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The effect of neutralizing endogenous follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) or luteinizing hormone (LH) with specific antisera on the Image Image and Image Image synthesis of estrogen in the ovary of cycling hamster was studied. Neutralization of FSH or LH on proestrus resulted in a reduction in the estradiol concentration of the ovary on diestrus-2 and next proestrus, suggesting an impairment in follicular development.Injection of FSH antiserum at 0900 h of diestrus-2 significantly reduced the ovarian estradiol concentration within 6–7 h. Further, these ovaries on incubation with testosterone(T) Image Image at 1600 h of the same day or the next day synthesized significantly lower amounts of estradiol, compared to corresponding control ovaries. Although testosterone itself, in the absence of endogenous FSH, could stimulate estrogen synthesis to some extent, FSH had to be supplemented with T to restore estrogen synthesis to the level seen in control ovaries incubated with T. Lack of FSH thus appeared to affect the aromatization step in the estrogen biosynthetic pathway in the ovary of hamster on diestrus-2. In contrast to this, FSH antiserum given on the morning of proestrus had no effect on the Image Image and Image Image synthesis of estrogen, when examined 6–7 h later. The results suggest that there could be a difference in the need for FSH at different times of the cycle.Neutralization of LH either on diestrus-2 or proestrus resulted in a drastic reduction in estradiol concentration of the ovary. This block was at the level of androgen synthesis, since supplementing testosterone alone Image Image could stimulate estrogen synthesis to a more or less similar extent as in the ovaries of control hamsters.
Cancer is becoming the leading cause of deaths in the world. As 90% of all deaths from cancer are caused by metastasis, discovery of the mechanisms behind cancer cell invasion and metastasis is of utmost importance. Only new effective therapies targeting cancer progression can reduce cancer mortality rates. The aim of this study was to identify molecules that are relevant for tumor cell invasion and spreading in fibrosarcomas and melanomas, and to analyze their potential for cancer biomarkers or therapeutic targets. First, the gene expression changes of normal cells and transformed cells showing high invasiveness, S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase (AdoMetDC)-transfected murine fibroblasts and human melanoma cells, were studied by microarray analyses. The function of the identified candidate molecules were then studied in detail in these cell lines. Finally, the physiological relevance of the identified changes was studied by immunohistochemical analyses of human sarcoma and melanoma specimens or by a mouse xenograft model. In fibrosarcoma cells, the most remarkable change detected was a dramatic up-regulation of the actin-sequestering molecule thymosin beta 4 (TB4), which was shown to be important for the transformed phenotype of the AdoMetDC-transfected cells (Amdc-s and -as). A sponge toxin latrunculin A, inhibiting the binding of TB4 to actin, was found to selectively inhibit the migration and invasion of these cells. Further, Amdc-s-induced mouse tumors and human high-grade sarcomas were found to show intense TB4 immunostaining. In addition to TB4, integrin subunits alfa 6 and beta 7 (ItgA6 and ItgB7) were found to be up-regulated in Amdc-s and -as cells. ItgA6 was shown to dimerize mainly with ItgB1 in Amdc-s. Inhibition of ItgA6 or ItgB1 function with neutralizing antibodies fully blocked the invasiveness of Amdc-s cells, and importantly also human HT-1080 fibrosarcoma cells, in three-dimensional (3D)-Matrigel mimicking tumor extracellular matrix (ECM). By immunohistochemical analyses, strong staining for ITGA6 was detected in human high-grade fibrosarcomas and other sarcomas, especially at the invasion fronts of the tumors. In the studied melanoma cell lines, the expression levels of the adhesion-related ECM proteins tenascin-C (TN-C), fibronectin (FN), and transforming growth factor beta-induced (TGFBI) were found to be highly up-regulated. By immunohistochemistry, intense TN-C and FN staining was detected in invasive and metastatic melanoma tumors, showing co-localization (together with procollagen-I) in tubular meshworks and channels around the invading melanoma cells. In vitro, TN-C and FN were further found to directly stimulate the migration of melanoma cells in 3D-collagen-I matrix. The third candidate protein, TGFBI, was found to be an anti-adhesive molecule for melanoma cells, and knockdown of its expression in metastatic melanoma cells (TGFBI-KD cells) led to dramatically impaired tumor growth in immunocompromized mice. Interestingly, the control tumors showed intense TGFBI immunostaining in the invasion fronts, showing partial co-localization with the fibrillar FN staining, whereas the small TGFBI-KD cell-induced tumors displayed amorphous, non-fibrillar FN staining. These data suggest an important role for TGFBI in FN fibrillogenesis and melanoma progression. In conclusion, we have identified several invasion-related molecules, which show potential for cancer diagnostic or prognostic markers, or therapeutic targets. Based on our previous and present fibrosarcoma studies, we propose the possibility of using ITGA6 antagonists (affecting tumor cell adhesion) in combination with TB4 inhibitors (affecting tumor cell migration) and cathepsin L inhibitors (affecting the degradation of basement membrane and ECM proteins) for the treatment of fibrosarcomas and other tumors overexpressing these molecules. With melanoma cells, in turn, we point to the importance of three secreted ECM proteins, TN-C, FN, and TGFBI, in melanoma progression. Of these, especially the potential of TN-C as a prognostic melanoma biomarker and TGFBI as a promising therapeutic target molecule are clearly worth additional studies.
Initiation of follicular growth by specific hormonal stimuli in ovaries of immature rats and hamsters was studied by determining the rate of incorporation of3H-thymidine into ovarian DNAin vitro. Incorporation was considered as an index of DNA synthesis and cell multiplication. A single injection of pregnant mare serum gonadotropin could thus maximally stimulate by 18 hr3H-thymidine incorporation into DNA of the ovary of immature hamsters. Neutralization of pregnant mare serum gonadotropin by an antiserum to ovine follicle stimulating hormone only during the initial 8–10 hr and not later could inhibit the increase in3H-thymidine incorporationin vitro observed at 18 hr, suggesting that the continued presence of gonadotropin stimulus was not necessary for this response. The other indices of follicular growth monitored such as ovarian weight, serum estradiol and uterine weight showed discernible increase at periods only after the above initial event. A single injection of estrogen (diethyl stilbesterol or estradiol-l7β) could similarly cause 18 hr later, a stimulation in the rate of incorporation of3H-thymidine into DNAin vitro in ovaries of immature rats. The presence of endogenous gonadotropins, however, was obligatory for observing this response to estrogen. Evidence in support of the above was two-fold: (i) administration of antiserum to follicle stimulating hormone or luteinizing hormone along with estrogen completely inhibited the increase in3H-thymidine incorporation into ovarian DNAin vitro; (ii) a radioimmunological measurement revealed following estrogen treatment, the presence of a higher concentration of endogenous follicle stimulating hormone in the ovary. Finally, administration of varying doses of ovine follicle stimulating hormone along with a constant dose of estrogen to immature rats produced a dose-dependent increment in the incorporation of3H-thymidine into ovarian DNAin vitro. These observations suggested the potentiality of this system for developing a sensitive bioassay for follicle stimulating hormone.
Hyönteispölytys lisää monien ristipölytteisten viljelykasvien siemensatoa sekä parantaa sadon laatua. Marjakasveilla, kuten mansikalla ja vadelmalla marjojen koko suurenee sekä niiden laatu paranee onnistuneen pölytyksen seurauksena. Aiempien havaintojen mukaan mansikan kukat eivät pääsääntöisesti houkuttele mehiläisiä, kun taas vadelma on yksi mehiläisten pääsatokasveista. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, miten tehokkaasti mehiläiset vierailevat mansikalla sekä vadelmalla, keskittyen kukkakohtaisiin käynteihin tuntia kohti. Mehiläisiä voidaan käyttää Gliocladium catenulatum-vektoreina torjuttaessa mansikan ja vadelman harmaahometta (Botrytis cinerea). Kukkavierailujen perusteella arvioidaan, onko vektorilevitys riittävän tehokas torjumaan harmaahometta ja miten hyvin mehiläisiä voidaan käyttää pölytyspalveluihin, etenkin mansikalla. Havainnot kerättiin kuudelta eri tilalta Sisä-Savosta kesällä 2007. Kukkavierailuja laskettiin mansikan ja vadelman kukinnan aikana erilaisissa sääolosuhteissa, eri kellonaikoina ja eri etäisyyksillä mehiläispesistä. Kukat valittiin satunnaisesti, ja valintaperusteena oli kukan avonaisuus. Tarkkailuaika riippui mehiläisten lentoaktiivisuudesta. Mansikan koko havaintojakson keskiarvoksi tuli 1,75 käyntiä kukkaa kohti tunnissa. Vadelmalla vastaava luku oli 4,27, joten keskiarvojen perusteella vadelma oli houkuttelevampi kuin mansikka. Kasvukauden vaiheella ei ollut eroja vierailuihin kummallakaan kasvilla, mutta vuorokaudenajan suhteen vierailuja oli enemmän aamupäivällä kuin iltapäivällä. Lämpötila korreloi positiivisesti vierailutiheyden kanssa kummallakin kasvilla. Sääolosuhteet rajoittivat havaintojen keräämistä ja kesä oli erittäin sateinen. Mehiläiset vierailivat kukissa riittävästi haastavissakin sääolosuhteissa niin, että harmaahometorjunta onnistui. Vektorilevitystä suunnitellessa, etenkin mansikalla, tulee ottaa huomioon pesien sijoittelu sekä riittävä lukumäärä. Pesien ravinnontarpeen tulee olla suuri, jotta mehiläiset keräisivät ravintoa kukista mahdollisimman tehokkaasti. Pesiin voidaan lisätä tarvittaessa avosikiöitä tai poistaa siitepölyvarastoja ravinnonkeruuaktiivisuuden lisäämiseksi. Lisätutkimusta tarvitaan pesien sijoittelun, kilpailevien kasvien sekä mansikkalajikkeiden houkuttelevuuden vaikutuksesta vierailutiheyteen. Suomalaisten mansikkalajikkeiden meden sekä siitepölyneritystä olisi myös hyvä selvittää.
In vitro studies using first-trimester human placental minces have shown that stimulation of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) secretion by gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH) is dependent upon the presence of extracellular calcium. Addition of GnRH to first-trimester placental minces in vitro was found to stimulate 45Ca2+ uptake into placental minces, and the process was associated with an increase in immunoreactive hCG in the medium. Addition of GnRH to placental minces preloaded with 45Ca2+ stimulated the efflux of 45Ca2+ within one minute. The calmodulin inhibitors chlorpromazine andtrifluoperazine inhibited the basal uptake and efflux of 45Ca2+ suggesting the involvement of calmodulin in the mobilization of calcium in the placenta.
The ability of FSH to stimulate the activity of ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) in the ovary of the immature rat and cycling hamster has been examined using specific antisera to gonadotropins. The stimulatory effect of FSH on ODC activity in the ovary of the immature rat was abolished when LH antiserum was administered along with FSH, while similar administration of FSH antiserum had no effect on LH action in stimulating ODC activity, thereby demonstrating the specificity of the LH effect. During the estrus cycle of the hamster, ODC activity in the ovary could be detected only on the evening of proestrus, the maximal activity seen at 1700 h being associated with both the Graafian follicles and the rest of the ovarian tissue. Neutralization of the proestrous FSH surge had no effect on the activity of ODC in either of these tissues, while similar administration of LH antiserum at 1300 h of proestrus completely inhibited the ODC activity in both large follicles and the rest of the ovarian tissue. Thus, the surge of LH, but not of FSH, appears to be responsible for regulating the ODC activity in the ovary of the cycling hamster.
Tax havens have attracted increasing attention from the authorities of non-haven countries. The financial crisis exacerbates the negative attitude to tax havens. Offshore zones are now under strong pressure from the international, both financial and political institutions. Thus, the thesis will focus on the current problem of the modern economy, namely tax havens and their impact on the non-haven countries. This thesis will be based on the several articles, in particular “Tax Competition With Parasitic Tax Havens” by Joel Slemrod and John D. Wilson (University of Michigan, 2009) and “Do Havens Divert Economic Activity” by James R. Hines Jr., C. Fritz Foley and Mihir A. Desai (Ross School of Business, 2005). This paper provides two completely different and contradictory viewpoints on the problem of coexisting tax havens and non-haven countries. There are two models, examined in this work, present two important researches. The first one will be concentrated on the positive effect from tax havens whereas the last model will be focused on the completely negative effect from offshore jurisdictions. The first model gives us a good explanation and proof of its statement why tax havens can positively influence on nearby high-tax countries. It describes that the existence of offshore jurisdictions can stimulate the growth of operations and facilitates economic activity in non-haven countries. In contrast to above mentioned, the model with quite opposite view was presented. This economic model and its analysis confirms the undesirability of the existence of offshore areas. Taking into consideration, that the jurisdictions choose their optimal policy, the elimination of offshores will have positive impact on the rest of countries. The model proofs the statement that full or partial elimination of tax havens raises the equilibrium level of the public good and increases country welfare. According to the following study, it can be concluded that both of the models provide telling arguments to prove their assertions. Thereby both of these points of view have their right to exist. Nevertheless, the ongoing debate concerning this issue still will raise a lot of questions.
Synthetic CpG containing oligodeoxynucleotide Toll like receptor-9 agonist (CpG DNA) activates innate immunity and can stimulate antigen presentation against numerous intracellular pathogens. It was observed that Salmonella Typhimurium growth can be inhibited by the CpG DNA treatment in the murine dendritic cells. This inhibitory effect was mediated by an increased reactive oxygen species production. In addition, it was noted that CpG DNA treatment of dendritic cells during Salmonella infection leads to an increased antigen presentation. Further this increased antigen presentation was dependent on the enhanced reactive oxygen species production elicited by Toll like receptor-9 activation. With the help of an exogenous antigen it was shown that Salmonella antigen could also be cross-presented in a better way by CpG induction. These data collectively indicate that CpG DNA enhance the ability of murine dendritic cells to contain the growth of virulent Salmonella through reactive oxygen species dependent killing.
Entrepreneurship, understood as the autonomous, effective pursuit of opportunities regardless of resources, is currently subject to a multitude of interests, expectations, and facilitation efforts. On the one hand, such entrepreneurial agency has broad appeal to individuals in Western market democracies and resonates with their longing for an autonomous, personally tailored, meaningful, and materially rewarding way of life. On the other hand, entrepreneurship represents a tempting and increasingly popular means of governance and policy making, and thus a model for the re-organization of a variety of societal sectors. This study focuses on the diffusion and reception of entrepreneurship discourse in the context of farming and agriculture, where pressures to adopt entrepreneurial orientations have been increasingly pronounced while, on the other hand, the context of farming has historically enjoyed state protection and adhered to principles that seem at odds with aspects of individualistic entrepreneurship discourse . The study presents an interpretation of the psychologically and politically appealing uses of the notion of entrepreneurial agency , reviews the historical and political background of the current situation of farming and agriculture with regard to entrepreneurship, and examines their relationships in four empirical studies. The study follows and develops a social psychological, situated relational approach that guides the qualitative analyses and interpretations of the empirical studies. Interviews with agents from the farm sector aim to stimulate evaluative responses and comments on the idea of entrepreneurship on farms. Analysis of the interview talk, in turn, detects the variety of evaluative responses and argumentative contexts with which the interviewees relate themselves to the entrepreneurship discourse and adopt, use, resist, or reject it. The study shows that despite the pressures towards entrepreneurialism, the diffusion of entrepreneurship discourse and the construction of entrepreneurial agency in farm context encounter many obstacles. These obstacles can be variably related to aspects dealing with the individual agent, the action situation, the characteristics of the action itself, or to the broader social, institutional and cultural context. Many aspects of entrepreneurial agency, such as autonomy, personal initiative and achievement orientation, are nevertheless familiar to farmers and are eagerly related to one s own farming activities. The idea of entrepreneurship is thus rarely rejected outright. The findings highlight the relational and situational preconditions for the construction of entrepreneurial agency in the farm context: When agents demonstrate entrepreneurial agency, they do so by drawing on available and accessed relational resources characteristic of their action context. Likewise, when agents fail or are reluctant to demonstrate entrepreneurial agency, they nevertheless actively account for their situation and demonstrate personal agency by drawing on the relational resources available to them.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a slowly progressive disease characterized by airway inflammation and largely irreversible airflow limitation. One major risk factor for COPD is cigarette smoking. Since the inflammatory process starts many years prior to the onset of clinical symptoms and still continues after smoking cessation, there is an urgent need to find simple non-invasive biomarkers that can be used in the early diagnosis of COPD and which could help in predicting the disease progression. The first aim of the present study was to evaluate the involvement of different oxidative/nitrosative stress markers, matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and their tissue inhibitor-1 (TIMP-1) in smokers and in COPD. Elevated numbers of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), nitrotyrosine, myeloperoxidase (MPO) and 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (4-HNE) positive cells and increased levels of 8-isoprostane and lactoferrin were found in sputum of non-symptomatic smokers compared to non-smokers, and especially in subjects with stable mild to moderate COPD, and they correlated with the severity of airway obstruction. This suggests that an increased oxidant burden exists already in the airways of smokers with normal lung function values. However, none of these markers could differentiate healthy smokers from symptomatic smokers with normal lung function values i.e. those individuals who are at risk of developing COPD. In contrast what is known about asthma exhaled nitric oxide (FENO) was lower in smokers than in non-smokers, the reduced FENO value was significantly associated with neutrophilic inflammation and the elevated oxidant burden (positive cells for iNOS, nitrotyrosine and MPO). The levels of sputum MMP-8 and plasma MMP-12 appeared to differentiate subjects who have a risk for COPD development but these finding require further investigations. The levels of all studied MMPs correlated with the numbers of neutrophils, and MMP-8 and MMP-9 with markers of neutrophil activation (MPO, lactoferrin) suggesting that especially neutrophil derived oxidants may stimulate the tissue destructive MMPs already in lungs of smokers who are not yet experiencing any airflow limitation. When investigating the role of neutrophil proteases (neutrophil elastase, MMP-8, MMP-9) during COPD exacerbation and its recovery period, we found that levels of all these proteases were increased in sputum of patients with COPD exacerbation as compared to stable COPD and controls, and decreased during the one-month recovery period, giving evidence for a role of these enzymes in COPD exacerbations. In the last study, the effects of subject`s age and smoking habits were evaluated on the plasma levels of surfactant protein A (SP-A), SP-D, MMP-9 and TIMP-1. Long-term smoking increased the levels of all of these proteins. SP-A most clearly correlated with age, pack years and lung function decline (FEV1/FVC), and based on the receiver operating characteristic curve analysis, SP-A was the best marker for discriminating subjects with COPD from controls. In conclusion, these findings support the hypothesis that especially neutrophil derived oxidants may activate MMPs and induce an active remodeling process already in the lungs of smokers with normal lung function values. The marked increase of sputum levels of neutrophil proteases in smokers, stable COPD and/or during its exacerbations suggest that these enzymes play a role in the development and progression of COPD. Based on the comparison of various biomarkers, SP-A can be proposed to serve as sensitive biomarker in COPD development.
The current standard of care for hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection - combination therapy with pegylated interferon and ribavirin - elicits sustained responses in only similar to 50% of the patients treated. No alternatives exist for patients who do not respond to combination therapy. Addition of ribavirin substantially improves response rates to interferon and lowers relapse rates following the cessation of therapy, suggesting that increasing ribavirin exposure may further improve treatment response. A key limitation, however, is the toxic side-effect of ribavirin, hemolytic anemia, which often necessitates a reduction of ribavirin dosage and compromises treatment response. Maximizing treatment response thus requires striking a balance between the antiviral and hemolytic activities of ribavirin. Current models of viral kinetics describe the enhancement of treatment response due to ribavirin. Ribavirin-induced anemia, however, remains poorly understood and precludes rational optimization of combination therapy. Here, we develop a new mathematical model of the population dynamics of erythrocytes that quantitatively describes ribavirin-induced anemia in HCV patients. Based on the assumption that ribavirin accumulation decreases erythrocyte lifespan in a dose-dependent manner, model predictions capture several independent experimental observations of the accumulation of ribavirin in erythrocytes and the resulting decline of hemoglobin in HCV patients undergoing combination therapy, estimate the reduced erythrocyte lifespan during therapy, and describe inter-patient variations in the severity of ribavirin-induced anemia. Further, model predictions estimate the threshold ribavirin exposure beyond which anemia becomes intolerable and suggest guidelines for the usage of growth hormones, such as erythropoietin, that stimulate erythrocyte production and avert the reduction of ribavirin dosage, thereby improving treatment response. Our model thus facilitates, in conjunction with models of viral kinetics, the rational identification of treatment protocols that maximize treatment response while curtailing side effects.
The life-history of Neurospora in nature has remained largely unknown. The present study attempts to remedy this. The following conclusions are based on observation of Neurospora on fire-scorched sugar cane in agricultural fields, and reconstruction experiments using a colour mutant to inoculate sugar cane burned in the laboratory. The fungus persists in soil as heat-resistant dormant ascospores. These are activated by a chemical(s) released into soil from the burnt substrate. The chief diffusible activator of ascospores is furfural and the germinating ascospores infect the scorched substrate. An invasive mycelium grows progressively upwards inside the juicy sugar cane and produces copious macroconidia externally through fire-induced openings formed in the plant tissue, or by the mechanical rupturing of the plant epidermal tissue by the mass of mycelium. The loose conidia are dispersed by wind and/or foraged by microfauna. It is suggested that the constant production of macroconidia, and their ready dispersal, serve a physiological role: to drain the substrate of minerals and soluble sugars, thereby creating nutritional conditions which stimulate sexual reproduction by the fungus. Sexual reproduction in the sugar-depleted cellulosic substrate occurs after macroconidiation has ceased totally and is favoured by the humid conditions prevailing during the monsoon rains. Profuse microconidiophores and protoperithecia are produced simultaneously in the pockets below the loosened epidermal tissue. Presumably protoperithecia are fertilized by microconidia which are possibly transmitted by nematodes active in the dead plant tissue. Mature perithecia release ascospores in situ which are passively liberated in the soil by the disintegration of the plant material and are, apparently, distributed by rain or irrigation water.
Ten different mouse cell lines were examined for Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) infection in vitro and then tested for their ability to generate virus specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). Among all cell lines examined, Neuro La (a neuroblastoma) was readily infected with JEV as examined by immunofluorescence and viral replication. Among other cells, P388D1, RAW 264.7 (Macrophage origin), Sp2/0 (B-cell Hybridoma), YAC-1 (T-cell lymphoma), and L929 (Fibroblast) were semipermissive to JEV infection. The cytopathic effects caused by progressive JEV infection varied from cell line to cell line. In the case of YAC-1 cells long-term viral antigen expression was observed without significant alterations in cell viability. Intermediate degrees of cytopathicity are seen in RAW 264.7 and L929 cells while infection of PS, Neuro 2a, P388D1 and Sp2/0 caused major viability losses. All infected cell lines were able to prime adult BALB/c (H-2(d)) mice for the generation of secondary JEV specific CTL. In contrast to YAC-1, the permissive neuroblastoma cell line Neuro 2a (H-2K(k)D(d)) was found to be least efficient in its ability to stimulate anti-viral CTL generation. Cold target competition studies demonstrated that both Neuro 2a and YAC-1 (H-2K(k)D(d)) cells expressed similar viral determinants that are recognised by CTL, suggesting that the reason for the lower ability of Neuro 2a to stimulate anti-viral CTL was not due to lack of viral CTL determinants. These findings demonstrate that a variety of mouse cell lines can be infected with Japanese encephalitis virus, and that these infected cells could be utilised to generate virus specific CTL in BALB/c mice.
This paper analyses environmental and socio-economic barriers for plantation activities on local and regional level and investigates the potential for carbon finance to stimulate the increased rates of forest plantation on wasteland, i.e., degraded lands, in southern India. Building on multidisciplinary field work and results from the model GCOMAP, the aim is to (1) identify and characterize the barriers to plantation activities in four agro-ecological zones in the state of Karnataka and (2) investigate what would be required to overcome these barriers and enhance the plantation rate and productivity. The results show that a rehabilitation of the wasteland based on plantation activities is not only possible but also anticipated by the local population and would lead to positive environmental and socio-economic effects at a local level. However, in many cases, the establishment of plantation activities is hindered by a lack of financial resources, low land productivity and water scarcity. Based on the model used and the results from the field work, it can be concluded that certified emission reductions such as carbon credits or other compensatory systems may help to overcome the financial barrier; however, the price needs to be significantly increased if these measures are to have any large-scale impact.
Development of an effective vaccine against tuberculosis (TB) hinges on an improved understanding of the human immune responses to Mycobacterium tuberculosis. A successful vaccination strategy should be able to stimulate the appropriate arm of the immune system with concomitant generation of the memory cells. In the absence of a perfect strategy, while long term efforts of TB researchers continue to resolve the nature of protective immunity against TB and other related issues, the current approach, dictated by the urgency of a TB vaccine, employs available knowledge and technology to develop new TB vaccines and channel the promising ones to clinical trials. While Indian scientists have contributed in several areas towards the development of a TB vaccine, this review is an attempt to summarize their contributions mainly pertaining to the discovery of new antigens, immune responses elicited by antigens against TB and development of new vaccines and their evaluation in animal models. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.