893 resultados para study success
The research reported here is a retrospective case study of the recent (2010) introduction of the Masters in Teaching and Learning (MTL) as a post-graduate level programme of professional development for teachers. It contributes to the debate and research over the past two decades about the impact of post-graduate professional development and appropriate ways of delivering it. The study is located within an extensive body of literature dealing with the importance of the teaching profession with regard to the success of schools and pupils and the impact of professional development on teaching quality and of teaching quality on attainment. A further relevant context is the ongoing tension between the teaching profession and academics on the one hand and government and political actors on the other, in respect of the approaches to professional development and to the control of educational processes. The research questions which inform the study deal with the perspectives of various participants – policy makers, programme directors, coaches and teachers studying for the MTL – on the extent to which the MTL is likely to have an ameliorative effect on teaching and pupil attainment, their experiences of the process of policy development and their experiences as course participants. The study adopts a case study approach which involves elite interviews with those responsible for the development and implementation of the MTL, questionnaires completed by MTL course participants and a comparison group taking a conventional MA and in depth interviews with participants and coaches. The results revealed tensions and difficulties associated with the development of the MTL including uneasy relationships between HE institutions and government agencies, ideas about ‘producer capture’, the relevance of the MBA model and concern over the role of coaches. However, while acknowledging various difficulties and some misconceived expectations they viewed its potential to meet its expressed aims positively, given time. Course participants were positive about their experience of the MTL and felt that it had contributed to many aspects of their professional development. Most saw it as a positive experience despite the variable quality of support from their schools, particularly in the form of the school-based coach the concept of which had been heralded as the bellwether of the MTL. It was striking that the responses of the MTL participants were very similar to those of teachers taking a conventional MA. A finding which would repay further investigation is that while the great majority of course participants felt that the MTL (and the MA) had contributed to their becoming more effective teachers they were much less confident that it had contributed to increased pupil attainment.
Background/Aim: The aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate the epidemiology, treatment, and complications of zygomatico-orbital complex (ZOC) and/or zygomatic arch (ZA) fractures either associated with other facial fractures or not over a 71-month period. Material and methods: This survey was performed in three hospitals of Ribeirao Preto in Sao Paulo, Brazil, from August 2002 to July 2008. The records of 1575 patients with facial trauma were reviewed. There were 140 cases of ZOC and ZA fractures either associated with other facial fractures or not. Data regarding gender, age, race, addictions, day of trauma, etiology, signs and symptoms, oral hygiene condition, day of initial evaluation, hospital admission, day of surgery, surgery approach, pattern of fractures, treatment performed, post-operative antibiotic therapy, day of hospital discharge, and post-operative complications were collected. The data were subjected to descriptive statistical analyses. Results: The most frequent fractures affected Caucasian men and occurred during the fourth decade of life. The most frequent etiology was traffic accident, and symptoms and signs included pain and edema. Type I fractures were the main injury observed, and the treatment of choice was always rigid internal fixation. Post-operative antibiotic therapy was solely employed when there was an indication. Complications were observed in 13.1% of the cases. Conclusions: The treatment protocol yielded suitable post-operative results and also showed success rates comparable to published data around the world.
This retrospective study evaluated the epidemiology, treatment and complications of mandibular fracture associated, or not associated, with other facial fractures, when the influence of the surgeon`s skill and preference for ally rigid internal fixation (RIF) system devices was minimized. The files of 700 patients with facial trauma were available, and 126 files were chosen for review. Data were collected regarding gender, age, race, date of trauma, date of surgery, addictions, etiology, signs and symptoms, fracture area, complications, treatment performed, date of hospital discharge.. and medication. 126 patients suffered mandibular fractures associated, or not, with other maxillofacial fractures, and a total of 201 mandibular fractures were found. The incidence of mandibular fractures was more prevalent in males, in Caucasians and during the third decade of life. The most common site was the condyle, followed by the mandibular body. The therapy applied was effective in handling this type of fracture and the Success rates were comparable with other published data.
The quality control optimization of medical processes that use ionizing radiation in the treatment of diseases like cancer is a key element for patient safety and success of treatment. The major medical application of radiation is radiotherapy, i.e. the delivery of dose levels to well-defined target tissues of a patient with the purpose of eliminating a disease. The need of an accurate tumour-edge definition with the purpose of preserving healthy surrounding tissue demands rigorous radiation treatment planning. Dosimetric methods are used for dose distribution mapping region of interest to assure that the prescribed dose and the irradiated region are correct. The Fricke gel (FXG) is the main dosimeter that supplies visualization of the three-dimensional (3D) dose distribution. In this work the dosimetric characteristics of the modified Fricke dosimeter produced at the Radiation Metrology Centre of the Institute of Energetic and Nuclear Research (IPEN) such as gel concentration dose response dependence, xylenol orange addition influence, dose response between 5 and 50Gy and signal stability were evaluated by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Using the same gel solution, breast simulators (phantoms) were shaped and absorbed dose distributions were imaged by MRI at the Nuclear Resonance Laboratory of the Physics Institute of Sao Paulo University. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The evaluation of graft function at various stages after transplantation is relevant, particularly at the moment of organ harvest, when a decision must be made whether to use the organ. Autofluorescence spectroscopy is noninvasive technique to monitor the metabolic condition of a liver graft throughout its course, from an initial evaluation in the donor, through cold ischemia transportation, to reperfusion and reoxygenation in the recipient. Preliminary results are presented in six liver transplantations spanning the periods from liver harvest to implant. The laser-induced fluorescence spectrum at 532-mn excitation was investigated before cold perfusion (autofluorescence), during cold ischemia, at the back table procedure, as well as 5 and 60 minutes after reperfusion. The results showed that the fluorescence analysis was sensitive to changes during the transplantation procedure. Fluorescence spectroscopy potentially provides a real-time, noninvasive technique to monitor liver graft function. The information could potentially be valuable for surgical decisions and transplant success.
In the contemporary tourism industry, the competitive game is between destinations. Tourism operations struggle to remain competitive on the international market and their success depends to a large extent on other complementary and competing tourism organizations at the destination. It is the sum of the total tourism offerings at the destination which determines its attractiveness. This research explores tourism collaboration process as a means of generating destination competitiveness. The focus of the research is on the enhancing factors which contribute to the success of the collaboration and to the development of quality tourism products. The research studies the case of Biking Dalarna, a collaboration of different organizations at five biking destinations in Dalarna, Sweden. Its purpose is to develop biking tourism in the region and to make Dalarna into Sweden’s leading biking destination. It is a qualitative research; the empirical data was collected through in depth interviews with representatives of six Biking Dalarna member organizations. The qualitative data collected from the participants provides inside look into the members reflections and experience of collaborating. The findings of this research demonstrate how collaboration has improved the biking product in Dalarna and promoted solutions to development problems. The research finds the good relationship between the collaborating actors and the involvement and leadership of the regional tourism management organization as the most contributing factors to the success of Biking Dalarna. The research also suggests that a third desired outcome of collaboration, improved marketing attributes was yet to be achieved in the case of Biking Dalarna.
In the highly competitive environment businesses invest big amounts of money into the new product development. New product success potentially depends on different factors among which salespeople play an important role. The aim of this paper is to explore the potential link between salespeople’s personality, motivation to sell new products and performance in selling new products. Based on the theoretical background of the Big Five personality dimensions, motivation and selling performance hypotheses were formulated and tested using statistical methods of correlation and regression analysis. The data was collected within one technologically intensive organization – ABB AB in Sweden using online web questionnaire and self-assessment measurements. Total investigation was conducted among organization’s salesforce. The findings confirm the importance of salesperson’s personality empirically showing that the latter significantly predicts both motivation and performance in selling new products. From all the Big Five Extraversion was confirmed to be the most important predictor of both motivation and performance in selling new products. Extraversion was found positively related with both motivation and performance in selling new products. Salespeople scoring high in Extraversion and especially possessing such characteristics as confident, energetic and sociable tend to be more motivated to sell new products and show higher performance results. Other personality dimensions such as Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, and Openness to experience complexly approached are not proved to be significantly related neither with motivation nor performance in selling new products. The results are explained by the extreme importance of Extraversion in new product selling situation which analyzing in combination with the other personality dimensions suppresses the others. Finding regarding controlling for certain demographical characteristics of salespeople reveal that performance in selling new products is determined by selling experience. Salespeople’s age is not proved to be significantly related neither with motivation nor performance in selling new products. Findings regarding salespeople’s gender though proposing that males are more motivated to sell new products cannot be generalized due to the study limitations.
Urban sprawl is a significant issue in the United States, one effect of which is the departure of the wealth from cities. This study examined the distribution of wealth in Erie County, New York, focused around Buffalo. The question is then raised, why do those with the money leave the city, and to where do they go? While this study does not attempt to explain all of the reasons, it does examine two significant issues: quality of public school education, and proximity to main highways with easy access to the city. Using ArcGIS, I was able to place the public high schools and their relative ranking over a distribution of per capita income. The results of this analysis show that the wealthiest areas are located within the best school districts. Moreover, the areas where the wealth accumulates are directly connected by major highways.
This study profiles innovators’ efforts to elevate student success initiatives from the current patchwork of support services to an actively managed enterprise process that is designed to systematically identify and rapidly intervene with students exhibiting behaviors predictive of attrition or graduation delays. Based on nearly two years of work and hundreds of interviews with colleges and universities across the country, the report presents 16 best practices in the areas most critical to improving student persistence and graduation.
The present study is focused on the analysis of the political, economical and social factors that may interfere with the possibility of a Green Revolution as a solution for Mozambique to reach self-sufficiency and to reduce poverty. In order to perform such analysis, the study analyzes the consequences of the decolonization process in Mozambique focusing that the independence process in Mozambique did not create non-colonial models for the Agriculture Sector. Later on, the study tries to understand the impact of HIV/AIDS and Malaria on the labor force. By then, it explores the concepts of the Green Revolution and its successful history in India. At the end, it tries to evaluate if a Green Revolution is possible in Africa, especially in Mozambique, first identifying the factors, which characterized the Green Revolution in India, and trying to link those factors with the reality of Mozambique. The report is structured as followed; Chapter 2, ¿The decolonization process and its impacts on the agriculture sector¿. It gives information about the decolonization process, and explores its consequences. Chapter 3, ¿The Impacts of HIV/AIDS and Malaria on the Labor Force¿. It analyzes the impact of those diseases in the labor force. Chapter 4 ¿The Green Revolution and the Agriculture Sector¿, explores the concepts of Green Revolution, its success in India and its history in Mozambique. Chapter 5, finally, centers on conclusions, findings and recommendations.
This study will collaborate by bringing some detailed analysis and findings on a special case study of a discontinuous product development process, trying to answer how the discontinuous product development process takes place and the main factors that influence this process. Additionally, it tried to explore some explanations for the difficulties generally faced by the companies to sustain innovation. The case is about the Motorola cell phone RAZR V3, launched in 2004. RAZR V3 was noted by industry experts as game-changing feat of design and engineering, selling more than 110 million units by end of 2008 and recognized as one of the fastest selling products in the industry. The study uses a single case methodology, which is appropriate given the access to a phenomenon that happened inside corporate dominium and it is not easily accessed for academic studies, besides being a rare case of success in the cellular phone industry. In order to magnify the understanding of the phenomenon, the exploration was extended to contrast the RAZR development process and the standard product development process in Motorola. Additionally, it was integrated a longitudinal reflection of the company product development evolution until the next breakthrough product hitting the cellular phone industry. The result of the analysis shows that discontinuous products do not fit well traditional product development process (in this case, stage-gate). This result reinforces the results obtained on previous studies of discontinuous product development conducted by other authors. Therefore, it is clear that the dynamics of discontinuous product development are different from the continuous product development, requiring different treatment to succeed. Moreover, this study highlighted the importance of the management influence in all the phases of the process as one of the most important factors, suggesting a key component to be carefully observed in future researches. Some other findings of the study that were considered very important for a discontinuous product development process: have champions (who believe and protect the project) and not only one champion; create a right atmosphere to make flow the creative process; question paradigms to create discontinuous products; simple guiding light to focus the team; company culture that accepts and knows how to deal with risks; and undoubtedly, have a company strategy that understands the different dynamics of continuous and discontinuous product development processes and treat them accordingly.
O setor de varejo foi cada vez mais global ao longo das últimas décadas, ilustrando visualmente a globalização dos negócios. Muitos varejistas estão apostando em expandir, as atividades ao nível internacional, a fim de evitar a saturação da atividade no país de origem deles (Alexander, 1990), de aumentar os lucros ou de imitar os concorrentes (Williams, 1992). Portanto, eles tornaram-se competidores globais consideráveis: eles fornecem novos produtos no mercado, além de ser mais influentes na cadeia de abastecimento global (Williams, 1992). Em relação à internacionalização do varejo, a indústria cosmética oferece com exemplos de muitas realizações bem- sucedidas. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar o processo de internacionalização de vários varejistas globais, especializados na venda de produtos cosméticos. Mesmo que o campo de internacionalização no varejo já foi no passado o objeto de vários estudos, este trabalho visa a compreender, por meio da utilização de um estudo de caso múltiplo, a estratégia de retalhistas cosméticos que entram nos mercados internacionais. Por meio de um estudo qualitativo, a questão principal que orienta este trabalho será a de compreender se o varejo de cosméticos segue as mesmas estratégias de negócio e estratégias de marketing para se tornar global. O estudo de casos múltiplos foi escolhido a fim de comparar quatro empresas, especializadas na venda de produtos de cosmética, com atividades no exterior. Os resultados claramente exibem diferenças entre os processos de internacionalização, baseado especialmente na nacionalidade das empresas sob analise.
A era digital viu a ascensão da empresa focada no consumidor. Todos os dias, marcas e produtos são objeto de milhões de conversas em que os consumidores trocam pontos de vista, opiniões e informações antes de tomar a decisão de compra. Os profissionais de marketing entenderam a importância do boca a boca como um novo canal de comunicação estratégica e começaram a ancorar técnicas de boca a boca à estratégia de marketing global. A propaganda tornou-se um negócio de conversa: o novo desafio do marketing é criar um conteúdo envolvente e compartilhável que possa expandir e ressoar dentro de redes de sociais de consumidores. Quanto mais as pessoas falam sobre a sua marca, mais a probabilidade de ganhar a competição dura e aumentar as vendas. Mas como o boca a boca funciona? O que faz uma campanha de marketing um sucesso viral? Este trabalho tem como objetivo fornecer uma análise abrangente da teoria de marketing de boca a boca e usa um modelo descritivo para investigar as variáveis-chave de campanhas bem-sucedidas de marketing viral, a fim de proporcionar insights e sugestões para as práticas de marketing viral.
The literature has emphasized that absorptive capacity (AC) leads to performance, but in projects its influences still unclear. Additionally, the project success is not well understood by the literature, and AC can be an important mechanism to explain it. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of absorptive capacity on project performance in the construction industry of São Paulo State. We study this influence through potential and realized absorptive capacity proposed by Zahra and George (2002). For achieving this goal, we use a combination of qualitative and quantitative research. The qualitative research is based on 15 interviews with project managers in different sectors to understand the main constructs and support the next quantitative phase. The content analysis was the technique used to analyze those interviews. In quantitative phase through a survey questionnaire, we collected 157 responses in the construction sector with project managers. The confirmatory factor analysis and hierarchical linear regression were the techniques used to assess the data. Our findings suggest that the realized absorptive capacity has a positive influence on performance, but potential absorptive capacity and the interactions effect have no influence on performance. Moreover, the planning and monitoring have a positive impact on budget and schedule, and customer satisfaction while risk coping capacity has a positive impact on business success. In academics terms, this research enables a better understanding of the importance of absorptive capacity in the construction industry and it confirms that knowledge application in processes and routines enhances performance. For management, the absorptive capacity enables the improvements of internal capabilities reflected in the increased project management efficiency. Indeed, when a company manages project practices efficiently it enhances business and project performance; however, it needs initially to improve its internal abilities to enrich processes and routines through relevant knowledge.
The auditing role in the contemporaneous business environment, and increasing interest in and demand for governance and transparency, has become an element even more important to the society, as a whole, in order to build solid basis to the development of businesses and generation of wealth through technical knowledge, independence, transparency, credibility, and ethics. Nevertheless, the external financial audit industry in the world and also particularly in Brazil has faced several challenges which threaten its success and evolution. In this sense, since the external audit industry in Brazil has been immersed in a deep crisis with features that are explored through this study, allow me to create an analogy over this study saying that the external financial audit industry is like a sick person with a chronic disease, but the disease has not yet been diagnosed and the person has been dealing with the isolated symptoms. This person, the external audit industry, has struggled with this disease for many years and it is getting worse. It is fundamental to highlight that the challenges faced by the external audit industry in Brazil, ultimately, have not harmed the industry only, but they also materialize themselves as chronic issues for the corporate governance and the capital markets since they harm every interested party. In my point of view, the hardest affected are the investors or shareholders whose interest the independent auditor’s work seeks to preserve. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to have a picture of the challenges faced by the external audit industry in Brazil and understand those challenges as a requirement to analyze the potential alternatives to solve them or, analogically, to diagnose this disease. The research purpose is to map and identify the challenges faced by the external audit industry in Brazil based on the understanding of professionals seasoned in the area. Those challenges are mapped and understood through a methodological approach, a questionnaire answered by auditors with experience in the Brazilian auditing market. The challenges were preliminarily listed based on over 16 years of experience of the author in the area of auditing and financial and accounting services, discussions and interviews about the topic with seasoned professionals, and analyses of pieces of news, publications and academic studies. The questionnaire was used in order to validate the challenges, observations, perspectives, and perceptions gathered through those resources. Despite of the fact that the study is highly relevant, it was not found, through my research, other analyses on this topic with a similar approach which is intended by this study. It looks like the external audit industry in Brazil has walked through these new age dealing with problems on a daily basis and the real challenges of the industry may be concealed by the economic conditions in Brazil and other explanations. As in any problematic scenario, in which a critical analysis is needed, having an accurate picture and understanding of the challenges is a crucial step to start exploring alternatives to address them.