872 resultados para Virtual Reality (VR)


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Esta dissertação apresenta o projeto, desenvolvimento e implementação de um software para criação de animações, simulações e treinamentos de processos e instruções técnicas industriais, destacando também a arquitetura utilizada para sua implementação. O software apresentado permite a geração de animações, textos, sons e interações, fornecendo ferramentas de criação, visualização e supervisão da simulação com o uso de Realidade Virtual em três dimensões. A dissertação trata ainda do uso prático do software através de um estudo de caso com simulações 3D de processos industriais reais de uma usina de geração de energia elétrica. Este estudo também contribui para as áreas de treinamento em realidade virtual e sistemas de autoria 3D ao apresentar conceitos inovadores na área de supervisão automática, mostrando também uma possível estrutura de componentes de software para uso nas áreas citadas. Pode-se destacar ainda a revisão de tecnologias semelhantes à proposta neste trabalho, visando à identificação de influências, melhorias e inovações nas áreas de autoria 3D e treinamento.


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O padrão IEEE 802.16, também chamado de WiMAX, é uma tecnologia da rede banda larga sem fio para áreas metropolitanas, utilizado como alternativa para transmissão de sinal de Internet a regiões que não possuem infraestrutura de rede cabeada. Atualmente, o ensino desta tecnologia em sala de aula é meramente teórico, o que dificulta a compreensão dos alunos com relação a determinadas funcionalidades do WiMAX. Nesse sentido, a presente dissertação aborda o projeto de desenvolvimento de um simulador em Realidade Virtual, chamado SwImax, voltado para auxílio do ensino do padrão IEEE 802.16. Assim, o SwImax simula algumas características do funcionamento deste padrão, quais sejam: faixas de frequência de operação, área de cobertura, procedimento de handover, transmissão sem linha de visada, entre outros. A dissertação apresenta os trabalhos correlatos que influenciaram o desenvolvimento do projeto, além de um resumo acerca do padrão IEEE 802.16. O texto apresenta também as ferramentas utilizadas no desenvolvimento do SwImax e a implementação do simulador. Ao final do desenvolvimento, o software foi submetido a uma avaliação dos usuários, de modo que os resultados também são abordados nesta dissertação.


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Este simulador é formado pela junção de técnicas de Realidade Virtual com modelos de propagação, desenvolvidos através dos estudos de rádio enlace, que descrevem a perda que o sinal transmitido sofre ao longo do percurso no ambiente. O simulador possui dois módulos. O primeiro permite a criação do ambiente virtual com o posicionamento, sobre um terreno, de prédios, árvores, carros, antenas e outras primitivas que permitem a construção de um ambiente tridimensional customizável. O segundo módulo permite a configuração dos parâmetros relacionados a propagação de sinal de antenas como a potência, a frequência, o ganho, etc., e também selecionar o modelo de propagação para a execução da simulação. Dentro deste segundo módulo, existe um submódulo responsável pelo estudo do planejamento da área de cobertura composta pelas antenas, em outras palavras, este submódulo simula a distância que cada antena no cenário consegue atingir e gera a respectiva área de cobertura. Para demonstrar a eficiência do simulador foram criados dois ambientes virtuais para testes. Um cenário representando um ambiente urbano onde empregou-se um modelo de propagação clássico, Okumura-Hata para cidades pequenas e médias, e um ambiente tridimensional arborizado utilizando um modelo especifico para simulação de propagação para regiões densamente arborizadas, desenvolvido na Universidade Federal do Pará chamado de Lyra-Castro-UFPA.


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Virtual Reality it's present in our personal and professional daily life. Currently it comes been tested in many parameters. An example is, as an intervention mode related to healthy and rehabilitation field ( since phobias to physical problems ) due to dynamic interactive between human being and virtual reality, was able to be designed by a hardware and software integrated system. His appearance was in 1950s, through NASA's flight simulators in order to train astronauts in epoch (TORI et al.,2006).Subsequently, this began to expand to entertainment industry, where due to consumerism, only increasing his capacity to become so much more realist and reliable with the real environment. Because of this, beyond of your capacity be accessible which is low-cost, was used in scientific researches (motor area, physical aptitudes, cognitive, health, among others). The projected interactivity in this system type, in general, seek act according to people answers about the elements of virtual reality. Using the capacity that the reality is able to act of integrated way for human being. Following these concepts about virtual reality, the present study of literature revision, it comes as an purpose see humanity development. Since its birth, going on that point until your actuation and direct and indirect interplay in today's society from maturational form. Taking the concept of researchers' theory like Piaget. Following this line, the study will analyse how virtual reality might come to modify and act in social construction of society nowadays


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Virtual Studio” is a system developed for the creation of virtual sets, as well as any threedimensional virtual objects that can be digitally integrated to the scenes captured on a real television studio. Through techniques such as chroma-key, computer graphics , augmented reality and virtual reality is possible flexibility in producing content for digital TV, reduce cost and meet 12.485/2011 law, the Brazilian “Law of Pay TV”, which has among its objectives “to increase the production and circulation of diverse and quality Brazilian audiovisual content, generating jobs, income, royalties, professionalism and strengthening of national culture” (ANCINE , Brazilian Nacional Cinema Agency ). Based on this background, an overview of the benefits of using the technologies mentioned for the production of content for digital television is presented. This work involves the development of a system of Interactive Virtual Studio called ARSTUDIO per team of researchers from the Posgraduate Program in Digital Television: Information and Knowledge at UNESP, São Paulo State University in Bauru, State of São Paulo, Brazil.


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Virtual Studio is a system developed for the creation of virtual sets , as well as any three-dimensional virtual objects that can be digitally integrated to the scenes captured on a real television studio . Through techniques such as chroma-key , computer graphics , augmented reality and virtual reality is possible flexibility in producing content for digital TV , reduce cost and meet 12.485/2011 law , the Brazilian Law of Pay TV , which has among its objectives to increase the production and circulation of diverse and quality Brazilian audiovisual content, generating jobs, income , royalties, professionalism and strengthening of national culture (ANCINE , Brazilian Nacional Cinema Agency ). Based on this background , an overview of the benefits of using the technologies mentioned for the production of content for digital television is presented . This work involves the development of a system of Interactive Virtual Studio called ARSTUDIO per team of researchers from the Posgraduate Program in Digital Television: Information and Knowledge at UNESP , São Paulo State University in Bauru , State of São Paulo, Brazil .


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Il presente elaborato descrive la realizzazione, presso il Laboratorio di Realtà Virtuale e Simulazione della Seconda Facoltà di Ingegneria, di un RVE (Reconfigurable Virtual Environment), per applicazioni nei settori dell’ingegneria industriale. La tesi ripercorre la fase di progettazione del sistema basato sull'integrazione di componenti COTS. E' definito, inoltre, un insieme di applicazioni target nei settori dell'ingegneria industriale di cui si valuta la compatibilità con il Virtual Environment. L'elaborato si conclude con la presentazione dei risultati e dei possibili sviluppi futuri.


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Pain and the conscious mind (or the self) are experienced in our body. Both are intimately linked to the subjective quality of conscious experience. Here, we used virtual reality technology and visuo-tactile conflicts in healthy subjects to test whether experimentally induced changes of bodily self-consciousness (self-location; self-identification) lead to changes in pain perception. We found that visuo-tactile stroking of a virtual body but not of a control object led to increased pressure pain thresholds and self-location. This increase was not modulated by the synchrony of stroking as predicted based on earlier work. This differed for self-identification where we found as predicted that synchrony of stroking increased self-identification with the virtual body (but not a control object), and positively correlated with an increase in pain thresholds. We discuss the functional mechanisms of self-identification, self-location, and the visual perception of human bodies with respect to pain perception.


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In the last years, the well known ray tracing algorithm gained new popularity with the introduction of interactive ray tracing methods. The high modularity and the ability to produce highly realistic images make ray tracing an attractive alternative to raster graphics hardware. Interactive ray tracing also proved its potential in the field of Mixed Reality rendering and provides novel methods for seamless integration of real and virtual content. Actor insertion methods, a subdomain of Mixed Reality and closely related to virtual television studio techniques, can use ray tracing for achieving high output quality in conjunction with appropriate visual cues like shadows and reflections at interactive frame rates. In this paper, we show how interactive ray tracing techniques can provide new ways of implementing virtual studio applications.


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Methods for optical motion capture often require timeconsuming manual processing before the data can be used for subsequent tasks such as retargeting or character animation. These processing steps restrict the applicability of motion capturing especially for dynamic VR-environments with real time requirements. To solve these problems, we present two additional, fast and automatic processing stages based on our motion capture pipeline presented in [HSK05]. A normalization step aligns the recorded coordinate systems with the skeleton structure to yield a common and intuitive data basis across different recording sessions. A second step computes a parameterization based on automatically extracted main movement axes to generate a compact motion description. Our method does not restrict the placement of marker bodies nor the recording setup, and only requires a short calibration phase.


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In this paper the software architecture of a framework which simplifies the development of applications in the area of Virtual and Augmented Reality is presented. It is based on VRML/X3D to enable rendering of audio-visual information. We extended our VRML rendering system by a device management system that is based on the concept of a data-flow graph. The aim of the system is to create Mixed Reality (MR) applications simply by plugging together small prefabricated software components, instead of compiling monolithic C++ applications. The flexibility and the advantages of the presented framework are explained on the basis of an exemplary implementation of a classic Augmented Realityapplication and its extension to a collaborative remote expert scenario.


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This article deals with embodied user interfaces for handheld augmented reality games, which consist of both physical and virtual components. We have developed a number of spatial interaction techniques that optically capture the device's movement and orientation relative to a visual marker. Such physical interactions in 3-D space enable manipulative control of mobile games. In addition to acting as a physical controller that recognizes multiple game-dependent gestures, the mobile device augments the camera view with graphical overlays. We describe three game prototypes that use ubiquitous product packaging and other passive media as backgrounds for handheld augmentation. The prototypes can be realized on widely available off-the-shelf hardware and require only minimal setup and infrastructure support.


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This article illustrates the detection of 6 degrees of freedom (DOF) for Virtual Environment interactions using a modified simple laser pointer device and a camera. The laser pointer is combined with a diffraction rating to project a unique laser grid onto the projection planes used in projection-based immersive VR setups. The distortion of the projected grid is used to calculate the translational and rotational degrees of freedom required for human-computer interaction purposes.


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The grasping of virtual objects has been an active research field for several years. Solutions providing realistic grasping rely on special hardware or require time-consuming parameterizations. Therefore, we introduce a flexible grasping algorithm enabling grasping without computational complex physics. Objects can be grasped and manipulated with multiple fingers. In addition, multiple objects can be manipulated simultaneously with our approach. Through the usage of contact sensors the technique is easily configurable and versatile enough to be used in different scenarios.


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We present redirection techniques that support exploration of large-scale virtual environments (VEs) by means of real walking. We quantify to what degree users can unknowingly be redirected in order to guide them through VEs in which virtual paths differ from the physical paths. We further introduce the concept of dynamic passive haptics by which any number of virtual objects can be mapped to real physical proxy props having similar haptic properties (i. e., size, shape, and surface structure), such that the user can sense these virtual objects by touching their real world counterparts. Dynamic passive haptics provides the user with the illusion of interacting with a desired virtual object by redirecting her to the corresponding proxy prop. We describe the concepts of generic redirected walking and dynamic passive haptics and present experiments in which we have evaluated these concepts. Furthermore, we discuss implications that have been derived from a user study, and we present approaches that derive physical paths which may vary from the virtual counterparts.