804 resultados para Game of rules


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The study analyses the reaction of urban residents to problems, i.e. disturbing factors, in their living environment, and also their ways of doing something about these problems. It is based on urban-sociological theory on everyday life in a modern metropolis. On this theoretical basis, problems in the urban living environment are analysed in terms of a policy of everyday interference: when urban citizens become aware of a problem in their environment, they face a pattern of behaviour where the norm is polite indifference and negative solidarity. They may feel they ought to do something about the problem, but at the same time, an implicit rule of urban life is not to interfere with other people s lives so they won t interfere with yours. For example, it is not that easy for someone disturbed by littering to complain directly to those who litter the streets. Or if you complain about tobacco smoke from the neighbour s balcony, your neighbours might get cross. Direct interference with a problem in the environment usually implies an encounter with a hitherto unknown counterpart and their possible counter-reaction. The risk is either to lose face or get into downright conflict. Therefore, an easier way may be to complain to the city authorities. The Helsinki City Environment Centre is currently working on solutions for all the various kinds of problems that occur in a dense urban structure. Various ways of conceptualising the problems in the living environment are analysed empirically using theme interviews made with citizens having contacted Helsinki City Environment Centre. A phenomenographic approach and a theory-based categorisation are applied on the analysis of the theme interviews. On the grounds of the analysis, the ways of conceptualising are determined by 1) the difficulty of interfering and convincing other people, which in practice means meddling in other people s business, 2) a territorial struggle for space and a place in a dense urban structure, 3) breaches of rules and norms for social routines in urban life, and 4) a crumbling of the urban identity and all that goes along with that. The analysis of the ways of conceptualisation is deepened using a cultural risk theory. The final outcome of the analysis is four types of behaviour among urban residents with regard to interference with everyday problems in the living environment. They have been called yard police , fence builder , park warden and environmental caretaker . The study combines an urban-sociological approach with the theoretical tradition of urban research and with research on municipal environmental policy.


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This study examines gender as a dimension of group divisions and differences in physical education (PE) lessons at school. The aim is to look at those structures and practices which direct the ways the girls and the boys move their bodies at secondary school in 2000’s while growing up to become women and men. Theoretically, the goal is to clarify how the social is inscribed to the bodies in the context of physical education lessons at school. This ethnographic study was conducted in the physical education lessons of 7th graders (13-14-year-olds) by observing the everyday life in five PE groups and by interviewing pupils (N=27) and their teachers (N=2). This method has given the researcher “a sense of the game”; an embodied experience of the feel for the game of the studied phenomenon. The access to the contextual “positions of expertise” does not seem to be socially and materially equally distributed in physical education. In PE the criteria of inclusion and exclusion were intertwined with physical skills and friendships, these hierarchies becoming visible in the situations of team choice in PE lessons. Not all families have possibilities to enable their children to participate in expensive leisure sports activities. Therefore the family’s societal position is in relation to the construction of leisure time activities. The access to certain possibilities demands time and money. In Finland the physical education is mainly carried out in differentiated groups for girls and boys. In physical education, the gender-differentiated groups, and partially the different practices of these groups activate, and on the other hand suppress, situations of gender related borderwork. In this research, both pupils and PE teachers repeatedly mentioned the naturality of the differences while speaking about gender. The differences were also restored to gender. I apply Erving Goffman’s dramaturgical view to the social situations, ethnographic fieldwork and interviews. My central statement is that in ethnography the audience has access to the backstage of the researcher since reporting does not follow the traditional division to the public and the private.


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Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastelen soluautomaatteja ja niiden yleisesti käytettyj ä keskivertokenttä- ("mean field") ja pariapproksimaatioita. Määrittelen soluautomaatin käsitteen yleisellä tasolla ja kuvailen kolme eri tyypillisesti käytettyä soluautomaattityyppiä, joista kahdesta esimerkkeinä mainitsen John Conwayn tunnetun "Game of Life" -soluautomaatin sekä epidemiologian alalla yleisesti käytetyn hilakontaktiprosessin. Tutkielman toisessa osassa esittelen eri tapoja, joilla soluautomaattien käyttäytymistä voidaan analyyttisesti approksimoida ja karakterisoida, mukaanlukien niin kutsuttu soluautomaatin aktiviteetti (λ) sekä yllämainitut keskivertokenttä- ja pariapproksimaatiot. Kahta jälkimmäistä sovellan hilakontaktiprosessiin, ja vertailen näin saatuja tuloksia.


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Pragmatism has sometimes been taken as a catchphrase for epistemological stances in which anything goes. However, other authors argue that the real novelty and contribution of this tradition has to do with its view of action as the context in which all things human take place. Thus, it is action rather than, for example, discourses that should be our starting point in social theory. The introductory section of the book situates pragmatism (especially the ideas of G. H. Mead and John Dewey) within the field and tradition of social theory. This introductory also contextualizes the main core of the book which consists of four chapters. Two of these chapters have been published as articles in scientific journals and one in an edited book. All of them discuss the core problem of social theory: how is action related to social structures (and vice versa)? The argument is that habitual action is the explanation for the emergence of social structures from our action. Action produces structures and social reproduction takes place when action is habitualized; that is, when we develop social dispositions to act in a certain manner in familiar environments. This also means that even though the physical environment is the same for all of us, our habits structure it into different kinds of action possibilities. Each chapter highlights these general insights from different angles. Practice theory has gained momentum in recent years and it has many commonalities with pragmatism because both highlight the situated and corporeal character of human activity. One famous proponent of practice theory is Margaret Archer who has argued that the pragmatism of G. H. Mead leads to an oversocialized conception of selfhood. Mead does indeed present a socialized view of selfhood but this is a meta-sociological argument rather than a substantial sociological claim. Accordingly, one can argue that in this general sense intersubjectivity precedes subjectivity and not the other way around. Such a view does not indicate that our social relation would necessarily "colonize" individual action because there is a place for internal conversations (in Archer s terminology); it is especially in those phases of action where it meets obstacles due to the changes of the environment. The second issue discussed has the background assumption that social structures can fruitfully be conceptualized as institutions. A general classification of different institution theories is presented and it is argued that there is a need for a habitual theory of institutions due to the problems associated with these other theories. So-called habitual institutionalism accounts for institutions in terms of established and prevalent social dispositions that structure our social interactions. The germs of this institution theory can be found in the work of Thorstein Veblen. Since Veblen s times, these ideas have been discussed for example, by the economist Geoffrey M. Hodgson. His ideas on the evolution of institutions are presented but a critical stance is taken towards his tendency of defining institutions with the help of rules because rules are not always present in institutions. Accordingly, habitual action is the most basic but by no means the only aspect of institutional reproduction. The third chapter deals with theme of action and structures in the context of Pierre Bourdieu s thought. Bourdieu s term habitus refers to a system of dispositions which structure social fields. It is argued that habits come close to the concept of habitus in the sense that the latter consists of particular kinds of habits; those that are related to the reproduction of socioeconomic positions. Habits are thus constituents of a general theory of societal reproduction whereas habitus is a systematic combination of socioeconomic habits. The fourth theme relates to issues of social change and development. The capabilities approach has been associated with the name of Amartya Sen, for example, and it underscores problems inhering in economistic ways of evaluating social development. However, Sen s argument has some theoretical problems. For example, his theory cannot adequately confront the problem of relativism. In addition, Sen s discussion lacks also a theory of the role of the public. With the help of arguments derived from pragmatism, one gets an action-based, socially constituted view of freedom in which the role of the public is essential. In general, it is argued that a socially constituted view of agency does not necessarily to lead to pessimistic conclusions about the freedom of action.


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Indigenous peoples with a historical continuity of resource-use practices often possess a broad knowledge base of the behavior of complex ecological systems in their own localities. This knowledge has accumulated through a long series of observations transmitted from generation to generation. Such ''diachronic'' observations can be of great value and complement the ''synchronic''observations on which western science is based. Where indigenous peoples have depended, for long periods of time, on local environments for the provision of a variety of resources, they have developed a stake in conserving, and in some cases, enhancing, biodiversity. They are aware that biological diversity is a crucial factor in generating the ecological services and natural resources on which they depend. Some indigenous groups manipulate the local landscape to augment its heterogeneity, and some have been found to be motivated to restore biodiversity in degraded landscapes. Their practices for the conservation of biodiversity were grounded in a series of rules of thumb which are apparently arrived at through a trial and error process over a long historical time period. This implies that their knowledge base is indefinite and their implementation involves an intimate relationship with the belief system. Such knowledge is difficult for western science to understand. It is vital, however, that the value of the knowledge-practice-belief complex of indigenous peoples relating to conservation of biodiversity is fully recognized if ecosystems and biodiversity are to be managed sustainably. Conserving this knowledge would be most appropriately accomplished through promoting the community-based resource-management systems of indigenous peoples.


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Microsoft Windows uses the notion of registry to store all configuration information. The registry entries have associations and dependencies. For example, the paths to executables may be relative to some home directories. The registry being designed with faster access as one of the objectives does not explicitly capture these relations. In this paper, we explore a representation that captures the dependencies more explicitly using shared and unifying variables. This representation, called mRegistry exploits the tree-structured hierarchical nature of the registry, is concept-based and obtained in multiple stages. mRegistry captures intra-block, inter-block and ancestor-children dependencies (all leaf entries of a parent key in a registry put together as an entity constitute a block thereby making the block as the only child of the parent). In addition, it learns the generalized concepts of dependencies in the form of rules. We show that mRegistry has several applications: fault diagnosis, prediction, comparison, compression etc.


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This work is a follow up to 2, FUN 2010], which initiated a detailed analysis of the popular game of UNO (R). We consider the solitaire version of the game, which was shown to be NP-complete. In 2], the authors also demonstrate a (O)(n)(c(2)) algorithm, where c is the number of colors across all the cards, which implies, in particular that the problem is polynomial time when the number of colors is a constant. In this work, we propose a kernelization algorithm, a consequence of which is that the problem is fixed-parameter tractable when the number of colors is treated as a parameter. This removes the exponential dependence on c and answers the question stated in 2] in the affirmative. We also introduce a natural and possibly more challenging version of UNO that we call ``All Or None UNO''. For this variant, we prove that even the single-player version is NP-complete, and we show a single-exponential FPT algorithm, along with a cubic kernel.


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Resumen: Las indicaciones pastorales del Papa Francisco en Evangelii gaudium ofrecen la oportunidad para redescubrir el valor de la categoría ley bajo la guía de la tradición tomista recogida en el documento pontificio. La propuesta moral del Evangelio o ley nueva, siguiendo la sinonimia utilizada por santo Tomás de Aquino, no puede ser reducida a un precepto o una serie de normas; muy por el contrario, revisitando la doctrina del Doctor Común podemos descubrir la necesidad de una hermenéutica sapiencial y profundamente bíblica de uno de los pilares de la moral cristiana. En el camino de la conversión pastoral, el retorno a las fuentes tomistas vuelve a iluminar la reflexión teológica con fecundidad renovada.


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Resumen: El presente artículo trata conjuntamente acerca de los contenidos y la estrategia para la Modernización del Estado que se desprende de las recientes experiencias en cuanto a la aplicación de las Reformas Económicas de los años 80s y 90s, como así también de los últimos desarrollos de nuevas áreas de investigación como la Economía Institucional y la Teoría del Capital Social. Desde este punto de vista para diseñar una Estrategia de Modernización del Estado es esencial una visión estratégica de las actividades que el Estado debe realizar, delegar o incentivar. Asimismo las orientaciones fundamentales pasan por la existencia de consensos sobre políticas de largo plazo, la independencia del funcionamiento, un correcto diseño de reglas en lugar de conductas discrecionales, un balance entre subsidiariedad y participación, el logro de la excelencia de la función pública y de la lucha contra la corrupción.


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Analisa o fenômeno da má redação das leis sob a ótica do processo legislativo, a partir do exame das etapas de elaboração e de votação da Redação Final das proposições sujeitas à apreciação do Plenário da Câmara dos Deputados. O objetivo é verificar se as incoerências textuais, de forma e de conteúdo, são ocasionadas também pela votação da redação presumida, a par da inobservância das regras e preceitos de Técnica Legislativa. O trabalho mostra que a prática da votação da redação presumida pode provocar lapsos e incoerências no texto final, pelo encerramento da apreciação da matéria sem a possibilidade de sanear erros materiais ou formais porventura existentes. Além disso, propõe que a própria legitimidade do processo e, por conseguinte, do ato legislativo final, estaria maculada, pela impossibilidade de se atestar a conformidade entre a Redação Final e o real conteúdo deliberado pelo Plenário, podendo o texto não espelhar a real intenção do legislador. O trabalho inicia com as noções de Técnica Legislativa, de forma a caracterizar a importância do aspecto formal e da adequada apresentação escrita das proposições legislativas. Em seguida, descreve o atual processo de elaboração e de votação da Redação Final e as suas consequências para a redação e a legitimidade dos textos legais. Para isso, foram analisadas diversas Questões de Ordem acerca do assunto e realizada uma breve pesquisa, que contempla as proposições aprovadas pelo Plenário neste ano de 2011 (até 26/10/11), para verificar a quantidade de modificações introduzidas e a possibilidade de ocorrência de deficiências redacionais em razão da não apresentação do texto da Redação Final antes de considerá-lo definitivamente aprovado. Na sequência, faz um estudo de caso do processo de votação da Lei da "Ficha Limpa". Por fim, apresenta proposta de modificação, no sentido de contribuir para o debate e consequente aperfeiçoamento do referido processo.


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IARD 8th Biennial Conference on Classical and Quantum Relativistic Dynamics of Particles and Fields - Galileo Galilei Inst Theoret Phys (GGI), Florence, ITALY - MAY 29-JUN 01, 2012. Edited by:Horowitz, LP


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The Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT) held a Workshop on Sensor Technology for Assessing Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions in the Coastal Zone on March 7 to 9,2005 in Savannah, GA. The main goal of the workshop was to summarize the general parameters, which have been found to be useful in assessing groundwater-surface water (GW-SW) interactions in the coastal zone. The workshop participants (Appendix I) were specifically charged with identifying the types of sensor systems, if any, that have been used to obtain time-series data and to make known which parameters may be the most amenable to the development/application of sensor technology. The group consisted of researchers, industry representatives, and environmental managers. Four general recommendations were made: 1. Educate coastal managers and agencies on the importance of GW-SW interactions, keeping in mind that regulatory agencies are driven by a different set of rules than researchers: the focus is on understanding the significance of the problem and providing solutions. ACT could facilitate this process in two ways. First, given that the research literature on this subject is fairly diffuse, ACT could provide links from its web site to fact sheets or other literature. Second, ACT could organize a focused meeting for managers and/or agency groups. Encourage development of primary tools for quantifying flow. The most promising technology in this respect is flow meters designed for flux chambers, mainly because they should be simple to use and can be made relatively inexpensively. However, it should be kept in mind that they provide only point measurements and several would need to be deployed as a network in order to obtain reliable flow estimates. For evaluating system wide GW-SW interactions, tools that integrate the signal over large areas would be required. Suggestions include a user-friendly hydrogeologic models, keeping in mind that freshwater flow is not the entire story, or continuous radon monitors. Though the latter would be slightly more difficult to use in terms of background knowledge, such an instrument would be low power and easy to operate and maintain. ACT could facilitate this recommendation by identifying funding opportunities on its web site and/or performing evaluations of existing technologies that could be summarized on the web site. (pdf contains 18 pages)


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Tesis leida en la Universidad de Aberdeen. 178 p.


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Fuzzification is introduced into gray-scale mathematical morphology by using two-input one-output fuzzy rule-based inference systems. The fuzzy inferring dilation or erosion is defined from the approximate reasoning of the two consequences of a dilation or an erosion and an extended rank-order operation. The fuzzy inference systems with numbers of rules and fuzzy membership functions are further reduced to a simple fuzzy system formulated by only an exponential two-input one-output function. Such a one-function fuzzy inference system is able to approach complex fuzzy inference systems by using two specified parameters within it-a proportion to characterize the fuzzy degree and an exponent to depict the nonlinearity in the inferring. The proposed fuzzy inferring morphological operators tend to keep the object details comparable to the structuring element and to smooth the conventional morphological operations. Based on digital area coding of a gray-scale image, incoherently optical correlation for neighboring connection, and optical thresholding for rank-order operations, a fuzzy inference system can be realized optically in parallel. (C) 1996 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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O objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar as marcas linguísticas que compõem as relações de sentido no que diz respeito ao humor da crônica de Aldir Blanc. A partir da percepção da estrutura da Língua Portuguesa, verificar quais as ações na produção textual da crônica sejam estas morfológicas, gramaticais, lexicais, sintáticas, fonéticas, estilísticas ou semânticas que, ao aliar-se à práxis cotidiana (contexto) oferecida pelos jornais, propiciam o discurso humorístico do autor. Os pressupostos teóricos que corroboram as respectivas demarcações linguísticas terão ênfase no tocante aos aspectos semânticos, com Stephen Ullman, Pierre Guiraud e Edward Lopes. Os traços característicos da crônica, o humor e a ironia como recursos discursivos, a seleção lexical, as inferências, o jogo lúdico da grafia das palavras, as formas textuais serão inferidos dialogicamente em grande parte pelos estudos estilísticos de Marcel Cressot, Pierre Guiraud, Mattoso Câmara, Nilce SantAnna Martins e José Lemos Monteiro. Desse modo, apontamos para um estudo da língua sob uma ótica semântico-discursiva, levando em conta sua expressividade estilística. Dessa forma, à valorização do manuseamento linguístico, quer pela escritura, quer pela leitura, acrescenta-se o dado crítico da língua através do discurso presente no humor, tendo em vista o gênero textual que é a crônica e sua grande penetração social pelos jornais de grande circulação