959 resultados para Computer software Reusability


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MicroEconometria és un paquet estadístic i economètric que contempla l’estimació de models uniequacionals: 1- Regressió simple i múltiple: anàlisi de residus, influència i atipicitat, diagnòstics de multicol·linealitat, estimació robusta, predicció, diagnòstics d’estabilitat, bootstrap. 2- Regressió en panell: efectes fixes, efectes aleatoris i efectes combinats. 3- Regressió lògit i probit. 4- Regressió censurada: tobit i model de selecció de Heckman. 5- Regressió multinomial. 6- Regressió poisson: model ‘count data’. 7- Índexs amb variables renda i riquesa i impostos transferències. Genera un informe per a cada una de les possibilitats contemplades que conté la presentació dels resultats de les estimacions, incloent les sortides gràfiques pertinents. L’input del programa és qualsevol base de dades, en la que es pugui identificar la variable endògena i les variables exògenes del model utilitzat, continguda en un llibre d’EXCEL de Microsoft.


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SIMBENFISC v1.0 permet simular els beneficis fiscals que generen els següents impostos: Successions, Donacions, Transmissions Patrimonials, Actes Jurídics i Operacions Societàries. Genera un informe per a cada impost que conté: 1- Els resultats de la recaptació real per a la liquidació de l’impost segons la normativa vigent a Catalunya i la normativa vigent a l’estat. 2- Els resultats dels beneficis fiscals que corresponen a l’execució de les diferents reduccions i/o deduccions contemplades a cada impost. 3- Els resultats de la projecció de recaptació i dels beneficis fiscals que s’obtindrien d’aplicar determinats supòsits de creixement a) de la base imposable, b) de les liquidacions i c) de canvis de normativa. La informació que processa aquest simulador, òbviament, és específica de cada impost, però el seu ventall es situa aproximadament entre els 50.000 i 300.000 registres. Aquesta informació és l’input del microsimulador i la proporciona la Direcció General de Tributs i Jocs, del Departament d’Economia i Coneixement de la Generalitat de Catalunya, a partir de les autoliquidacions que s’efectuen en cada exercici fiscal anual.


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SIMCAT v4.1 permet simular reformes dels següents impostos: IRPF, IPPF, Successions, Donacions, Transmissions Patrimonials, Actes Jurídics i Operacions Societàries. Aquest simulador permet confegir les figures contemplades específicament per a cada impost, seguint el seu esquema liquidatori: base imposable, reduccions, base liquidable, tarifa, deduccions, bonificacions i quota. Genera un informe per a cada reforma programada que conté: 1) Resultats descriptius i estadístics, relatius a les variables d’interès de qualsevol dels impostos mencionats, per tal de poder analitzar l’impacte global de la reforma programada. 2) Resultats distributius en forma de grups ordenats de contribuents, segons base imposable gravada, per tal de poder analitzar l’impacte específic per a cada grup de la reforma programada. 3) Resultats sintètics en forma dels índexs habitualment utilitzats per analitzar reformes impositives: desigualtat, concentració, progressivitat i redistribució. 4) Resultats corresponents als guanyadors i perdedors de cada reforma, respecte a la situació de partida o, àdhuc, permetent la comparació amb d’altres reformes. 5) Gràfics de corbes de Lorenz, de tipus impositius, de guanys i pèrdues. La informació que processa aquest simulador, òbviament, és específica de cada impost, però el seu ventall es situa aproximadament entre els 50.000 i 300.000 registres. Aquesta informació és l’input del microsimulador i la proporciona la Direcció General de Tributs i Jocs, del Departament d’Economia i Coneixement de la Generalitat de Catalunya, a partir de les autoliquidacions que s’efectuen en cada exercici fiscal anual.


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[cat] Roloc es basa en la codificació cromàtica d'imatges. Roloc analitza una imatge i, a partir d'uns colors predeterminats per l'usuari, la reconverteix en franges de diferents mides segons la seva proporció cromàtica. D'aquesta manera tota imatge es reordena en franges verticals de colors plans.


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To coordinate ambulances for emergency medical services, a multiagent system uses an auction mechanism based on trust. Results of tests using real data show that this system can efficiently assign ambulances to patients, thereby reducing transportation time. Emergency transportation on specialized vehicles is needed when a person's health is in risk of irreparable damage. A patient can't benefit from sophisticated medical treatments and technologies if she or he isn't placed in a proper healthcare center with the appropriate medical team. For example, strokes are neurological emergencies involving a limited amount of time in which treatment measures are effective


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L'anàlisi de conglomerats o cluster és una tècnica multivariant que busca agrupar elements o variables tractant d'aconseguir la màxima homogeneïtat en cada grup i la major diferència entre ells, mitjançant una estructura jerarquitzada per poder decidir quin nivell jeràrquic és el més apropiat per establir la classificació. El programa SPSS disposa de tres tipus d'anàlisi de conglomerats: l'anàlisi de conglomerats jeràrquic, bietàpic i de K mitjanes. Aplicarem el mètode jeràrquic com el més idoni per determinar el nombre òptim de conglomerats existent en les dades i el contingut dels mateixos per al nostre cas pràctic.


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Tässä työssä kuvataan erästä kaupallista ohjelmistoprojektia, jossa ohjelmistojen uudelleenkäyttöä tavoiteltiin komponenttipohjaisen uudelleenkäytön ja ohjelmistojen sovittamisen kautta. Projektissa toteutettiin matkapuhelinsovellus, jonka ydin eristettiin uudelleenkäytettäväksi ja sovitettavaksi komponentiksi. Ytimen sovitettavuus verifioitiin sovittamalla ydin toiselle ympäristölle ja edelleen toteuttamalla toimiva prototyyppisovellus sovitetun ytimen varaan. Ytimen sovittamisen sekä prototyyppisovelluksen toteuttamisen vaatima työmäärä oli huomattavasti pienempi kuin ytimen tekemiseen alkuperin käytetty työmäärä. Työssä on osoitettu ohjelmistometriikoiden avulla, että merkittävä osa ohjelmiston toiminnallisuudesta saatiin uudelleenkäytettäväksi sovitettavan ytimen avulla. Lisäksi työssä on kuvattu millaisia kehitysprosessikäytäntöjä projektissa oli käytössä tukemassa uudelleenkäytettävyystavoitetta.


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ABSTRACT The successful in the implementation of wind turbines depends on several factors, including: the wind resource at the installation site, the equipment used, project acquisition and operational costs. In this paper, the production of electricity from two small wind turbines was compared through simulation using the computer software HOMER - a national model of 6kW and an imported one of 5kW. The wind resources in three different cities were considered: Campinas (SP/BR), Cubatão (São Paulo/BR) and Roscoe (Texas/ USA). A wind power system connected to the grid and a wind isolated system - batteries were evaluated. The results showed that the energy cost ($/kWh) is strongly dependent on the windmill characteristics and local wind resource. Regarding the isolated wind system – batteries, the full supply guarantee to the simulated electrical load is only achieved with a battery bank with many units and high number of wind turbines, due to the intermittency of wind power.


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In the present paper we discuss the development of "wave-front", an instrument for determining the lower and higher optical aberrations of the human eye. We also discuss the advantages that such instrumentation and techniques might bring to the ophthalmology professional of the 21st century. By shining a small light spot on the retina of subjects and observing the light that is reflected back from within the eye, we are able to quantitatively determine the amount of lower order aberrations (astigmatism, myopia, hyperopia) and higher order aberrations (coma, spherical aberration, etc.). We have measured artificial eyes with calibrated ametropia ranging from +5 to -5 D, with and without 2 D astigmatism with axis at 45º and 90º. We used a device known as the Hartmann-Shack (HS) sensor, originally developed for measuring the optical aberrations of optical instruments and general refracting surfaces in astronomical telescopes. The HS sensor sends information to a computer software for decomposition of wave-front aberrations into a set of Zernike polynomials. These polynomials have special mathematical properties and are more suitable in this case than the traditional Seidel polynomials. We have demonstrated that this technique is more precise than conventional autorefraction, with a root mean square error (RMSE) of less than 0.1 µm for a 4-mm diameter pupil. In terms of dioptric power this represents an RMSE error of less than 0.04 D and 5º for the axis. This precision is sufficient for customized corneal ablations, among other applications.


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Käytettävyydeltään huippuluokkaa olevan pulssi-MIG/MAG-hitsausvalokaaren toteuttaminen vaatii runsaasti tietoa eri pulssiparametreista ja niiden vaikutuksista hitsaukseen. Näihin vaikutuksiin liittyvä tieteellinen tutkimus on ollut melko vähäistä. Erityisesti tieto pulssimuodon vaikutuksista hitsausääneen on perustunut lähinnä kokemuksen tuomaan tuntumaan. Tässä diplomityössä tutkittiin pulssimuodon vaikutusta valokaaren käytettävyyteen pulssi-MIG/MAG-hitsauksessa. Käytettävyys käsittää tässä tapauksessa hitsausäänen, hitsin geometrian ja hitsausominaisuudet. Tutkimuksen alussa perehdyttiin kirjallisuuteen ja tuoreimpiin tutkimuksiin, jonka jälkeen vertailtiin erilaisia pulssimuotoja keskenään hitsauskokeiden avulla. Hitsausääneen ja hitsin geometriaan liittyvät kokeet suoritettiin mekanisoidusti. Hitsausääneen liittyvät mittaukset suoritettiin luokan 1 äänitasomittarilla ja tuloksia analysoitiin tietokoneohjelmistolla. Hitsien geometrioiden vertailu suoritettiin makrohietutkimuksena. Hitsausominaisuuksia tutkittiin suurnopeuskameran ja oskilloskoopin, sekä lopulta käsinhitsauskokeiden avulla. Kaikissa koevaiheissa pulssimuodon tarkasteluun käytettiin oskilloskooppia. Lisäksi käytössä oli toinen oskilloskooppi, jolla tarkasteltiin hitsausvirran spektriä. Pulssimuodon muokkaamiseen käytettiin erillistä tietokoneohjelmaa. Työn kokeellinen osuus keskittyi pulssi-MAG-hitsaukseen. Pulssimuotoa muokkaamalla saatiin aikaan miellyttävämpi hitsausääni. Lisäksi havaittiin, että pulssimuotoa muokkaamalla hitsistä saadaan kapeampi, jolloin juuritunkeumaa saavutetaan enemmän. Käsinhitsauskokeet osoittivat muokatun pulssimuodon olevan myös hitsaajan näkökulmasta käytettävyydeltään paras pulssimuoto. Erityisesti valokaaren vakaus ja kohdistuvuus sekä suurien hitsausnopeuksien sietokyky olivat muokatun pulssimuodon etuja. Selviä haittavaikutuksia pulssimuodon muokkaamiselle ei löydetty.


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The adaptive behavior of human beings is usually supported by rapid monitoring of outstanding events in the environment. Some investigators have suggested that a primary attention deficit might trigger symptoms of schizophrenia. In addition, researchers have long discussed the relationship between schizophrenia and the schizophrenia-like psychosis of epilepsy (SLPE). On the basis of these considerations, the objective of the present study was to investigate attention performance of patients with both disorders. Patient age was 18 to 60 years, and all patients had received formal schooling for at least four years. Patients were excluded if they had any systemic disease with neurologic or psychiatric comorbidity, or a history of brain surgery. The computer-assisted TAVIS-2R test was applied to all patients and to a control group to evaluate and discriminate between selective, alternating and sustained attention. The TAVIS-2R test is divided into three parts: one for selective attention (5 min), the second for alternating attention (5 min), and the third for the evaluation of vigilance or sustained attention (10 min). The same computer software was used for statistical analysis of reaction time, omission errors, and commission errors. The sample consisted of 36 patients with schizophrenia, 28 with interictal SLPE, and 47 healthy controls. The results of the selective attention tests for both patient groups were significantly lower than that for controls. The patients with schizophrenia and SLPE performed differently in the alternating and sustained attention tests: patients with SLPE had alternating attention deficits, whereas patients with schizophrenia showed deficits in sustained attention. These quantitative results confirmed the qualitative clinical observations for both patient groups, that is, that patients with schizophrenia had difficulties in focusing attention, whereas those with epilepsy showed perseveration in attention focus.


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Ventilatory differences between rat strains and genders have been described but the morphology of the phrenic nerve has not been investigated in spontaneously hypertensive (SHR) and normotensive Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats. A descriptive and morphometric study of the phrenic nerves of male (N = 8) and female (N = 9) SHR, and male (N = 5) and female (N = 6) WKY is presented. After arterial pressure and heart rate recordings, the phrenic nerves of 20-week-old animals were prepared for epoxy resin embedding and light microscopy. Morphometric analysis performed with the aid of computer software that took into consideration the fascicle area and diameter, as well as myelinated fiber profile and Schwann cell nucleus number per area. Phrenic nerves were generally larger in males than in females on both strains but larger in WKY compared to SHR for both genders. Myelinated fiber numbers (male SHR = 228 ± 13; female SHR = 258 ± 4; male WKY = 382 ± 23; female WKY = 442 ± 11 for proximal right segments) and density (N/mm²; male SHR = 7048 ± 537; female SHR = 10355 ± 359; male WKY = 9457 ± 1437; female WKY = 14351 ± 1448) for proximal right segments) were significantly larger in females of both groups and remarkably larger in WKY than SHR for both genders. Strain and gender differences in phrenic nerve myelinated fiber number are described for the first time in this experimental model of hypertension, indicating the need for thorough functional studies of this nerve in male and female SHR.