961 resultados para TC-1 tumor


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A utilização de biomarcadores cardioespecíficos vem sendo recomendado como ferramenta útil na monitoração e identificação precoce de lesão cardíaca, em decorrência do potencial de cardiotoxicidade da terapêutica oncologica. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o nível plasmático do peptídeo natriurético do tipo B (BNP) e da expressão gênica do BNP e outros genes relacionados a sua síntese, a interleucina-6 (IL-6), fator β1 de transformação de crescimento (TGF-β1) e procolágeno tipo I, mediante a associação dos agentes antineoplásicos docetaxel e ciclofosfamida (TC) e da radiação ionizante (IR) no coração de ratas Wistar, 2 meses após o término do tratamento. Para isso, Ratas Wistar (3-4 meses, n=7) foram irradiadas no coração com dose única de 20Gy, em um campo ântero-posterior de 2x2cm2, em acelerador linear com feixe de energia nominal de 6 MeV; outras (n=7) foram tratadas (4 ciclos, com 7 dias de intervalo) com docetaxel (12,5 mg/Kg) e ciclofosfamida (50 mg/Kg) e irradiadas após 7 dias do tratamento quimioterápico. Como controle (n=7), animais não irradiados e não tratados com quimioterápicos. Após 2 meses do fim do tratamento, a eutanásia dos animais foi realizada. Amostras de plasma e tecido cardíaco, ventrículo esquerdo (VE), foram coletadas. Por ensaio ELISA foi quantificada a concentração plasmática de BNP; parte do tecido cardíaco foi fixado, incluído em parafina e cortado em micrótomo, para assinalar a presença de BNP no VE, avaliação qualitativa, pela técnica de imunohistoquímica (IHQ); e a outra parte para a técnica RT-qPCR, onde foram avaliados a expressão relativa de mRNA dos genes do BNP, IL-6, TGF-β1 e procolágeno tipo I. Na IHQ o grupo controle apresentou uma marcação pontual, enquanto que os grupos tratados apresentaram uma marcação mais difusa, sendo que o grupo TC+IR foi o que apresentou maior dispersão na marcação do BNP no tecido cardíaco. Embora não tenha sido observado no ensaio ELISA uma diferença significativa entre as concentrações plasmáticas de BNP dos grupos tratados em relação ao controle, nota-se uma tendência de aumento no grupo TC+IR. Na analise por RT-qPCR, a expressão relativa de BNP foi similar ao apresentado no ELISA. O grupo TC+IR foi o grupo que apresentou maior expressão gênica de BNP, porém a diferença não é significativa em relação ao controle. A única análise em que se obteve diferença na expressão gênica em relação ao controle foi a do gene IL-6 que apresentou expressão reduzida. Todos os demais genes analisados por RT-qPCR apresentaram uma expressão similar ao controle. Assim, os resultados obtidos sugerem que o BNP não se apresentou como um bom biomarcador cardioespecífico para identificação precoce de lesão cardíaca, no período a qual foi avaliado. As ratas Wistar, 2 meses após a submissão do tratamento, não apresentaram um resultado diferenciado em relação ao controle, nos genes TGF-β1 e procolágeno tipo I, sugerindo ausência de um quadro de remodelamento cardíaco. Entretanto, apresentou redução significativa do gene IL-6, no grupo TC+IR, propondo ação anti-inflamatória do BNP, que no mesmo grupo, apresentou uma tendência de aumento em sua expressão gênica.


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O câncer de mama (CM) é o segundo tipo de câncer mais comum no mundo. Sabe-se que a maior incidência de CM ocorre nas mulheres pós-menopausa, entretanto é crescente o número de mulheres jovens acometidas por esta doença. O tratamento do CM pode incluir: quimioterapia, radioterapia e/ou hormonioterapia. A quimioterapia, por se ser um tratamento sistêmico, pode causar importantes efeitos colaterais, entre eles a falência ovariana induzida por quimioterapia (FOIQ). As principais consequências da FOIQ são a infertilidade, além de complicações tardias relacionadas à diminuição do estrogênio, como a osteoporose e doenças cardiovasculares. O regime quimioterápico TC, adota a associação do docetaxel com a ciclofosfamida, como uma opção por fármacos que resultem numa taxa de sobrevida livre do câncer, e menores efeitos colaterais. Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar os efeitos tardios no ovário causados pelo tratamento com a associação dos quimioterápicos docetaxel e ciclofosfamida (TC), em modelo animal com ratos Wistar. Para verificar o sinergismo desses quimioterápicos e assim analisar o efeito da administração conjunta, ratos Wistar fêmeas foram divididos em dois grupos: um grupo controle e um grupo que recebeu quimioterapia (TC). Os animais foram submetidos a eutanasia cinco meses após o fim do tratamento, e foram recolhidos o plasma e os ovários. Foram observadas alterações importantes. O nível de estradiol no plasma foi significativamente reduzido no grupo de TC em comparação com o grupo controle. Além disso, o número de núcleos apoptóticos foi maior no grupo TC. O papel da resposta inflamatória no desenvolvimento da lesão ovariana foi também investigado, e notou-se um aumento do número de mastócitos, e aumento da expressão de Fator de Necrose Tumoral-α (TNF-α) no grupo TC. O envolvimento de fibrose nesse processo, foi também investigado. Os resultados mostraram que níveis de expressão de Fator de Crescimento Tumoral-β1 (TGF-β1), Colágeno Tipo I (Col-I) e Colágeno Tipo III (Col-III) estavam maiores no grupo TC em comparação com o grupo de controle. A análise ultraestrutural revelou a presença de feixes de colágeno no grupo tratado, e mostrou que a arquitetura do tecido do ovário estava mais desorganizada neste grupo comparado ao grupo controle. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho indicam que a combinação de ciclofosfamida e docetaxel, um recente regime quimioterápico proposto para o tratamento do CM, pode levar a importantes alterações no ovário. O processo inflamatório, desencadeado pela administração dos quimioterápicos, estimula a apoptose e liberação de TGF-β no estroma ovariano, que induz a produção de matriz extracelular e subsequente, substituição do tecido sadio por tecido fibrótico. A principal consequência deste processo é a diminuição, ou perda, da função ovariana, levando à menopausa precoce e possível infertilidade. É importante compreender os mecanismos envolvidos na infertilidade provocada pelo regime TC, a fim de estudar novos métodos que evitem este efeito indesejável em mulheres submetidas a tratamento do CM.


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根癌农杆菌通过将一段含有“癌”基因的T-DNA导入植物基因组中,引起植物的肿瘤:冠瘿。根癌农杆菌的这种能力来源于Ti质粒(Tumor inducing plasmid)。遗传工程中,根癌农杆菌的这一特性被用来将连接入Ti质粒T-DNA区两个边界之间的外源基因转入植物基因组。随着植物分子生物学的发展,T-DNA转化的原理被进一步阐明,农杆菌介导的转基因技术也得到进一步优化,更适合遗传工程操作。特别是Ti质粒毒性区和T-DNA区的反式作用(即位于不同质粒的T-DNA和毒性区也能侵染植物)被发现以来,双元表达载体的构建使遗传工程操作大为简便。 常用的双元表达载体大小都在11kb以上,尽管远远小于几百kb的野生型Ti质粒,但在实际的体外操作中还是不够简便。常用的植物双元表达载体pBI121的基因序列被测定(Frisch et al.,1995),数据显示非T-DNA区一半以上的序列被发现和功能无关,这使双元载体的进一步缩小成为可能。本文即通过PCR方法克隆到pBI121非T-DNA区中载体复制、三亲杂交必需的片段,结合载体pART27中的T-DNA区(含有真核、原核表达活性的嵌合npt II基因)创造了小的合成型植物表达双元载体pSY1(小于7kb)。然后将pBI121上带有35S启动子和nos终止子的GUS基因克隆到pSY1的T-DNA区中,得到pSY2(约10kb)。进一步用pROK2上的35S启动子和nos终止子区替换pSY2上的GUS表达区,得到pSY3(约8kb)。通过三亲法将pSY2转入根癌农杆菌中,根癌农杆菌再通过叶盘法侵染烟草叶片,获得愈伤组织,愈伤组织进一步分化出小苗。GUS组织化学染色表明GUS基因在转基因的愈伤组织和小苗中均有表达,PCR检测也证明GUS基因被导入了植物基因组。pSY系列载体能成功的用于植物遗传转化。


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Early growth response-1 (Egr-1) is expressed in human airways and found to modulate tumor necrosis factor, immunoglobulin E (IgE), airway responsiveness, and interleukin-13-induced inflammation in mice. We investigated the effects of Chinese-tagging singl


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Trichosanthin (TCS) is a type I ribosome inactivating (RI) protein possessing anti-tumor and antiviral activity, including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). The mechanism of these actions is not entirely clear, but is generally attributed to its RI property. In order to study the relationship between the anti-HIV-1 activity of TCS and its RI activity, three TCS mutants with different RI activities were constructed by using site-directed mutagenesis. The anti-HIV-1 activities of the three mutants were tested in vitro. Results showed that two TCS mutants, namely TCSM((120-123)), TCSE160A/E189A, with the greatest decrease in RI activity, lost almost all of the anti-HIV activity and cytopathic effect. Another mutant TCSR122G, which exhibited a 160-fold decrease in RI activity, retained some anti-HIV activity. The results from this study suggested that RI activity of TCS may have significant contribution to its anti-HIV-1 property. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. on behalf of the Federation of European Biochemical Societies.


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A new sulfur-containing guanidino derivative, halichondria sulfonic acid (1) showing anti-HIV-1 activity, and halistanol trisulfate (2) with anti-tumor activity have been isolated from the marine sponge Halichondria rugosa Ridley & Dendy collected in the


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Magnetic shielding efficiency was measured on high- Tc superconducting hollow cylinders subjected to either an axial or a transverse magnetic field in a large range of field sweep rates, dBapp/dt. The behaviour of the superconductor was modelled in order to reproduce the main features of the field penetration curves by using a minimum number of free parameters suitable for both magnetic field orientations. The field penetration measurements were carried out on Pb-doped Bi-2223 tubes at 77K by applying linearly increasing magnetic fields with a constant sweep rate ranging between 10νTs-1 and 10mTs-1 for both directions of the applied magnetic field. The experimental curves of the internal field versus the applied field, Bin(Bapp), show that, at a given sweep rate, the magnetic field for which the penetration occurs, Blim, is lower for the transverse configuration than for the axial configuration. A power law dependence with large exponent, n′, is found between Blim and dBapp/dt. The values of n′ are nearly the same for both configurations. We show that the main features of the curves B in(Bapp) can be reproduced using a simple 2D model, based on the method of Brandt, involving a E(J) power law with an n-exponent and a field-dependent critical current density, Jc(B), (following the Kim model: Jc = Jc0(1+B/B1)-1). In particular, a linear relationship between the measured n′-exponents and the n-exponent of the E(J) power law is suggested by taking into account the field dependence of the critical current density. Differences between the axial and the transverse shielding properties can be simply attributed to demagnetizing fields. © 2009 IOP Publishing Ltd.


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We have studied numerically and experimentally the magnetic flux penetration in high-Tc superconducting tube subjected to a uniform magnetic field parallel to its long axis. This study is carried in view of designing low-frequency magnetic shields by exploiting the diamagnetic properties of high-Tc superconducting ceramics. We have measured the field attenuation for applied magnetic fields in the frequency range 5 mHz-0.1 Hz by Hall probe measurements and at audio frequencies using a sensing coil. A simple 1D analysis using the Kim critical state model was found to be able to reproduce the experimental data satisfactorily. We have also determined the phase shift between the internal and the applied field both experimentally and numerically. Finally, we have studied the sweep rate dependence of the magnetic shielding properties, using data recorded either at several constant sweep rates dB /dt or at several AC fields of various amplitudes and frequencies. Both methods agree with each other and lead to a n-value of the E ∼ Jn law equal to ∼40 at 77 K. © 2009 IEEE.


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The eleven-nineteen lysine-rich leukemia (ELL) gene undergoes translocation and fuses in-frame to the multiple lineage leukemia gene in a substantial proportion of patients suffering from acute forms of leukemia. Studies show that ELL indirectly modulates transcription by serving as a regulator for transcriptional elongation as well as for p53, U19/Eaf2, and steroid receptor activities. Our in vitro and in vivo data demonstrate that ELL could also serve as a transcriptional factor to directly induce transcription of the thrombospondin-1 (TSP-1) gene. Experiments using ELL deletion mutants established that full-length ELL is required for the TSP-1 up-regulation and that the trans-activation domain likely resides in the carboxyl terminus. Moreover, the DNA binding domain may localize to the first 45 amino acids of ELL. Not surprisingly, multiple lineage leukemia-ELL, which lacks these amino acids, did not induce expression from the TSP-1 promoter. In addition, the ELL core-response element appears to localize in the -1426 to -1418 region of the TSP-1 promoter. Finally, studies using zebrafish confirmed that ELL regulates TSP-1 mRNA expression in vivo, and ELL could inhibit zebrafish vasculogenesis, at least in part, through up-regulating TSP-1. Given the importance of TSP-1 as an anti-angiogenic protein, our findings may have important ramifications for better understanding cancer.


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The androgen role in the maintenance of prostate epithelium is subject to conflicting opinions. While androgen ablation drives the regression of normal and cancerous prostate, testosterone may cause both proliferation and apoptosis. Several investigators note decreased proliferation and stronger response to chemotherapy of the prostate cancer cells stably expressing androgen receptor (AR), however no mechanistic explanation was offered. In this paper we demonstrate in vivo anti-tumor effect of the AR on prostate cancer growth and identify its molecular mediators. We analyzed the effect of AR on the tumorigenicity of prostate cancer cells. Unexpectedly, the AR-expressing cells formed tumors in male mice at a much lower rate than the AR-negative controls. Moreover, the AR-expressing tumors showed decreased vascularity and massive apoptosis. AR expression lowered the angiogenic potential of cancer cells, by increasing secretion of an anti-angiogenic protein, thrombospondin-1. AR activation caused a decrease in RelA, a subunit of the pro-survival transcription factor NF kappa B, reduced its nuclear localization and transcriptional activity. This, in turn, diminished the expression of its anti-apoptotic targets, Bcl-2 and IL-6. Increased apoptosis within AR-expressing tumors was likely due to the NF kappa B suppression, since it was restricted to the cells lacking nuclear (active) NF kappa B. Thus we for the first time identified combined decrease of NF kappa B and increased TSP1 as molecular events underlying the AR anti-tumor activity in vivo. Our data indicate that intermittent androgen ablation is preferable to continuous withdrawal, a standard treatment for early-stage prostate cancer. (C) 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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In this article, a simple and flexible electron-beam coevaporation (EBCE) technique has been reported of fabrication of the silicon nanocrystals (Si NCs) and their application to the nonvolatile memory. For EBCE, the Si and SiOx(x=1 or 2) were used as source materials. Transmission electron microscopy images and Raman spectra measurement verified the formation of the Si NCs. The average size and area density of the Si NCs can be adjusted by increasing the Si:O weight ratio in source material, which has a great impact on the crystalline volume fraction of the deposited film and on the charge storage characteristics of the Si NCs. A memory window as large as 6.6 V under +/- 8 V sweep voltage was observed for the metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitor structure with the embedded Si NCs.


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本论文合成了R_1Ba_2Cu_3O_(2-x) (R = La、Nd、Sm、Eu、Gd、Dr、Ho、Er、Tm、Yb)、Y_2Ba_2Cu_3O_(2-x) (x = 0.10~1.17)和Y_1Ba_2Cu_3O_(7-x)S_x (x = 0~2),并对磁性和超导电性进行了较为系统的研究。R_1Ba_2Cu_3O_(2-x)的磁化率在T > Tc的很宽的温度范围内服从Curic-Weiss定律,求得的有效磁矩略大于理论值,差值与Y_1Ba_2Cu_3O_(2-x)中Cu~(2+)磁矩相近,说明Cu~(2+)的磁矩对体系磁性有额外贡献,这贡献随R~(3+)离子中自旋平行的电子权的增多而增大。其高温下的磁化率CT > 700K)相对Curic-Weiss定律发生较大偏离,这偏离可能的来源有三个:高温下稀土离子发生较大的能级反转效应,高温下结构相变对磁性的影响,高温下氧含量减少造成Cu~(2+)磁矩增大。R_1Ba_2Cu_3O_(2-x)磁化率在T < Tc时也服从Curic-Weiss定律,R~(3+)磁矩是定域的,表明超导与磁性相互独立。互不相关,稀土磁矩与传导电子间无相互作用。用Sr取代R_1Ba_2Cu_3O_(2-x)中的Ba,没能使体系产生磁有序的变化,但却使有效磁矩增大,并完全破坏了样品的超导电性。Sm~(3+)磁化率不服从Curic-Weiss定律,在Sm_1Ba_2Cu_3O_(2-x)中Sm~(3+)显示了典型Van VlccK离子的特性。Y_1Ba_2Cu_3O_(2-x)随氧含量减少发生超导体一半导体一绝缘体的转化,当氧含量由6.90减小至6.49时发生由正交到四方的结构相变。当(7-x) = 5.83时有较多杂质相出现,123相开始分解。样品磁化率均服从Curic-Weiss定律,并随氧含量增大磁化率-温度曲线越来越趋于平缓(直线),当(7-x) = 6.90时磁化率基本不随温度变化,这时Pauli顺磁性占主导地位,这说明氧含量增加定域磁矩减少,求得的有效磁矩Peff随氧含量增大总趋势减小。提出了电子“巡游”的观点,较好地解释了上述现象,并推测出Cu(2)的d电子是离域的,对样品磁矩没有贡献,样品Peff来源于部分Cu(1)的定域Cu~(2+)的磁矩,上述推测被EPR结果证实。正交相Y_1Ba_2Cu_3O_(2-x)的EPR谱显示了中心对称成准立方晶场中Cu~(2+)(d~9, S = 1/2, I = 3/2)的EPR物性。而四方相样品的EPR谱却出现了明显的各向异性,说明观察到的为Cu(1)的EPR信号,由Cu(1)~(2+)的写域磁矩产生。Y_1Ba_2Cu_3O_(2-x)的EPR信号束源于本体相,而非Y_2Cu_2O_5、BaCuO_2、Y_2BaCuO_5等杂质相。各样品EPR信号的自旋浓度远小于1spin/cu,并随氧含量减小而增大,当(7-x) = 6.49、6.40时自旋浓度出现陡增,这时伴随由正交到四方的转化,证明了电子“巡游”观点的正确。用硫部分取代Y_1Ba_2Cu_3O_2g中的氧,当Y_1Ba_2Cu_3O_(2-x)Sx中x = 0.11时Tc = 92.6K,比Y_1Ba_2Cu_3O_(7-x)升高2K,但由于杂质相的存在,ΔTc加宽。其他样品多为半导体和绝缘体。硫取代0,当x = 0.04,0.06,0.11和1.20时磁化率服从Curic-Weiss定律,并且x = 0.87,1.2时分别在230K、240K出现反铁磁有序。其他样品由于Cu被还原为+1价而变成抗磁性。x = 0.11 (Tc = 92.6K),EPR谱为正交场中Cu~(2+)的信号。自旋浓度与温度无关。当所有Cu均为Cu~(1+)时,测问的是-s-的EPR信号,而Cu为混合价态(+1和+2时)测问是上述两种信号的叠加。


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A technique for analysis of total oxygen contents in high-T(c) superconducting films is demonstrated. It uses elastic backscattering (EBS) of 1.5-2.5 MeV protons. By comparing the H EBS spectra from substrate materials, the absolute oxygen content in the films can be easily calculated. It is estimated that the analysis can be accurate to better than 5% for YBCO films with thicknesses from several hundred angstroms to several microns. Comparisons with RBS are given and advantages of this technique are shown.


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For the first time the physical properties of therapeutic carbon-ion beam supplied by, the shallow-seated tumor therapy terminal at the Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou (HIRFL) are measured. For a 80.55MeV/u C-12 ion beam delivered to the therapy terminal, the homogeneity of irradiation fields is 73.48%, when the beam intensity varied in the range of 0.001-0.1nA (i.e. 1 X 10(6) - 1 X 10(8) particles per second). The stability of the beam intensity within a few minutes is estimated to be 80.87%. The depth-dose distribution of the beam at the isocenter of the therapy facility is measured, and the position of the high-dose Bragg peak is found to be located at the water-equivalent depth of 13.866mm. Based on the relationship between beam energy and Bragg peak position, the corresponding beam energy at the isocenter of the therapy terminal is evaluated to be 71.71MeV/u for the original 80.55MeV/u C-12 ion beam, which consisted basically with calculation. The readout of the previously-used air-free ionization chamber regarding absorbed dose is calibrated as well in this experiment. The results indicate that the performance of the therapy facility should be optimized further to meet the requirements of clinical trial.