923 resultados para American -- 20th century -- Exhibitions
"The history of poster art tends to focus on the art of Henri Toulouse-Latrec, Jules Cheret, and Alfonse Mucha, while leaving out or barely mentioning the work of artists such as Wes Wilson, Stanley Mouse, and Alton Kelley. The aim of this thesis is to widen the gaze of poster art by centering on a contemporary rock poster artist: Frank Kozik. By focusing on formal and sociological analysis ofa number of Kozik's posters, I illustrate how he not only fits in with the arc of poster art development, but also influences it into the next century"
"The purpose of this study is to reveal the work of Cephas Thompson in the context of the American Portrait Tradition as it existed in America from 1775 to 1856. European historic and artistic background serves as the foundation. A critical analysis of the most relevant American portraitists from the seventeenth to the midnineteenth centuries is provided to relate them aesthetically and ideologically with the work of Cephas Thompson and to provide insight into the artistic trends prevalent in Europe and America"
El trabajo analiza los principales determinantes y las características de la desnutrición en América Latina durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX. En primer lugar, se explican las bases del problema moderno del hambre y la desnutrición, tanto en su dimensión fisiológica como social, al destacarse su condición de calamidad social y de expresión biológica del subdesarrollo y de las desigualdades sociales. En segundo lugar, a partir de testimonios contemporáneos, se exponen las principales características de la desnutrición que ha afectado a la población iberoamericana, y las causas que la explican. Por último, a modo de conclusión, se subrayan las consecuencias negativas de no haber aprovechado la oportunidad que conllevaba el reto de superar los factores condicionantes de la malnutrición por defecto, y haber finalizado el siglo XX con un panorama epidemiológico nutricional donde los problemas del hambre y la desnutrición conviven con fenómenos como los de la obesidad de la pobreza.
Bound volume containing a late 17th century handwritten mathematical and astronomical text in one hand. The text is separated into mathematical and astronomical sections with rules, instructions for performing calculations, tables, and drawings. The subjects include arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and trigonometry, and segments have titles such as "Subtraction," "A decimal table of English coince," "Logarithes & their use," and "To find the true place of the sun." The text is undated and unattributed but references Briggs, Oughtred, Ramus, and Apollonius. Certain tables are calculated from latitudinal and longitudinal numbers associated with Boston, and many of the examples use dates in the 1670s and 1680. The manuscript pages are mounted onto unruled pages, and some of the manuscript pages are fragments.
The central theme of this dissertation encompasses the importance of space, particularly the exhibition space, and how it has become part of the subject matter, as well as a medium in art. Some artistic practices of the 20th century, mainly in the 20s and 60s, both in Europe and the United States of America have provided the contextual foundation. The close relation between the architectural and exhibition spaces has become an intrinsic link to establish the existence of the three-dimensional work of art. The overarching importance of space in the contemporary artistic practice is visible through the creative and exhibition installation process, most notably in the artistic movements of Installation art and Site-specific. By carrying over the transformative contemporary art scene concepts to an institutional and museological context, paired with the inherent evolution of its practices, these have allowed for a convergence of the museological fields. With the intention of providing audiences a unique experience, curators and museologists have relied on site-specific practices. By inviting artists (typically featured in the current artistic scene) to develop projects specially thought for a specific museum space, this simultaneously allows for a dialogue between the work of art and the space. These temporary exhibitions have garnered the attention a more diverse audience. As a result sustainability and independence of the museums are a constant source of debate. The result of which has allowed for the broadening of the notions of how museums function and have integrated the audience as a main element of the strategies of the museum programming. The principles of the cultural marketing provide museums a clearer vision of the understanding of the different audience and their needs. Thus, the main goal of this study is to perceive the importance of the museum space in the relation to the artistic practice. While existing as a strategic resource of the museological program, insofar as having the ability to lure new audiences. It also matters to notice, if the fact of the artist working directly inside the museum, contribute to a narrowing of the artist/audience relationship, being the museum the mediation element
Este artigo analisa filmes e documentários, realizados em Portugal, que tiveram como pano de fundo as ex-colónias africanas ou nelas foram inspirados. Durante o Estado Novo, a defesa de uma boa imagem do “império” e da política colonial levou a proibir filmes que incluíssem maus-tratos a indivíduos de origem africana, ilustrassem a luta entre o “branco” (colono) e o “negro” (colonizado), retratassem os movimentos de luta pela ascensão dos negros nos EUA ou exaltassem aspetos pacifistas ou antimilitaristas. Muitos documentários destacam as potencialidades (naturais e humanas) de África. Alguns são dedicados à criação de estruturas de ensino e evangelização dos africanos, ou procuram retratar os seus “usos e costumes”. Outros evidenciam a força de trabalho do africano na construção de um futuro prometedor. Tal trabalho é orientado pelo “branco”, i.e., é ao saber técnico deste que se junta a força do africano. Os africanos são representados como exemplos de um conjunto uno (todos são denominados “indígenas”), mas entre eles procuram-se evidenciar características distintivas. As imagens que denotam modernização, em cidades como Luanda ou Lourenço Marques, ofuscam os “colonizados”. Estes filmes têm amiúde um carácter mais de propaganda do que informação, ou etnográfico, e têm como objetivo transmitir uma consciência colonial.
Este trabajo explora la historia escolar a inicios del siglo XXI analizando sus actuales propósitos, contenidos y prácticas con el fin de señalar sus cambios, conquistas y pérdidas respecto al siglo XX. Focaliza el nivel secundario de la provincia de Buenos Aires a través del análisis de fuentes áulicas, normativas y pedagógicas. El artículo indica que la historia escolar manifiesta el quiebre del código disciplinar configurado a fines del siglo XIX y desarrollado durante gran parte del siglo XX (caracterizado como civilizatorio, patriótico, elitista, fáctico, libresco, memorístico) y presenta cambios que muestran uno nuevo donde cobra relevancia lo contemporáneo y reciente, lo crítico y plural, y lo subjetivo. También señala que la historia escolar evidencia, por un lado, importantes conquistas -en relación con la perspectiva latinoamericana y la historia reciente-, y, por otro, ciertas pérdidas -en relación con la formación de una identidad colectiva y el carácter narrativo.
A study of the Beat-era writers in a global context. This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched.
Highlights five influential U.S. scholars who helped shape understandings of South America in the early 20th century, showing how Latin American Studies began and how academic knowledge affected foreign policy and helped build an informal American empire. This title was made Open Access by libraries from around the world through Knowledge Unlatched.
Shaw & Shoemaker
[Conceptual Sketch of Floor Plan], untitled. Electrostatic print of sketch with original ink notations and signature, 11x17 inches [from photographic copy by Lance Burgharrdt]
[Conceptual Sketch of Floor Plan], untitled. Blue ink sketch on tracing paper, 12 x 20 3/4 inches [from photographic copy by Lance Burgharrdt]
Mode of access: Internet.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-07