965 resultados para Desporto - Gestão organizacional


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS


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This article analyzes the results of three different field research, carried out simultaneously in small technology-based sectors, metal-mechanical industry and hotel in the city of São Carlos - SP, with goals, concepts and methods of similar research. The studies were classified as quantitative and descriptive and conducted through a survey of opinion with the main leader of the company. It were considered valid for analyses, the responses of 57 leaders, it were 33 technology-based sector, 13 of the metal-mechanic industry and 11 in the hospitality sector. The main results: the formalization of planning has not led to better performance, considering the indicator growth in sales in the three sectors studied and that the degree of formalization of the planning of the companies in the technologybased sector was higher, while the hospitality sector had a percentage smaller. The dynamic aspect of technology-based sector and stability in the hotel sector in the region studied, leads to assume that the turbulence of the environment is a predominant factor, contradicting the proposal of some authors, in which the formal planning is inappropriate for small companies that operate in environments that change quickly.


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The quantitative research conducted on communication in organizations from bauruenses has served as inspiration for: the development of applied research regarding Brazilian organizational reality, to the communication courses and on the improvements in the communication aspect of the organizations in the region. The goal is to provide information related t the role of organizational communication and the public relations role in this process, measuring the empowerment of this community. The mapping methodology is based on structured questionnaires in order to capture ordinary factors, active and retroactive, from the communication processes such as: relationship types, channels and media, degree of interaction and interdependence between the parties; types of public involved in the process and the expectations of the organization in relation to goals, objectives, actions, events and activities programmed in communication. For the delineation of a reflective proposal from the data, we chose to work on analyzing three dimensions: the strategic communication, linked to the business model and information technologies; the internal communication, linked to culture, to the organizational structure and management that implies the new paradigms of relationship; and lastly, the intention to materialize the collected data on indicators and scales from attributes caused or inhibited from the excellent communication, including evaluation of the practice of Public Relations. This article presents the main results related to micro companies in Bauru, São Paulo.


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A aprendizagem formal e tradicional tem dado lugar a um cenário desafiador no qual educador e educando não comungam do mesmo espaço físico. A Educação a Distância (EAD), ainda é vista como uma solução que agrega cada vez mais alunos de diferentes idades que desejam uma graduação de ensino superior ou a continuidade dela. A pesquisa com o título: “O estudante da EAD (educação a distância): um estudo de perfil e interação geracional” propõe conhecer as características do perfil atual do estudante da EAD, abordando o diálogo entre as gerações no ambiente social escolar. O enfoque da pesquisa é qualitativa, exploratória e descritiva com dados que foram coletados através de entrevista com 08 alunos das gerações X e Y para assim entender se este perfil tem sido renovado com alunos mais jovens, do que a faixa etária de 25 a 45 anos. O resultado demonstra que alunos na faixa de 17 a 24 anos a cada ano aumentam 1% das matrículas. Já a faixa de 25 a 45 anos prevalece com 70% das matrículas. Portanto, este resultado revela que o perfil do aluno EAD ainda é o do jovem adulto, para adulto mais experiente, que busca a graduação com o propósito de progressão no ambiente profissional. As duas gerações citadas geração X e geração Y, mesmo em contextos históricos diferenciados de valores, crenças e comportamentos participam atualmente de uma transformação social que contempla os meios de produção do trabalho, a formação educacional e as relações sociais. O diálogo intergeracional direciona a um aprendizado compartilhado, participativo na troca de experiências mutuas. Para a geração X o jovem atual não é mais nomeado como o que precisa escutar e aprender, mas tem muito a partilhar, principalmente diante da facilidade com os meios tecnológicos. E para a geração Y, na partilha não há barreiras de idade, mas a segurança de interagir e se comunicar diante da troca de experiências


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A temática sobre redes organizacionais tem ocupado um lugar importante no campo de estudos da ciência social aplicada à administração dado o grau de interesse dos pesquisadores compreenderem o fenômeno da coopetição nos mercados e sua relação entre os atores na economia. A análise proposta neste estudo apresenta o sistema de consorciamento de municípios tendo como ponto central da rede o CIS/AMUNPAR em torno das políticas públicas de saúde. A proposta foi de entender quais foram os ganhos/conquistas que o consórcio obteve a partir dos conceitos da teoria de redes. Dado esse contexto, buscou-se revisitar nesta pesquisa a memória social do CIS/AMUNPAR caracterizado como uma rede de cooperação intergovernamental, sendo apoiada pelo SUS como parte integrante das políticas públicas de saúde no período de democratização e municipalização do setor de saúde no Brasil. Os Consórcios Intermunicipais de Saúde assumiram a responsabilidade de atendimento das especialidades no Estado, deixando de serem apenas um mero coadjuvante e passando a ser um ator social principal na prestação de serviços de saúde no país. A partir do processo de redemocratização política do país, os consórcios foram criados objetivando a aproximação dos municípios com os usuários do sistema SUS. Trata-se portanto, de uma pesquisa metodologicamente calcada na abordagem qualitativa, exploratória e descritiva, valendo-se da história oral e análise documental. Os procedimentos de análise dos dados foram baseados no modelo analítico geral e bibliografia fundamentada. Os dados permitiram compreender que o CIS/AMUNPAR passa por uma fragmentação na parceria estabelecida na rede em sua gênese e que precisa unir esforços para planejar suas ações em conjunto, assim como se caracteriza uma rede cooperativa efetiva. A pesquisa ainda revelou que isoladamente os municípios não conseguiriam oferecer toda a assistência necessária e requerida pela União a partir do processo de descentralização da saúde e que a estratégia mais adequada para a região do noroeste do Paraná seria na forma de consorciamento dos 28 municípios que compreendiam esta região.


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O objetivo desta tese foi, primeiramente, identificar as tendências nos processos de Comunicação Institucional e nos modelos de gestão organizacional existentes nas Instituições Metodistas de Ensino Superior localizadas no Brasil, buscando averiguar similaridades e diferenças entre os processos de comunicação decorrentes da implantação da nova estrutura adotada para a gestão da Rede Metodista de Educação e da sua Central de Serviços Compartilhados. Em seguida, propôs-se um modelo de políticas e de diretrizes de comunicação, reunindo as principais atividades relacionadas aos processos de Comunicação Empresarial que foram identificados no decorrer da elaboração desta tese. Como metodologia, utilizou-se da pesquisa qualitativa, pelo fato de ser o método de investigação que melhor se adaptou ao problema proposto. Para definir o tipo de estudo, realizou-se, inicialmente, uma pesquisa exploratória por intermédio de entrevistas feitas com seis executivos da referida Rede, além de cinco gestores que respondem pelas áreas de comunicação e marketing, utilizando-se, para tanto, de questionários contendo perguntas estruturadas e não estruturadas. A partir dos resultados obtidos nas pesquisas, foram analisadas as atividades desenvolvidas pelos departamentos de Recursos Humanos, Tecnologia e Informação e Comunicação e Marketing, para identificar a contribuição de cada um deles na consolidação dos processos de Comunicação Institucional. Concluiu-se que o modelo de diretrizes e políticas de comunicação proposto neste trabalho poderá permitir que tanto a Rede Metodista de Educação como outras instituições de ensino superior balizem suas ações em procedimentos e critérios objetivos, considerados fundamentais para a gestão empresarial.


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A aprendizagem formal e tradicional tem dado lugar a um cenário desafiador no qual educador e educando não comungam do mesmo espaço físico. A Educação a Distância (EAD), ainda é vista como uma solução que agrega cada vez mais alunos de diferentes idades que desejam uma graduação de ensino superior ou a continuidade dela. A pesquisa com o título: “O estudante da EAD (educação a distância): um estudo de perfil e interação geracional” propõe conhecer as características do perfil atual do estudante da EAD, abordando o diálogo entre as gerações no ambiente social escolar. O enfoque da pesquisa é qualitativa, exploratória e descritiva com dados que foram coletados através de entrevista com 08 alunos das gerações X e Y para assim entender se este perfil tem sido renovado com alunos mais jovens, do que a faixa etária de 25 a 45 anos. O resultado demonstra que alunos na faixa de 17 a 24 anos a cada ano aumentam 1% das matrículas. Já a faixa de 25 a 45 anos prevalece com 70% das matrículas. Portanto, este resultado revela que o perfil do aluno EAD ainda é o do jovem adulto, para adulto mais experiente, que busca a graduação com o propósito de progressão no ambiente profissional. As duas gerações citadas geração X e geração Y, mesmo em contextos históricos diferenciados de valores, crenças e comportamentos participam atualmente de uma transformação social que contempla os meios de produção do trabalho, a formação educacional e as relações sociais. O diálogo intergeracional direciona a um aprendizado compartilhado, participativo na troca de experiências mutuas. Para a geração X o jovem atual não é mais nomeado como o que precisa escutar e aprender, mas tem muito a partilhar, principalmente diante da facilidade com os meios tecnológicos. E para a geração Y, na partilha não há barreiras de idade, mas a segurança de interagir e se comunicar diante da troca de experiências


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Tese apresentada ao Programa de Pós-graduação em Administração da Universidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul para a obtenção do título de doutor em Administração.


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Este estudo centra-se numa investigação sobre o conceito de trabalho em open space na nova sede no Porto da empresa Energias de Portugal - SA, tendo em conta a estratégia implementada e os resultados conseguidos. Para isso, dissecámos as premissas apresentadas aos trabalhadores na cerimónia de inauguração do novo espaço - “O Open Space opera como plataforma de comunicação e de partilha de informação” e “O Open Space responde às necessidades dos trabalhadores, criando ambientes de trabalho modernos e funcionais”. A fim de avaliarmos o campo empírico, construímos e enviámos em formato eletrónico para o e-mail de todos os trabalhadores da amostra um instrumento de medida que denominámos de open space (OS). As ilações retiradas estão baseadas nos resultados analisados e discutidos após processamento em SPSS - predictive analytics software and solutions e em reports gráficos. O open space da EDP Porto é um local moderno e funcional, privilegiado em relação à fluidez e partilha de informação, capaz de manifestar estratégias de negócio e de salientar aspetos da marca e da cultura da Empresa. A formação/informação sobre comportamentos e regras básicas a seguir na partilha de um mesmo espaço, as razões de negócio que levam a organização a mudar o espaço de trabalho, a par das vantagens que ambas as partes podem tirar do novo conceito, influencia positivamente ou negativamente a perceção da mudança e o estado emocional dos trabalhadores. O ruído, a temperatura ambiente, a concentração ou a privacidade, são alguns dos fatores que poderão variar com o layout e funcionam como condicionantes de uma maior ou menor satisfação ambiental. No entanto, existem sempre questões que permanecem pendentes e foi nesse contexto que deixámos algumas propostas para novas investigações num trabalho científico que nunca se esgota. / This study focuses on researching the concept of working in an open space in the new Oporto’s headquarters of the company Energias de Portugal - SA, given the strategy implemented and the results achieved. For this, we dissected the assumptions presented to workers at the inauguration ceremony of the new space - "The Open Space operates as a platform for communication and information sharing" and "The Open Space responds to the needs of workers, creating modern and functional workplaces". In order to evaluate the empirical side, we built and sent, in electronic format, an e-mail to all the workers of the sample with a measurement tool that we called the open space (OS). The conclusions are based on the results analyzed and discussed after being processed in SPSS - predictive analytics software and solutions and graphs in reports. The open space of the EDP Oporto is a modern and functional place, privileged in relation to fluidity and information sharing, capable of manifesting business strategies and highlight aspects of the brand and culture of the Company. The training/information on behaviors and basic rules to follow when sharing the same space, the business reasons that lead the organization to change the workspace, along with the advantages that both parties can benefit from the new concept, influence positively or negatively the perception of change and the emotional state of workers. Noise, temperature, concentration or privacy, are some of the factors that may vary with the layout and function as constraints in a greater or lesser environmental satisfaction. However, there are always issues that remain outstanding and it was in this context that we made some proposals for further research in a scientific paper that never runs out.


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Some authors have shown the need of understanding the technological structuring process in contemporary firms. From this perspective, the software industry is a very important element because it provides products and services directly to many organizations from many fields. In this case, the Brazilian software industry has some peculiarities that distinguish it from other industries located in developed countries, which makes its understanding even more relevant. There is evidence that local firms take different strategies and structural configurations to enter into a market naturally dominated by large multinational firms. Therefore, this study aims to understand not only the structural configurations assumed by domestic firms but also the dynamic and the process that lead to these different configurations. To do so, this PhD dissertation investigates the institutional environment, its entities and the isomorphic movements, by employing an exploratory, descriptive and explanatory multiple cases study. Eight software development companies from the Recife's information technology Cluster were visited. Also, a form was applied and an interview with one of the main firm s professional was conducted. Although the study is predominantly qualitative, part of the data was analyzed through charts and graphs, providing a companies and environment overview that was very useful to analysis done through the interviews interpretation. As a result, it was realized that companies are structured around hybrids business models from two ideal types of software development companies, which are: software factory and technology-based company. Regarding the development process, it was found that there is a balanced distribution between the traditional and agile development paradigm. Among the traditional methodologies, the Rational Unified Process (RUP) is predominant. The Scrum is the most used methodology among the organizations based on the Agile Manifesto's principles. Regarding the structuring process, each institutional entity acts in such way that generates different isomorphic pressure. Emphasis was given to entities such as customers, research agencies, clusters, market-leading businesses, public universities, incubators, software industry organizations, technology vendors, development tool suppliers and manager s school and background because they relate themselves in a close way with the software firms. About this relationship, a dual and bilateral influence was found. Finally, the structuring level of the organizational field has been also identified as low, which gives a chance to organizational actors of acting independently


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This research is part of the field of organizational studies, focusing on organizational purchase behavior and, specifically, trust interorganizational at the purchases. This topic is current and relevant by addressing the development of good relations between buyer-supplier that increases the exchange of information, increases the length of relationship, reduces the hierarchical controls and improves performance. Furthermore, although there is a vast literature on trust, the scientific work that deal specifically at the trust interorganizational still need further research to synthesize and validate the variables that generate this phenomenon. In this sense, this investigation is to explain the antecedents of trust interorganizational by the relationship between the variable operational performance, organizational characteristics, shared values and interpersonal relationships on purchases by manufacturing industries, in order to develop a robust literature, most consensual, that includes the current sociological and economic, considering the effect of interpersonal relationships in this phenomenon. This proposal is configured in a new vision of the antecedents of interorganizational trust, described as significant quantitative from models Morgan and Hunt (1994), Doney and Cannon (1997), Zhao and Cavusgil (2006) and Nyaga, Whipple, Lynch (2011), as well as qualitative analysis of Tacconi et al. (2011). With regard to methodological aspects, the study assumes the form of a descriptive, survey type, and causal trace theoretical and empirical. As for his nature, the investigation, explicative character, has developed a quantitative approach with the use of exploratory factor analysis and structural equation modeling SEM, with the use of IBM software SPSS Amos 18.0, using the method of maximum verisimilitude, and supported by technical bootstraping. The unit of analysis was the buyer-supplier relationship, in which the object under investigation was the supplier organization in view of the purchasing company. 237 valid questionnaires were collected among key informants, using a simple random sampling developed in manufacturing industries (SIC 10-33), located in the city of Natal and in the region of Natal. The first results of descriptive analysis demonstrate the phenomenon of interorganizational trust, in which purchasing firms believe, feel secure about the supplier. This demonstration showed high levels of intensity, predominantly among the vendors that supply the company with materials that are used directly in the production process. The exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, performed on each variable alone, generated a set of observable and unobservable variables more consistent, giving rise to a model, that needed to be further specified. This again specify model consists of trajectories was positive, with a good fit, with a composite reliability and variance extracted satisfactory, and demonstrates convergent and discriminant validity, in which the factor loadings are significant and strong explanatory power. Given the findings that reinforce the model again specify data, suggesting a high probability that this model may be more suited for the study population, the results support the explanation that interorganizational trust depends on purchases directly from interpersonal relationships, sharing value and operating performance and indirectly of personal relationships, social networks, organizational characteristics, physical and relational aspect of performance. It is concluded that this trust can be explained by a set of interactions between these three determinants, where the focus is on interpersonal relationships, with the largest path coefficient for the factor under study


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Public policies have been studied in the various fields of humanities and social sciences, from different theoretical and technical aspects. However, there is still a lack of studies that incorporate the dimension that encompasses the political action and its interference in such actions, also recognizing the importance of the institutional setting of the Brazilian presidential model in implementing these policies. This fragmented and multiparty system has led to power heterogeneous sets of political parties. Thus, the ministerial offices, more than assisting the President´s government project, manage particularized agendas, which are party biased and have the influence of interest groups in hegemonic themes addressed by government agencies. When these agendas operate in sectoral and specialized policies, the friction level is apparently low. However, when this occurs in intersectoral actions, such as in regional development, there is evidence of strong signs of competition among government agencies, which in theory, should operate in an integrated manner. Although this is not a specific feature of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva´s government- the period to be studied- there was similar behavior in Fernando Henrique Cardoso´s presidency, one realizes that the expansion of coalition on behalf of governance is increasingly interfering in the outcome of intersectoral public policies, due to these multiple arguments in action. In order to understand these processes, this study focused on the Sustainable and Integrated Development Programme for Differentiated Meso-Regions (PROMESO), part of the National Policy for Regional Development (NPRD). The program provides interface with various government agencies and their public policies in a clear intersectoral design. The research sought to identify and analyze the relationships between government agencies and their programs with interest groups, whether political parties or other segments of civil society, highlighting the logic of favoritism, which poses in second place the integration of actions in the intersectoral policies. Therefore, besides the theoretical debate that incorporates several categories of political science, public administration, public policy, geography and economics, the study focused on secondary sources, using different government agencies databases in order to raise information. It was observed that the interference of partisan politics has been disastrous for some public policies. Thus, the research confirms that cooperative character is fragile within government agencies, often limited to official documents, and that there is indeed, a striking feature of competition, especially when it comes to transversalized policies


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The present study investigated the management of social, environmental and economic sustainability practices employed by 72 oil companies in Rio Grande do Norte state in Brazil associated to Joint Business Network for Enhancing the Competitive Ability of Suppliers of Goods and Services to the Gas and Oil Industry in Rio Grande do Norte (REDEPETRO-RN). Thus, our investigation aimed to determine the extent to which sustainability practices of companies associated to REDEPETRO-RN are developed through their own efforts or influenced by the Triple Helix interorganizational arrangement (governamental organizations, education and research institutions, and industries). The research instrument used was a questionnaire in order to map and characterize the sustainability practices. The research subjects were business owners and managers. The data collected supported the descriptive, correspondence and correlation analyzes. Were identified a greater emphasis of the companies surveyed in developing sustainability practices and greater economic influence of business organizations in the construction of sustainability status. It was concluded with confirmation of thesis of the REDEPETRO-RN arrangement exhibits the characteristics and functioning of a common Interorganizational Cooperative Arrangement, not those of a triple helix interorganizational arrangement, given that the influences exerted for the development of social, environmental and economical sustainability on the part of teaching and research institutions, and government and business organizations do not interact with one another sufficiently to create a virtuous circle of cooperation among the associated companies. By contrast, the Interorganizational Cooperative Arrangement plays an important role in strengthening the competitiveness of companies affiliated to REDEPETRO-RN, by combining different competencies in an attempt at supporting the adoption of sustainability practices, a role reinforced by the scope of PETROBRAS, which, due to its economic importance, has considerable weight in the managerial decisions of associated companies


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Ethics on scientific research is approached and often discussed in several areas of knowledge connected to health. In the Administration area there are very few studies which approach the topic of ethics on research. The present paper tried to fill in this gap in the production of knowledge about the topic, investigating how the ethical principles found in the literature and in the codes of conduct are noticed and taken into account in Administration research activities developed by acting researchers in Administration Post Graduation Programs. Theoretically speaking, the study was based mainly on the approaches by Creswell (2007) and Bell and Bryman (2007), which discuss the research ethical principles. Methodologically speaking it was all about an exploratory kind of study, with qualitative research approach. Upon data collection, personal interviews were made aiming at its depth and focus groups were formed. The first stage had interviews with four experienced researchers who took part on a teaching and researching event and on the second stage we used the focus group technique. The focus groups were done in four college institutions along with the post graduation programs in Administration in the states of Rio Grande do Norte, Paraíba and Pernambuco, in Brazil. The results suggest the existence of general principles and parameters for the scientific research recommended in the literature and on official resolution. However, in the Administration area, there are only a few recommendations of good practices when it comes to submitting articles for scientific publications but we found no guidance with ethical principles and parameters which cover all the activities in the scientific research and which specifically meet the research particularities in Administration. The main ethical dilemma pointed by the researchers refers to ethical questions which arise at the time of data collection and on disclosing the results. Most researchers do not know the guidelines and the ethical norms on ethics about research that we have in our country neither do they send in their projects to the research ethics committee. When dilemma arises, they decide the ethical question based on their values and common sense. These elements confirm the thesis that the researcher s procedure in the research activities in Administration is predominantly signed by personal values or by common sense and less by ethical principles, whether by not knowing the normative instruments related to ethics or by disagreeing with any disciplining rules on ethical behavior in the research