915 resultados para lumen
Osat 1-10 ilmestyneet teoksena: Hasselqvist, Lumen de lumine sparsum, 1697
Osat 1-10 ilmestyneet teoksena: Hasselqvist, Lumen de lumine sparsum, 1697
Osat 1-10 ilmestyneet teoksena: Hasselqvist, Lumen de lumine sparsum, 1697
Osat 1-10 ilmestyneet teoksena: Hasselqvist, Lumen de lumine sparsum, 1697
Osat 1-10 ilmestyneet teoksena: Hasselqvist, Lumen de lumine sparsum, 1697
This work aimed to describe the foliar anatomy of seven species of Eucalyptus, emphasizing the characterization of secretory structures and the chemical nature of the compounds secreted and /or present in the leaves. Anatomical characterization and histochemical evaluation to determine the nature and localization of the secondary compounds were carried out in fully expanded leaves, according to standard methodology. Anatomical differences were verified among the species studied, especially in E. pyrocarpa. Sub-epidermal cavities were the only secretory structures found in the seven species studied, with higher density in E. pellita and lower in E. pilularis. The following compounds were histochemically detected: lipophilic compounds, specifically lipids of the essential or resin-oil type and sesquiterpene lactones found in the lumen of the cavities of the seven species; and hydrophilic compounds, of the phenolic compound type found in the mesophyll of all the species studied and on the epidermis of some of them. The results confirmed the complexity of the product secreted by the cavities, stressing the homogeneous histochemistry nature of these compounds among the species. However, the phenolic compounds results may be an indication of important variations in adaptations and ecological relations, since they show differences among the species.
Cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy(CADASIL) is the most common hereditary small vessel disease (SVD) leading to vascular dementia. The cause of the disease is mutations in NOTCH3 gene located at chromosome 19p13.1. The gene defect results in accumulation of granular osmiophilic material and extracellular domain of NOTCH3 at vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) with subsequent degeneration of VSMCs. This arteriopathy leads to white matter (WM) rarefaction and multiple lacunar infarctions in both WM and deep grey matter (GM) visible in magnetic resonance imaging. This thesis is focused on the quantitative morphometric analysis of the stenosis and fibrosis in arterioles of the frontal cerebral WM, cortical GM and deep GM (lenticular nucleus (LN), i.e. putamen and globus pallidus). It was performed by assessing four indicators of arteriolar stenosis and fibrosis: (1) diameter of arteriolar lumen, (2) thickness of arteriolar wall, (3) external diameter of arterioles and (4) sclerotic index. These parameters were assessed (a) in 5 elderly CADASIL patients with the mean age of onset 47 years and of death 63 years, (b) in a 32-year-old young CADASIL patient with the first ischemic episode at the age of 29 years and (c) a very old CADASIL patient aged 95 years, who suffered the first stroke at the age of 71 years. These measurements were compared with age-matched controls without stroke, dementia, hypertension, and cerebral amyloid angiopathy. Morphometric analyses disclosed that in all age groups of CADASIL patients compared to corresponding controls there was significant narrowing of arteriolar lumen (stenosis) and fibrotic thickening of the walls (fibrosis) in the WM arterioles, although the significance of stenosis in the very old patient was marginal. In the LN arterioles there was only significant fibrosis without stenosis. These results suggest that the ischemic lesions and lacunar infarcts in the cerebral WM are mainly attributable to the stenosis of arterioles, whereas those in the LN are probably mainly due to hemodynamic changes of the cerebral blood flow. In conclusion: The SVD of CADASIL is characterized by narrowing of lumina and fibrotic thickening of walls predominantly in the cerebral WM arterioles. On the other hand, in the LN the ischemic lesions and lacunar infarcts are most probably hemodynamic due to impaired autoregulation caused by the rigidity of fibrotic arterioles. The pathological cerebral arteriolar alterations begin to develop already at a relatively young age but the onset may be delayed to a remarkably old age. This underlines the well known great variability in the clinical picture of CADASIL. The very late onset of CADASIL may cause its underdiagnosis, because the strokes are common in the elderly and are attributed to common risk factors.
In mammals, post-testicular sperm maturation taking place in the epididymis is required for the spermatozoa to acquire the abilities required to fertilize the egg in vivo. The epididymal epithelial cells secrete proteins and other small molecules into the lumen, where they interact with the spermatozoa and enable necessary maturational changes. In this study different in silico, in vitro and in vivo approaches were utilized in order to find novel genes responsible for the function of the epididymis and post-testicular sperm maturation in the mouse. Available online genomic databases were analyzed to identify genes potentially expressed in the epididymis, gene expression profiling was performed by studying their expression in different mouse tissues, and significance of certain genes to fertility was assessed by generating genetically modified mouse models. A recently discovered Pate (prostate and testis expression) gene family was found to be predominantly expressed in the epididymis. It represents one of the largest known gene families expressed in the epididymis, and the members code for proteins potentially involved in defense against microorganisms. Through genetically modified mouse models CRISP4 (cysteine-rich secretory protein 4) was identified to regulate sperm acrosome reaction, and BMYC to inhibit the expression of the Myc proto-oncogene in the developing testis. A mouse line expressing iCre recombinase specifically in the epididymis was also generated. This model can be used to generate conditional, epididymis-specific knock-out models, and will be a valuable tool in fertility studies.
The aim of this study was to simulate blood flow in thoracic human aorta and understand the role of flow dynamics in the initialization and localization of atherosclerotic plaque in human thoracic aorta. The blood flow dynamics in idealized and realistic models of human thoracic aorta were numerically simulated in three idealized and two realistic thoracic aorta models. The idealized models of thoracic aorta were reconstructed with measurements available from literature, and the realistic models of thoracic aorta were constructed by image processing Computed Tomographic (CT) images. The CT images were made available by South Karelia Central Hospital in Lappeenranta. The reconstruction of thoracic aorta consisted of operations, such as contrast adjustment, image segmentations, and 3D surface rendering. Additional design operations were performed to make the aorta model compatible for the numerical method based computer code. The image processing and design operations were performed with specialized medical image processing software. Pulsatile pressure and velocity boundary conditions were deployed as inlet boundary conditions. The blood flow was assumed homogeneous and incompressible. The blood was assumed to be a Newtonian fluid. The simulations with idealized models of thoracic aorta were carried out with Finite Element Method based computer code, while the simulations with realistic models of thoracic aorta were carried out with Finite Volume Method based computer code. Simulations were carried out for four cardiac cycles. The distribution of flow, pressure and Wall Shear Stress (WSS) observed during the fourth cardiac cycle were extensively analyzed. The aim of carrying out the simulations with idealized model was to get an estimate of flow dynamics in a realistic aorta model. The motive behind the choice of three aorta models with distinct features was to understand the dependence of flow dynamics on aorta anatomy. Highly disturbed and nonuniform distribution of velocity and WSS was observed in aortic arch, near brachiocephalic, left common artery, and left subclavian artery. On the other hand, the WSS profiles at the roots of branches show significant differences with geometry variation of aorta and branches. The comparison of instantaneous WSS profiles revealed that the model with straight branching arteries had relatively lower WSS compared to that in the aorta model with curved branches. In addition to this, significant differences were observed in the spatial and temporal profiles of WSS, flow, and pressure. The study with idealized model was extended to study blood flow in thoracic aorta under the effects of hypertension and hypotension. One of the idealized aorta models was modified along with the boundary conditions to mimic the thoracic aorta under the effects of hypertension and hypotension. The results of simulations with realistic models extracted from CT scans demonstrated more realistic flow dynamics than that in the idealized models. During systole, the velocity in ascending aorta was skewed towards the outer wall of aortic arch. The flow develops secondary flow patterns as it moves downstream towards aortic arch. Unlike idealized models, the distribution of flow was nonplanar and heavily guided by the artery anatomy. Flow cavitation was observed in the aorta model which was imaged giving longer branches. This could not be properly observed in the model with imaging containing a shorter length for aortic branches. The flow circulation was also observed in the inner wall of the aortic arch. However, during the diastole, the flow profiles were almost flat and regular due the acceleration of flow at the inlet. The flow profiles were weakly turbulent during the flow reversal. The complex flow patterns caused a non-uniform distribution of WSS. High WSS was distributed at the junction of branches and aortic arch. Low WSS was distributed at the proximal part of the junction, while intermedium WSS was distributed in the distal part of the junction. The pulsatile nature of the inflow caused oscillating WSS at the branch entry region and inner curvature of aortic arch. Based on the WSS distribution in the realistic model, one of the aorta models was altered to induce artificial atherosclerotic plaque at the branch entry region and inner curvature of aortic arch. Atherosclerotic plaque causing 50% blockage of lumen was introduced in brachiocephalic artery, common carotid artery, left subclavian artery, and aortic arch. The aim of this part of the study was first to study the effect of stenosis on flow and WSS distribution, understand the effect of shape of atherosclerotic plaque on flow and WSS distribution, and finally to investigate the effect of lumen blockage severity on flow and WSS distributions. The results revealed that the distribution of WSS is significantly affected by plaque with mere 50% stenosis. The asymmetric shape of stenosis causes higher WSS in branching arteries than in the cases with symmetric plaque. The flow dynamics within thoracic aorta models has been extensively studied and reported here. The effects of pressure and arterial anatomy on the flow dynamic were investigated. The distribution of complex flow and WSS is correlated with the localization of atherosclerosis. With the available results we can conclude that the thoracic aorta, with complex anatomy is the most vulnerable artery for the localization and development of atherosclerosis. The flow dynamics and arterial anatomy play a role in the localization of atherosclerosis. The patient specific image based models can be used to diagnose the locations in the aorta vulnerable to the development of arterial diseases such as atherosclerosis.
Katupölyn torjumisessa hiekoitushiekan poistossa kaupunkiympäristössä tutkittiin, miten katujen talvikunnossapidon toimenpiteet ja talven hiekoitushiekkojen poistotyö vaikuttavat yhdyskuntailman hengitettävien hiukkasten PM10 -katupölyn määrään ja selvitettiin nykyiset käytännöt sekä uusia menetelmiä vähentää katupölyn määrää. Tutkimus on tehty Lappeenrannan kaupungin teknisen toimen katujen kunnossapidon tulosalueelle. Hankkeessa keskityttiin löytämään uusi ja tehokkaampi työmenetelmä sekä työjärjestys hiekanpoistoon, jotta työnaikaisen katupölyn määrä saataisiin minimoitua. Tehokkaita menetelmiä tutkimuksen perusteella olivat katujen ennalta kastelua ja työnaikainen pölynsidonta suolaliuoksella katupölyn vähentämiseen sekä oikean menetelmän käyttö. Pölynsidonta suolaliuoksella osoittautui tehokkaaksi akuutin katupölyn vähentämiskeinoksi. Pölynsidonta ei kuitenkaan poista katupölyä ja puhdistus tulee tehdä myöhemmin. Kadunvarren lumessa on suuria hiekoitushiekan kiintoainespitoisuuksia ja lumen poisviennillä voidaan saavuttaa hyötyjä katupölyongelman kannalta. Hiekoituspäivien lukumäärä on myös suoraan verrannollinen katupölyn määrään. Hiekoituksen ohella myös nastarenkaiden käyttö lisää katupölypäästöjä kaupunkialueilla. Nastarenkaiden vaikutusta katupölyn määrään ei selvitetty tässä tutkimuksessa tarkemmin, koska nastarenkaiden käyttökiellon voidaan olettaa lisäävän liikennetapaturmia sekä myös liukkaudentorjunnan tarvetta, eli hiekoitusta.
Primary adenocarcinoma of the duodenum is an extremely rare disease, and represents only 0.35 % of all gastrointestinal malignies. Early detection of the disease is dificult because doesn't have pathognomonic simptoms. The Whipple procedure is the optimal method of treatment. The authors relate one case of a adenocarcinoma of the duodenum in a 65- year-old white female with a history of abdominal pain for a six-month period, associated with postprandial fullness, vomiting and weight loss. Endoscopy showed a elevated tumor in the second part of the duodenum, with partial obstruction of the lumen. Histological study of endoscopic biopsies reveled a moderare differentiated adenocarcinoma of the duodenum. The treatment was surgical. The authors comment on the more important aspects of this pathology.
Hemosuccus pancreaticus is a unusual syndrome manifested by hemorrhage into the pancreatic duct and by blood loss through the ampulla of Vater: It may be caused by tumors, arteriovenous malformation, pancreatic lithiasis, aneurism rupture from adjacent vessels, or erosion of pancreatic and peripancreatic vessels due to chronic pancreatitis. The authors describe a case of massive and recurrent gastrointestinal upper hemorrhage in a 26-year-old man without known risk factors for pancreatitis. This man underwent urgent surgery due to gastrointestinal bleeding during the ínvestigation. During the procedure, blood was found in the intestinal lumen and a tumor in the head of pancreas with two centimeters of diameter: A gastroduodenopancreatectomy was performed. Histological study showed chronic pancreatitis with a fistula from the pancreatic vessels to the Wirsung duct. The patient was discharged without postoperative complications and after months, remains assymptomatic.
This report describes a leiomyoma of the inferior third section of the esophagus removed during laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The patient is a woman 55-years-age, carrying esophageal myoma of 40 mm in diameter wide, situated in the posterior wall of the lower esophagus. Indications for surgery were based mainly on the growth of the mass (6 mm when discovered 7 years previously, increased to 40 mm). Recently the patient returned suffering from pain, which could be attributed to his litiasic cholecystopaty. A small degree of low disphagia could also be observed. Radiologic imaging, direct endoscopic examination and endoscopic ultrasound showed that the mioma protruded on to the oesophagic lumen, discreetly diminishing there. A laparoscopic esophageal myomectomy was indicated at the same session of the laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Once the pneunoperitoneum was installed, five ports were placed as if for a hiatus hernia surgery. The cholecystectomy was uneventful. Next, an esophagoscopy was performed so as to determine the precise area covering the base of the tumour; at the right-lateral site. Longitudinal and circular fibres of the esophagus was severed over the lesion and the enucleation of the tumour was performed alternating the monopolar dissection, bipolar and hidrodisection. Control-endoscopy was carried out to verify mucosa integrity. Four suture points with poliglactine 3-0 string so as to close the musculature followed this. One suture was placed in for diminution of the size of the esophagean hiatus. Total time of intervention: two hours (30m for the cholecystectomy and one hour and thirty minutes for the myomectomy). Postoperative period: uneventful. Disappearance of the disphagia was observed. Radiologic transit control with water-soluble contrast at 4th post-operative day: good passage. Diagnosis from laboratory of pathology: conjunctive tumour formed by muscle non-striated cells: leiomyoma. The patient was re-examined on the two-month postoperative follow-up. General conditions were good and there were no complain of dysphagia. Neither there were any symptoms of gastro-esophageal reflux.
The authors report a case of an one-year-old girl with growth retardation, vomiting, aspiration pneumonias and malnutrition presenting gastroesopheal reflux and microgastria. The child was underwent a double lumen Roux-en-Y jejunal reservoir (Hunt-Lawrence pouch). This treatment improved nutritional status and growth. No others anomalies were detected. Congenital microgastria is a rare anomaly which is usually associated with other malformations. The authors reviewed the literature and recommend the gastric augmentation for the treatment for microgastria.