989 resultados para material online


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Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Comunicação – Especialização em Comunicação Estratégica


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Numa recensão às conferências sobre "Metafísica - Conceitos e Problemas" {Metaphysik. Begriffe und Probleme), proferidas por Adorno, na Universidade de Frankfurt, no segundo semestre de 1965 e publicadas postumamente, o filósofo dinamarquês Stâle R. S. Finke (1999) analisa os "esforços" de Adorno por "recuperar a concepção da experiência metafísica". Uma tal recuperação teria de ser compreendida num quadro de pensamento que é o da "dialéctica negativa", por sua vez tributária dos padrões kantianos de "consciência conceptual e autonomia moral" que Adorno articula naquilo a que Finke chama o "projecto" ou o "ideal de liberdade expressiva". O conceito de experiência metafísica, formulado nas referidas conferências, seria, assim, da maior importância para Adorno, pois que nele se daria expressão ao objectivo da "dialéctica negativa" (a Negative Dialektik foi publicada no ano seguinte, 1966): "a invocação do não-idêntico como condição de experiência e de expressão". "Relacionada intrinsecamente" com o "donnnio da experiência possível", histórica e cultural, isto é, com tudo aquilo que constrange a autonomia (por um lado permitindo, por outro lado limitando as possibilidades do eu), a concepção da experiência metafísica em Adorno convoca essas possibilidades do eu como inalcançadas


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Thermally expandable particles (TEPs) were developed by Dow Chemical Co in the early 1970´s [1] and were further developed by others [2, 3]. They are particles made up of a thermoplastic shell filled with liquid hydrocarbon. On heating them, two transformations will occur. One is the softening of shell material and the other is the gasification of the hydrocarbon liquid inside it. As a consequence, the shell will expand as the gas inside it will push the softened shell from inside out causing it to grow in size [4]. When fully expanded, the growth in volume of the particle can be from 50 to 100 times [3]. Owing to this unique behaviour, TEPs are used by the industry in a wide variety of applications mainly for weight reduction and appearance improvement for thermoplastics, inks, and coatings. In adhesive bonding, TEPs have been used for recycling purposes. Moreover, TEPs might be used to modify structural adhesives for other new purposes, such as: to increase the joint strength by creating an adhesive functionally modified along the overlap of the joint by gradual heating and/or to heal the adhesive in case of damage.


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Trabalho de Projecto apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Jornalismo


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Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) are gaining prominence in transversal teaching-learning strategies. However, there are many issues still debated, namely assessment, recognized largely as a cornerstone in Education. The large number of students involved requires a redefinition of strategies that often use approaches based on tasks or challenging projects. In these conditions and due to this approach, assessment is made through peer-reviewed assignments and quizzes online. The peer-reviewed assignments are often based upon sample answers or topics, which guide the student in the task of evaluating peers. This chapter analyzes the grading and evaluation in MOOCs, especially in science and engineering courses, within the context of education and grading methodologies and discusses possible perspectives to pursue grading quality in massive e-learning courses.


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Trabalho de Projecto apresentado para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação, referente ao Mestrado em Gestão de Sistemas de e-Learning.


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Trabalho de projeto apresentado para o cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção de grau de Mestre em Novos Media e Práticas Web


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Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em Ciências da Educação, Especialidade de Tecnologias, Redes e Multimédia na Educação e Formação


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Distance learning - where students take courses (attend classes, get activities and other sort of learning materials) while being physically separated from their instructors, for larger part of the course duration - is far from being a “new event”. Since the middle of the nineteenth century, this has been done through Radio, Mail and TV, taking advantage of the full educational potential that these media resources had to offer at the time. However, in recent times we have, at our complete disposal, the “magic wonder” of communication and globalization - the Internet. Taking advantage of a whole new set of educational opportunities, with a more or less unselfish “look” to economic interests, focusing its concern on a larger and collective “welfare”, contributing to the development of a more “equitable” world, with regard to educational opportunities, the Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) were born and have become an important feature of the higher education in recent years. Many people have been talking about MOOCs as a potential educational revolution, which has arrived from North America, still growing and spreading, referring to its benefits and/or disadvantages. The Polytechnic Institute of Porto, also known as IPP, is a Higher Education Portuguese institution providing undergraduate and graduate studies, which has a solid history of online education and innovation through the use of technology, and it has been particularly interested and focused on MOOC developments, based on an open educational policy in order to try to implement some differentiated learning strategies to its actual students and as a way to attract future ones. Therefore, in July 2014, IPP launched the first Math MOOC on its own platform. This paper describes the requirements, the resulting design and implementation of a mathematics MOOC, which was essentially addressed to three target populations: - pre-college students or individuals wishing to update their Math skills or that need to prepare for the National Exam of Mathematics; - Higher Education students who have not attended in High School, this subject, and who feel the need to acquire basic knowledge about some of the topics covered; - High School Teachers who may use these resources with their students allowing them to develop teaching methodologies like "Flipped Classroom” (available at http://www.opened.ipp.pt/). The MOOC was developed in partnership with several professors from several schools from IPP, gathering different math competences and backgrounds to create and put to work different activities such video lectures and quizzes. We will also try to briefly discuss the advertising strategy being developed to promote this MOOC, since it is not offered through a main MOOC portal, such as Coursera or Udacity.


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An overwhelming problem in Math Curriculums in Higher Education Institutions (HEI), we are daily facing in the last decade, is the substantial differences in Math background of our students. When you try to transmit, engage and teach subjects/contents that your “audience” is unable to respond to and/or even understand what we are trying to convey, it is somehow frustrating. In this sense, the Math projects and other didactic strategies, developed through Learning Management System Moodle, which include an array of activities that combine higher order thinking skills with math subjects and technology, for students of HE, appear as remedial but important, proactive and innovative measures in order to face and try to overcome these considerable problems. In this paper we will present some of these strategies, developed in some organic units of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto (IPP). But, how “fruitful” are the endless number of hours teachers spent in developing and implementing these platforms? Do students react to them as we would expect? Do they embrace this opportunity to overcome their difficulties? How do they use/interact individually with LMS platforms? Can this environment that provides the teacher with many interesting tools to improve the teaching – learning process, encourages students to reinforce their abilities and knowledge? In what way do they use each available material – videos, interactive tasks, texts, among others? What is the best way to assess student’s performance in these online learning environments? Learning Analytics tools provides us a huge amount of data, but how can we extract “good” and helpful information from them? These and many other questions still remain unanswered but we look forward to get some help in, at least, “get some drafts” for them because we feel that this “learning analysis”, that tackles the path from the objectives to the actual results, is perhaps the only way we have to move forward in the “best” learning and teaching direction.


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Master Thesis


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Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Comunicação.


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This study evaluated epidemiological factors for HCV infection associated with sharing perforating and cutting instruments among candidates for blood donation (CBD) in the city of Belém, Pará, Brazilian Amazon. Two definitions of HCV infection cases were used: anti-HCV positivity shown by EIA, and HCV-RNA detection by PCR. Infected and uninfected CBD completed a questionnaire about possible risk factors associated with sharing perforating and cutting instruments. The information was evaluated using simple and multiple logistic regressions. Between May and November 2010, 146 (1.1%) persons with anti-HCV antibodies and 106 (0.8%) with HCV-RNA were detected among 13,772 CBD in Belém. Risk factors associated with HCV infection based on the EIA (model 1) and PCR (model 2) results were: use of needles and syringes sterilized at home; shared use of razors at home, sharing of disposable razors in barbershops, beauty salons etc.; and sharing manicure and pedicure material. The models of HCV infection associated with sharing perforating and cutting instruments should be taken into account by local and regional health authorities and by those of other countries with similar cultural practices, in order to provide useful information to guide political and public strategies to control HCV transmission.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores