studies in this paper are conducted on the New England and New York power system model under both small and large disturbances. From the analyses, it can be concluded that high compensation can reduce the security limits under certain operating conditions, and the modes related to operating slip and shaft stiffness are critical as they may limit the large-scale integration of wind generation.
Abstract Background The study and analysis of gene expression measurements is the primary focus of functional genomics. Once expression data is available, biologists are faced with the task of extracting (new) knowledge associated to the underlying biological phenomenon. Most often, in order to perform this task, biologists execute a number of analysis activities on the available gene expression dataset rather than a single analysis activity. The integration of heteregeneous tools and data sources to create an integrated analysis environment represents a challenging and error-prone task. Semantic integration enables the assignment of unambiguous meanings to data shared among different applications in an integrated environment, allowing the exchange of data in a semantically consistent and meaningful way. This work aims at developing an ontology-based methodology for the semantic integration of gene expression analysis tools and data sources. The proposed methodology relies on software connectors to support not only the access to heterogeneous data sources but also the definition of transformation rules on exchanged data. Results We have studied the different challenges involved in the integration of computer systems and the role software connectors play in this task. We have also studied a number of gene expression technologies, analysis tools and related ontologies in order to devise basic integration scenarios and propose a reference ontology for the gene expression domain. Then, we have defined a number of activities and associated guidelines to prescribe how the development of connectors should be carried out. Finally, we have applied the proposed methodology in the construction of three different integration scenarios involving the use of different tools for the analysis of different types of gene expression data. Conclusions The proposed methodology facilitates the development of connectors capable of semantically integrating different gene expression analysis tools and data sources. The methodology can be used in the development of connectors supporting both simple and nontrivial processing requirements, thus assuring accurate data exchange and information interpretation from exchanged data.
The University of São Paulo has been experiencing the increase in contents in electronic and digital formats, distributed by different suppliers and hosted remotely or in clouds, and is faced with the also increasing difficulties related to facilitating access to this digital collection by its users besides coexisting with the traditional world of physical collections. A possible solution was identified in the new generation of systems called Web Scale Discovery, which allow better management, data integration and agility of search. Aiming to identify if and how such a system would meet the USP demand and expectation and, in case it does, to identify what the analysis criteria of such a tool would be, an analytical study with an essentially documental base was structured, as from a revision of the literature and from data available in official websites and of libraries using this kind of resources. The conceptual base of the study was defined after the identification of software assessment methods already available, generating a standard with 40 analysis criteria, from details on the unique access interface to information contents, web 2.0 characteristics, intuitive interface, facet navigation, among others. The details of the studies conducted into four of the major systems currently available in this software category are presented, providing subsidies for the decision-making of other libraries interested in such systems.
The sustained demand for faster,more powerful chips has beenmet by the availability of chip manufacturing processes allowing for the integration of increasing numbers of computation units onto a single die. The resulting outcome, especially in the embedded domain, has often been called SYSTEM-ON-CHIP (SOC) or MULTI-PROCESSOR SYSTEM-ON-CHIP (MPSOC). MPSoC design brings to the foreground a large number of challenges, one of the most prominent of which is the design of the chip interconnection. With a number of on-chip blocks presently ranging in the tens, and quickly approaching the hundreds, the novel issue of how to best provide on-chip communication resources is clearly felt. NETWORKS-ON-CHIPS (NOCS) are the most comprehensive and scalable answer to this design concern. By bringing large-scale networking concepts to the on-chip domain, they guarantee a structured answer to present and future communication requirements. The point-to-point connection and packet switching paradigms they involve are also of great help in minimizing wiring overhead and physical routing issues. However, as with any technology of recent inception, NoC design is still an evolving discipline. Several main areas of interest require deep investigation for NoCs to become viable solutions: • The design of the NoC architecture needs to strike the best tradeoff among performance, features and the tight area and power constraints of the on-chip domain. • Simulation and verification infrastructure must be put in place to explore, validate and optimize the NoC performance. • NoCs offer a huge design space, thanks to their extreme customizability in terms of topology and architectural parameters. Design tools are needed to prune this space and pick the best solutions. • Even more so given their global, distributed nature, it is essential to evaluate the physical implementation of NoCs to evaluate their suitability for next-generation designs and their area and power costs. This dissertation focuses on all of the above points, by describing a NoC architectural implementation called ×pipes; a NoC simulation environment within a cycle-accurate MPSoC emulator called MPARM; a NoC design flow consisting of a front-end tool for optimal NoC instantiation, called SunFloor, and a set of back-end facilities for the study of NoC physical implementations. This dissertation proves the viability of NoCs for current and upcoming designs, by outlining their advantages (alongwith a fewtradeoffs) and by providing a full NoC implementation framework. It also presents some examples of additional extensions of NoCs, allowing e.g. for increased fault tolerance, and outlines where NoCsmay find further application scenarios, such as in stacked chips.
Today, third generation networks are consolidated realities, and user expectations on new applications and services are becoming higher and higher. Therefore, new systems and technologies are necessary to move towards the market needs and the user requirements. This has driven the development of fourth generation networks. ”Wireless network for the fourth generation” is the expression used to describe the next step in wireless communications. There is no formal definition for what these fourth generation networks are; however, we can say that the next generation networks will be based on the coexistence of heterogeneous networks, on the integration with the existing radio access network (e.g. GPRS, UMTS, WIFI, ...) and, in particular, on new emerging architectures that are obtaining more and more relevance, as Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks (WASN). Thanks to their characteristics, fourth generation wireless systems will be able to offer custom-made solutions and applications personalized according to the user requirements; they will offer all types of services at an affordable cost, and solutions characterized by flexibility, scalability and reconfigurability. This PhD’s work has been focused on WASNs, autoconfiguring networks which are not based on a fixed infrastructure, but are characterized by being infrastructure less, where devices have to automatically generate the network in the initial phase, and maintain it through reconfiguration procedures (if nodes’ mobility, or energy drain, etc..., cause disconnections). The main part of the PhD activity has been focused on an analytical study on connectivity models for wireless ad hoc and sensor networks, nevertheless a small part of my work was experimental. Anyway, both the theoretical and experimental activities have had a common aim, related to the performance evaluation of WASNs. Concerning the theoretical analysis, the objective of the connectivity studies has been the evaluation of models for the interference estimation. This is due to the fact that interference is the most important performance degradation cause in WASNs. As a consequence, is very important to find an accurate model that allows its investigation, and I’ve tried to obtain a model the most realistic and general as possible, in particular for the evaluation of the interference coming from bounded interfering areas (i.e. a WiFi hot spot, a wireless covered research laboratory, ...). On the other hand, the experimental activity has led to Throughput and Packet Error Rare measurements on a real IEEE802.15.4 Wireless Sensor Network.
Diese Arbeit ist der Versuch einer Bestandsaufnahme der Diskussion um die Rolle des Fachs Eth¬nologie in den allgemeinbildenden Schulen. Eine solche Übersicht zu den im deutschsprachigen Raum veröffentlichten Beiträgen lag bis dahin noch nicht vor. Sie reicht zurück bis zum Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts. Im vorliegenden Papier wurden die grundlegenden Argumentationen dargelegt, mit denen Fachvertreter und -vertreterinnen ein völkerkundliches/ethnologisches Engagement in den Schulen, in Schulbüchern und bei der Lehrerausbildung forderten. Mit einem historisch vertieften Vergleich dieser Argumentationen wurde angestrebt, Kontinuitäten und Brüche in der Diskussion darzustellen. Diese Perspektive ermöglichte zum einen die Darstel¬lung von älteren und kaum mehr rezipierten Beiträgen in einem größeren Rahmen, zum anderen jedoch auch eine Kritik der vorliegenden, oft nur vordergründig verschiedenen Ansätze. Im Schlusskapitel stellte der Autor essentialistische/relativistische und universalistische Ansätze gegenüber und formulierte darauf basierend Ausgangspunkte eines weiteren schulischen Engagements im Rahmen einer vergleichenden Sozialwissenschaft Ethnologie. Im Anhang der Arbeit befindet sich eine chronologische Biblioghraphie all jener Beiträge, die Ethnologen und Ethnologinnen zur Integration ihres Fachs in die Schulen verfassten.
Cost, performance and availability considerations are forcing even the most conservative high-integrity embedded real-time systems industry to migrate from simple hardware processors to ones equipped with caches and other acceleration features. This migration disrupts the practices and solutions that industry had developed and consolidated over the years to perform timing analysis. Industry that are confident with the efficiency/effectiveness of their verification and validation processes for old-generation processors, do not have sufficient insight on the effects of the migration to cache-equipped processors. Caches are perceived as an additional source of complexity, which has potential for shattering the guarantees of cost- and schedule-constrained qualification of their systems. The current industrial approach to timing analysis is ill-equipped to cope with the variability incurred by caches. Conversely, the application of advanced WCET analysis techniques on real-world industrial software, developed without analysability in mind, is hardly feasible. We propose a development approach aimed at minimising the cache jitters, as well as at enabling the application of advanced WCET analysis techniques to industrial systems. Our approach builds on:(i) identification of those software constructs that may impede or complicate timing analysis in industrial-scale systems; (ii) elaboration of practical means, under the model-driven engineering (MDE) paradigm, to enforce the automated generation of software that is analyzable by construction; (iii) implementation of a layout optimisation method to remove cache jitters stemming from the software layout in memory, with the intent of facilitating incremental software development, which is of high strategic interest to industry. The integration of those constituents in a structured approach to timing analysis achieves two interesting properties: the resulting software is analysable from the earliest releases onwards - as opposed to becoming so only when the system is final - and more easily amenable to advanced timing analysis by construction, regardless of the system scale and complexity.
In den letzten drei Jahrzehnten sind Fernerkundung und GIS in den Geowissenschaften zunehmend wichtiger geworden, um die konventionellen Methoden von Datensammlung und zur Herstellung von Landkarten zu verbessern. Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit der Anwendung von Fernerkundung und geographischen Informationssystemen (GIS) für geomorphologische Untersuchungen. Durch die Kombination beider Techniken ist es vor allem möglich geworden, geomorphologische Formen im Überblick und dennoch detailliert zu erfassen. Als Grundlagen werden in dieser Arbeit topographische und geologische Karten, Satellitenbilder und Klimadaten benutzt. Die Arbeit besteht aus 6 Kapiteln. Das erste Kapitel gibt einen allgemeinen Überblick über den Untersuchungsraum. Dieser umfasst folgende morphologische Einheiten, klimatischen Verhältnisse, insbesondere die Ariditätsindizes der Küsten- und Gebirgslandschaft sowie das Siedlungsmuster beschrieben. Kapitel 2 befasst sich mit der regionalen Geologie und Stratigraphie des Untersuchungsraumes. Es wird versucht, die Hauptformationen mit Hilfe von ETM-Satellitenbildern zu identifizieren. Angewandt werden hierzu folgende Methoden: Colour Band Composite, Image Rationing und die sog. überwachte Klassifikation. Kapitel 3 enthält eine Beschreibung der strukturell bedingten Oberflächenformen, um die Wechselwirkung zwischen Tektonik und geomorphologischen Prozessen aufzuklären. Es geht es um die vielfältigen Methoden, zum Beispiel das sog. Image Processing, um die im Gebirgskörper vorhandenen Lineamente einwandfrei zu deuten. Spezielle Filtermethoden werden angewandt, um die wichtigsten Lineamente zu kartieren. Kapitel 4 stellt den Versuch dar, mit Hilfe von aufbereiteten SRTM-Satellitenbildern eine automatisierte Erfassung des Gewässernetzes. Es wird ausführlich diskutiert, inwieweit bei diesen Arbeitsschritten die Qualität kleinmaßstäbiger SRTM-Satellitenbilder mit großmaßstäbigen topographischen Karten vergleichbar ist. Weiterhin werden hydrologische Parameter über eine qualitative und quantitative Analyse des Abflussregimes einzelner Wadis erfasst. Der Ursprung von Entwässerungssystemen wird auf der Basis geomorphologischer und geologischer Befunde interpretiert. Kapitel 5 befasst sich mit der Abschätzung der Gefahr episodischer Wadifluten. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit ihres jährlichen Auftretens bzw. des Auftretens starker Fluten im Abstand mehrerer Jahre wird in einer historischen Betrachtung bis 1921 zurückverfolgt. Die Bedeutung von Regentiefs, die sich über dem Roten Meer entwickeln, und die für eine Abflussbildung in Frage kommen, wird mit Hilfe der IDW-Methode (Inverse Distance Weighted) untersucht. Betrachtet werden außerdem weitere, regenbringende Wetterlagen mit Hilfe von Meteosat Infrarotbildern. Genauer betrachtet wird die Periode 1990-1997, in der kräftige, Wadifluten auslösende Regenfälle auftraten. Flutereignisse und Fluthöhe werden anhand von hydrographischen Daten (Pegelmessungen) ermittelt. Auch die Landnutzung und Siedlungsstruktur im Einzugsgebiet eines Wadis wird berücksichtigt. In Kapitel 6 geht es um die unterschiedlichen Küstenformen auf der Westseite des Roten Meeres zum Beispiel die Erosionsformen, Aufbauformen, untergetauchte Formen. Im abschließenden Teil geht es um die Stratigraphie und zeitliche Zuordnung von submarinen Terrassen auf Korallenriffen sowie den Vergleich mit anderen solcher Terrassen an der ägyptischen Rotmeerküste westlich und östlich der Sinai-Halbinsel.
In the framework of the micro-CHP (Combined Heat and Power) energy systems and the Distributed Generation (GD) concept, an Integrated Energy System (IES) able to meet the energy and thermal requirements of specific users, using different types of fuel to feed several micro-CHP energy sources, with the integration of electric generators of renewable energy sources (RES), electrical and thermal storage systems and the control system was conceived and built. A 5 kWel Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) has been studied. Using experimental data obtained from various measurement campaign, the electrical and CHP PEMFC system performance have been determinate. The analysis of the effect of the water management of the anodic exhaust at variable FC loads has been carried out, and the purge process programming logic was optimized, leading also to the determination of the optimal flooding times by varying the AC FC power delivered by the cell. Furthermore, the degradation mechanisms of the PEMFC system, in particular due to the flooding of the anodic side, have been assessed using an algorithm that considers the FC like a black box, and it is able to determine the amount of not-reacted H2 and, therefore, the causes which produce that. Using experimental data that cover a two-year time span, the ageing suffered by the FC system has been tested and analyzed.
In recent years, the use of Reverse Engineering systems has got a considerable interest for a wide number of applications. Therefore, many research activities are focused on accuracy and precision of the acquired data and post processing phase improvements. In this context, this PhD Thesis deals with the definition of two novel methods for data post processing and data fusion between physical and geometrical information. In particular a technique has been defined for error definition in 3D points’ coordinates acquired by an optical triangulation laser scanner, with the aim to identify adequate correction arrays to apply under different acquisition parameters and operative conditions. Systematic error in data acquired is thus compensated, in order to increase accuracy value. Moreover, the definition of a 3D thermogram is examined. Object geometrical information and its thermal properties, coming from a thermographic inspection, are combined in order to have a temperature value for each recognizable point. Data acquired by an optical triangulation laser scanner are also used to normalize temperature values and make thermal data independent from thermal-camera point of view.
This dissertation deals with the design and the characterization of novel reconfigurable silicon-on-insulator (SOI) devices to filter and route optical signals on-chip. Design is carried out through circuit simulations based on basic circuit elements (Building Blocks, BBs) in order to prove the feasibility of an approach allowing to move the design of Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs) toward the system level. CMOS compatibility and large integration scale make SOI one of the most promising material to realize PICs. The concepts of generic foundry and BB based circuit simulations for the design are emerging as a solution to reduce the costs and increase the circuit complexity. To validate the BB based approach, the development of some of the most important BBs is performed first. A novel tunable coupler is also presented and it is demonstrated to be a valuable alternative to the known solutions. Two novel multi-element PICs are then analysed: a narrow linewidth single mode resonator and a passband filter with widely tunable bandwidth. Extensive circuit simulations are carried out to determine their performance, taking into account fabrication tolerances. The first PIC is based on two Grating Assisted Couplers in a ring resonator (RR) configuration. It is shown that a trade-off between performance, resonance bandwidth and device footprint has to be performed. The device could be employed to realize reconfigurable add-drop de/multiplexers. Sensitivity with respect to fabrication tolerances and spurious effects is however observed. The second PIC is based on an unbalanced Mach-Zehnder interferometer loaded with two RRs. Overall good performance and robustness to fabrication tolerances and nonlinear effects have confirmed its applicability for the realization of flexible optical systems. Simulated and measured devices behaviour is shown to be in agreement thus demonstrating the viability of a BB based approach to the design of complex PICs.
Beside the traditional paradigm of "centralized" power generation, a new concept of "distributed" generation is emerging, in which the same user becomes pro-sumer. During this transition, the Energy Storage Systems (ESS) can provide multiple services and features, which are necessary for a higher quality of the electrical system and for the optimization of non-programmable Renewable Energy Source (RES) power plants. A ESS prototype was designed, developed and integrated into a renewable energy production system in order to create a smart microgrid and consequently manage in an efficient and intelligent way the energy flow as a function of the power demand. The produced energy can be introduced into the grid, supplied to the load directly or stored in batteries. The microgrid is composed by a 7 kW wind turbine (WT) and a 17 kW photovoltaic (PV) plant are part of. The load is given by electrical utilities of a cheese factory. The ESS is composed by the following two subsystems, a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) and a Power Control System (PCS). With the aim of sizing the ESS, a Remote Grid Analyzer (RGA) was designed, realized and connected to the wind turbine, photovoltaic plant and the switchboard. Afterwards, different electrochemical storage technologies were studied, and taking into account the load requirements present in the cheese factory, the most suitable solution was identified in the high temperatures salt Na-NiCl2 battery technology. The data acquisition from all electrical utilities provided a detailed load analysis, indicating the optimal storage size equal to a 30 kW battery system. Moreover a container was designed and realized to locate the BESS and PCS, meeting all the requirements and safety conditions. Furthermore, a smart control system was implemented in order to handle the different applications of the ESS, such as peak shaving or load levelling.
For the successful integration of bone tissue engineering constructs into patients, an adequate supply with oxygen and nutrients is critical. Therefore, prevascularisation of bone tissue engineering constructs is desirable for bone formation, remodelling and regeneration. Co-culture systems, consisting of human endothelial cells and primary osteoblasts (pOB) as well as osteosarcoma cell lines, represent a promising method for studying the mechanisms involved in the vascularisation of constructs in bone tissue en- gineering and could provide new insights into the molecular and cellular mechanisms that control essential processes during angiogenesis. The present study demonstrated the im- portant components of co-culture systems with a focus on bone tissue replacement and the angiogenic effects of pOB and osteosarcoma cell lines on human endothelial cells. Furthermore, the studies emphasised an overall approach for analysis of signal molecules that are involved in the angiogenic activation of human endothelial cells by the regulation of VEGF-related pathways at the transcriptional and translational levels. The osteosarcoma cell lines Cal-72, MG-63 and SaOS-2, as well as pOB from several donors, differed in their angiogenesis-inducing potential in 2-D and 3-D co-culture systems. SaOS-2 cells appeared to have a high osteogenic differentiation level with no detectable angiogenesis-inducing potential in co-culture with human endothelial cells. The angiogenic potential of the osteoblast-like cells is mainly correlated with the upregulation of essential angiogenic growth factors, such as VEGF, bFGF and HGF and the downregulation of the angiogenesis inhibitor, endostatin. However, other factors involved in angiogenic regulation were found to differ between SaOS-2 cells, compared to Cal-72 and MG-63. The present study focuses on VEGF pathway-effecting genes as key players in the regulation of angiogenesis. The levels of VEGF and VEGF-effecting genes, such as TGF-α and TIMP-2 are down-regulated in SaOS-2 cells. In contrast, direct regulators of VEGF, such as IL6, IL8 and TNF are strongly upregulated, which indicates disruptions in growth factor regulating pathways in SaOS-2 cells. Potential pathways, which could be involved include MEK, PI3K, MAPK, STAT3, AKT or ERK. Additional treatment of co-cultures with single growth factors did not accelerate or improve the angiogenesis-inducing potential of SaOS-2 cells. Knowledge of the detailed molecular mechanisms involved in angiogenesis control will hopefully allow improved approaches to be developed for prevascularisation of bone tissue engineering constructs.