644 resultados para Affine Partitions
In this paper, we consider codimension one Anosov actions of R(k), k >= 1, on closed connected orientable manifolds of dimension n vertical bar k with n >= 3. We show that the fundamental group of the ambient manifold is solvable if and only if the weak foliation of codimension one is transversely affine. We also study the situation where one 1-parameter subgroup of R(k) admits a cross-section, and compare this to the case where the whole action is transverse to a fibration over a manifold of dimension n. As a byproduct, generalizing a Theorem by Ghys in the case k = 1, we show that, under some assumptions about the smoothness of the sub-bundle E(ss) circle plus E(uu), and in the case where the action preserves the volume, it is topologically equivalent to a suspension of a linear Anosov action of Z(k) on T(n).
The Bullough-Dodd model is an important two-dimensional integrable field theory which finds applications in physics and geometry. We consider a conformally invariant extension of it, and study its integrability properties using a zero curvature condition based on the twisted Kac-Moody algebra A(2)((2)). The one- and two-soliton solutions as well as the breathers are constructed explicitly. We also consider integrable extensions of the Bullough-Dodd model by the introduction of spinor (matter) fields. The resulting theories are conformally invariant and present local internal symmetries. All the one-soliton solutions, for two examples of those models, are constructed using a hybrid of the dressing and Hirota methods. One model is of particular interest because it presents a confinement mechanism for a given conserved charge inside the solitons. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Habitually, capuchin monkeys access encased hard foods by using their canines and premolars and/or by pounding the food on hard surfaces. Instead, the wild bearded capuchins (Cebus libidinosus) of Boa Vista (Brazil) routinely crack palm fruits with tools. We measured size, weight, structure, and peak-force-at-failure of the four palm fruit species most frequently processed with tools by wild capuchin monkeys living in Boa Vista. Moreover, for each nut species we identify whether peak-force-at-failure was consistently associated with greater weight/volume, endocarp, thickness, and structural complexity. The goals of this study were (a) to investigate whether these palm fruits are difficult, or impossible, to access other than with tools and (b) to collect data on the physical properties of palm fruits that are comparable to those available for the nuts cracked open with tools by wild chimpanzees. Results showed that the four nut species differ in terms of peak-force-at-failure and that peak-force-at-failure is positively associated with greater weight (and consequently volume) and apparently with structural complexity (i.e. more kernels and thus more partitions); finally for three out of four nut species shell thickness is also positively associated with greater volume. The finding that the nuts exploited by capuchins with tools have very high resistance values support the idea that tool use is indeed mandatory to crack them open. Finally, the peak-force-at-failure of the piassava nuts is similar to that reported for the very tough panda nuts cracked open by wild chimpanzees; this highlights the ecological importance of tool use for exploiting high resistance foods in this capuchin species.
We consider conditions which allow the embedding of linear hypergraphs of fixed size. In particular, we prove that any k-uniform hypergraph H of positive uniform density contains all linear k-uniform hypergraphs of a given size. More precisely, we show that for all integers l >= k >= 2 and every d > 0 there exists Q > 0 for which the following holds: if His a sufficiently large k-uniform hypergraph with the property that the density of H induced on every vertex subset of size on is at least d, then H contains every linear k-uniform hypergraph F with l vertices. The main ingredient in the proof of this result is a counting lemma for linear hypergraphs, which establishes that the straightforward extension of graph epsilon-regularity to hypergraphs suffices for counting linear hypergraphs. We also consider some related problems. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Motivated in part by the study of Fadell-Neuwirth short exact sequences, we determine the lower central and derived series for the braid groups of the finitely-punctured sphere. For n >= 1, the class of m-string braid groups B(m)(S(2)\{x(1), ... , x(n)}) of the n-punctured sphere includes the usual Artin braid groups B(m) (for n = 1), those of the annulus, which are Artin groups of type B (for n = 2), and affine Artin groups of type (C) over tilde (for n = 3). We first consider the case n = 1. Motivated by the study of almost periodic solutions of algebraic equations with almost periodic coefficients, Gorin and Lin calculated the commutator subgroup of the Artin braid groups. We extend their results, and show that the lower central series (respectively, derived series) of B(m) is completely determined for all m is an element of N (respectively, for all m not equal 4). In the exceptional case m = 4, we obtain some higher elements of the derived series and its quotients. When n >= 2, we prove that the lower central series (respectively, derived series) of B(m)(S(2)\{x(1), ... , x(n)}) is constant from the commutator subgroup onwards for all m >= 3 (respectively, m >= 5). The case m = 1 is that of the free group of rank n - 1. The case n = 2 is of particular interest notably when m = 2 also. In this case, the commutator subgroup is a free group of infinite rank. We then go on to show that B(2)(S(2)\{x(1), x(2)}) admits various interpretations, as the Baumslag-Solitar group BS(2, 2), or as a one-relator group with non-trivial centre for example. We conclude from this latter fact that B(2)(S(2)\{x(1), x(2)}) is residually nilpotent, and that from the commutator subgroup onwards, its lower central series coincides with that of the free product Z(2) * Z. Further, its lower central series quotients Gamma(i)/Gamma(i+1) are direct sums of copies of Z(2), the number of summands being determined explicitly. In the case m >= 3 and n = 2, we obtain a presentation of the derived subgroup, from which we deduce its Abelianization. Finally, in the case n = 3, we obtain partial results for the derived series, and we prove that the lower central series quotients Gamma(i)/Gamma(i+1) are 2-elementary finitely-generated groups.
In this paper we study the spectrum of integral group rings of finitely generated abelian groups G from the scheme-theoretic viewpoint. We prove that the (closed) singular points of Spec Z[G], the (closed) intersection points of the irreducible components of Spec Z[G] and the (closed) points over the prime divisors of vertical bar t(G)vertical bar coincide. We also determine the formal completion of Spec Z[G] at a singular point.
Given an oriented Riemannian surface (Sigma, g), its tangent bundle T Sigma enjoys a natural pseudo-Kahler structure, that is the combination of a complex structure 2, a pseudo-metric G with neutral signature and a symplectic structure Omega. We give a local classification of those surfaces of T Sigma which are both Lagrangian with respect to Omega and minimal with respect to G. We first show that if g is non-flat, the only such surfaces are affine normal bundles over geodesics. In the flat case there is, in contrast, a large set of Lagrangian minimal surfaces, which is described explicitly. As an application, we show that motions of surfaces in R(3) or R(1)(3) induce Hamiltonian motions of their normal congruences, which are Lagrangian surfaces in TS(2) or TH(2) respectively. We relate the area of the congruence to a second-order functional F = f root H(2) - K dA on the original surface. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Given a branched covering of degree d between closed surfaces, it determines a collection of partitions of d, the branch data. In this work we show that any branch data are realized by an indecomposable primitive branched covering on a connected closed surface N with chi(N) <= 0. This shows that decomposable and indecomposable realizations may coexist. Moreover, we characterize the branch data of a decomposable primitive branched covering. Bibliography: 20 titles.
We prove the existence of an associated family of G-structure preserving minimal immersions into semi-Riemannian manifolds endowed with a compatible infinitesimally homogeneous G-structure. We will study in more details minimal embeddings into product of space forms.
The traveling salesman problem is although looking very simple problem but it is an important combinatorial problem. In this thesis I have tried to find the shortest distance tour in which each city is visited exactly one time and return to the starting city. I have tried to solve traveling salesman problem using multilevel graph partitioning approach.Although traveling salesman problem itself very difficult as this problem is belong to the NP-Complete problems but I have tried my best to solve this problem using multilevel graph partitioning it also belong to the NP-Complete problems. I have solved this thesis by using the k-mean partitioning algorithm which divides the problem into multiple partitions and solving each partition separately and its solution is used to improve the overall tour by applying Lin Kernighan algorithm on it. Through all this I got optimal solution which proofs that solving traveling salesman problem through graph partition scheme is good for this NP-Problem and through this we can solved this intractable problem within few minutes.Keywords: Graph Partitioning Scheme, Traveling Salesman Problem.
Detta arbete har genomförts i samarbete med Försvarsmakten och behandlar vilka möjligheter som finns för forensiska undersökningar av e-boksläsaren Amazon Kindle. I arbetets litteraturstudie beskrivs hur tidigare forskning inom ämnet är kraftigt begränsad. Arbetet syftar därför till att besvara hur data kan extraheras från en Kindle, vilka data av forensiskt intresse en Kindle kan innehålla, var denna information lagras och om detta skiljer sig åt mellan olika modeller och firmware-versioner samt om det är nog att undersöka endast den del av minnet som är tillgänglig för användaren eller om ytterligare privilegier för att komma åt hela minnesarean bör införskaffas. För att göra detta fylls tre olika modeller av Kindles med information. Därefter tas avbilder på dem, dels på endast användarpartitionen och dels på dess fullständiga minnesarea efter att en privilegie-eskalering har utförts. Inhämtad data analyseras och resultatet presenteras. Resultatet visar att information av forensiskt intresse så som anteckningar, besökta webbsidor och dokument kan återfinnas, varför det finns ett värde i att utföra forensiska undersökningar på Amazon Kindles. Skillnader råder mellan vilken information som kan återfinnas och var den lagras på de olika enheterna. Enheterna har fyra partitioner varav endast en kan kommas åt utan privilegie-eskalering, varför det finns en fördel med att inhämta avbilder av hela minnesarean. Utöver ovanstående presenteras en metod för att förbipassera en enhets kodlås och därigenom få fullständig åtkomst till den även om den är låst.
We study the proposition that if it is common knowledge that en allocation of assets is ex-ante pareto efficient, there is no further trade generated by new information. The key to this result is that the information partitions and other characteristics of the agents must be common knowledge and that contracts, or asset markets, must be complete. It does not depend on learning, on 'lemons' problems, nor on agreement regarding beliefs and the interpretation of information. The only requirement on preferences is state-additivity; in particular, traders need not be risk-averse. We also prove the converse result that "no-trade results" imply that traders' preferences can be represented by state-additive utility functions. We analyze why examples of other widely studied preferences (e.g., Schmeidler (1989)) allow "speculative" trade.
A determinação da taxa de juros estrutura a termo é um dos temas principais da gestão de ativos financeiros. Considerando a grande importância dos ativos financeiros para a condução das políticas econômicas, é fundamental para compreender a estrutura que é determinado. O principal objetivo deste estudo é estimar a estrutura a termo das taxas de juros brasileiras, juntamente com taxa de juros de curto prazo. A estrutura a termo será modelado com base em um modelo com uma estrutura afim. A estimativa foi feita considerando a inclusão de três fatores latentes e duas variáveis macroeconômicas, através da técnica Bayesiana da Cadeia de Monte Carlo Markov (MCMC).
Esta tese dedica-se ao estudo dos sistemas tributários. Eu investigo como um sistema tributário afeta as escolhas dos indivíduos e consequentemente os recursos do país. Eu mostro como um sistema tributário induz as escolhas das pessoas, determinado assim as alocações de trabalho, produto e consumo da economia. No primeiro e segundo capítulo eu examino a taxação sobre os indivíduos, enquanto que no terceiro e quarto capítulos analiso a incidîncia tributária sobre os diferentes agentes da sociedade. No capítulo um, eu examino o sistema tributário ótimo, seguindo Mirrlees (1971) e Saez (2001). Eu mostro como seria este sistema tributário no Brasil, país com profunda desigualdade de renda entre os indivíduos. Ademais, eu investigo o sistema tributário afim, considerado uma alternativa entre os sistemas atual e o ótimo. No segundo capítulo eu analiso o sistema tributário conhecido como sacríficio igual. Mostro como o sistema tribuária derivado por Young (1987), redesenhado por Berliant and Gouveia (1993), se comporta no teste de eficiência derivado por Werning (2007). No terceiro e quarto capítulo eu examino como propostas de reforma tribuária afetariam a economia brasileira. No capítulo três investigo como uma reforma tributária atingiria as diferentes classes socias. No capítulo quatro, eu estudo as melhores direções para uma reforma tributária no Brasil, mostrando qual arranjo de impostos é menos ineficiente para o país. Por fim, investigo os efeitos de duas propostas de reforma tributária sobre a economia brasileira. Explicito quais os ganhos de produto e bem estar de cada proposta. Dedico especial atenção aos ganhos/perdas de curto prazo, pois estes podem inviabilizar uma reforma tributária, mesmo esta gerando ganhos de longo prazo.
Esta tese é composta de três artigos que analisam a estrutura a termo das taxas de juros usando diferentes bases de dados e modelos. O capítulo 1 propõe um modelo paramétrico de taxas de juros que permite a segmentação e choques locais na estrutura a termo. Adotando dados do tesouro americano, duas versões desse modelo segmentado são implementadas. Baseado em uma sequência de 142 experimentos de previsão, os modelos propostos são comparados à benchmarks e concluí-se que eles performam melhor nos resultados das previsões fora da amostra, especialmente para as maturidades curtas e para o horizonte de previsão de 12 meses. O capítulo 2 acrescenta restrições de não arbitragem ao estimar um modelo polinomial gaussiano dinâmico de estrutura a termo para o mercado de taxas de juros brasileiro. Esse artigo propõe uma importante aproximação para a série temporal dos fatores de risco da estrutura a termo, que permite a extração do prêmio de risco das taxas de juros sem a necessidade de otimização de um modelo dinâmico completo. Essa metodologia tem a vantagem de ser facilmente implementada e obtém uma boa aproximação para o prêmio de risco da estrutura a termo, que pode ser usada em diferentes aplicações. O capítulo 3 modela a dinâmica conjunta das taxas nominais e reais usando um modelo afim de não arbitagem com variáveis macroeconômicas para a estrutura a termo, afim de decompor a diferença entre as taxas nominais e reais em prêmio de risco de inflação e expectativa de inflação no mercado americano. Uma versão sem variáveis macroeconômicas e uma versão com essas variáveis são implementadas e os prêmios de risco de inflação obtidos são pequenos e estáveis no período analisado, porém possuem diferenças na comparação dos dois modelos analisados.