818 resultados para Publishers and publishing.
Legislation conferring the exclusive right of printing and publishing certain lectures for the same term of protection provided by the existing copyright legislation (see: Statute of Anne, uk_1710; Copyright Act, uk_1814). This was the first occasion on which the legislature extended copyright protection to works in the oral form. The legislation is of interest in terms of the distinction it draws between lectures delivered within the 'public' and the 'private' spheres (lectures delivered at a University, for example, are not protected), in terms of articulating the nature of the relationship between a speaker and his audience, and in specifically clarifying that newspapers are similarly prohibited from reporting protected lectures. The commentary explores the background to the passing of the Act, and in particular the role which Henry Brougham played in proposing and securing the same.
Presentation at the seminar "Publishers and Funders for OA in Finland", Helsinki, May 24, 2016
Conventional taught learning practices often experience difficulties in keeping students motivated and engaged. Video games, however, are very successful at sustaining high levels of motivation and engagement through a set of tasks for hours without apparent loss of focus. In addition, gamers solve complex problems within a gaming environment without feeling fatigue or frustration, as they would typically do with a comparable learning task. Based on this notion, the academic community is keen on exploring methods that can deliver deep learner engagement and has shown increased interest in adopting gamification – the integration of gaming elements, mechanics, and frameworks into non-game situations and scenarios – as a means to increase student engagement and improve information retention. Its effectiveness when applied to education has been debatable though, as attempts have generally been restricted to one-dimensional approaches such as transposing a trivial reward system onto existing teaching materials and/or assessments. Nevertheless, a gamified, multi-dimensional, problem-based learning approach can yield improved results even when applied to a very complex and traditionally dry task like the teaching of computer programming, as shown in this paper. The presented quasi-experimental study used a combination of instructor feedback, real time sequence of scored quizzes, and live coding to deliver a fully interactive learning experience. More specifically, the “Kahoot!” Classroom Response System (CRS), the classroom version of the TV game show “Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?”, and Codecademy’s interactive platform formed the basis for a learning model which was applied to an entry-level Python programming course. Students were thus allowed to experience multiple interlocking methods similar to those commonly found in a top quality game experience. To assess gamification’s impact on learning, empirical data from the gamified group were compared to those from a control group who was taught through a traditional learning approach, similar to the one which had been used during previous cohorts. Despite this being a relatively small-scale study, the results and findings for a number of key metrics, including attendance, downloading of course material, and final grades, were encouraging and proved that the gamified approach was motivating and enriching for both students and instructors.
Presentation at the seminar "Publishers and Funders for OA in Finland", Helsinki, May 24, 2016
Knowledge Exchange has funded the translation a recommended practice of the National Information Standard Organization (NISO) called SERU: Shared Electronic Resource Understanding. The SERU wording offers publishers and libraries the opportunity to save both the time and the costs associated with a negotiated and signed licence agreement by agreeing to operate within a framework of shared understanding and good faith. The statements in the document provide a set of common understandings for publishers and libraries to reference as an alternative to a formal licence when conducting business. The SERU wording has been translated in three languages of the Knowledge Exchange partners. German organisations are recommended to make use of the English wording
Includes a Report of the Exerciese in the Salt Lake Assembly Hall.
This thesis examines how Brittany and Corsica are represented in the medium of bande dessinée. Both are peripheral French regions with cultural identities markedly different from that of the overarching French norm, and both have been historically subject to ridicule from the political and cultural centre. By comparing a fair selection of bandes dessinées which are either set in Brittany or Corsica or feature characters from the relevant regions, this thesis sets out to discover whether representations of Brittany and Corsica differ according to the origin of the creators of the bandes dessinées and, if so, how. To facilitate this analysis, the bandes dessinées included for study have been classified as either external representations (published by mainstream bande dessinée publishers and/or the work of creators originating from outside the two regions) or internal representations (published by local Breton or Corsican companies and/or the work of local creators). It transpires that there are clear differences between mainstream and local bande dessinée authors and illustrators with regard to their portrayal of the local culture of both ‘outlying’ regions. External representations rely on broad stereotypes and received ideas, while internal representations draw on local folklore, regional history and regional identity to create works with more local relevance. In some cases internal representations are or were clearly aimed at a local market, while others aim both at local readers and at the wider bande dessinée market. Those aimed at a wider readership have an additional function, namely that of promoting their regional cultures in French culture generally and offering an alternative to the stereotypical representations presented by larger publishers of bandes dessinées. Brittany and Corsica are examined separately, each taking up roughly half of the thesis. Each half has the same general structure, beginning with discussion of how historical events have shaped perceptions of Brittany and Corsica in French popular consciousness, followed by analysis of the respective external representations and lastly internal representations. There are also two case studies of representations of Corsica in wider visual culture. Owing to its widespread appeal, its adaptability and its capacity to reflect popular opinion in different sectors of society, the medium of bande dessinée offers a potentially rich field for the investigation of social and cultural attitudes and prejudices. It is hoped that this thesis points the way to further research on the topic.
This article is intended to report an intervention in a SME of the IT sector, aiming at an organizational change process towards a greater proactivity of employees. The presentation of the case includes the diagnosis, intervention, and the beginning of the implementation of innovation projects, based on an adapted model of third generation large-group organizational change methods. In addition to the steps followed, small-world analysis techniques were used, with the intention of determining the existing communication networks; also, a content analysis of collected success stories was made, in order to suggest strong points for a future organizational culture. The results clarified the desirable characteristics of an intervention method with large groups, adapted to Portuguese companies, and effective in organizational innovation project design. The analysis of the success stories helped to determine the strengths of an orientation for the future, while the use of measures of small-world networks allowed us to analyze the existing informal organization. Although this study does not include the completion of the projects, due to difficulties in the company, it can provide a solid basis for application in future interventions.
El presente proyecto nace del interés de ampliar y transmitir conocimientos referentes a las Islas Galápagos, sus características, su historia, sus especies únicas y milenarias, de una manera innovadora, divertida y tridimensional para así apostar simbólicamente a nuestro planeta, es que interesarse por aquello que tenemos a la altura de nuestro sentidos para conocerlo, respetarlo y, todavía mejor, protegerlo, es la base del cambio. Uno de los aspectos principales del proyecto es la ilustración de cada una de las especies endémicas de las Islas que parte desde su forma básica, el bocetaje, siendo el punto de partida para la obtención de una variedad de paisajes, especies y complementos. En el proceso de diseño se aplica la técnica de los libros móviles, esta técnica que junto a la ingeniería del papel produce el efecto tridimensional que conjuntamente con el previo estudio de temas fundamentales sobre ilustración, color, tipografía y diseño editorial enfocado a lo largo del proyecto al público objetivo permiten plasmar de manera conjunta, correcta y coherente cada uno de los conocimientos que buscamos transmitir en el libro , facilitando así al lector el disfrute de esta actividad, su formación integral y la ampliación de sus conocimientos, generando una relación armónica entre la actividad , el conocimiento y el mundo que los rodea.
Introducción: en la actualidad, los casos clínicos suponen una importante herramienta docente con aplicaciones prácticas y contribuyen a la expansión del conocimiento de los profesionales de la salud. Objetivos: revisar la metodología de elaboración de casos clínicos, mostrando las similitudes y diferencias en los criterios de formato y contenido que son solicitados para que los reportes de casos sean publicados. Metodología: revisión bibliográfica en PubMed y Scielo entre 2005-2015, y rastreo manual de aquellas referencias más relevantes de los artículos seleccionados. Criterios de inclusión: artículos originales/revisiones bibliográficas en inglés/español/portugués publicados en cualquier país y que incluyan guías o recomendaciones sobre la redacción de casos clínicos. Resultados: se encontraron 131 artículos, de ellos, 20 cumplieron los criterios de inclusión, añadiendo cinco artículos por rastreo manual. Las variables descritas fueron: objetivo, recomendaciones y conclusiones, presentadas en tres tablas: 1. Publicaciones referentes internacionales; 2. Revistas internacionales y 3. Revistas latinoamericanas. Discusión: existen referentes internacionales que proporcionan directrices muy concretas cuando se precisa escribir y publicar un caso clínico. Tanto los referentes internacionales como las recomendaciones analizadas son coincidentes en su utilidad, aunque no existe una estandarización en su metodología. Son muy pocas las directrices que mencionan incluir el tratamiento dietético, el seguimiento y la evolución del mismo durante la situación clínica. Conclusiones: se recomienda a los autores interesados en describir un caso clínico cuyo tratamiento sea principalmente nutricional, seguir una guía ajustada a la situación clínica a presentar, siendo la guía CARE una buena opción.
Se describe analíticamente un recorrido histórico de los vínculos literarios, culturales y editoriales entre la producción poética costarricense del siglo xx, y la tradición lírica castellana. Sitúa las letras costarricenses en su contexto hispanoamericano, y señala algunos hitos que podrían explicar etapas y aspectos significativos de su desarrollo literario.An analytical description is provided of the literary, cultural and publishing ties existing between Costa Rican twentieth-century poetry and the Spanish lyric tradition. It situates Costa Rican letters in their Latin American context and suggests certain milestones which could explain significant stages and aspects of its literary development.
The analysis of doctoral theses conducted in a scientific field is one of the pillars for the status of the field and this has been raised within the project Mapping the Discipline History of Education. With this work we intent to broaden and deepen our previous studies in the field of Doctoral thesis in History of Education. We have already presented some results about Doctoral thesis focused in one particular subject (History of Education in Franco’s times) in 2013, and Doctoral thesis registered in the Spanish database for dissertations, TESEO, in 2000, 2005 and 2010 in 2016. Starting from the works already presented about the thesis in France, Switzerland, Portugal and Italy, the aim of that article was to study the thesis included in TESEO which have among their descriptors “History of education”. We have analyzed variables such as national or local character, the study period and the duration. In ISCHE 38 (Chicago 2016), we intend to analyze the Doctoral thesis presented in Spanish universities during a decade but focusing neither on a particular subject nor on a database. Thus the main differences with our earlier researches are the criteria: On the one hand, we are going to decide if a doctoral thesis belongs or not to our field, and on the other hand we are not going to use only a database but we will try to find the Doctoral thesis in any base, repository or source.
(ESPAÑOL) La moda es un fenómeno social y cultural que genera un elevado interés entre muchos colectivos. Es también un sector económico generador de actividad y empleo, que influye además en otros sectores y es capaz de crear imagen de país. La llegada de internet y la explosión de la conectividad han desencadenado importantes cambios, de los que el sector de la moda no es ajeno. Así, se han generado nuevos modos de visibilidad para la moda, se han creado nuevos perfiles profesionales, y se han desarrollado nuevos modelos de negocio. Los prescriptores y marcadores de tendencias han dejado de estar en manos de las marcas y los grupos editoriales, para pasar a manos de los propios consumidores, que crean tendencias con la exhibición de sus propios looks. Blogs, bloggers y redes sociales, entre las que destaca Instagram, se han convertido en instrumentos imprescindibles en las estrategias de marketing de las empresas del sector, desencadenándose una gran transformación. Este es precisamente el eje central del presente trabajo: el análisis del proceso de evolución del sector de la moda, desde un punto de vista tanto económico como social.
Horacio Quiroga (1878-1937) es uno de los escritores más logrados por sus cuentos y sigue siendo aclamado por la crítica en el mundo de habla hispana. Sus obras son consideradas parte del canon dentro de la tradición literaria sudamericana. Algunas de sus historias más renombradas circulan para la audiencia más global, publicadas en diversas colecciones y antologías que han sido posibles por haber sido traducidas al inglés. La versión más disponible en inglés es la traducción realizada por Margaret Sayers Peden ((1976) 2004), Quiroga habla por medio de las elecciones que realizó la traductora. Sin embargo, cabe preguntarse: ¿es este el Horacio Quiroga que las generaciones anteriores conocieron, apreciaron y alabaron? ¿Han logrado sobrevivir a la operación traductológica en inglés su prosa exquisita y su narrativa fotográfica para los lectores en inglés? Este artículo intenta abordar temas centrales de la traducción literaria en cuanto los textos de Quiroga y de Sayers Peden. También trata sobre las estrategias de domesticación, sobre cómo la manipulación del original puede traer consecuencias para la legibilidad, además la importancia de conocer bien los rasgos sociopolíticos y las características geográficas y, no menor, la responsabilidad profesional implícita en el rol del traductor como mediador cultural ya que selecciona, edita y publica literatura que no pertenece a lo convencional y establecido.
This thesis has its origin in a previous work: “The Catalan theatrical life in the magazine ‘El Teatre Català’ (1912-1917)” (DEA, UCM, 2004-2005), focused on the history, description and the indexes of that magazine. Among the historical and literary references ordered there, we chose a figure that would make a monographic work resulting in the present Doctoral Thesis. The choice fell on Avel·lí Artís i Balaguer (1881-1954), whose personality and literary corpus, allow additional possibilities for research. The cultural and literary reach of his life and his work covers a whole historical cycle in Catalan culture and literature, which moves from its contemporary consolidation towards the drama of its temporal dislocation, between the Spanish Civil War and the exile experience. This e historical itinerary is represented by Avel·lí Artís i Balaguer, being a playwright and a publisher. He’s been considered a comedy playwright since his editions bear titles such as “comedy”, “pas comedy”, “sainet” “quadro”, “farce” or “dialogue”, at most we find the word “Drama” once and “tragicomedy” twice, and we can find all this, in a series of texts for the representation ranging from 1909 to 1938. Secondly, as a professional fully involved in printing and publishing, thereby covering since its first steps as a compositor in the late nineties of the 19th century until his activity as a crucial character for magazines and other publishing projects, from the first decade of the 20th century until the last year of his Mexican exile...