899 resultados para Non-Indigenous Patients


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Background Because many acute cerebral ischemic events are caused by rupture of vulnerable carotid atheroma and subsequent thrombosis, the present study used both idealized and patient-specific carotid atheromatous plaque models to evaluate the effect of structural determinants on stress distributions within plaque. Methods and Results Using a finite element method, structural analysis was performed using models derived from in vivo high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of carotid atheroma in 40 non-consecutive patients (20 symptomatic, 20 asymptomatic). Plaque components were modeled as hyper-elastic materials. The effects of varying fibrous cap thickness, lipid core size and lumen curvature on plaque stress distributions were examined. Lumen curvature and fibrous cap thickness were found to be major determinants of plaque stress. The size of the lipid core did not alter plaque stress significantly when the fibrous cap was relatively thick. The correlation between plaque stress and lumen curvature was significant for both symptomatic (p = 0.01; correlation coefficient: 0.689) and asymptomatic patients (p = 0.01; correlation coefficient: 0.862). Lumen curvature in plaques of symptomatic patients was significantly larger than those of asymptomatic patients (1.50±1.0mm-1 vs 1.25±0.75 mm-1; p = 0.01). Conclusion Specific plaque morphology (large lumen curvature and thin fibrous cap) is closely related to plaque vulnerability. Structural analysis using high-resolution MRI of carotid atheroma may help in detecting vulnerable atheromatous plaque and aid the risk stratification of patients with carotid disease.


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This research explores the in-between space of intercultural collaboration between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-Indigenous peoples in Australia. Using critical and third space theories and a post-qualitative inquiry, I examine negotiations of cultural difference through articulated moments of intercultural collaboration in order to inform intercultural pedagogical practices. This research also explores how ideology, imbued through discourse, has the power to enforce or challenge cultural and social domination. This in turn creates cultural hegemony, a process whereby a particular social and cultural group has the power to influence the thoughts, expectations and behaviours of a particular society.


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Background and Aims: Success of invasive plant species is thought to be linked with their higher leaf carbon fixation strategy, enabling them to capture and utilize resources better than native species, and thus pre-empt and maintain space. However, these traits are not well-defined for invasive woody vines. Methods: In a glass house setting, experiments were conducted to examine how leaf carbon gain strategies differ between non-indigenous invasive and native woody vines of south-eastern Australia, by investigating their biomass gain, leaf structural, nutrient and physiological traits under changing light and moisture regimes. Key Results: Leaf construction cost (CC), calorific value and carbon : nitrogen (C : N) ratio were lower in the invasive group, while ash content, N, maximum photosynthesis, light-use efficiency, photosynthetic energyuse efficiency (PEUE) and specific leaf area (SLA) were higher in this group relative to the native group. Trait plasticity, relative growth rate (RGR), photosynthetic nitrogen-use efficiency and water-use efficiency did not differ significantly between the groups. However, across light resource, regression analyses indicated that at a common (same) leaf CC and PEUE, a higher biomass RGR resulted for the invasive group; also at a common SLA, a lower CC but higher N resulted for the invasive group. Overall, trait co-ordination (using pair-wise correlation analyses) was better in the invasive group. Ordination using 16 leaf traits indicated that the major axis of invasive-native dichotomy is primarily driven by SLA and CC (including its components and/or derivative of PEUE) and was significantly linked with RGR. Conclusions: These results demonstrated that while not all measures of leaf resource traits may differ between the two groups, the higher level of trait correlation and higher revenue returned (RGR) per unit of major resource need (CC) and use (PEUE) in the invasive group is in line with their rapid spread where introduced.


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The chapter introduces Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and discusses the important role that Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples can play in ‘closing the gap’ in health disparities as experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.


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Purpose This review assessed the effectiveness of diabetic retinopathy (DR) screening programs, using retinal photography in Australian urban and rural settings, and considered implications for public health strategy and policy. Methods An electronic search of MEDLINE, PubMed, and Embase for studies published between 1 January 1996 and the 30 June 2013 was undertaken. Key search terms were “diabetic retinopathy,” “screening,” “retinal photography” and “Australia.” Results Twelve peer-reviewed publications were identified. The 14 DR screening programs identified from the 12 publications were successfully undertaken in urban, rural and remote communities across Australia. Locations included a pathology collection center, and Indigenous primary health care and Aboriginal community controlled organizations. Each intervention using retinal photography was highly effective at increasing the number of people who underwent screening for DR. The review identified that prior to commencement of the screening programs a median of 48% (range 16–85%) of those screened had not undergone a retinal examination within the recommended time frame (every year for Indigenous people and every 2 years for non-Indigenous people in Australia). A median of 16% (range 0–45%) of study participants had evidence of DR. Conclusions This review has shown there have been many pilot and demonstration projects in rural and urban Australia that confirm the effectiveness of retinal photography-based screening for DR


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This paper describes the design and implementation of a research writing workshop for postgraduate students. The workshop was developed to respond to two key issues currently on the agenda in Australia’s universities: a push to embed Indigenous perspectives into the curriculum, and a desire to develop creative works as quality research outputs. The workshop was carefully designed to provide opportunities for participants to practise and improve their writing; develop transferable writing skills; develop a culturally safe environment where Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians could work together; provide a place to practise collaborative writing and collaborative facilitating; and provide an opportunity to develop a publication-ready, creative writing piece that was co-developed by participants. In this paper, the authors provide an overview of the literature relevant to Indigenizing a workshop curriculum and reflect on the genre of Indigenous writing in Australia. They also discuss the literature relevant to their collaboration as both writers and facilitators. They conclude that the workshop processes contributed to building a relationship of collaboration and trust between the facilitators and participants, and that these processes directly contributed to the successful workshop outcomes.


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The role of added sugar in a healthy diet and implications for health inequalities Sugars provide a readily available, inexpensive source of energy, can increase palatability and help preserve some foods. However added sugars also dilute the nutrient density of the diet. Further, consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages is associated with increased risk of weight gain and reduced bone strength, and high or frequent consumption of added sugars is associated with increased risk of dental caries, particularly in infants and young children. The products of the 2013 NHMRC Dietary Guidelines work program at www.eatforhealth.gov.au include the comprehensive evidence base about food, diet and health relationships and the dietary modeling used to inform recommendations. This presentation will detail the scientific evidence underpinning the revised dietary recommendations on consumption of foods and drinks containing added sugar and compare recommendations with the most recently available relevant Australian dietary intake and trend data. Differences in intakes of relevant food and drinks across quintiles of social disadvantage and in particular between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander groups and non-Indigenous Australians will also be explored.


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Life expectancy at birth is one of the main indicators of health inequality. Current health and social status indicators for Australian Indigenous people demonstrate major discrepancies in comparison to other Australians. For example, in Australia in 2005–2007 the Indigenous life expectancy gap at birth was 11.5 years for males and 9.7 years for females (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2009). This gap has remained relatively constant over the last few decades (ABS, 2008). While the main causes of death for Indigenous Australians are similar to those of non-Indigenous Australians, the percentages attributed to the different disease categories are significantly different. For example, death from external causes is 16.2% for the Indigenous population compared to 6.3% for non-Indigenous, and diabetes is 8% for Indigenous Australians compared to 2.4% for non-Indigenous (ABS, 2008; AIHW, 2008). The Australian Government’s response to this troubling issue, urged on by unprecedented support from the public, was the Close the Gap initiative which aims to reduce the gap in life expectancy within a generation (Shadow Report, 2010). Since the introduction of the Close the Gap strategy there have been some claims of success. For example, the Honourable Warren Snowden (Snowden, 2010), Minister for Indigenous Health, outlines some of the changes that have occurred as a result of the implementation of the Indigenous Chronic Disease Package, funded at $805.5 million over four years, as: 294 new positions...


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Keuhkosyöpä on yleisimpiä syöpätauteja. Se jaetaan kahteen päätyyppiin: pienisoluiseen ja ei-pienisoluiseen keuhkosyöpään. Ei-pienisoluinen keuhkosyöpä jaetaan lisäksi alatyyppeihin, joista suurimmat ovat levyepiteeli-, adeno- ja suurisoluinen karsinooma. Keuhkosyövän tärkein riskitekijä on tupakointi, mutta muutkin työ- ja elinympäristön altisteet, kuten asbesti, voivat johtaa syöpään. Väitöstyössä tutkittiin kahdenlaisten keuhkosyöpäryhmien erityispiirteitä. Työssä kartoitettiin, onko löydettävissä muutoksia, jotka erottavat asbestikeuhkosyövät muista syövistä sekä luuytimeen varhaisessa vaiheessa leviävät keuhkosyövät leviämättömistä syövistä. Tutkimusten ensimmäisessä vaiheessa käytettiin mikrosirupohjaisia menetelmiä, jotka mahdollistavat jopa kaikkien geenien tarkastelun yhden kokeen avulla. Vertailevien mikrosirututkimusten avulla on mahdollista paikantaa geenejä tai kromosomialueita, joiden muutokset erottelevat ryhmät toisistaan. Asbestiin liittyvissä tutkimuksissa paikannettiin kuusi kromosomialuetta, joissa geenien kopiolukumäärän sekä ilmenemistason muutokset erottelivat potilaat altistushistorian mukaan. Riippumattomilla laboratoriomenetelmillä tehtyjen jatkoanalyysien avulla pystyttiin varmistamaan, että 19p-alueen häviämä oli yhteydessä asbestialtistukseen. Työssä osoitettiin myös, että 19p-alueen muutoksia voidaan indusoida altistamalla soluja asbestille in vitro. Tutkimuksessa saatiin lisäksi viitteitä asbestispesifisistä muutoksista signaalinvälitysreiteissä, sillä yhdessä toimivien geenien ilmentymisessä havaittiin eroja asbestille altistuneiden ja altistumattomien välillä. Vertailemalla luuytimeen syövän aikaisessa vaiheessa levinneiden ja leviämättömien keuhkoadenokarsinoomien muutosprofiileita toisiinsa, paikannettiin viisi aluetta, joilla geenien kopiolukumäärä- sekä ilmenemistason muutokset erottelivat ryhmät toisistaan. Jatkoanalyyseissä havaittiin, että 4q-alueen häviämää esiintyi adenokarsinoomien lisäksi levyepiteelikarsinoomiin, jotka olivat levinneet luuytimeen. Myös keuhkosyöpien aivometastaaseissa alue oli toistuvasti hävinnyt. Väitöstyön tutkimukset osoittavat, että vertailevien mikrosiruanalyysien avulla saadaan tietoa syöpäryhmien erityispiirteistä. Työssä saadut tulokset osoittavat, että 19p-alueen muutokset ovat tyypillisiä asbestikeuhkosyöville ja 4q-alueen muutokset luuytimeen aikaisessa vaiheessa leviäville keuhkosyöville.


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Background: Asbestos is a well known cancer-causing mineral fibre, which has a synergistic effect on lung cancer risk in combination with tobacco smoking. Several in vitro and in vivo experiments have demonstrated that asbestos can evoke chromosomal damage and cause alterations as well as gene expression changes. Lung tumours, in general, have very complex karyotypes with several recurrently gained and lost chromosomal regions and this has made it difficult to identify specific molecular changes related primarily to asbestos exposure. The main aim of these studies has been to characterize asbestos-related lung cancer at a molecular level. Methods: Samples from asbestos-exposed and non-exposed lung cancer patients were studied using array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) to detect copy number alterations (CNA) as well as microsatellite analysis to detect allelic imbalance (AI). In addition, asbestos-exposed cell lines were studied using gene expression microarrays. Results: Eighteen chromosomal regions showing differential copy number in the lung tumours of asbestos-exposed patients compared to those of non-exposed patients were identified. The most significant differences were detected at 2p21-p16.3, 5q35.3, 9q33.3-q34.11, 9q34.13-q34.3, 11p15.5, 14q11.2 and 19p13.1-p13.3 (p<0.005). The alterations at 2p and 9q were validated and characterized in detail using AI and FISH analysis in a larger study population. Furthermore, in vitro studies were performed to examine the early gene expression changes induced by asbestos in three different lung cell lines. The results revealed specific asbestos-associated gene expression profiles and biological processes as well as chromosomal regions enriched with genes believed to contribute to the common asbestos-related responses in the cell lines. Interestingly, the most significant region enriched with asbestos-response genes was identified at 2p22, close to the previously identified region showing asbestos-related CNA in lung tumours. Additionally, in this thesis, the dysregulated biological processes (Gene Ontology terms) detected in the cell line experiment were compared to dysregulated processes identified in patient samples in a later study (Ruosaari et al., 2008a). Commonly affected processes such as those related to protein ubiquitination, ion transport and surprisingly sensory perception of smell were identified. Conclusions: The identification of specific CNA and dysregulated biological processes shed some light on the underlying genes acting as mediators in asbestos-related lung carcinogenesis. It is postulated that the combination of several asbestos-specific molecular alterations could be used to develop a diagnostic method for the identification of asbestos-related lung cancer.


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Hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC) is an inherited cancer predisposition syn-drome characterized by early onset colorectal cancer (CRC) and several other extra-colonic cancers, most commonly endometrial cancer (EC) and gastric cancer. Our aim was to evaluate the efficiency and results of the ongoing CRC and EC surveillance programs and to investigate the grounds for future gastric cancer screening by comparing the gastric biopsies of mutation positive and negative siblings in search for premalignant lesions. We also compared a new surveillance method, computerized tomographic colonoscopy (CTC) with optic colonoscopy. The patient material consisted of 579 family members from 111 Finnish HNPCC families al-most all harboring a known mismatch repair gene mutation. The efficacy of CRC and EC surveillance programs on HNPCC patients was evaluated by comparing the stage and survival of cancer cases detected with surveillance versus without. The performance of a new technique, CTC, was explored using a same-day colonoscopy as a reference standard. The use of intrauterine aspiration biopsies for EC surveillance was intro-duced for the first time in a HNPCC setting. Upper GI endoscopies were performed and biop-sies taken from mutation carriers and their mutation-negative siblings. The present surveillance program for CRC proved to be efficient. The CRC cases detected by surveillance were at a significantly more favorable stage than those in the non-surveilled group. This advantage was reflected in a significantly higher CRC-specific survival in the sur-veilled group. The performance of a new technique, CTC was found insufficient for polyp detection in this population in which every polyp, no matter the size, should be detected and removed. Colono-scopy was confirmed as a better surveillance modality than CTC. We could not observe any of the assumed differences in the gastric mucosa from mutation carriers and their mutation-negative siblings and no cases of gastric cancer were detected. The results gave no support for gastric surveillance. The EC surveillance program (transvaginal ultrasound and intra-uterine biopsy every 2-3 years) seemed to be efficient. It yielded several asymptomatic cancer cases and premalignant lesions. The stage distribution of the endometrial cancers in the group under surveillance tended to be more favorable than that of the mutation-positive, symptomatic EC patients who had no surveillance. None of the surveilled EC patients died of EC compared to six in the non-surveilled patients during the follow up. The improvement was, however, not statistically sig-nificant, thus far. Another observation was the good performance of endometrial aspiration biopsies used in this setting for the first time.


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Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is the most common of the non-Hodgkin lymphomas. As DLBCL is characterized by heterogeneous clinical and biological features, its prognosis varies. To date, the International Prognostic Index has been the strongest predictor of outcome for DLBCL patients. However, no biological characters of the disease are taken into account. Gene expression profiling studies have identified two major cell-of-origin phenotypes in DLBCL with different prognoses, the favourable germinal centre B-cell-like (GCB) and the unfavourable activated B-cell-like (ABC) phenotypes. However, results of the prognostic impact of the immunohistochemically defined GCB and non-GCB distinction are controversial. Furthermore, since the addition of the CD20 antibody rituximab to chemotherapy has been established as the standard treatment of DLBCL, all molecular markers need to be evaluated in the post-rituximab era. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the predictive value of immunohistochemically defined cell-of-origin classification in DLBCL patients. The GCB and non-GCB phenotypes were defined according to the Hans algorithm (CD10, BCL6 and MUM1/IRF4) among 90 immunochemotherapy- and 104 chemotherapy-treated DLBCL patients. In the chemotherapy group, we observed a significant difference in survival between GCB and non-GCB patients, with a good and a poor prognosis, respectively. However, in the rituximab group, no prognostic value of the GCB phenotype was observed. Likewise, among 29 high-risk de novo DLBCL patients receiving high-dose chemotherapy and autologous stem cell transplantation, the survival of non-GCB patients was improved, but no difference in outcome was seen between GCB and non-GCB subgroups. Since the results suggested that the Hans algorithm was not applicable in immunochemotherapy-treated DLBCL patients, we aimed to further focus on algorithms based on ABC markers. We examined the modified activated B-cell-like algorithm based (MUM1/IRF4 and FOXP1), as well as a previously reported Muris algorithm (BCL2, CD10 and MUM1/IRF4) among 88 DLBCL patients uniformly treated with immunochemotherapy. Both algorithms distinguished the unfavourable ABC-like subgroup with a significantly inferior failure-free survival relative to the GCB-like DLBCL patients. Similarly, the results of the individual predictive molecular markers transcription factor FOXP1 and anti-apoptotic protein BCL2 have been inconsistent and should be assessed in immunochemotherapy-treated DLBCL patients. The markers were evaluated in a cohort of 117 patients treated with rituximab and chemotherapy. FOXP1 expression could not distinguish between patients, with favourable and those with poor outcomes. In contrast, BCL2-negative DLBCL patients had significantly superior survival relative to BCL2-positive patients. Our results indicate that the immunohistochemically defined cell-of-origin classification in DLBCL has a prognostic impact in the immunochemotherapy era, when the identifying algorithms are based on ABC-associated markers. We also propose that BCL2 negativity is predictive of a favourable outcome. Further investigational efforts are, however, warranted to identify the molecular features of DLBCL that could enable individualized cancer therapy in routine patient care.


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Objective: Glucocorticoid therapy is used worldwide to treat various inflammatory and immune conditions, including inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). In IBD, 80% of the patients obtain a positive response to the therapy; however the development of glucocorticoid-related side-effects is common. Our aim was therefore to study the possibility of optimizing glucocorticoid therapy in children and adolescents with IBD by measuring circulating glucocorticoid bioactivity (GBA) and serum glucocorticoid-responsive biomarkers in patients receiving steroid treatment for active disease. Methods: A total of sixty-nine paediatric IBD patients from the Paediatric Outpatient Clinics of the University Hospitals of Helsinki and Tampere participated in the studies. Control patients included 101 non-IBD patients and 41 disease controls in remission. In patients with active disease, blood samples were withdrawn before the glucocorticoid therapy was started, at 2-4 weeks after the initiation of the steroid and at 1-month intervals thereafter. Clinical response to glucocorticoid treatment and the development of steroid adverse events was carefully registered. GBA was analyzed with a COS-1 cell bioassay. The measured glucocorticoid therapy-responsive biomarkers included adipocyte-derived adiponectin and leptin, bone turnover-related collagen markers amino-terminal type I procollagen propeptide (PINP) and carboxyterminal telopeptide of type I collagen (ICTP) as well as insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) and sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), and inflammatory marker high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP). Results: The most promising marker for glucocorticoid sensitivity was serum adiponectin that associated with steroid therapy–related adverse events. Serum leptin indicated a similar trend. In contrast, circulating GBA rose in all subjects receiving glucocorticoid treatment but did not associate with the clinical response to steroids or with glucocorticoid therapy-related side-effects. Of notice, young patients (<10 years) showed similar GBA levels than older patients, despite receiving higher weight-adjusted doses of glucocorticoid. Markers of bone formation were lower in children with active IBD than in the control patients, probably reflecting the suppressive effect of the active inflammation. The onset of the glucocorticoid therapy further suppressed bone turnover. Inflammatory marker hs-CRP decreased readily after the initiation of the steroid, however the decrease did not associate with the clinical response to glucocorticoids. Conclusions: This is the first study to show that adipocyte-derived adiponectin associates with steroid therapy-induced side-effects. Further studies are needed, but it is possible that the adiponectin measurement could aid the recognition of glucocorticoid-sensitive patients in the future. GBA and the other markers reflecting glucocorticoid activity in different tissues changed during the treatment, however their change did not correlate with the therapeutic response to steroids or with the development of glucocorticoid-related side effects and therefore cannot guide the therapy in these patients. Studies such as as the present one that combine clinical data with newly developed biomolecular technology are needed to step-by-step build a general picture of the glucocorticoid actions in different tissues.


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Objective: To identify key stakeholder preferences and priorities when considering a national healthcare-associated infection (HAI) surveillance programme through the use of a discrete choice experiment (DCE). Setting: Australia does not have a national HAI surveillance programme. An online web-based DCE was developed and made available to participants in Australia. Participants: A sample of 184 purposively selected healthcare workers based on their senior leadership role in infection prevention in Australia. Primary and secondary outcomes: A DCE requiring respondents to select 1 HAI surveillance programme over another based on 5 different characteristics (or attributes) in repeated hypothetical scenarios. Data were analysed using a mixed logit model to evaluate preferences and identify the relative importance of each attribute. Results: A total of 122 participants completed the survey (response rate 66%) over a 5-week period. Excluding 22 who mismatched a duplicate choice scenario, analysis was conducted on 100 responses. The key findings included: 72% of stakeholders exhibited a preference for a surveillance programme with continuous mandatory core components (mean coefficient 0.640 (p<0.01)), 65% for a standard surveillance protocol where patient-level data are collected on infected and non-infected patients (mean coefficient 0.641 (p<0.01)), and 92% for hospital-level data that are publicly reported on a website and not associated with financial penalties (mean coefficient 1.663 (p<0.01)). Conclusions: The use of the DCE has provided a unique insight to key stakeholder priorities when considering a national HAI surveillance programme. The application of a DCE offers a meaningful method to explore and quantify preferences in this setting.