923 resultados para L-LACTIC ACID


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What is known There is controversy surrounding the risk of metformin and the development of lactic acidosis. There have been no reports of a pharmacist preventing a patient developing metformin-associated lactic acidosis. Objectives Our objective was to report on a pharmacist potentially preventing an evolving case of metformin-associated lactic acidosis (MALA). Case description A patient who had been having episodes of nausea and vomiting for a year was referred for a home medicines review (HMR) by his general practitioner. The pharmacist who conducted the HMR suspected that the patient's symptoms could have been due to metformin. It was recommended to measure the serum lactate level and suspend metformin. Our patient was found to have a high lactate level and was referred to the emergency department by his general practitioner. Recovery was prompt with symptomatic support and cessation of metformin. What is new This appears to be the first case reported in the literature of a pharmacist recognizing an evolving case of MALA. Conclusion Although the incidence of MALA is rare, health professionals should be aware of the initial symptoms of lactic acidosis, especially in elderly patients with risk factors, to prevent a fatal lactic acidosis event.


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Microbes have a decisive role in the barley-malt-beer chain. A major goal of this thesis was to study the relationships between microbial communities and germinating grains during malting. Furthermore, the study provided a basis for tailoring of malt properties with natural, malt-derived microbes. The malting ecosystem is a dynamic process, exhibiting continous change. The first hours of steeping and kilning were the most important steps in the process with regard to microbiological quality. The microbial communities consisting of various types of bacteria, yeasts and filamentous fungi formed complex biofilms in barley tissues and were well-protected. Inhibition of one microbial population within the complex ecosystem led to an increase of non-suppressed populations, which must be taken into account because a shift in microbial community dynamics may be undesirable. Both bacterial and fungal communities should be monitored simultaneously. Using different molecular approaches we showed that the diversity of microbes in the malting ecosystem was greater than expected. Even some new microbial groups were found in the malting ecosystem. Suppression of Gram-negative bacteria during steeping was advanategous for grain germination and malt brewhouse performance. Fungal communities including both filamentous fungi and yeasts significantly contributed to the production of microbial beta-glucanases and xylanases, and were also involved in proteolysis. Well-characterized lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus plantarum VTT E-78076 and Pediococcus pentosaceus VTT E-90390) proved to be an effective way of balancing the microbial communities in malting. Furthermore, they had positive effects on malt characteristics and notably improved wort separation. Previously the significance of yeasts in the malting ecosystem has been largely underestimated. This study showed that yeast community was an important part of the industrial malting ecosystem. Yeasts produced extracellular hydrolytic enzymes with a potentially positive contribution to malt processability. Furthermore, several yeasts showed strong antagonistic activity against field and storage moulds. Addition of a selected yeast culture (Pichia anomala VTT C-04565) into steeping restricted Fusarium growth and hydrophobin production and thus prevented beer gushing. Addition of P. anomala C565 into steeping water tended to retard wort filtration, but the filtration was improved when the yeast culture was combined with L. plantarum E76. The combination of different microbial cultures offers a possibility to use ther different properties, thus making the system more robust. Improved understanding of complex microbial communities and their role in malting enables a more controlled process management and the production of high quality malt with tailored properties


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The chemical composition of breast milk has been studied in detail in the past decades. Hundreds of new antibacterial and antiviral components have been found. Several molecules have been found to promote the proper function of neonatal intestine. However, microbiological studies of breast milk have been, until recently, focused mainly on detecting harmful and pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Natural microbial diversity of human milk has not been widely studied before the work reported in this thesis. This is mainly because breast milk has traditionally been thought to be sterile - even if a certain amount of commensal bacteria have usually been detected in milk samples. The first part of this licentiate thesis contains a short literature review about the anatomy and physiology of breast feeding, human milk chemical and microbiological composition, mastitis, intestinal flora and bacteriocins. The second part reports on the experiments of the licentiate work, concentrating on the microbial diversity in the milk of healthy breast-feeding mothers, and the ability of these bacteria to produce antibacterial substances against pathogenic bacteria. The results indicate that human milk is a source of commensal bacteria for infant intestine. 509 random isolates from 40 breast milk samples were isolated and identified by 16S rRNA sequencing. Median bacterial count was about 600 colony forming units per milliliter. Over half of the isolates were staphylococci, and almost one third streptococci. The most common species were skin bacteria Staphylococcus epidermidis and oral bacteria Streptococcus salivarius and Streptococcus mitis. Lactic acid bacteria, identified as members of Lactobacillus-, Lactococcus- and Leuconostoc -genera, were found in five milk samples. Enterococci were found in three samples. A novel finding in this study is the capability of these commensal bacteria to inhibit the growth of pathogens. In 90 precent of the milk samples commensal bacteria inhibiting the growth of Staphylococcus aureus were found. In 40 precent of samples the colonies could block the growth completely. One fifth of the isolated Staph. epidermidis strains, half of Str. salivarius strains, and all lactic acid bacteria and enterococci could inhibit or block the growth of Staph. aureus. In further study also Listeria innocua- and Micrococcus luteus active isolates were found in 33 and 11 precent of milk samples (out of 140). Furthermore, two Lactococcus lactis isolates from the breast milk were shown to produce bacteriocin nisin, which is an antimicrobial molecule used as a food preservative. The importance of these human milk commensal bacteria in the development of newborn intestinal flora and immune system, as well as in preventing maternal breast infections, should be further explored.


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"Strong" excitants of central neurones such as β N-oxalyl L α,β-diaminopropionic acid (ODAP), N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA) and kainic acid (KA) were found to inhibit the high affinity uptake of glutamate and aspartate in synaptosomes isolated from young rat brain. The potency of these "strong" excitants as convulsants appear to parallel their ability to inhibit glutamate uptake by synaptosomes. The data suggest the possibility that the convulsive effect of these "strong" excitants could be mediated by glutamate/aspartate.


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The crude extracts of 3-day-old etiolated seedlings of Lathyrus sativus contained two S-adenosyl-L-methionine decarboxylase activities. The artifactual putrescine-dependent activity was due to the H2O2 generated by diamine oxidase (EC of this plant system and was inhibited by catalase. This observation was confirmed by using an electrophoretically and immunologically homogeneous preparation of L. sativus diamine oxidase. In the presence of putrescine, diamine oxidase, in addition to S-adenosylmethionine, decarboxylated L-lysine, L-arginine, L-ornithine, L-methionine and L-glutamic acid to varying degrees. The decarboxylation was not metal-ion dependent. The biosynthetic S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase (EC was detected after removing diamine oxidase specifically from the crude extracts by employing an immunoaffinity column. This Mg2+ -dependent decarboxylase was not stimulated by putrescine or inhibited by catalase. The enzyme activity was inhibited by semicarbazide, 4-bromo-3-hydroxybenzoylamine dihydrogen phosphate and methylglyoxal-bis (guanylhydrazone). It was largely localized in the shoots of the etiolated seedlings and was purified 40-fold by employing a p-hydroxymercuribenzoate/AH-Sepharose affinity column, which also separated the decarboxylase activity from spermidine synthase.


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Acetohydroxy acid isomerase (AHA isomerase) was purified about 110-fold and separated from reductase and acetohydroxy acid isomeroreductase. The AHA isomerase was found to be homogeneous by agar and polyacrylamide gel electrophoreses at different pHs. The properties of AHA isomerase have been studied. The purified enzyme showed requirement for l-ascorbic acid and sulfate ions for its activity. Synthetic ascorbic acid sulfate could replace l-ascorbic acid and sulfate. α-Methyllactate and α-ketoisovalerate were found to inhibit AHA isomerase activity competitively whereas l-valine and l-isoleucine had no significant inhibitory effect. p-Hydroxymercuribenzoate inhibited AHA isomerase activity and the inhibition was reversed by β-mercaptoethanol.


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Leuconostoc spp. are lactic acid bacteria (LAB) implicated in food spoilage, especially on refrigerated, modified atmosphere packaged (MAP) meats. The overall aim of this thesis was to learn more about Leuconostoc spp. as food spoilage organisms with a focus on commercial products where LAB spoilage is considered a problem and the main factor limiting shelf-life. Therefore, we aimed to identify Leuconostoc spp. involved in food spoilage, as well as to characterise the spoilage reactions they caused and their contamination sources during poultry meat processing. In addition, we examined the distribution of strains of Leuconostoc gasicomitatum in different food commodities. Finally, we analysed the genome content of L. gasicomitatum LMG 18811 with a special focus on metabolic pathways related to food spoilage. The findings show that Leuconostoc gelidum and L.gasicomitatum were responsible for the discoloration and off-odours developed in beef steaks. Together with Leuconostoc mesenteroides, these Leuconostoc spp., also cause spoilage of vegetable sausages. In contrast, we showed that Leuconostoc spp. are not important for the shelf-life or quality of non-marinated broiler products although, in marinated broiler fillet products, Leuconostoc spp., L.gasicomitatum in particular, are considered spoilage organisms. Furthermore, the findings of the contamination survey we carried out in a poultry processing plant indicated that spoilage Leuconostoc spp. are derived from the processing environment rather than from the broilers, and that air movement distributes psychrotrophic spoilage LAB, including leuconostocs, and has an important role in meat contamination during poultry processing. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) based genotyping of L. gasicomitatum strains demonstrated that certain genotypes are common in various meat products. In contrast, genotypes associated with meat were not recovered in vegetable-based sources. This suggests that these two food categories either become contaminated with, or favour the growth of different genotypes. Furthermore, the results indicated that the meat processing environment contributes to L. gasicomitatum contamination as certain genotypes were repeatedly identified from products of the same processing plant. Finally, the sequenced and annotated genome of L.gasicomitatum LMG 18811 allowed us to identify the metabolic pathways and reactions resulting in food spoilage.


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Pohjoisella havumetsävyöhykkeellä typpi on usein kasvien kasvua rajoittava tekijä. Metsämaan typpivarannot koostuvat pääasiassa orgaaniseen ainekseen sitoutuneista typpiyhdisteistä, erityisesti aminohapoista. Ektomykorritsasienet osallistuvat metsämaassa tapahtuvaan typenkiertoon hajottamalla orgaanisia typpiyhdisteitä ja kuljettamalla niitä kasvien käytettäväksi. Sienisolun sisällä tapahtuvasta aminohappojen mineralisaatiosta tiedetään toistaiseksi melko vähän. Aminohappo-oksidaasit katalysoivat aminohappojen mineralisaatiota. Eräissä ektomykorritsaa muodostavien kantasienten suvuissa on osoitettu L-aminohappo-oksidaaseja (LAO). Toistaiseksi LAO-geeniä ei tunneta kantasienistä. Työssä kuvattiin ensimmäistä kertaa LAO-geeni kantasienistä. Hiekkatympösen LAO1- geenin cDNA:n 5´ ja 3´ päiden emäsjärjestykset määritettiin RACE-PCR -menetelmällä, josta saatujen sekvenssien perusteella suunniteltiin alukkeet koko geenin cDNA:n ja genomisen DNA:n monistamiseksi. Genomisen DNA ja cDNA -sekvenssien perusteella määritettiin hiekkatympösen LAO1-geenin rakenne. Hiekkatympösen LAO1-geeni koostuu viidestä eksonista ja neljästä intronista. Hiekkatympösen LAO1-geenin yläpuoliselta alueelta löydettiin typpimetabolian säätelyyn osallistuvan proteiinin sitoutumiskohta. LAO1-geeniä edeltävä geenin osittainen genominen DNA-sekvenssi määritettiin. Kangaslohisienen genomissa LAO1-geeniä edeltävä geeni oli ennustettu pyruvaattidekarboksylaasiksi. Lisäksi työssä määritettiin hiekkatympösen toisen LAOhomologin cDNA:n osittainen emäsjärjestys. Työssä tunnistettiin myös toisen kantasienen, kangaslohisienen, LAO-geeni. LAO-geeniksi tunnistettu kangaslohisienen geenimalli oli aiemmin ennustettu NCBI:n tietokannassa toiminnaltaan tuntemattomaksi proteiiniksi. Proteiinien sukupuun perusteella hiekkatympösen ja kangaslohisienen LAO:n kantamuoto on kahdentunut. Työstä saatu tutkimustulos tuo täysin uutta tietoa molekyylibiologian tasolla ektomykorritsasienten aminohappojen katabolisista reaktioista. Aminohappojen mineralisaation seurauksen muodostuneet ammoniumionit saattavat olla merkittävä typen lähde myös maan muille mikrobeille ja kasveille. On mahdollista, että ektomykorritsasienten LAO-entsyymi on yksi merkittävä tekijä metsämaan typenkierrossa.


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Polyamines are some of the most important and ubiquitous small molecules that modulate several functions of plant, animal and bacterial cells. Despite the simplicity of their chemical structure, their specific interactions with other biomolecules cannot be explained solely on the basis of their electrostatic properties. To evolve a structural understanding on the specificity of these interactions it is necessary to determine the structure of complexes of polyamines with other, representative biomolecules. This paper reports the structure of the 1:2 complex of hexanediamine and L-glutamic acid. The complex crystallizes in the monoclonic space group P2(1) with a = 5.171(1) angstrom, b = 22.044(2) angstrom, c = 10.181(2) angstrom and beta = 104.51(1)-degrees. The structure was refined to an R factor of 6.6%. The structures of these complexes not only suggest the importance of hydrogen-bonding interactions of polyamines but also provide some insight into other complementary interactions probably important for the specificity of biomolecular interactions.


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The polyamines spermine, spermidine, putrescine, cadaverine, etc. have been implicated in a variety of cellular functions. However, details of their mode of interaction with other ubiquitous biomolecules is not known. We have solved a few structures of polyamine-amino acid complexes to understand the nature and mode of their interactions. Here we report the structure of a complex of putrescine with DL-glutamic acid. Comparison of the structure with the structure of putrescine-L-glutamic acid complex reveals the high degree of similarity in the mode of interaction in the two complexes. Despite the presence of a centre of symmetry in the present case, the arrangement of molecules is strikingly similar to the L-glutamic acid complex.


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The polyamines spermine, spermidine, putrescine, cadaverine, etc. have been implicated in a variety of cellular functions. However, details of their mode of interaction with other ubiquitous biomolecules is not known. We have solved a few structures of polyamine-amino acid complexes to understand the nature and mode of their interactions. Here we report the structure of a complex of putrescine with DL-glutamic acid. Comparison of the structure with the structure of putrescine-L-glutamic acid complex reveals the high degree of similarity in the mode of interaction in the two complexes. Despite the presence of a centre of symmetry in the present case, the arrangement of molecules is strikingly similar to the L-glutamic acid complex.


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Moonlighting functions have been described for several proteins previously thought to localize exclusively in the cytoplasm of bacterial or eukaryotic cells. Moonlighting proteins usually perform conserved functions, e. g. in glycolysis or as chaperonins, and their traditional and moonlighting function(s) usually localize to different cell compartments. The most characterized moonlighting proteins in Grampositive bacteria are the glycolytic enzymes enolase and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), which function in bacteria-host interactions, e. g. as adhesins or plasminogen receptors. Research on bacterial moonlighting proteins has focused on Gram-positive bacterial pathogens, where many of their functions have been associated with bacterial virulence. In this thesis work I show that also species of the genus Lactobacillus have moonlighting proteins that carry out functions earlier associated with bacterial virulence only. I identified enolase, GAPDH, glutamine synthetase (GS), and glucose-6-phosphate isomerase (GPI) as moonlighting proteins of Lactobacillus crispatus strain ST1 and demonstrated that they are associated with cell surface and easily released from the cell surface into incubation buffer. I also showed that these lactobacillar proteins moonlight either as adhesins with affinity for basement membrane and extracellular matrix proteins or as plasminogen receptors. The mechanisms of surface translocation and anchoring of bacterial moonlighting proteins have remained enigmatic. In this work, the surface localization of enolase, GAPDH, GS and GPI was shown to depend on environmental factors. The members of the genus Lactobacillus are fermentative organisms that lower the ambient pH by producing lactic acid. At acidic pH enolase, GAPDH, GS and GPI were associated with the cell surface, whereas at neutral pH they were released into the buffer. The release did not involve de novo protein synthesis. I showed that purified recombinant His6-enolase, His6-GAPDH, His6-GS and His6-GPI reassociate with cell wall and bind in vitro to lipoteichoic acids at acidic pH. The in-vitro binding of these proteins localizes to cell division septa and cell poles. I also show that the release of moonlighting proteins is enhanced in the presence of cathelicidin LL- 37, which is an antimicrobial peptide and a central part of the innate immunity defence. I found that the LL-37-induced detachment of moonlighting proteins from cell surface is associated with cell wall permeabilization by LL-37. The results in this thesis work are compatible with the hypothesis that the moonlighting proteins of L. crispatus associate to the cell wall via electrostatic or ionic interactions and that they are released into surroundings in stress conditions. Their surface translocation is, at least in part, a result from their release from dead or permeabilized cells and subsequent reassociation onto the cell wall. The results of this thesis show that lactobacillar cells rapidly change their surface architecture in response to environmental factors and that these changes influence bacterial interactions with the host.


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Poly (beta-L-malic acid) (PMLA) is a biodegradable polymer and it has various important applications in the biomedical field. In the present work the structural and spectral characteristics of PMLA have been studied by methods of infrared. Raman spectroscopy and quantum chemistry. Electrostatic potential surface, optimized geometry, harmonic vibrational frequencies, infrared intensities and activities of Raman scattering were calculated by density functional theory (DFT) using oligomeric approach employing B3LYP with complete relaxation in the potential energy surface using 6-311++G (d, p) basis set. Based on results, we have discussed the correlation between the vibrational modes and the structure of the PMLA. A complete analysis of the experimental infrared and Raman spectra has been reported on the basis of wavenumber of the vibrational bands and potential energy distribution. The calculated HOMO and LUMO energies shows that charge transfer occur within the molecule. The calculated infrared and the Raman spectra of the polymer based on DFT calculations show reasonable agreement with the experimental results. (c) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In order to suppress chronic inflammation while supporting cell proliferation, there has been a continuous surge toward development of polymers with the intention of delivering anti-inflammatory molecules in a sustained manner. In the above backdrop, we report the synthesis of a novel, stable, cross-linked polyester with salicylic acid (SA) incorporated in the polymeric backbone and propose a simple synthesis route by melt condensation. The as-synthesized polymer was hydrophobic with a glass transition temperature of 1 degrees C, which increases to 17 degrees C upon curing. The combination of NMR and FT-IR spectral techniques established the ester linkages in the as-synthesized SA-based polyester. The pH-dependent degradation rate and the rate of release of salicylic acid from the as-synthesized SA-based polymer were studied at physiological conditions in vitro. The polyester underwent surface erosion and exhibited linear degradation kinetics in which a change in degradation rate is observed after 4-10 days and 24% mass loss was recorded after 4 months at 37 degrees C and pH 7.4. The delivery of salicylic acid also showed a similar change in slopes, with a sustained release rate of 3.5% in 4 months. The cytocompatibility studies of these polyesters were carried out with C2C12 murine myoblast cells using techniques like MTT assay and flow cytometry. Our results strongly suggest that SA-based polyester supports cell proliferation for 3 days in culture and do not cause cell death (<7%), as quantified by propidium iodide (PI) stained cells. Hence, these polyesters can be used as implant materials for localized, sustained delivery of salicylic acid and have applications in adjuvant cancer therapy, chronic wound healing, and as an alternative to commercially available polymers like poly(lactic acid) and poly(glycolic acid) or their copolymers.


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There has been a continuous surge toward developing new biopolymers that exhibit better in vivo biocompatibility properties in terms of demonstrating a reduced foreign body response (FBR). One approach to mitigate the undesired FBR is to develop an implant capable of releasing anti-inflammatory molecules in a sustained manner over a long time period. Implants causing inflammation are also more susceptible to infection. In this article, the in vivo biocompatibility of a novel, biodegradable salicylic acid releasing polyester (SAP) has been investigated by subcutaneous implantation in a mouse model. The tissue response to SAP was compared with that of a widely used biodegradable polymer, poly(lactic acid-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA), as a control over three time points: 2, 4, and 16 weeks postimplantation. A long-term in vitro study illustrates a continuous, linear (zero order) release of salicylic acid with a cumulative mass percent release rate of 7.34 x 10(-4) h(-1) over similar to 1.5-17 months. On the basis of physicochemical analysis, surface erosion for SAP and bulk erosion for PLGA have been confirmed as their dominant degradation modes in vivo. On the basis of the histomorphometrical analysis of inflammatory cell densities and collagen distribution as well as quantification of proinflammatory cytokine levels (TNF-alpha and IL-1 beta), a reduced foreign body response toward SAP with respect to that generated by PLGA has been unambiguously established. The favorable in vivo tissue response to SAP, as manifest from the uniform and well-vascularized encapsulation around the implant, is consistent with the decrease in inflammatory cell density and increase in angiogenesis with time. The above observations, together with the demonstration of long-term and sustained release of salicylic acid, establish the potential use of SAP for applications in improved matrices for tissue engineering and chronic wound healing.