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An online scheme to assign Stenotrophomonas isolates to genomic groups was developed using the multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA), which is based on the DNA sequencing of selected fragments of the housekeeping genes ATP synthase alpha subunit (atpA), the recombination repair protein (recA), the RNA polymerase alpha subunit (rpoA) and the excision repair beta subunit (uvrB). This MLSA-based scheme was validated using eight of the 10 Stenotrophomonas species that have been previously described. The environmental and nosocomial Stenotrophomonas strains were characterised using MLSA, 16S rRNA sequencing and DNA-DNA hybridisation (DDH) analyses. Strains of the same species were found to have greater than 95% concatenated sequence similarity and specific strains formed cohesive readily recognisable phylogenetic groups. Therefore, MLSA appeared to be an effective alternative methodology to amplified fragment length polymorphism fingerprint and DDH techniques. Strains of Stenotrophomonas can be readily assigned through the open database resource that was developed in the current study (www.steno.lncc.br/).


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BACKGROUND Granulocyte colony-stimulating factors (G-CSFs) have been shown to help prevent febrile neutropenia in certain subgroups of cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, but their role in treating febrile neutropenia is controversial. The purpose of our study was to evaluate-in a prospective multicenter randomized clinical trial-the efficacy of adding G-CSF to broad-spectrum antibiotic treatment of patients with solid tumors and high-risk febrile neutropenia. METHODS A total of 210 patients with solid tumors treated with conventional-dose chemotherapy who presented with fever and grade IV neutropenia were considered to be eligible for the trial. They met at least one of the following high-risk criteria: profound neutropenia (absolute neutrophil count <100/mm(3)), short latency from previous chemotherapy cycle (<10 days), sepsis or clinically documented infection at presentation, severe comorbidity, performance status of 3-4 (Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group scale), or prior inpatient status. Eligible patients were randomly assigned to receive the antibiotics ceftazidime and amikacin, with or without G-CSF (5 microg/kg per day). The primary study end point was the duration of hospitalization. All P values were two-sided. RESULTS Patients randomly assigned to receive G-CSF had a significantly shorter duration of grade IV neutropenia (median, 2 days versus 3 days; P = 0.0004), antibiotic therapy (median, 5 days versus 6 days; P = 0.013), and hospital stay (median, 5 days versus 7 days; P = 0.015) than patients in the control arm. The incidence of serious medical complications not present at the initial clinical evaluation was 10% in the G-CSF group and 17% in the control group (P = 0.12), including five deaths in each study arm. The median cost of hospital stay and the median overall cost per patient admission were reduced by 17% (P = 0.01) and by 11% (P = 0.07), respectively, in the G-CSF arm compared with the control arm. CONCLUSIONS Adding G-CSF to antibiotic therapy shortens the duration of neutropenia, reduces the duration of antibiotic therapy and hospitalization, and decreases hospital costs in patients with high-risk febrile neutropenia.


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The goal of our study is to assess the diagnostic profi tability of procalcitonin (PCT) in septic shock and another biomarker as C-reactive protein (CRP). Results: Fifty-four septic patients were assessed, 66% were males; mean age, 63 years. Eighty-eight percent was diagnosed as septic shock and 11% severe sepsis. Seventy-six percent were medical patients. Positive blood cultures in 42.5%. Sepsis origin: respiratory 46%, neurological 5%, digestive 37% and urinary 3%. Average SOFA score was 10.4. Conclusions: PCT and CRP have the same efficiency in early sepsis diagnosis. The PCT and CRP effi ciency diagnostic together is signifi cant but small. We suggest using both with the doubt of sepsis.


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Purpose: Several studies have shown that HIV patients are at higher risk of lung cancer. Our aim is to analyse the prevalence and features of lung cancer in HIV-infected patients. Methods: The clinical charts of 4,721 HIV-infected patients seen in three hospitals of southeast Spain (study period 1992-2012) were reviewed, and all patients with a lung cancer were analysed. Results: There were 61 lung cancers, giving a prevalence of 1.2%. There was a predominance of men (82.0%), and smokers (96.6%; mean pack-years 35.2), with a median age of 48.0 (41.7-52.9) years, and their distribution according to risk group for HIV was: intravenous drug use 58.3%, homosexual 20.0%, and heterosexual 16.7%. Thirty-four (56.7%) patients were Aids cases, and 29 (47.5%) had prior pulmonar events: tuberculosis 16, bacterial pneumonia 9, and P. jiroveci pneumonia 4. The median nadir CD4 count was 149/mm3 (42-232), the median CD4 count at the time of diagnosis of the lung cancer was 237/mm3 (85-397), and 66.1% <350/mm3. 66.7% were on ART, and 70% of them had undetectable HIV viral load. The most common histological types of lung cancer were adenocarcinoma and epidermoid, with 24 (40.0%) and 23 (38.3%) cases, respectively. There were 49 (80.3%) cases with advanced stages (III and IV) at diagnosis. The distribution of treatments was: only palliative 23 (39.7%), chemotherapy 14 (24.1%), surgery and chemotherapy 8 (13.8%), radiotherapy 7 (12.1%), surgery 4 (6.9%), and other combined treatments 2 (3.4%). Forty-six (76.7%) patients died, with a median survival time of 3 months. The Kaplan-Meier survival rate at 6 months was 42.7% (at 12 months 28.5%). Conclusions: The prevalence of lung cancer in this cohort of HIV-patients is high. People affected are mainly men, smokers, with transmission of HIV by intravenous drug use, and around half of them with prior opportunistic pulmonary events. Most patients had low nadir CD4 count, and were immunosuppressed at the time of diagnosis. Adenocarcinoma is the most frequent histological type. The diagnosis is usually made at advanced stages of the neoplasm, and mortality is high.


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Protein C (PC) de ciency is prevalent in severe sepsis, studies showing that more than 80% of patients with severe sepsis have a baseline PC level below the lower limit of normal [1,2]. The aim of the study was to relate the anticoagulation activity evaluated by PC, with clinical parameters and 28-day mortality.


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The aim was to describe the anemia profile of medical or surgical patients with severe sepsis or septic shock in the ICU, assessing severity scale, length of stay and mortality. The prevalence of microcytic anemia is more than one-half of our septic patients. There are iron metabolism disorders without significant differences between medical and surgical patients. Transferrin, a protein related to malnutrition, inflammatory response and organ dysfunction, is significantly lower in the most severe patients with higher organ dysfunction scores.


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L’objectiu d’aquest projecte és la realització d’un gestor d’incidències que doni suport a l’àrea de sistemes de la informació i comunicació d’una organització. Per assolir aquest objectiu, és important tenir un bon control de les incidències generades mitjançant una base de dades que ens permeti organitzar la informació de manera eficient i d’una interfície Web que permet de forma simple, ràpida i ordenada gestionar la informació recopilada.


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Measurement of biomarkers is a potential approach to early assessment and prediction of mortality in septic patients. The purpose of this study was to ascertain the prognostic value of pro-adrenomedullin (pADM), measured in all patients admitted to the ICU of our hospital with a diagnosis of severe sepsis or septic shock during 1 year.


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The evaluation of sepsis severity is complicated by the highly variable and nonspecific nature of clinical signs and symptoms. We studied routinely used biomarkers together with clinical parameters to compare their prognostic value for severe sepsis and evaluate their usefulness.


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Background A high level of red blood cell distribution width (RDW) is a novel prognostic marker that may reflect an underlying inflammatory state. It has recently shown that when increased, it is related to cardiovascular disease, mortality, and metabolic syndrome (MetS) in the general population. Objectives To analyse the potential relation between high levels of RDW and cardiovascular risk (CVR) and MetS in HIVpatients. Patients and methods Observational, cross-sectional study of a series of HIVoutpatients attended in our Hospital. Demographic, anthropometric, clinical, and fasting lab data were recorded in all cases. CVR at 10 years was evaluated by Framingham equation, and MetS diagnosed according to the National Cholesterol Education Program criteria. Statistic program: SPSS 17.0. Results 666 patients were included, 79.3% were men, and mean age was 44.7 years. Mean CD4 count was 506 cells/ mm3 , 87.5% of the patients were on antiretroviral therapy, and 85.3% had undetectable HIV viral load. Mean RDW was 13.07% (range: 7.7-33.6%; 75th percentile 14,1%), with a prevalence of MetS of 15.7, 9.3, 18.8 and 16.6% first through fourth RDW quartile, and of patients with CVR >20% of 8.4, 4.0, 4.4 and 6.4%, respectively (p>0,05). The highest quartile of RDW (>14.1%) was associated with AIDS (OR 1.6, 95%CI 1.0-2.4; p 0.02), detectable HIV viral load (OR 1.5, 95%CI 1.01-2.4; p 0.04), and hypertension (OR 2.3, 95%CI 1.4-4.0; p 0.001). Conclusions In HIV-infected outpatients, higher RDW is related with detectable HIV viral load and with AIDS. Although it was associated with a traditional CVR factor as hypertension, we found no relation with MetS nor with higher CVR.


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In human heart failure (HF) peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPAR alpha) is downregulated and consequently, the expression of genes involved in fatty acid oxidation repressed. The L162V (rs1800206) is a functional polymorphism of the human PPAR alpha gene (PPARA). In the present study we have investigated whether this polymorphism is associated with the development of stage C of HF.


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Acquired hemophilia A (AHA) is a rare bleeding disorder characterized by autoantibodies directed against circulating coagulation factor (F) VIII. Typically, patients with no prior history of a bleeding disorder present with spontaneous bleeding and an isolated prolonged aPTT. AHA may, however, present without any bleeding symptoms, therefore an isolated prolonged aPTT should always be investigated further irrespective of the clinical findings. Control of acute bleeding is the first priority, and we recommend first-line therapy with bypassing agents such as recombinant activated FVII or activated prothrombin complex concentrate. Once the diagnosis has been achieved, immediate autoantibody eradication to reduce subsequent bleeding risk should be performed. We recommend initial treatment with corticosteroids or combination therapy with corticosteroids and cyclophosphamide and suggest second-line therapy with rituximab if first-line therapy fails or is contraindicated. In contrast to congenital hemophilia, no comparative studies exist to support treatment recommendations for patients with AHA, therefore treatment guidance must rely on the expertise and clinical experience of specialists in the field. The aim of this document is to provide a set of international practice guidelines based on our collective clinical experience in treating patients with AHA and contribute to improved care for this patient group.


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