854 resultados para Cause-related marketing


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Shipping list no. : 2005-0156-P (pt. 1A), 2005-0131-P (pt. 1B), 2005-0136-P (pt. 2), 2005-0172-P (pt. 3-5, 7), 2005-0185-P (pt. 6), 2005-0168-P (pt. 8), 2006-0066-P (pt. 9).


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International marketing information series.


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Sunscreen skin penetration and safety assessment should be considered together in order to ensure that in vitro cytotoxicity studies examine relevant doses of these organic chemical UV filters to which viable epidermal cells are realistically exposed. In this study, we sought to determine whether sufficient topically applied sunscreens penetrated into human viable epidermis to put the local keratinocyte cell populations at risk of toxicity. The penetration and retention of five commonly used sunscreen agents ( avobenzone, octinoxate, octocrylene, oxybenzone and padimate O) in human skin was evaluated after application in mineral oil to isolated human epidermal membranes. Sunscreen concentration - human keratinocyte culture response curves were then defined using changes in cell morphology and proliferation ( DNA synthesis using radiolabelled thymidine uptake studies) as evidence of sunscreens causing toxicity. Following 24 h of human epidermal exposure to sunscreens, detectable amounts of all sunscreens were present in the stratum corneum and viable epidermis, with epidermal penetration most evident with oxybenzone. The concentrations of each sunscreen found in human viable epidermis after topical application, adjusting for skin partitioning and binding effects, were at least 5-fold lower, based on levels detected in viable epidermal cells, than those appearing to cause toxicity in cultured human keratinocytes. It is concluded that the human viable epidermal levels of sunscreens are too low to cause any significant toxicity to the underlying human keratinocytes. Copyright (C) 2005 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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A large longitudinal dataset on women's health in Australia provided the basis of analysis of potential positive health effects of living with a companion animal. Age, living arrangements, and housing all strongly related to both living with companion animals and health. Methodological problems in using data from observational studies to disentangle a potential association in the presence of substantial effects of demographic characteristics are highlighted. Our findings may help to explain some inconsistencies and contradictions in the literature about the health benefits of companion animals, as well as offer suggestions for ways to more forward in future investigations of human-pet relationships.


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There is ongoing debate whether the efficiency of local cognitive processes leads to global cognitive ability or whether global ability feeds the efficiency of basic processes. A prominent example is the well-replicated association between inspection time (IT), a measure of perceptual discrimination speed, and intelligence (IQ), where it is not known whether increased speed is a cause or consequence of high IQ. We investigated the direction of causation between IT and IQ in 2012 genetically related subjects from Australia and The Netherlands. Models in which the reliable variance of each observed variable was specified as a latent trait showed IT correlations of -0.44 and -0.33 with respective Performance and Verbal IQ; heritabilities were 57% (IT), 83% (PIQ) and 77% (VIQ). Directional causation models provided poor fits to the data, with covariation best explained by pleiotropic genes (influencing variation in both IT and IQ). This finding of a common genetic factor provides a better target for identifying genes involved in cognition than genes which are unique to specific traits.


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Despite the now well developed use of sponsorship-linked marketing, there have been few methodological advances in the measurement of sponsorship constructs and outcomes. This paper offers a preliminary development of an activity index for use in the sponsorship marketing context. The activity index seeks to capture the consumer's extended experience with sport (rugby) and considers the relationship of this overall experience to sponsorship-related outcomes of interest. Initial development of the index, based on a convenience sample of 108 people visiting a sports centre, shows promise.


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The bacterial wilts of banana known as Moko disease, Bugtok disease and blood disease are caused by members of the R. solanacearum species complex. R. solanacearum is a heterogeneous species which has been divided into 4 genetic groups known as phylotypes. Within the R. solanacearum species complex, strains that cause Moko and Bugtok diseases belong to phylotype II. The blood disease bacterium, the cause of blood disease, belongs to phylotype IV. This study employs phylogenetic analysis of partial endoglucanase gene sequences to further assess the evolutionary relationships between strains of R. solanacearum causing Moko disease and Bugtok disease and the relationship of the blood disease bacterium to other R. solanacearum strains within phylotype IV of the R. solanacearum species complex. These analyses showed that R. solanacearum Moko disease-causing strains are polyphyletic, forming four related, but distinct, clusters of strains. One of these clusters is a previously unrecognised group of R. solanacearum Moko disease-causing strains. It was also found that R. solanacearum strains that cause Bugtok disease are indistinguishable from strains causing Moko disease in the Philippines. Phylogenetic analysis of partial endoglucanase gene sequences of the strains of the blood disease confirms a close relationship of these strains to R. solanacearum strains within phylotype IV of the R. solanacearum species complex.


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Background. The factors behind the reemergence of severe, invasive group A streptococcal (GAS) diseases are unclear, but it could be caused by altered genetic endowment in these organisms. However, data from previous studies assessing the association between single genetic factors and invasive disease are often conflicting, suggesting that other, as-yet unidentified factors are necessary for the development of this class of disease. Methods. In this study, we used a targeted GAS virulence microarray containing 226 GAS genes to determine the virulence gene repertoires of 68 GAS isolates (42 associated with invasive disease and 28 associated with noninvasive disease) collected in a defined geographic location during a contiguous time period. We then employed 3 advanced machine learning methods (genetic algorithm neural network, support vector machines, and classification trees) to identify genes with an increased association with invasive disease. Results. Virulence gene profiles of individual GAS isolates varied extensively among these geographically and temporally related strains. Using genetic algorithm neural network analysis, we identified 3 genes with a marginal overrepresentation in invasive disease isolates. Significantly, 2 of these genes, ssa and mf4, encoded superantigens but were only present in a restricted set of GAS M-types. The third gene, spa, was found in variable distributions in all M-types in the study. Conclusions. Our comprehensive analysis of GAS virulence profiles provides strong evidence for the incongruent relationships among any of the 226 genes represented on the array and the overall propensity of GAS to cause invasive disease, underscoring the pathogenic complexity of these diseases, as well as the importance of multiple bacteria and/ or host factors.


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Objective: To demonstrate properties of the International Classification of the External Cause of Injury (ICECI) as a tool for use in injury prevention research. Methods: The Childhood Injury Prevention Study (CHIPS) is a prospective longitudinal follow up study of a cohort of 871 children 5 - 12 years of age, with a nested case crossover component. The ICECI is the latest tool in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) family and has been designed to improve the precision of coding injury events. The details of all injury events recorded in the study, as well as all measured injury related exposures, were coded using the ICECI. This paper reports a substudy on the utility and practicability of using the ICECI in the CHIPS to record exposures. Interrater reliability was quantified for a sample of injured participants using the Kappa statistic to measure concordance between codes independently coded by two research staff. Results: There were 767 diaries collected at baseline and event details from 563 injuries and exposure details from injury crossover periods. There were no event, location, or activity details which could not be coded using the ICECI. Kappa statistics for concordance between raters within each of the dimensions ranged from 0.31 to 0.93 for the injury events and 0.94 and 0.97 for activity and location in the control periods. Discussion: This study represents the first detailed account of the properties of the ICECI revealed by its use in a primary analytic epidemiological study of injury prevention. The results of this study provide considerable support for the ICECI and its further use.


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Objective To compare mortality burden estimates based on direct measurement of levels and causes in communities with indirect estimates based on combining health facility cause-specific mortality structures with community measurement of mortality levels. Methods. Data from sentinel vital registration (SVR) with verbal autopsy (VA) were used to determine the cause-specific mortality burden at the community level in two areas of the United Republic of Tanzania. Proportional cause-specific mortality structures from health facilities were applied to counts of deaths obtained by SVR to produce modelled estimates. The burden was expressed in years of life lost. Findings. A total of 2884 deaths were recorded from health facilities and 2167 recorded from SVR/VAs. In the perinatal and neonatal age group cause-specific mortality rates were dominated by perinatal conditions and stillbirths in both the community and the facility data. The modelled estimates for chronic causes were very similar to those from SVR/VA. Acute febrile illnesses were coded more specifically in the facility data than in the VA. Injuries were more prevalent in the SVR/VA data than in that from the facilities. Conclusion. In this setting, improved International classification of diseases and health related problems, tenth revision (ICD-10) coding practices and applying facility-based cause structures to counts of deaths from communities, derived from SVR, appears to produce reasonable estimates of the cause-specific mortality burden in those aged 5 years and older determined directly from VA. For the perinatal and neonatal age group, VA appears to be required. Use of this approach in a nationally representative sample of facilities may produce reliable national estimates of the cause-specific mortality burden for leading causes of death in adults.


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Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a forma de construção da imagem dos bispos, pastores, obreiros e obreiras da Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus (IURD), por meio da ferramenta de marketing pessoal (MP). A utilização do MP por tais agentes religiosos é uma maneira de melhorar a interação simbólica entre líderes e fiéis e atrair o público para os templos. A IURD foi escolhida para esta análise por usar de vários procedimentos que estão relacionados com as técnicas de MP, no sentido de sofisticar a aparência visual de sua liderança, a fim de representar um discurso de prosperidade disseminado pela instituição. Cremos que é dessa forma que a IURD atrai o público por meio da imagem criada dos líderes, mediante uma aparência visual sofisticada. Na pesquisa dessa Igreja, encontramos que a ferramenta de MP usada pelos seus membros hierárquicos contribui para o crescimento e a consolidação desse empreendimento no mercado religioso. A construção da imagem que estamos tratando é planejada a partir da matriz imagética do líder principal da Igreja Universal, Edir Bezerra Macedo. Por meio da imagem central do bispo Macedo é que a liderança é marcada ou estigmatizada com um perfil estético respaldado por uma noção de sucesso. Utilizamos a pesquisa bibliográfica e observação participante como método de pesquisa e ainda, pesquisamos o jornal Folha Universal e averiguamos alguns programas televisivos exibidos na TV Record, analisando o marketing pessoal da liderança em questão. Assim, verificamos que as interfaces de presentação da boa imagem produzida por meio de técnicas corporais, roupas e acessórios, favorece a representação desses líderes nos seus principais canais de comunicação, templos e televisão.(AU)


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Este trabalho visa conhecer e analisar as ferramentas de marketing e de comunicação utilizadas pela Universidade Metodista de São Paulo, pela Universidade Anhembi Morumbi e pela Universidade de São Paulo em seus cursos de Educação a Distância, bem como nas disciplinas semipresenciais oferecidas pelas referidas instituições, através de pesquisas nos sites e entrevistas com os responsáveis pela elaboração da EaD nas instituições. Tenciona ainda, comparar as estratégias criadas por essas instituições no desenvolvimento de seus cursos e disciplinas, além de conhecer e analisar a comunicação elaborada por elas, como forma de divulgar e persuadir seus públicos-alvo. Objetiva também buscar o conhecimento e a percepção que seus alunos possuem desses cursos e disciplinas e da Educação a Distância como um todo, através de entrevistas individuais e utilizando um questionário estruturado.(AU)


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O marketing de relacionamento como ferramenta para atrair e fidelizar os alunos do ensino superior privado é o tema desta pesquisa. Trata-se de um estudo de caso múltiplo incorporado enfocando a Universidade Metodista de São Paulo (UMESP) e a Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba (UNIMEP) e que tem como objetivos principais apontar fatores que motivam os estudantes a escolher determinadas instituições de ensino superior, identificar a maneira como elas atuam na tarefa de atraí-los com vistas a estabelecer um relacionamento e uma comunicação eficientes com esses públicos de interesse e fidelizálos, bem como analisar a real efetividade das ações desenvolvidas pelas IESs. Propõe-se uma incursão teórica para abordar motivações psicológicas, culturais, econômicas e sociais relacionadas ao ato de consumir e estabelecer uma correlação com o consumidor-aluno . Discutem-se também características do marketing de relacionamento associadas ao contexto educacional e apontam-se dificuldades/desafios vivenciados pelas instituições nos esforços de criar e estreitar os laços com os estudantes com vistas a tornar tais laços duradouros. Foram aplicados 1.400 questionários em ambas as universidades a fim de identificar, entre outros aspectos, atributos desejáveis de uma IES, fatores influenciadores para o abandono dela e características associadas a processos comunicacionais que representam diferenciais. O estudo apontou que, apesar de as dificuldades financeiras serem um componente que interfere na atração e na fidelização dos alunos, outros também são determinantes, como o nível de excelência de ensino, o corpo docente e a qualidade do relacionamento que as instituições de ensino estabelecem com tais públicos. Tal qualidade passa, obrigatoriamente, por atributos como liberdade para expressar ideias, espaço de diálogo e transparência na comunicação, elementos desafiadores ao modelo vigente e estimuladores a um novo fazer educacional.