868 resultados para Recording and registration


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The structural connectivity of the brain is considered to encode species-wise and subject-wise patterns that will unlock large areas of understanding of the human brain. Currently, diffusion MRI of the living brain enables to map the microstructure of tissue, allowing to track the pathways of fiber bundles connecting the cortical regions across the brain. These bundles are summarized in a network representation called connectome that is analyzed using graph theory. The extraction of the connectome from diffusion MRI requires a large processing flow including image enhancement, reconstruction, segmentation, registration, diffusion tracking, etc. Although a concerted effort has been devoted to the definition of standard pipelines for the connectome extraction, it is still crucial to define quality assessment protocols of these workflows. The definition of quality control protocols is hindered by the complexity of the pipelines under test and the absolute lack of gold-standards for diffusion MRI data. Here we characterize the impact on structural connectivity workflows of the geometrical deformation typically shown by diffusion MRI data due to the inhomogeneity of magnetic susceptibility across the imaged object. We propose an evaluation framework to compare the existing methodologies to correct for these artifacts including whole-brain realistic phantoms. Additionally, we design and implement an image segmentation and registration method to avoid performing the correction task and to enable processing in the native space of diffusion data. We release PySDCev, an evaluation framework for the quality control of connectivity pipelines, specialized in the study of susceptibility-derived distortions. In this context, we propose Diffantom, a whole-brain phantom that provides a solution to the lack of gold-standard data. The three correction methodologies under comparison performed reasonably, and it is difficult to determine which method is more advisable. We demonstrate that susceptibility-derived correction is necessary to increase the sensitivity of connectivity pipelines, at the cost of specificity. Finally, with the registration and segmentation tool called regseg we demonstrate how the problem of susceptibility-derived distortion can be overcome allowing data to be used in their original coordinates. This is crucial to increase the sensitivity of the whole pipeline without any loss in specificity.


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En este proyecto se propone un entorno de producción para televisión en alta definición donde las cintas magnéticas para la captura, modificación, gestión y transferencia de los contenidos audiovisuales, quedan sustituidas por servidores informáticos y sistemas de almacenamiento basados en las tecnologías de la información. Dicho entorno sin cintas tiene como misión la realización de la fase de la producción de los contenidos televisivos. Se trata de un centra independiente, en una ubicación remota respecto a las instalaciones centrales de la empresa emisora de televisión. La conexión del entorno sin cinta con los servicios centrales de la cadena se realiza por medio de redes de datos de alta velocidad y por enlace de radiofrecuencia. Por estos medios los sistemas de redacción comunican datos y escaletas, se reciben las señales de contribución que intervienen en los programas, se envía la serial realizada para emisión y se transfieren los materiales grabados al área de Postproducción para su elaboración final. Se plantean dos estudios de televisión dotados de servidores de video y de un almacenamiento compartido para una gestión ágil, unificada y flexible de las demandas de los programas. Además de la eliminación del lento y pesado trabajo de manipulación de las cintas, la producción resulta mucho mas ágil porque se eliminan tiempos de espera por la posibilidad de acceso simultaneo de varios usuarios a un mismo contenido. También se suprimen los tiempos de digitalización y descarga del material grabado, porque los sistemas implementados permiten la ingesta directa de las señales recibidas. Los contenidos de varias jornadas de grabación, en calidad HD, se conservan en el sistema de almacenamiento para la elaboración de materiales en el propio centra y para su transferencia al departamento central correspondiente. Mediante aplicaciones software se busca la integración del trabajo de la redacción de los programas con los procesos de producción de los estudios. El diseño que se propone para los diferentes subsistemas técnicos de los estudios esta orientado a lograr una alta fiabilidad, operatividad y adaptabilidad a las demandas técnicas de la producción audiovisual de los diferentes tipos de programas. Al tratarse de una propuesta conceptual, de manera general no se basa en equipos de marcas o fabricantes concretos sino mas bien en las metodologías concretas de trabajo. Cuando se ejemplifica algún dispositivo en particular es debido a que el concepto tecnológico del mismo es novedoso destaca de manera especial sobre la generalidad de los equipos existentes para esa funcionalidad. ABSTRACT. This project hopes to propose a television production platform that uses computers, servers and storage systems based on information technologies, rather than video tape recorders for ingesting, editing and making TV programs. This tapeless system has as its mission the production of all kind of television contents, employing IT systems, without the use of magnetic tapes. We envision an independent TV production center located in a remote location, in relation to the main broadcaster facilities, where all communications between this broadcasting center and the remote independent tapeless center would occur via high speed internet and a radiofrequency link as a back up. In this way, the Newsroom systems communicate data and rundowns; contribution feeds are received; PGM signal are codified and transmitted; and stored media are transferred to the post production area for final editing, playout and archive. Two TV studios are proposed, equipped with video servers and sharing media storage for agile, unified and flexible management of the production requirements. Apart from completely eliminating the slow and hard work resulting from handling a lot of traditional magnetic tapes, the production ends up being much quicker due to the fact that there is no waiting time between recording and viewing. This also enables several users to access and view the same material at the same time. The digitalization and downloading time is also greatly reduced due to the direct ingestion of contribution feeds to the system. The HD content of various days of recording, are stored for future use for whichever department needs the footage in the future. Through software applications, there will be complete integration between the Newsroom work and the production process of the studios. The proposed design for the various technical subsystems in the recording studio is directed towards achieving optimum reliability and operational capability: they are easily adaptable to the technical demands of the audiovisual production of the different programs. Because we are dealing with a conceptual proposal, in general terms, we are not defining the brands or manufacturers of the technical equipment, but rather we are specifying the methods which we plan to implement. When some equipment is highlighted, it's only because that specific brand exemplifies a higher performance than any other equipment in the range.


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Habitualmente en los ensayos de barcos amarrados se reproduce la acción del oleaje. Se ha diseñado un sistema para la reproducción del efecto del viento en estos ensayos, utilizando motores, poleas, hilos de conexión, muelles, galgas y controladoras, de forma que la fuerza ejercida por el viento, previamente calculada considerando las características del barco y del viento, se transmite al barco mediante los elementos que componen el sistema. Este sistema consiste en un circuito cerrado de transmisión de fuerza con un motor que simultáneamente actúa sobre dos muelles deformándolos en sentidos opuestos, los cuales transmiten las fuerzas en los costados del buque, siendo la diferencia del alargamiento de los muelles la fuerza resultante sobre el barco. El sistema se aplicó a un buque crucero, obteniendo unos resultados que muestran la importancia de tener en cuenta el viento racheado como un agente adicional al oleaje que provoca movimientos y esfuerzos en las amarras y defensas elevados, dependiendo de su intensidad y dirección. Se ensayaron tres condiciones: modelo alimentado únicamente con olas, solo con viento y con ambos. En cada ensayo realizado se registraron los movimientos del buque, las fuerzas en las amarras y las reacciones en las defensas. La aportación de la Tesis es un sistema mecánico para excitar el modelo del buque amarrado con viento racheado superpuesto a la acción del oleaje. Evidentemente los resultados que se obtengan se ajustarán más a la situación real que reproduciendo sólo el oleaje. ABSTRACT Traditionally, moored ship tests with small-scale models only take into account the disturbance effect of waves. In this thesis, the design and testing of a system also implementing the effect of wind in moored ships is analyzed. The system is based on rotatory actuators acting on linear springs. This solution has a swift enough response to reproduce the fluctuating component of the wind. Three scenarios have been tested: waves, wind and combination of both. In order to assess the results, different sensors are connected to a computer for data acquisition, allowing the recording and subsequent analysis of the measured variables (forces in ropes, reactions in fenders and ship motions). The results obtained from the experiments show a great impact when wind effect is considered. A superposition effect is observed when waves and wind act together on the ship, emphasizing therefore the importance of taking the wind into account in berthed vessel tests, achieving safer and more realistic results.


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La restauración fílmica del audio es un proceso bastante complejo y se ha indagado poco en este campo. Antes de restaurar cualquier archivo, se debe preservar y conservar los archivos de la mejor manera posible. La preservación son las medidas que se deben tomar para garantizar el acceso permanente y la conservación asegura le existencia del archivo en su forma más original. Mientras que la restauración se basa en el estudio de los posibles deterioros que sufren los soportes fílmicos en el tiempo y los procesos que existen para corregirlos. La restauración siempre debe conservar la mayor originalidad posible, es decir debe mantener el audio como originalmente se expuso por primera vez. En la primera etapa, se identifican los posibles deterioros que se producen en los archivos, si conocemos en qué momento fue grabada la películas y cómo fue grabada, es decir con que máquina se realizó la grabación y el soporte fílmico en el que está grabado. Tanto las máquinas como los soportes han ido evolucionando a lo largo de la historia. El estudio de los soportes fílmicos nos permite conocer las degradaciones que sufren a lo largo del tiempo los archivos y por consecuencia, conocer las posibles restauraciones. Para intentar evitar degradaciones mayores, se intenta preservar y conservar en condiciones óptimas para el soporte. Según el soporte del archivo, tendrá unas condiciones típicas de temperatura, humedad, ventilación… en las cuales el material se conserva de la mejor manera. Tras estos pasos, se procede a restaurar. La restauración más típica es con materiales fotoquímicos, pero es bastante compleja y por tanto, en el proyecto se analiza la restauración tras digitalizar los archivos fílmicos. Para poder digitalizar correctamente los archivos, debemos tener presentes las normas y reglas de digitalización que están establecidas. La digitalización permite identificar las alteraciones típicas que aparecen en los materiales fílmicos, gracias a la herramienta del espectrograma podemos conocer las posibles soluciones de restauración para cada alteración. Las alteraciones que podemos encontrar e identificar son: · Zumbidos e Interferencias. · Siseo y Silbido. · Crujidos. · Pops y Clics. · Wow. · Lagunas o Abandonos. · Ruidos intermitentes. · Reverberación. La última parte del proyecto, una vez que se tienen todas las alteraciones típicas de los archivos fílmicos identificadas, se procede al estudio de cada una de ellas con las herramientas del espectrograma y se realiza el estudio de una manera más técnica. Con el espectrograma se determinan las herramientas que solucionan cada alteración como Reverb para la reverberación, Decrackle para los crujidos… y en el marco técnico se determina las características que tiene cada herramienta, es decir el tipo de filtro, ventana… que se puede utilizar para poder restaurar el audio de cada alteración. La restauración digital es un campo aún por investigar, pero se debería de empezar a concienciar que es una solución factible. Que este tipo de restauración puede mantener el sonido original y no va a modificar los archivos, como muchas veces se piensa. Ya que el paso del tiempo, poco a poco, ira degradando y destruyendo los soportes fílmicos en los que se encuentran, y el principal objetivo que se pretende conseguir es que los materiales fílmicos perduren a lo largo de la historia. ABSTRACT. The film audio restoration is a fairly complex process and little research has been done in this field. Before restoring any files, you must preserve and keep the files in the best way possible. The preservation is the measures to be taken to ensure continued access to and preservation ensures existence of the file in its original form. The restoration is based on the study of possible damage suffered by the film media in time and the processes that exist to correct them. The restoration must always retain the most original as possible, i.e. to keep the audio as originally discussed for the first time. In the first stage, potential impairments that occur in the files are identified, if you know what time it was recorded the movies and how it was recorded, i.e. that machine recording and film media on which is recorded took place. Both machines as media have evolved throughout history. The study of film media lets us know the suffering degradations over time and result files, make possible restorations. To try to prevent further degradation, are intended to preserve and keep in good condition for support. Depending on the media file, will have typical conditions of temperature, humidity, ventilation... in which the material is preserved in the best way. After these steps, we proceed to restore. The most typical is with photochemical restoration materials, but is rather complex and therefore the restoration project is analyzed after scanning film archives. To successfully scan the files must be aware of the rules and regulations are established digitization. Digitization allows identifying the typical alterations that appear in the film materials, thanks to the tool spectrogram we know the possible restoration solutions for each alteration. The alterations that can find and identify are: · Buzz and Interference. · Hiss and Hissing. · Crackle. · Pops and Clicks. · Wow and Flutter. · Audio Dropouts. The last part of the project, when we have all the typical alterations identified film archives, proceed to the study of each of them with the tools of spectrogram and the study of a more technical way is done . With the spectrogram tools that solve every alteration as Reverb for reverb, Decrackle for cracks... and the technical framework the features that each tool is determined, i.e. the type of filter, window... that can be used are determined for to restore the audio of each alteration. Digital restoration is an area for future research, but should start aware that it is a feasible solution. This type of restoration can keep the original sound and will not modify files, as is often thought. Since the passage of time, gradually degrading and destroying anger film media in which they are, and the main objective to be achieved is that the film materials endure throughout history.


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Relatório de estágio apresentado para obtenção do grau de mestre na especialidade profissional de educação pré-escolar


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Human color vision starts with the signals from three cone photoreceptor types, maximally sensitive to long (L-cone), middle (M-cone), and short (S-cone) wavelengths. Within the retina these signals combine in an antagonistic way to form red-green and blue-yellow spectral opponent pathways. In the classical model this antagonism is thought to arise from the convergence of cone type-specific excitatory and inhibitory inputs to retinal ganglion cells. The circuitry for spectral opponency is now being investigated using an in vitro preparation of the macaque monkey retina. Intracellular recording and staining has shown that blue-ON/yellow-OFF opponent responses arise from a distinctive bistratified ganglion cell type. Surprisingly, this cone opponency appears to arise by dual excitatory cone bipolar cell inputs: an ON bipolar cell that contacts only S-cones and an OFF bipolar cell that contacts L- and M-cones. Red-green spectral opponency has long been linked to the midget ganglion cells, but an underlying mechanism remains unclear. For example, receptive field mapping argues for segregation of L-and M-cone signals to the midget cell center and surround, but horizontal cell interneurons, believed to generate the inhibitory surround, lack opponency and cannot contribute selective L- or M-cone input to the midget cell surround. The solution to this color puzzle no doubt lies in the great diversity of cell types in the primate retina that still await discovery and analysis.


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The role of cAMP subcellular compartmentation in the progress of beta-adrenergic stimulation of cardiac L-type calcium current (ICa) was investigated by using a method based on the use of whole-cell patch-clamp recording and a double capillary for extracellular microperfusion. Frog ventricular cells were sealed at both ends to two patch-clamp pipettes and positioned approximately halfway between the mouths of two capillaries that were separated by a 5-micron thin wall. ICa could be inhibited in one half or the other by omitting Ca2+ from one solution or the other. Exposing half of the cell to a saturating concentration of isoprenaline (ISO, 1 microM) produced a nonmaximal increase in ICa (347 +/- 70%; n = 4) since a subsequent application of ISO to the other part induced an additional effect of nearly similar amplitude to reach a 673 +/- 130% increase. However, half-cell exposure to forskolin (FSK, 30 microM) induced a maximal stimulation of ICa (561 +/- 55%; n = 4). This effect was not the result of adenylyl cyclase activation due to FSK diffusion in the nonexposed part of the cell. To determine the distant effects of ISO and FSK on ICa, the drugs were applied in a zero-Ca solution. Adding Ca2+ to the drug-containing solutions allowed us to record the local effect of the drugs. Dose-response curves for the local and distant effects of ISO and FSK on ICa were used as an index of cAMP concentration changes near the sarcolemma. We found that ISO induced a 40-fold, but FSK induced only a 4-fold, higher cAMP concentration close to the Ca2+ channels, in the part of the cell exposed to the drugs, than it did in the rest of the cell. cAMP compartmentation was greatly reduced after inhibition of phosphodiesterase activity with 3-isobutyl-methylxanthine, suggesting the colocalization of enzymes involved in the cAMP cascade. We conclude that beta-adrenergic receptors are functionally coupled to nearby Ca2+ channels via local elevations of cAMP.


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Temporal and spatial changes in the intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) were examined in dendrites and somata of rat cerebellar Purkinje neurons by combining whole-cell patch-clamp recording and fast confocal laser-scanning microscopy. In cells loaded via the patch pipette with the high-affinity Ca2+ indicator Calcium Green-1 (Kd approximately 220 nM), a single synaptic climbing fiber response, a so-called complex spike, resulted in a transient elevation of [Ca2+]i that showed distinct differences among various subcellular compartments. With conventional imaging, the Ca2+ signals were prominent in the dendrites and almost absent in the soma. Confocal recordings from the somatic region, however, revealed steep transient increases in [Ca2+]i that were confined to a submembrane shell of 2- to 3-microns thickness. In the central parts of the soma [Ca2+]i increases were much slower and had smaller amplitudes. The kinetics and amplitudes of the changes in [Ca2+]i were analyzed in more detail by using the fast, low-affinity Ca2+ indicator Calcium Green-5N (Kd approximately 17 microM). We found that brief depolarizing pulses produced [Ca2+]i increases in a narrow somatic submembrane shell that resembled those seen in the dendrites. These results provide direct experimental evidence that the surface-to-volume ratio is a critical determinant of the spatiotemporal pattern of Ca2+ signals evoked by synaptic activity in neurons.


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The retina is a very complex neural structure, which performs spatial, temporal, and chromatic processing on visual information and converts it into a compact ‘digital’ format composed of neural impulses. This paper presents a new compiler-based framework able to describe, simulate and validate custom retina models. The framework is compatible with the most usual neural recording and analysis tools, taking advantage of the interoperability with these kinds of applications. Furthermore it is possible to compile the code to generate accelerated versions of the visual processing models compatible with COTS microprocessors, FPGAs or GPUs. The whole system represents an ongoing work to design and develop a functional visual neuroprosthesis. Several case studies are described to assess the effectiveness and usefulness of the framework.


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O presente relatório foi realizado no âmbito da unidade curricular de Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, inserida no plano de estudos do curso de Mestrado em Educação Pré- Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, da Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança. A intervenção em contexto de Educação Pré- Escolar teve a duração de 180 horas, das quais 24 horas foram em contexto Creche. A intervenção em contexto de 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico teve, igualmente, a duração de 180 horas. Na Educação Pré- Escolar, trabalhamos com um grupo de 19 crianças, de 3 e 4 anos de idade, e no 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, com um grupo de 23 crianças que integravam o 3.º ano de escolaridade, com 9 anos de idade. Ambos os contextos pertenciam à rede pública. Para proporcionar um conhecimento mais alargado das instituições e da realidade de cada contexto e grupo de crianças, foi elaborada a caracterização dos dois contextos. Ao longo da prática procurámos desenvolver atividades que respondessem às necessidades e interesses das crianças, de forma a criar momentos de participação ativa, de partilha de saberes e de cooperação no âmbito das Orientações Curriculares para a Educação Pré-escolar, das Metas Curriculares e do Programa do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Tendo em conta que o tema autonomia se revelou uma preocupação no decorrer da nossa Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, surgiu uma questão que nos fez refletir: Como é que o professor estagiário perceciona a construção da autonomia da criança, em contexto educativo? Tentando dar resposta a esta questão definimos três objetivos que orientaram o nosso percurso investigativo: (i) perceber de que forma é que a rotina diária influência na autonomia (ii) perceber a importância da organização do espaço no desenvolvimento da autonomia das crianças nos contextos do Educação Pré-Escolar e do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. e (iii) perceber como as experiências de ensino/aprendizagem ajudam na construção da autonomia; Como instrumentos de recolha de dados recorremos à observação participante, registo de notas de campo e de fotografias (sempre que possível). A metodologia utilizada foi a investigação qualitativa de natureza interpretativa. Este tipo de investigação apresenta os resultados através de narrativas com descrições contextuais e citações dos participantes, e que desta forma transmitem as ações e reações que os mesmos tiveram ao longo da prática em ambos os contextos. Os resultados recolhidos nesta investigação, referem que o estagiário perceciona a construção da autonomia da criança como um percurso longo, gratificante e com evoluções mais significativas na Educação Pré-Escolar.


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O trabalho que aqui apresentamos incide sobre a Prática de Ensino Supervisionada [PES], integrada no plano de estudos do Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, da Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança. Temos como finalidade refletir sobre a ação desenvolvida ao longo dos estágios profissionalizantes que se realizaram em contexto de Educação Pré-Escolar [EPE], num grupo vertical com 25 crianças de 3, 4 e 5 anos de idade e, em contexto de 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico [1.º CEB], numa turma de 1.º ano de escolaridade, com 20 crianças de 6 e 7 anos de idade. No decorrer da nossa ação educativa tivemos em consideração o desenvolvimento integral da criança e promovemos uma pedagogia de participação que valorizava a criança e a sua ação, através de uma linha pedagógica integradora, em que articulamos os saberes das diversas áreas de conteúdo e disciplinares. Ao integrarmos os jogos na ação pedagógica, conseguimos relacioná-los com a problemática da nossa pesquisa e responder à questão norteadora deste trabalho: Quais as implicações dos jogos no processo de ensino-aprendizagem e nas relações das crianças na Educação Pré-Escolar e do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico? O estudo enquadra-se, essencialmente, numa abordagem qualitativa onde utilizamos como principais técnicas e instrumentos de recolha de dados a observação participante e naturalista, grelhas de observação, notas de campo, registo fotográfico e áudio e, entrevista à educadora e professora cooperantes. Em termos de resultados pensamos poder concluir que em ambos os contextos, o jogo foi uma boa estratégia de ensino-aprendizagem, visto que houve grande entusiasmo, envolvimento e interesse por parte das crianças, incentivando-as na aprendizagem dos diferentes conteúdos. Podemos ainda aferir que o jogo favoreceu positivamente as interações e relações das crianças.


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Relatório de estágio apresentado para obtenção do grau de mestre na especialidade profissional de educação pré-escolar


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"Comprising the principal list of the register of medical practitioners ..."


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1938/39-1939/40 Also Called Annual Report of the Civil Service Commission


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Continued In the Experiment Station's Circulars