994 resultados para Half-lives


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We demonstrate in a simple model the surprising result that turning on an on-site Coulomb interaction U in a doped band insulator leads to the formation of a half-metallic state. In the undoped system, we show that increasing U leads to a first order transition at a finite value U-AF between a paramagnetic band insulator and an antiferomagnetic Mott insulator. Upon doping, the system exhibits half-metallic ferrimagnetism over a wide range of doping and interaction strengths on either side of U-AF. Our results, based on dynamical mean field theory, suggest a new route to half metallicity, and will hopefully motivate searches for new materials for spintronics.


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The organometallic complex of (eta(6)-cymene)Ru(II)Br with 6-thioguanine (6-TG) shows better photostability than the biologically active 6-thioguanine which is used as an immunosuppressant and as an anticancer agent.


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Ten new organometallic half-sandwich ruthenium complexes with heterocyclic ligands have been synthesized (H1-H10). The substituents on the ancillary heterocyclic ligands were varied to understand the effect of substitution on anticancer activity. The crystallographic characterization of five complexes confirms that they adopt three-legged piano-stool structures and are stabilized by intramolecular hydrogen bonding. Complexes H2 and H3 also exhibit halogen bonding in the solid state. In aqueous media, the complexes form dinuclear ruthenium species. Complex H1 with a noncytotoxic heterocycle, 6-fluoro-2-mercaptobenzothiazole, and complex H11 with the unsubstituted 2-mercaptobenzothiazole are the most active against A2780 and KB cell lines. The substitution of the H atoms on the ancillary ligand with Cl or Br atoms leads to a decrease in the anticancer activity. With the exception of fluorine-substituted H5, the complexes with mercaptobenzoxazole (H6-H9) are inactive against all of the tested cell lines. Ruthenium complexes with mercaptonaphthimidazole (H10) and mercaptobenzimidazole (H13) do not show any anticancer activity. The active complexes show a biphasic melting curve when incubated with calf thymus (CT) DNA. These complexes only inhibit thioredoxin reductase (TrxR) enzyme activity to a small extent. The substitution of hydrogen atoms with fluorine atoms in the aromatic heterocyclic ligands on organometallic half-sandwich ruthenium complexes has the most beneficial effect on their anticancer activity.


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Half-sandwich organometallic ruthenium complexes of seleno-nucleobases, 3 and 4, were synthesized and characterized. The structures of both complexes were determined by X-ray crystallography and are the first crystal structures of ruthenium complexes with seleno-nucleobases. Interestingly, 3 self-assembles aided by adventitious water in DMF to give a tetranuclear square 3a center dot 6H(2)O. Complex 4 is active against Jurkat and Molt-4 cell lines but inactive against the K562 cell line, whereas 3 is completely inactive against all three cell lines. The free ligand 6-selenopurine (1) and 6-selenoguanine (2) are highly active against these cell lines. Compound 2, like its thio analogue, is unstable under UVA light, whereas 4 is stable under similar conditions, which suggests that the ruthenium complex could reduce problems associated with the instability of the free ligand, 2, under irradiation.


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We set up the theory of newforms of half-integral weight on Gamma(0)(8N) and Gamma(0)(16N), where N is odd and squarefree. Further, we extend the definition of the Kohnen plus space in general for trivial character and also study the theory of newforms in the plus spaces on Gamma(0)(8N), Gamma(0)(16N), where N is odd and squarefree. Finally, we show that the Atkin-Lehner W-operator W-4 acts as the identity operator on S-2k(new)(4N), where N is odd and squarefree. This proves that S-2k(-)(4) = S-2k(4).


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The first hyperpolarizability (beta) of a series of half-sandwich Ru complexes with a mercaptobenzothiazole ligand bearing a halogen atom substitution in the para-position has been investigated by hyper-Rayleigh scattering and quantum chemical calculations. The heterocyclic ligand with a bromine atom in the para position makes it a very good donor and charge flows to the Ru center enhancing the beta value of the complex by a factor of 2 compared to the complex with the ligand without the halogen substitution. The resonance (+R) and the inductive (-I) effects exerted by the halogen atom in the para position push electrons in opposing directions in the complex. For the Br and Cl atoms the resonance effect dominates which enables the ligand to donate electrons to the metal center thereby increasing the hyperpolarizability whereas for the fluorine atom, the inductive effect is dominant which reduces the charge flow to the metal and the hyperpolarizability drops even below that of the unsubstituted ligand. This unprecedented halogen atom effect on beta of metal complexes is reported. (C) 2015 Elsevier By. All rights reserved.


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We study the phase diagram of the ionic Hubbard model (IHM) at half filling on a Bethe lattice of infinite connectivity using dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT), with two impurity solvers, namely, iterated perturbation theory (IPT) and continuous time quantum Monte Carlo (CTQMC). The physics of the IHM is governed by the competition between the staggered ionic potential Delta and the on-site Hubbard U. We find that for a finite Delta and at zero temperature, long-range antiferromagnetic (AFM) order sets in beyond a threshold U = U-AF via a first-order phase transition. For U smaller than U-AF the system is a correlated band insulator. Both methods show a clear evidence for a quantum transition to a half-metal (HM) phase just after the AFM order is turned on, followed by the formation of an AFM insulator on further increasing U. We show that the results obtained within both methods have good qualitative and quantitative consistency in the intermediate-to-strong-coupling regime at zero temperature as well as at finite temperature. On increasing the temperature, the AFM order is lost via a first-order phase transition at a transition temperature T-AF(U,Delta) or, equivalently, on decreasing U below U-AF(T,Delta)], within both methods, for weak to intermediate values of U/t. In the strongly correlated regime, where the effective low-energy Hamiltonian is the Heisenberg model, IPT is unable to capture the thermal (Neel) transition from the AFM phase to the paramagnetic phase, but the CTQMC does. At a finite temperature T, DMFT + CTQMC shows a second phase transition (not seen within DMFT + IPT) on increasing U beyond U-AF. At U-N > U-AF, when the Neel temperature T-N for the effective Heisenberg model becomes lower than T, the AFM order is lost via a second-order transition. For U >> Delta, T-N similar to t(2)/U(1 - x(2)), where x = 2 Delta/U and thus T-N increases with increase in Delta/U. In the three-dimensional parameter space of (U/t, T/t, and Delta/t), as T increases, the surface of first-order transition at U-AF(T,Delta) and that of the second-order transition at U-N(T,Delta) approach each other, shrinking the range over which the AFM order is stable. There is a line of tricritical points that separates the surfaces of first- and second-order phase transitions.


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A computational study of the interaction half-sandwich metal fragments (metal=Re/W, electron count=d(6)), containing linear nitrosyl (NO+), carbon monoxide (CO), trifluorophosphine (PF3), N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) ligands with alkanes are conducted using density functional theory employing the hybrid meta-GGA functional (M06). Electron deficiency on the metal increases with the ligand in the order NHC < CO < PF3 < NO+. Electron-withdrawing ligands like NO+ lead to more stable alkane complexes than NHC, a strong electron donor. Energy decomposition analysis shows that stabilization is due to orbital interaction involving charge transfer from the alkane to the metal. Reactivity and dynamics of the alkane fragment are facilitated by electron donors on the metal. These results match most of the experimental results known for CO and PF3 complexes. The study suggests activation of alkane in metal complexes to be facile with strong donor ligands like NHC. (C) 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Coordination-driven self-assembly of dinuclear half-sandwich p-cymene ruthenium(II) complexes Ru-2(mu-eta(4)-C2O4)(CH3OH)(2)(eta(6)-p-cymene)(2)](O3SCF3)(2) (1a) and Ru-2(mu-eta(4)-C6H2O4)(CH3OH)(2)(eta(6)-p-cymene)(2)](O3SCF3)(2) (1b) separately with imidazole-based tritopic donors (L-1-L-2) in methanol yielded a series of hexanuclear 3+2] trigonal prismatic cages (2-5), respectively L-1 = 1,3,5-tris(imidazole-1-yl) benzene; L-2 = 4,4',4 `'-tris(imidazole-1-yl) triphenylamine]. All the self-assembled cages 2-5 were characterized by various spectroscopic techniques (multinuclear NMR, Infra-red and ESI-MS) and their sizes, shapes were obtained through geometry optimization using molecular mechanics universal force field (MMUFF) computation. Despite the possibility due to the free rotation of donor sites of imidazole ligands, of two different atropoisomeric prismatic cages (C-3h or C-s) and polymeric product, the self-selection of single (C(3)h) conformational isomeric cages as the only product is a noteworthy observation. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An efficient density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) algorithm is presented and applied to Y junctions, systems with three arms of n sites that meet at a central site. The accuracy is comparable to DMRG of chains. As in chains, new sites are always bonded to the most recently added sites and the superblock Hamiltonian contains only new or once renormalized operators. Junctions of up to N = 3n + 1 approximate to 500 sites are studied with antiferromagnetic (AF) Heisenberg exchange J between nearest-neighbor spins S or electron transfer t between nearest neighbors in half-filled Hubbard models. Exchange or electron transfer is exclusively between sites in two sublattices with N-A not equal N-B. The ground state (GS) and spin densities rho(r) = < S-r(z)> at site r are quite different for junctions with S = 1/2, 1, 3/2, and 2. The GS has finite total spin S-G = 2S(S) for even (odd) N and for M-G = S-G in the S-G spin manifold, rho(r) > 0(< 0) at sites of the larger (smaller) sublattice. S = 1/2 junctions have delocalized states and decreasing spin densities with increasing N. S = 1 junctions have four localized S-z = 1/2 states at the end of each arm and centered on the junction, consistent with localized states in S = 1 chains with finite Haldane gap. The GS of S = 3/2 or 2 junctions of up to 500 spins is a spin density wave with increased amplitude at the ends of arms or near the junction. Quantum fluctuations completely suppress AF order in S = 1/2 or 1 junctions, as well as in half-filled Hubbard junctions, but reduce rather than suppress AF order in S = 3/2 or 2 junctions.


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A perturbation method is used to examine the linear instability of thermocapillary convection in a liquid bridge of floating half-zone filled with a small Prandtl number fluid. The influence of liquid bridge volume on critical Marangoni number and flow features is analyzed. The neutral modes show that the instability is mainly caused by the bulk flow that is driven by the nonuniform thermocapillary forces acting on the free surface. The hydrodynamic instability is dominant in the case of small Prandtl number fluid and the first instability mode is a stationary bifurcation. The azimuthal wave number for the most dangerous mode depends on the liquid bridge volume, and is not always two as in the case of a cylindrical liquid bridge with aspect ratio near 0.6. Its value may be equal to unity when the liquid bridge is relatively slender.


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The magnetic fields produced by electrical coils are designed for damping the the thermocapillary convection in a floating half-zone in microgravity. The fields are designed specially to reduce the flow near the free surface and then in the melt zone by adjusting the longitudinal coil positions close to the melt zone. The effects of the designed magnetic fields on reducing the flow velocity and temperature distribution non-uniformity in the melt zone are stronger than those of the case of an uniform longitudinal magnetic field obtained by numerical simulation, particularly at the melt-rod interface. It brings fundamental insights into the heat and mass transfer control at the solidification interface by the magnetic field design for crystal growth by the floating full-zone method.


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The transition process of the thermocapillary convection from a steady and axisymmetric mode to the oscillatory mode in a liquid bridge with a fixed aspect ratio and varied volume ratio was studied experimentally. To ensure the surface tension to play an important role in the ground-based experiment, the geometrical configuration of the liquid bridge was so designed that the associated dynamic Bond number Bd ≈ 1. The velocity fields were measured by Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) technique to effectively distinguish the different flow modes during the transition period in the experiments. Our experiments showed that as the temperature difference increased the slender and fat bridges presented quite different features on the evolution in their flow feature: for the former the thermocapillary convection transformed from a steady and axisymmetric pattern directly into an oscillatory one; but for the latter a transition flow status, characterized by an axial asymmetric steady convection, appeared before reaching the oscillatory mode. Experimental observations agree with the results of numerical simulations and it is obvious that the volume of liquid bridge is a sensitive geometric parameter. In addition, at the initial stage of the oscillation, for the former a rotating oscillatory convection with azimuthal wave number m = 1 was observed while for the latter a pulsating oscillatory pattern with azimuthal wave number m = 2 emerged, and then with further increase of the temperature difference, the pulsating oscillatory convection with azimuthal wave number m = 2 evolved into a rotating oscillatory pattern with azimuthal wave number m = 2.


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The velocity fields of oscillatory convection have been measured using the techniques of Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) in a liquid bridge of half floating zone with small typical scales of a few millimeters for emphasizing the thermocapillary effect in comparison with the effect of buoyancy. The flow patterns of the oscillatory flow have been studied experimentally in a liquid bridge. The flow patterns in the liquid bridge are classified with mode numbers according to oscillatory flow characteristics. Results of the experiment show that the mode depends on the aspect ratio as well as the volume ratio of the liquid bridge. The experimental results are helpful for studying the structure of flow at the onset of oscillatory thermocapillary convection in a liquid bridge.


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A simulation model of a floating half zone was suggested by steady numerical simulation and experiment respectively, in the previous papers [Q.S. Chen, W.R. Hu, Int. J. Mass Heat Transfer 40 (1997) 757; J.H. Han, Y. Ar, R. Zhou, W.R. Hue, Int. J. Mass Heat Transfer 40 (1997) 2671]. In the present paper, the simulation model is studied by using the method of unsteady and three-dimensional numerical simulation, and the transient process from steady convection to oscillatory convection is especially analyzed. Comparison of onsets of oscillation for both simulation model and the usual model were obtained, and the results show that the critical Marangoni number of the simulation model is obviously smaller than that of the usual model for the same slender liquid bridge. This implies that the usual model of a floating half zone gives a lower estimation on the onset of oscillation for floating zone convection.