929 resultados para Competitive feasting
Current studies indicate a need to integrate environmental management with manufacturing strategy, including topics like cross-functional integration, environmental impact, and waste reduction. Nevertheless, such studies are relatively rare, existing still a need for research in specific regional contexts. At the same time, the results found are not unanimous. Due to these gaps, the objective of this article is to analyze if environmental management can be considered a new competitive priority for manufacturing enterprises located in Brazil. A cross-sectional survey was conducted with Brazilian companies certified by ISO 14001. Sixty-five valid questionnaires were analyzed through Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). The first conclusion is that environmental management presents a preventive approach in the sample analyzed, focused on eco-efficiency, what potentially do not to create a competitive advantage. This preventive approach inhibits environmental management from being regarded as a new competitive manufacturing priority, in the full sense as defined by the literature. Another important result is that environmental management, although following a preventive focus, may influence positively the four manufacturing priorities: cost, quality, flexibility and delivery. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The objective of the present study was to compare the performance of three serological tests for diagnosis of Brucella abortus infections in buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis). Serum samples collected from 696 adult females were submitted to the competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISAC), (I-ELISA), fluorescence polarization test (FPA), 2-mercaptoethanol test (2-ME) and complement fixation test (CFT). The gold standard was the combination of CFT and 2-ME, considering as positive the reactors in both CFT and 2-ME, and as negative those non-reactors. ROC analyses were done for C-ELISA, I-ELISA and FPA and the Kappa agreement index were also calculated. The best combinations of relative sensitivity (SEr) and relative specificity (SPr) and Kappa were given by C-ELISA (96.9%, 99.1%, and 0.932, respectively) and FPA (92.2%, 97.6 and 0.836, respectively). The C-ELISA and FPA were the most promising confirmatory tests for the serological diagnosis of brucellosis in buffaloes, and for these tests, cut-off values for buffaloes may be the same as those used for bovines.
Competitive learning is an important machine learning approach which is widely employed in artificial neural networks. In this paper, we present a rigorous definition of a new type of competitive learning scheme realized on large-scale networks. The model consists of several particles walking within the network and competing with each other to occupy as many nodes as possible, while attempting to reject intruder particles. The particle's walking rule is composed of a stochastic combination of random and preferential movements. The model has been applied to solve community detection and data clustering problems. Computer simulations reveal that the proposed technique presents high precision of community and cluster detections, as well as low computational complexity. Moreover, we have developed an efficient method for estimating the most likely number of clusters by using an evaluator index that monitors the information generated by the competition process itself. We hope this paper will provide an alternative way to the study of competitive learning.
Objective: The aim of this study was to assess the nutritional zinc (Zn) status of elite swimmers during different training periods. Methods: A longitudinal paired study was performed at the University of Sao Paulo in eight male swimmers 18 to 25 y old who had been swimming competitively at the state and national levels for at least 5 y. The swimmers were evaluated over a total period of 14 wk: before the basic and specific preparatory period (BSPP-baseline), at the end of the basic and specific preparatory period (post-BSPP), and at the end of the polishing period (PP). Levels of Zn were determined in the plasma, erythrocyte, urine, and saliva by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Anthropometric measurements and a 3-d food record were also evaluated. Results: The median plasma Zn concentration was below the reference value in all training periods (BSPP-baseline 59 mu g/dL, post-BSPP 55.9 mu g/dL, after PP 58.8 mu g/dL, P > 0.05), as were threshold values for erythrocytes (BSPP-baseline 36.5 mu g of Zn/g of hemoglobin, post-BSPP 42 mu g of Zn/g of hemoglobin, after PP 40.7 mu g of Zn/g of hemoglobin, P > 0.05), urinary Zn (BSPP-baseline 280 mu g/24 h, post-BSPP 337 mu g/24 h, after PP 284 mu g/24 h, P > 0.05), and salivary Zn (BSPP-baseline 66.1 mu g/L, post-BSPP 54.1 mu g/L, after PP 79.7 mu g/L, > 0.05). Salivary Zn did not correlate with plasma and erythrocyte Zn levels. Conclusion: The results suggest that the elite swimmers studied presented a possible Zn deficiency and that salivary Zn was not adequate to evaluate the Zn nutritional status. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The current study is a piece from the original project entitled "Diagnosis of the Artistic Gymnastics Development Program in Brazil". Among others issues, the coaching philosophy of coaches who are developing gymnasts that may be representative of the national team was a matter of analysis. We interviewed 46 coaches from 29 sports institutions in Brazil. As data collection we used a semi-structured interview and for data treatment we adopted the content analysis method of Bardin (2010). We have found out that there is an inconsistent philosophical basis, and in many institutions this has been mixed up with the objectives of the training program or just doesn't exist. This fact needs consideration and criticism, but we know that the coaching philosophy is not developed during the coaching education courses.
In the thesis I exploit an empirical analysis on firm's productivity. I relate the efficiency at plant level with the input market features and I suggest an estimation technique for production function that takes into account firm's liquidity constraints. The main results are three. When I consider services as inputs for manufacturing firm's production process, I find that more competition in service sector affects positively plants productivity and export decision. Secondly liquidity constraints are important for the calculation of firm's productivity because they are a second source of firm's heterogeneity. Third liquidity constraints are important for firm's internationalization
In Italia, il contesto legislativo e l’ambiente competitivo dei Confidi è profondamente mutato negli ultimi anni a seguito dell’emanazione di due nuove normative: la “Legge Quadro” sui Confidi e la nuova regolamentazione del capitale di vigilanza nelle banche (c.d. "Basilea 2"). la Legge Quadro impone ai Confidi di adottare uno dei seguenti status societari: i) ente iscritto all’albo di cui all’art. 106 del Testo Unico Bancario (TUB); ii) ente iscritto all’albo di cui all’art. 107 del Testo Unico Bancario; iii) banca cooperativa di garanzia collettiva dei fidi. Fermi restando i requisiti soggettivi sui garanti ammessi da Basilea 2, la modalità tecnica finora utilizzata dai Confidi non risponde ai requisiti oggettivi. Il pensiero strategico si enuclea nelle seguenti domande: A) qual è la missione del Confidi (perché esistono i Confidi)? B) Quali prodotti e servizi dovrebbero offrire per raggiungere la loro missione? C) Quale modello organizzativo e di governance si conforma meglio per l'offerta dei prodotti e servizi individuati come necessari per il raggiungimento della missione? Le riflessioni condotte nell’ambito di un quadro di riferimento delineato dal ruolo delle garanzie nel mercato del credito bancario, dalle “Nuove disposizioni di vigilanza prudenziale per le banche”, dalla “Legge Quadro” sui e, infine, dall’assetto istituzionale ed operativo dei Confidi si riassumono nelle seguenti deduzioni: Proposizione I: segmentare la domanda prima di adeguare l’offerta; Proposizione II: le operazioni tranched cover sono un'alternativa relativamente efficiente per l'operatività dei Confidi, anche per quelli non vigilati; Proposizione III: solo i Confidi‐banca hanno la necessità di dotarsi di un rating esterno; Proposizione IV: le banche sono nuovi Clienti dei Confidi: offrire servizi di outsourcing (remunerati), ma non impieghi di capitale; Proposizione V: le aggregazioni inter settoriali nel medesimo territorio sono da preferirsi alle aggregazioni inter territoriali fra Confidi del medesimo settore. Alle future ricerche è affidato il compito di verificare: quali opzioni strategiche nel concreato siano state applicate; quali siano state le determinati di tali scelte; il grado di soddisfacimento dei bisogni degli stakeholder dei Confidi; misurare i benefici conseguiti nell'efficienza allocativa del credito.
This thesis is dedicated to the analysis of non-linear pricing in oligopoly. Non-linear pricing is a fairly predominant practice in most real markets, mostly characterized by some amount of competition. The sophistication of pricing practices has increased in the latest decades due to the technological advances that have allowed companies to gather more and more data on consumers preferences. The first essay of the thesis highlights the main characteristics of oligopolistic non-linear pricing. Non-linear pricing is a special case of price discrimination. The theory of price discrimination has to be modified in presence of oligopoly: in particular, a crucial role is played by the competitive externality that implies that product differentiation is closely related to the possibility of discriminating. The essay reviews the theory of competitive non-linear pricing by starting from its foundations, mechanism design under common agency. The different approaches to model non-linear pricing are then reviewed. In particular, the difference between price and quantity competition is highlighted. Finally, the close link between non-linear pricing and the recent developments in the theory of vertical differentiation is explored. The second essay shows how the effects of non-linear pricing are determined by the relationship between the demand and the technological structure of the market. The chapter focuses on a model in which firms supply a homogeneous product in two different sizes. Information about consumers' reservation prices is incomplete and the production technology is characterized by size economies. The model provides insights on the size of the products that one finds in the market. Four equilibrium regions are identified depending on the relative intensity of size economies with respect to consumers' evaluation of the good. Regions for which the product is supplied in a single unit or in several different sizes or in only a very large one. Both the private and social desirability of non-linear pricing varies across different equilibrium regions. The third essay considers the broadband internet market. Non discriminatory issues seem the core of the recent debate on the opportunity or not of regulating the internet. One of the main questions posed is whether the telecom companies, owning the networks constituting the internet, should be allowed to offer quality-contingent contracts to content providers. The aim of this essay is to analyze the issue through a stylized two-sided market model of the web that highlights the effects of such a discrimination over quality, prices and participation to the internet of providers and final users. An overall welfare comparison is proposed, concluding that the final effects of regulation crucially depend on both the technology and preferences of agents.
Partendo da un’analisi di mercato che si sviluppa meglio con una segmentazione, andremo ad analizzare il settore degli editori di videogiochi, le loro quote di mercato e come si stanno evolvendo per rimanere al passo con la tecnologia in un settore con forte competizione. Lo scopo di questa tesi è spiegare il successo della Take Two Interactive descrivendo la sua storia, le strategia che ha adottato negli anni per arrivare a competere con altri grandi editori e come si sta approcciando alle nuove tecnologie, all’evoluzione dei comportamenti d’acquisto dei consumatori e ai nuovi mercati emergenti.
Il mercato video ludico è stato, ed è tuttora uno dei settori più redditizi e innovativi del mercato globale. L’evoluzione tecnologica ha permesso lo sviluppo di device e piattaforme da gioco sempre più performanti e in grado di soddisfare le esigenze dei consumatori. Con le nuove prospettive di gioco ci si sofferma a riflettere su quale sarà l’evoluzione del business dell’intrattenimento interattivo. In questo elaborato andremo a vedere come si sta evolvendo il mercato dei videogiochi, quali sono i nuovi scenari competitivi che si sono affiancati a questo settore, quali sono i segmenti che stanno avendo una crescita considerevole negli ultimi 10 anni, e cercheremo di capire come cambierà il “gameplay” da salotto, quindi quali saranno le prospettive future delle console da gioco.