961 resultados para Trunk shaker


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Introdução: A dor lombar é comum manifestar-se em atletas de futebol, pelo que se torna importante utilizar testes clínicos como forma de detetar alterações que estejam associadas à presença de dor lombar. Objetivo: Identificar a relação entre a presença de dor lombar e os testes de resistência, flexibilidade e ativação/controlo muscular da região lombo pélvica em futebolistas com e sem dor lombar. Métodos: Realizou-se o presente estudo transversal numa amostra de 25 futebolistas amadores, dos quais 8 apresentavam dor lombar. Foi avaliada a resistência e os rácios dos músculos globais do tronco, a flexibilidade dos flexores e extensores da anca bem como a ativação/controlo dos músculos transverso do abdómen e multífidos. Resultados: Os atletas com lombalgia apresentaram uma diminuição significativa do tempo de resistência muscular dos vários grupos musculares do tronco e da flexibilidade muscular comparativamente aos atletas sem lombalgia. Foi também identificado um aumento significativo no rácio flexores/extensores do tronco. Relativamente aos testes de ativação muscular, não foram encontradas associações com a presença de dor lombar. Conclusão: A aplicação de testes de resistência e flexibilidade parece diferenciar os indivíduos com e sem dor lombar, não se tendo verificado o mesmo quanto à ativação do transverso do abdómen e dos multífidos.


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Introdução: Lesões como o AVE interferem com a capacidade de recrutar níveis adequados de atividade muscular, podendo levar ao aparecimento de movimentos compensatórios como a excessiva translação anterior do tronco, associada ao gesto de alcance. Objetivos: Descrever a relação entre a atividade dos estabilizadores da omoplata e o movimento compensatório do tronco no gesto de alcance, em 4 indivíduos pós AVE. Pretendeu-se também analisar o papel dos estabilizadores da omoplata na função do membro superior. Métodos: Quatro indivíduos com diagnóstico de AVE, que apresentavam alterações no nível de actividade dos estabilizadores da omoplata contralesional, foram sujeitos a uma avaliação realizada em três momentos, antes (M0), durante (M1) e após (M2) e a um período de intervenção, segundo os princípios do Conceito de Bobath. Recorreu-se à electromiografia de superfície para avaliar a atividade e o timming dos músculos grande dorsal, trapézio superior e trapézio inferior do hemicorpo contralesional e ao software de Avaliação Postural (SAPO) para analisar o deslocamento do tronco no sentido anterior, associados à realização do gesto de alcance. Foram aplicadas as escalas RPS e MESUPES para avaliar as componentes de movimento do gesto de alcance e a função do membro superior, respetivamente. Recorreu-se ao registo fotográfico para análise dos componentes de movimento na posição de sentado e em pé.Resultados: Os dados eletromiográficos registam atividade dos estabilizadores da omoplata unicamente num indivíduo em M2. A análise do deslocamento anterior do tronco revela melhorias em M1 em todos os indivíduos, sendo que em M2 essa evolução positiva não foi observada em três dos participantes. Entre M0 e M2, na escala RPS registam-se melhorias de 7 a 9 pontos no alvo próximo e de 5 a 10 pontos no alvo distante. Na escala MESUPES verificam-se melhorias entre 5 a 18 pontos na sub-escala braço e entre 5 a 8 pontos na sub-escala mão, em M2. A avaliação do registo fotográfico revela modificações nos componentes de movimento dos quatro indivíduos, nomeadamente na integração dos MI na base de suporte, na atividade do tronco inferior e superior e no alinhamento do MS contralesional. Conclusão: A melhoria do nível da atividade dos estabilizadores dinâmicos da omoplata sugere ter influência na diminuição do movimento compensatório do tronco no gesto de alcance e parece ter um papel na melhoria da eficácia distal do MS do mesmo lado.


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Resumo: A hiperplasia benigna da próstata (HBP) tem elevada prevalência nos homens entre os 50 e 79 anos de idade, sendo ubiquitária com o envelhecimento. Devido à significativa morbi-mortalidade associada aos tratamentos médicos e cirúrgicos currentemente disponíveis, são necessárias novas tecnologias para melhorar os resultados e minimizar o desconforto dos doentes. Recentemente, estudos preliminares de experimentação animal e em 3 doentes tratados, sugeriram a embolização arterial prostática selectiva (EAPS) como hipótese terapêutica para a HBP. Decidimos investigar se a EAPS poderia ser um procedimento bem sucedido no tratamento da HBP gravemente sintomática. Para tal realizámos um estudo anátomo-radiológico e clínico em 63 doentes com recurso a uma terapêutica inovadora minimamente invasiva guiada pela imagem. Avaliámos 126 hemipélvis com recurso a Angio-RM, Angio-TC e Angiografia Digital de Subtracção, com o intuito de definir os padrões básicos de bifurcação das artérias ilíacas internas até agora apenas descritos em estudos cadavéricos. Estudámos ainda o suprimento vascular arterial prostático, identificando: 1 as artérias prostáticas; 2 origem e direcção; 3 os ramos intra-prostáticos; 4 anastomoses com outras artérias. Em relação aos resultados anatómicos, identificámos 181 artérias prostáticas, já que em 43.7% das hemipélvis existiam dois pedículos arteriais prostáticos com origens independentes. A origem mais frequente foi a artéria pudenda interna (39.7%), seguida do tronco comum glúteo-pudendo (21%) e da artéria vesical superior (18.2%). Origens menos frequentes foram a artéria obturadora (12.1%), as artérias glúteas inferior (3.9%)ou superior (1.7%), ramos rectais provenientes da artéria mesentérica inferior (1.7%) e a artéria pudenda acessória (1.7%). Identificaram-se anastomoses com as artérias adjacentes em 57.9% dos casos: com a terminação da artéria pudenda interna (41.6%),artérias prostáticas contra-laterais (18.2%) e homo-laterais (11.7%), com ramos rectais (15.6%) e com artérias vesicais (12.9%). Em relação ao estudo clínico tratámos 63 doentes (idades compreendidas entre 52 - 82 anos, média 69.5 anos) com HBP gravemente sintomática refractária à terapêutica médica há mais de 6 meses. Foi possível avaliação após o tratamento em 37 doentes: média de seguimento de 4.7 meses (variando entre 1 e 12 meses). A EAPS unilateral foi possível em todos os doentes, com embolização bilateral em 73% dos casos. A embolização bilateral não foi possível em 27% dos casos devido a tortuosidade, alterações ateroescleróticas e pequeno calibre das artérias ilíacas e/ou prostáticas. Em média houve uma melhoria do International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) de 10.8 pontos, da QoL de 1.5 pontos e do Internationl Index of Erectile Function (IIEF) de 2.1 pontos. Houve uma redução média do PSA de 30% (2.4 ng/mL), um aumento do pico de fluxo urinário (Qmax) de 3.1 - 3.85 mL/s e uma redução média do volume prostático de 21% (18.5 mL). Registou-se uma complicação major: pequena área de isquémia da parede vesical tratada cirurgicamente. Em 75% dos doentes tratados obteve-se sucesso clínico com franca melhoria dos sintomas, enquanto 25% dos doentes foram considerados insucesso clínico por se ter registado uma fraca ou ausente melhoria sintomática após a embolização. Os restantes doentes tratados estão sob controlo evolutivo, pararam toda a medicação prostática, sem qualquer caso de disfunção sexual associada com o tratamento. Este trabalho constitui o primeiro estudo anatómico descritivo in vivo das artérias prostáticas, conseguido devido à utilização de técnicas de imagem nunca usadas para este fim. O uso clínico dos dados anatómicos acima referidos permitiu a implementação de técnicas de Radiologia de Intervenção no tratatamento de uma doença de elevada prevalência. ------------------------------- ABSTRACT: Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) has high prevalence in men aged 50–79 years being ubiquitous with aging. Due to significant morbi-mortality associated with currently available medical and surgical treatments, there is the need for innovative technologies to continue to improve outcomes and minimize patient discomfort and morbidity. Recently, prostatic arterial embolization (PAE) was suggested as a treatmentoption for BPH based on preliminary results from animal studies and 3 treated patients. We decided to investigate if PAE might be a successful treatment option for severely symptomatic BPH patients. We performed a clinical and anatomical-radiological study in 63 patients with the use of an inovative image-guided minimally invasive technique. We evaluated 126 pelvic sides using Angio-MR or Angio-CT and Catheter Angiography before embolisation to treat symptomatic BPH. We aimed to define the main branching patterns of the male internal iliac arteries, so far only studied in the cadaver. We also evaluated the prostatic arterial supply, identifying: 1 the prostatic arteries; 2 origin and direction; 3 intra-prostatic branches; 4 anastomoses with surrounding arteries. Regarding the anatomical study we identified 181 prostatic arteries, because in 43.7% of pelvic sides 2 separate prostatic vascular pedicles were found. The most frequent origin was the internal pudendal artery (39.7%) with the common glutealpudendal trunk (21%) and superior vesical arteries (18.2%) the next commonest. Less frequent origins were the obturator artery (12.1%), the inferior (3.9%) or superior (1.7%) gluteal arteries, rectal branches from the inferior mesenteric artery (1.7%) and the accessory pudendal artery (1.7%). There were anastomoses with the surrounding arteries in 57.9% of cases: termination of the internal pudendal artery (41.6%), contralateral prostatic arteries (18.2%), same-side prostatic arteries (11.7%), rectal branches (15.6%), and vesical arteries (12.9%).Regarding the clinical study, we treated 63 patients aged 52–82 years (mean 69.5 years) who presented with symptomatic BPH refractory to medical treatment for at least 6 months. Follow-up evaluation (mean 4.7 months, range 1-12 months) was possible in 37 patients. PAE was achieved in all patients with bilateral embolization in 73%. In 27% PAE was performed unilaterally due to tortuosity, atherosclerotic changes and small size of iliac and prostatic arteries. There was a mean decrease in the IPSS of 10.8 points, a mean improvement in QoL of 1.5 points, and a mean increase in the sexual function score of 2.1 points. There was a mean PSA reduction of 30% (2.4 ng/mL), a Qmax increase of 3.1 to 3.85 mL/sec, and a mean prostate volume decrease of 21% (18.5 mL). There was one major complication: a small area of bladder wall ischemia treated by surgery. Overall, 75% of patients were considered clinical success with major improvement after PAE, while 25% of patients were considered clinical failure with little or no improvement after PAE. All remaining patients are under follow-up, stopped all prostatic medication, and reported no sexual dysfunction. This study is the first one to describe the radiological anatomy of the prostatic arteries, with the use of imaging techniques never used for this purpose before. The clinical use of the anatomical findings allowed the implementation of Interventional Radiology tehniques in the treatment of a disease with a high prevalence.


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A indústria automóvel necessita aumentar a produtividade de forma sistemática, com vista à redução de custos e incremento da competitividade. A otimização dos produtos e processos é uma constante. O presente trabalho foi solicitado pela empresa FicoCables, do Grupo FICOSA, tendo em vista a otimização do processo de injeção de pequenas peças injetadas em ZAMAK, que constituem o bloqueio na extremidade de cada cabo metálico inserido nos automóveis para abertura da mala, portas, travão de mão, reservatório de combustível, capô, etc. A empresa possui cerca de 52 equipamentos de injeção de ZAMAK, cuja temperatura dos bicos era mantida com base numa chama de gás. Os sucessivos problemas de controlo do sistema ditaram uma mudança estratégica no aquecimento desses bicos, passando a ser usadas resistências elétricas anelares. No entanto, esta mudança veio a apresentar problemas inesperados, os quais se vieram inclusivamente a tornar em problemas de segurança, devido ao desgaste interior prematuro dos bicos, os quais apresentaram esmo problema de rotura. Paralelamente, todos os parâmetros relacionados com este processo de fabrico estavam também estudados de forma algo incipiente, pelo que se tornou necessário compreender e dissecar todas as variáveis relacionadas com o processo e implementar sistemas que impedissem o ajuste não controlado dos parâmetros por parte dos operadores. Também os moldes foram alvo de ações de melhoria, com vista a evitar problemas na zona de contacto do bico com o molde. O processo foi analisado em pormenor, permitindo um controlo muito mais apurado do mesmo. Os resultados fizeram sentir-se de forma imediata, graças ao trabalho desenvolvido neste estudo e à abertura demonstrada pela empresa para implementar todas as soluções propostas. O resultado final traduz-se num incremento significativo da segurança para os operadores, num controlo muito mais apurado de todos os parâmetros envolvidos no processo, numa maior garantia da qualidade nos produtos injetados em ZAMAK e em ganhos financeiros significativos para a empresa.


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As cablagens metálicas são aplicadas abundantemente na montagem dos automóveis, para accionamento de diversos dispositivos, tais como a abertura de portas, abertura da mala ou da tampa do motor, abertura do tampão do depósito de combustível, accionamento do travão de mão, etc. Nas cablagens metálicas utilizadas na indústria automóvel é comummente utilizado arame entrançado de aço zincado, o qual foi já estudado resistir à agressividade das condições em que habitualmente trabalham. No entanto, para que esta estabilidade de funcionamento exista, torna-se necessário que a qualidade do arame entrançado seja a mais adequada. O presente trabalho surgiu da necessidade de averiguar quais as razões que estariam por detrás do aparecimento de quantidades relativamente abundantes de Óxido de Zinco (ZnO) em cablagens metálicas utilizadas na indústria automóvel, poucas semanas depois do seu fabrico. O estudo foi levado a cabo com vista a satisfazer as necessidades de investigação deste problema por parte de uma empresa de cablagens metálicas instalada no nosso país, a FicoCables, estabelecendo quais as causas-raiz deste problema, com vista a poder evitálo no futuro. O trabalho foi concluído com sucesso, tendo-se averiguado que existiam lacunas graves de limpeza do cabo entre as operações de conformação do arame e de zincagem, com deposição de elementos potenciadores do Óxido de Zinco na interface, os quais viriam a revelar-se cruciais à posteriori, para a nucleação e desenvolvimento do Óxido de Zinco na superfície do cabo.


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Patients who develop a severe stenosis in biological pulmonary conduits previously implanted for pulmonary outflow trunk reconstructions are treated either by surgical re-replacement, or by transcatheter stent-valve implantation through a femoral vein access. A catheter-based sub-xyphoidian access through the right ventricle for stent-valve positioning in a pulmonary conduit has rarely been proposed. We describe the case of a 20-year-old man who underwent a pulmonary trunk reconstruction for a congenital pulmonary valve dysplasia and a few years later developed a stenosis in the pulmonary conduit. He was successfully treated with a 23 mm Edwards Sapien stent-valve implantation in pulmonary position, through an unusual right ventricular, sub-xyphoidian access and without contrast medium injections and pleura opening.


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Introduction. Selective embolization of the left-gastric artery (LGA) reduces levels of ghrelin and achieves significant short-term weight loss. However, embolization of the LGA would prevent the performance of bariatric procedures because the high-risk leakage area (gastroesophageal junction [GEJ]) would be devascularized. Aim. To assess an alternative vascular approach to the modulation of ghrelin levels and generate a blood flow manipulation, consequently increasing the vascular supply to the GEJ. Materials and methods. A total of 6 pigs underwent a laparoscopic clipping of the left gastroepiploic artery. Preoperative and postoperative CT angiographies were performed. Ghrelin levels were assessed perioperatively and then once per week for 3 weeks. Reactive oxygen species (ROS; expressed as ROS/mg of dry weight [DW]), mitochondria respiratory rate, and capillary lactates were assessed before and 1 hour after clipping (T0 and T1) and after 3 weeks of survival (T2), on seromuscular biopsies. A celiac trunk angiography was performed at 3 weeks. Results. Mean (±standard deviation) ghrelin levels were significantly reduced 1 hour after clipping (1902 ± 307.8 pg/mL vs 1084 ± 680.0; P = .04) and at 3 weeks (954.5 ± 473.2 pg/mL; P = .01). Mean ROS levels were statistically significantly decreased at the cardia at T2 when compared with T0 (0.018 ± 0.006 mg/DW vs 0.02957 ± 0.0096 mg/DW; P = .01) and T1 (0.0376 ± 0.008mg/DW; P = .007). Capillary lactates were significantly decreased after 3 weeks, and the mitochondria respiratory rate remained constant over time at the cardia and pylorus, showing significant regional differences. Conclusions. Manipulation of the gastric flow targeting the gastroepiploic arcade induces ghrelin reduction. An endovascular approach is currently under evaluation.


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INTRODUCTION: In recent decades the treatment of non-specific low back pain has turned to active modalities, some of which were based on cognitive-behavioural principles. Non-randomised studies clearly favour functional multidisciplinary rehabilitation over outpatient physiotherapy. However, systematic reviews and meta-analysis provide contradictory evidence regarding the effects on return to work and functional status. The aim of the present randomised study was to compare long-term functional and work status after 3-week functional multidisciplinary rehabilitation or 18 supervised outpatient physiotherapy sessions. METHODS: 109 patients with non-specific low back pain were randomised to either a 3-week functional multidisciplinary rehabilitation programme, including physical and ergonomic training, psychological pain management, back school and information, or 18 sessions of active outpatient physiotherapy over 9 weeks. Primary outcomes were functional disability (Oswestry) and work status. Secondary outcomes were lifting capacity (Spinal Function Sort and PILE test), lumbar range-of-motion (modified-modified Schöber and fingertip-to-floor tests), trunk muscle endurance (Shirado and Biering-Sörensen tests) and aerobic capacity (modified Bruce test). RESULTS: Oswestry disability index was improved to a significantly greater extent after functional multidisciplinary rehabilitation compared to outpatient physiotherapy at follow-up of 9 weeks (P = 0.012), 9 months (P = 0.023) and 12 months (P = 0.011). Work status was significantly improved after functional multidisciplinary rehabilitation only (P = 0.012), resulting in a significant difference compared to outpatient physiotherapy at 12 months' follow-up (P = 0.012). Secondary outcome results were more contrasted. CONCLUSIONS: Functional multidisciplinary rehabilitation was better than outpatient physiotherapy in improving functional and work status. From an economic point of view, these results should be backed up by a cost-effectiveness study.


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This thesis investigated attention focus and balance control in eighteen healthy young adults and eighteen healthy older adults. All participants performed sixteen consecutive trials of a balance task which involved standing for 30-s on an unstable platform that could rotate only in the roll direction. There were no attention focus instructions provided on any of the sixteen trials. Following the completion of the initial and final attempt in the series, participants reported "where" their attention had been focused when performing the task. The results showed differences in balance between young and older adults and improvements in balance with practice in both young and older adults. However, there were no differences in attention focus strategies between young and older adults. Both age groups directed attention to multiple sources during the balance task. An equal focus on internal (i.e., feet, trunk, and other body parts) and external (i.e., the platform) sources with little focus on events not related to the task dominated on the first attempt of the balance task. Focus on internal sources was maintained and focus on events not related to the task increased at the expense of focus on external sources on the final attempt of the balance task. Following the series of sixteen trials to establish "natural" attention focus, participants performed three randomly presented trials, each with specific attention focus instructions (i.e., think about minimizing movements of the feet, the trunk, or the platform). The results showed that, in contrast to the literature, instructions to focus on an internal source, the trunk, actually augmented control of the task as reflected in reduced trunk sway whereas instructions to focus on an internal source, the feet, or an external source, the platform, did not benefit performance on the task. Thus, the distance fi-om the interaction point of the body with the external source is critical and may not depend on whether the source is internal or external. Thus, a global attention focus instruction may not be beneficial and the nature of the task should be considered when adopting attention focus instructions for young and older adults.


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It is well established that postural threat modifies postural control, although little is known regarding the underlying mechanism(s) responsible. It is possible that changes in postural control under conditions of elevated postural threat result from alterations in cognitive strategies. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of elevated postural threat on cognitive strategies and to determine the relationship between postural control, psychological, and cognitive measures. It was hypothesized that elevated postural threat would cause a shift to more conscious control of posture. It was also expected that a relationship between fear of falling and postural control would exist that could be explained by changes in conscious control of posture. Forty-eight healthy young adults stood on a force plate at two different surface heights: ground level (LOW) and 3.2m above ground level (HIGH). Center of pressure (COP) summary measures calculated to quantify postural control were the mean position (AP-COP MP), root mean square (AP-COP RMS) and mean power frequency (AP-COP MPF) in the anteriorposterior direction. Trunk sway measures calculated in the pitch direction were trunk angle and trunk velocity. Psychological measures including perceived balance confidence, perceived fear of falling, perceived anxiety, and perceived stability were self reported. As a physiological indicator of anxiety, electrodermal activity was collected. The cognitive strategies assessed were movement reinvestment and attention focus. A modified state-sp-ecific version of the Movement Specific Reinvestment Scale was used to measure conscious motor processing (CMP) and movement self-consciousness (MSC). An attention focus questionnaire was developed to assess the amount of attention directed to internal and external sources. An effect of postural threat on cognitive strategies was observed as participants reported more conscious control and a greater concern or worry about their posture at the HIGH postural threat condition as well as an increased internal and external focus of attention. In addition changes in postural control, psychological, and physiological measures were found. The participants leaned away from the edge of the platform, the frequency of their postural adjustments increased, and the velocity of their trunk movements increased. Participants felt less confident, more fearful, more anxious, and less stable with an accompanying increase in physiological anxiety. Significant correlations between perceived anxiety, AP-COP MP, and cognitive measures revealed a possible relationship that could be mediated by cognitive measures. It was found that with greater conscious motor processing, more movement self-consciousness, and a greater amount of attention focused externally there was a larger shift of the mean position away from the edge of the platform. This thesis provides evidence that postural threat can influence cognitive strategies causing a shift to more conscious control of movement which is associated with leaning away from the edge of the platform. Shifting the position of the body away from the direction of the postural threat may reflect a cognitive strategy to ensure safety in this situation due to the inability to employ a stepping strategy when standing on an elevated platform.


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The current thesis investigated the effects of a 12-week multifactorial exercise and balance training program on balance control in older adults. Participants completed a baseline testing session which included a series of questionnaires, anthropometric measures, and 18 stance and walking tests. Those who were randomly assigned to the exercise group participated in the 12-week training program while the comparison group was asked not to change anything in his/her lifestyle during the 12-week control period, but were invited to participate in the training program after his/her control period. The same testing protocol was repeated after the 12-week period. The results indicated that there were improvements in the time to complete the walking tests but no change in trunk sway in both the exercise and comparison groups. No changes in stance durations or trunk sway were observed. The findings suggest that the current training program showed no significant improvement in balance control in healthy older adults.


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Parkinson’s disease (PD) is characterized by postural instability and gait impairment. Verbal instructions can reduce postural sway and improve gait performance in PD. For gait, this evidence is limited to unobstructed straight-path walking. As falls in PD often occur when turning, the purpose of this thesis was to determine if instructions can benefit turning performance in this population. Twelve individuals with PD performed two walking tasks (normal walking, walking with a 180 degree turn) under four instruction conditions (no instruction, take big steps, make larger trunk movements, focus on end and/or turn point). Task duration and trunk yaw and roll sway were calculated. In general, the results demonstrated that the instruction to take big steps improved performance for both tasks compared to providing no instruction or externally based instruction. These results suggest that instructions related to step amplitude may facilitate walking and turning performance in PD.


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Variation in hiring procedures occurs within fire service human resource departments. In this study, City 1 and City 2 applicants were required to pass their biophysical assessments prior to being hired as firefighters at the beginning and end of the screening process, respectively. City 1 applicants demonstrated significantly lower resting heart rate (RHR), resting diastolic blood pressure (RDBP), body fat% (BF) and higher z-scores for BF, trunk flexibility (TF) and overall clinical assessment (p<0.05). Regression analysis found that age and conducting the biophysical assessment at the end of the screening process explained poorer biophysical assessment results in BF% (R2=21%), BF z-score (R2=22%), TF z-score (R2=10%) and overall clinical assessment z-score (R2=7%). Each of RHR (OR=1.06, CI=1.01-1.10), RDBP (OR=1.05, CI=1.00-1.11) and BF% (OR=1.20, CI=1.07-1.37) increased the odds of being a City 2 firefighter (p<0.05). Biophysical screening at the end of the hiring process may result in the hiring of a less healthy firefighter.


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Localized muscular fatigue has been identified to have detrimental effects on balance control, an important skill for everyday life. Manipulation of attention focus instructions has been shown to benefit performance of various motor skills including balance and has been found to facilitate endurance during fatiguing tasks. The purpose of this thesis was to determine if the use of attention focus instructions could attenuate the effects of muscular fatigue on balance control. Twenty-four participants performed a balance task (two-legged stance on an unstable platform) before and after a fatigue protocol. Trunk sway, platform excursions, and lower limb muscle activity was measured. Results suggest that use of either internal or external attention focus instructions can reduce the immediate effects of muscular fatigue of the lower limb on balance control as shown through reduced trunk sway and platform excursions. These results have relevance for individuals performing balance tasks in a fatigued state.