938 resultados para Thought in a hostile world: the evolution of human cognition


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Background: The diversification of organisms with a parasitic lifestyle is often tightly linked to the evolution of their host associations. If a tight host association exists, closely related species tend to attack closely related hosts; host associations are less stable if associations are determined by more plastic traits like parasitoid searching and oviposition behaviour. The pupal-parasitoids of the genus Ichneumon attack a variety of macrolepidopteran hosts.They are either monophagous or polyphagous, and therefore offer a promissing system to investigate the evolution of host associations. Ichneumon was previously divided into two groups based on general body shape; however, a stout shape has been suggested as an adaptation to buried host pupation sites, and might thus not represent a reliable phylogenetic character. Results: We here reconstruct the first molecular phylogeny of the genus Ichneumon using two mitochondrial (CO1 and NADH1) and one nuclear marker (28S). The resulting phylogeny only supports monophyly of Ichneumon when Ichneumon lugens Gravenhorst, 1829 (formerly in Chasmias, stat. rev.) and Ichneumon deliratorius Linnaeus, 1758 (formerly Coelichneumon) are included. Neither parasitoid species that attack hosts belonging to one family nor those attacking butterflies (Rhopalocera) form monophyletic clades. Ancestral state reconstructions suggest multiple transitions between searching for hosts above versus below ground and between a stout versus elongated body shape. A model assuming correlated evolution between the two characters was preferred over independent evolution of host-searching niche and body shape. Conclusions: Host relations, both in terms of phylogeny and ecology, evolved at a high pace in the genus Ichneumon. Numerous switches between hosts of different lepidopteran families have occurred, a pattern that seems to be the rule among idiobiont parasitoids. A stout body and antennal shape in the parasitoid female is confirmed as an ecological adaptation to host pupation sites below ground and has evolved convergently several times. Morphological characters that might be involved in adaptation to hosts should be avoided as diagnostic characters for phylogeny and classification, as they can be expected to show high levels of homoplasy.


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A three-point linkage group comprised of loci coding for adenosine deaminase (ADA), glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH), and 6-phospho-gluconate dehydrogenase (6PGD) is described in fish of the genus Xiphophorus (Poeciliidae). The alleles at loci in this group were shown to assort independently from the alleles at three other loci--isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 and 2, and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 1. Alleles at the latter three loci also assort independently from each other. Data were obtained by observing the segregation of electrophoretically variant alleles in reciprocal backcross hybrids derived from crosses between either X. helleri guentheri or X. h. strigatus and X. maculatus. The linkage component of chi2 was significant (less than 0.01) in all crosses, indicating that the linkage group is conserved in all populations of both species of Xiphophorus examined. While data from X. h. guentheri backcrosses indicate the linkage relationship ADA--6%--G6PDH--24%--6PGD, and ADA--29%--6PGD (30% when corrected for double crossovers), data from backcrosses involving strigatus, while supporting the same gene order, yielded significantly different recombination frequencies. The likelihood of the difference being due to an inversion could not be separated from the possibility of a sex effect on recombination in the present data. The linkage of 6PGD and G6PDH has been shown to exist in species of at least three classes of vertebrates, indicating the possibility of evolutionary conservation of this linkage.


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In this paper, based on the recent advances in the new economic geography (e.g., Fujita, Krugman and Venables [12]), we analyze impacts of transport costs on the spatial patterns of economic agglomeration. We first identify prototypes from the existing models, and explain the mechanism of how transport costs influence the balance between economic forces of agglomeration and dispersion. We then investigate the transformation of the agglomeration/dispersion patterns given gradually decreasing transport costs for different goods.


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This paper examines how the decline of communication costs between management and production facilities within firms and the decrease in trade costs of manufactured goods affect the spatial organization of a two-region economy with multi-unit/multi-plant firms. The development of information technology decreases the costs of communication and trade costs. Thus, the fragmentation of firms is promoted. Our result indicates that, with decreasing communication costs, firms producing low trade-cost products (such as consumer electronics) tend to concentrate their manufacturing plants in low wage countries. In contrast, firms producing high trade-cost products (such as automobiles) tend to have multiple plants serving to segmented markets, even in the absence of wage differentials.


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This paper focuses on two distinct facets of globalization: the decrease in the trade costs of goods and the decline of communication costs between headquarters and production facilities within firms. When the unskilled have about the same wage in the two regions, the decrease of these costs fosters the gradual agglomeration of plants in the core region accommodating the headquarters. By contrast, when the wage gap is significant, the process of integration eventually triggers the re-location of plants into the periphery. In particular, when the process of re-location is driven by falling communication costs, the welfare of all workers living in the core goes down whereas the welfare of those who reside in the periphery rises.


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This paper investigates how Taiwan's "one China" concept evolved during the democratization process that occurred under the leadership of former President Lee Teng-hui. The author argues that there was a crucial evolution of the "one China" concept and that the transformation of the concept resulted from changes in Taiwan's internal political circumstances. The evolution of the concept creates a real possibility that the "status quo" sought by the ROC in the Taiwan Strait both during and after the Cold War might be destroyed. In addition, any further evolution of the "one China" concept will surely make the "status quo" of Taiwan untenable, in that it would induce Taiwan to seek de jure instead of de facto independence, possibly initiating a conflict between the PRC and the ROC. To prevent such a conflict in the Taiwan Strait, the international community must persuade the ROC not to go beyond the "status quo" and to stay within the framework of de facto independence. At the same time, both the PRC and the ROC should be urged to maintain an open conduit of communication for productive talks on the reunification of China.


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Reactive immunization has emerged as a new tool for the study of biological catalysis. A powerful application resulted in catalytic antibodies that use an enamine mechanism akin to that used by the class I aldolases. With regard to the evolution of enzyme mechanisms, we investigated the utility of an enamine pathway for the allylic rearrangement exemplified by Δ5-3-ketosteroid isomerase (KSI; EC Our aldolase antibodies were found to catalyze the isomerization of both steroid model compounds and steroids. The kinetic and chemical studies showed that the antibodies afforded rate accelerations up to a factor of 104 by means of an enamine mechanism in which imine formation was the rate-determining step. In light of our observations and the enzyme studies by other workers, we suggest that an enamine pathway could have been an early, viable KSI mechanism. Although this pathway is amenable to optimization for increased catalytic power, it appears that certain factors precluded its evolution in known KSI enzymes.