825 resultados para social conditions
Dissertao apresentada para obteno do grau de mestre no mbito do Mestrado em Educao Social e Interveno Comunitria da Escola Superior de Educao do Instituto Politcnico de Santarm.
En 1989, la Pologne, la Hongrie, la Tchcoslovaquie et la Rpublique dmocratique allemande (RDA) furent secoues par des mouvements de protestations qui prcipitrent la dissolution de leur rgime communiste. Il est souvent admis, dans lhistoriographie comme dans la mmoire populaire, que les intellectuels, dont plusieurs crivains, ont jou un rle dterminant lors de ces bouleversements. Or, lanalyse de la rvolution en Allemagne de lEst et des prises de position de son intelligentsia littraire dmontre quune telle conclusion sapplique mal cet tat : les auteurs phares de la RDA, qui se sont pourtant prsents pendant et aprs la rvolution comme des victimes et des opposants au rgime, nont jamais partag les revendications anticommunistes de leurs concitoyens et ont conserv un discours socialiste. Ce mmoire entend expliquer cette raction particulire des crivains les mieux tablis de lAllemagne de lEst soit Christa Wolf, Heiner Mller, Stefan Heym, Volker Braun et Christoph Hein. En tudiant leurs textes non fictifs et en analysant la relation quils entretenaient avec le rgime, la population et lidologie promue en RDA, nous dmontrerons que ces auteurs avaient dvelopp, avant louverture du mur de Berlin, une stratgie daction alliant loyaut socialiste et critique de lautoritarisme, ce qui leur avait permis de cumuler un important capital social et culturel. lautomne 1989 et lors du processus de runification allemande, lintelligentsia littraire a en fait agi en fonction de cette mme stratgie ; celle-ci, toutefois, ntait pas adapte aux nouvelles conditions sociales.
Within a country social conditions change over time and these conditions vary from country to country. The associations between these conditions, somatic growth, physical activity and fitness reflect these changes. Aim: The study documented variation in somatic growth, physical activity and fitness associated with socio-economic status (SES). Subjects and methods: The study involved 507 subjects (256 boys and 251 girls) from the Madeira Growth Study, a mixed longitudinal study of five cohorts (8, 10, 12, 14 and 16 years of age) followed at yearly intervals over 3 years (19961998). A total of 1493 observations were made. Anthropometric measurements included lengths, body mass, skeletal breadths, girths and skinfolds. Physical activity and SES were collected via questionnaire and interview. Physical fitness was assessed using the Eurofit test battery. Variation in somatic growth, physical activity and physical fitness by SES (high, average and low) was tested with analysis of variance. Results: Significant differences between SES groups were observed for height, body mass and skinfolds. Boys and girls from high SES groups were taller, heavier and fatter (subscapular and triceps skinfolds) than their peers from average and low SES groups. At some age intervals, the high SES group had larger skeletal breadths (girls) and girths (boys and girls) than low SES. Small SES differences were observed for physical activity (sport and leisure-time indices). SES was significantly associated with physical fitness. At some age levels, boys from the low SES group performed better for muscular and aerobic endurance whereas girls from the high SES group performed better for power. Conclusion: Considerable variation in somatic growth and physical fitness in association with SES has been demonstrated, but little association was found for physical activity.
Dissertao apresentada para obteno do grau de mestre no mbito do Mestrado em Educao Social e Interveno Comunitria da Escola Superior de Educao do Instituto Politcnico de Santarm.
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate and understand the effect of a servicescapes ambient and social conditions on consumers service encounter experience and their approach/avoidance behavior in a retail context. In three papers, with a total sample of over 1600 participants (including 550 actual consumers) and seven experiments, the author investigates the effect of music (ambient stimuli), employees self-disclosure (verbal social stimuli) and employees gazing behavior (nonverbal social stimuli) on consumers service encounter experience and approach/avoidance behavior in a retail store. Paper I comprised two experiments, and the aim was to investigate the influence of music on emotions, approach/avoidance behavior. Paper II comprised two experiments, and the aim was to investigate the effect of frontline employees personal self-disclosure on consumers reciprocal behavior. Paper III comprised three experiments, and the aim was to investigate the influence of employees direct eye gaze/ averted eye gaze on consumer emotions, social impression of the frontline employee and encounter satisfaction in different purchase situations. The results in this thesis show that music affects consumers in both positive and negative ways (Paper I). Self-disclosure affects consumers negatively, in such a way that it decreases encounter satisfaction (Paper II) and, finally, eye gaze affects consumers by regulating both positively and in some cases also negatively consumers social impression of the frontline employee and their encounter satisfaction (Paper III). The conclusions of this thesis are that both ambient and social stimuli in a servicescape affect consumers internal responses, which in turn affect their behavior. Depending on the purchase situation, type of retail, and stimuli, the internal and behavioral responses are different.
A starting point for contributing to the greater good is to examine and interrogate existing knowledge organization practices that do harm, whether that harm is intentional or accidental, or an inherent and unavoidable evil. As part of the transition movement, the authors propose to inventory the manifestations and implications of the production of suffering by knowledge organization systems through constructing a taxonomy of harm. Theoretical underpinnings guide ontological commitment, as well as the recognition of the problem of harm in knowledge organization systems. The taxonomy of harm will be organized around three main questions: what hap- pens?, who participates?, and who is affected and how? The aim is to heighten awareness of the violence that classifications and naming practices carry, to unearth some of the social conditions and motivations that contribute to and are reinforced by knowledge organization systems, and to advocate for intentional and ethical knowledge organization practices to achieve a minimal level of harm.
Within a country social conditions change over time and these conditions vary from country to country. The associations between these conditions, somatic growth, physical activity and fitness reflect these changes. Aim: The study documented variation in somatic growth, physical activity and fitness associated with socio-economic status (SES). Subjects and methods: The study involved 507 subjects (256 boys and 251 girls) from the Madeira Growth Study, a mixed longitudinal study of five cohorts (8, 10, 12, 14 and 16 years of age) followed at yearly intervals over 3 years (19961998). A total of 1493 observations were made. Anthropometric measurements included lengths, body mass, skeletal breadths, girths and skinfolds. Physical activity and SES were collected via questionnaire and interview. Physical fitness was assessed using the Eurofit test battery. Variation in somatic growth, physical activity and physical fitness by SES (high, average and low) was tested with analysis of variance. Results: Significant differences between SES groups were observed for height, body mass and skinfolds. Boys and girls from high SES groups were taller, heavier and fatter (subscapular and triceps skinfolds) than their peers from average and low SES groups. At some age intervals, the high SES group had larger skeletal breadths (girls) and girths (boys and girls) than low SES. Small SES differences were observed for physical activity (sport and leisure-time indices). SES was significantly associated with physical fitness. At some age levels, boys from the low SES group performed better for muscular and aerobic endurance whereas girls from the high SES group performed better for power. Conclusion: Considerable variation in somatic growth and physical fitness in association with SES has been demonstrated, but little association was found for physical activity.
En la sociedad actual del conocimiento las universidades tienen la responsabilidad de generar conocimiento e innovaciones para ofrecer soluciones a problemas de comunidades de inters. Para lograrlo las universidades deben enfocarse en su activo ms importante, su capital intelectual. Hasta ahora las investigaciones relacionadas con el capital intelectual y la innovacin en las universidades, son limitadas a pesar de ser un elemento estratgico para la direccin de estas organizaciones, ya que estos aspectos le representan valor en el tiempo, por tanto esta investigacin busca establecer cul es la relacin que existe entre el capital intelectual y la innovacin en la Universidad CES. El objetivo de esta investigacin era identificar el grado de relacin entre capital intelectual e innovacin en la Universidad CES. La metodologa del estudio, es un estudio cuantitativo, de tipo descriptivo explicativo, con un diseo transversal, que permiti establecer el efecto del capital intelectual sobre la innovacin de la Universidad CES. La poblacin del fueron los directivos, lderes de los grupos de investigacin y los coordinadores de investigacin de la Universidad CES. Segn los resultados obtenidos, este estudio determin que el capital intelectual no tiene una relacin estadsticamente significativa con la innovacin personal de la Universidad CES y se determin tambin que las tres dimensiones del capital intelectual tienen una relacin estadsticamente significativa con los resultados de la innovacin en la Universidad CES. El principal aporte de este estudio fue ofrecer evidencias sobre el capital intelectual como una de las principales fuentes de innovacin para la Universidad.
En el transcurso de los ltimos aos se ha evidenciado con mayor frecuencia la influencia de factores sociales en el desarrollo de sntomas como estrs, depresin, ansiedad, somatizacin, entre otras. Dentro del mbito laboral han surgido enfermedades que parten de condiciones sociales y de la interrelacin de sus empleados dentro de la organizacin. Este estudio tuvo como finalidad revisar y analizar la informacin referente a la influencia de los entornos laborales y factores psicosociales que pueden incurrir en el desarrollo de psicopatologa en el trabajo. Como apoyo en el anlisis de las distintas teoras que surgen alrededor de esta temtica y teniendo como marco de referencia la descripcin de los factores que influyen en el desarrollo de estas, se aplic, el cuestionario QDS4 adaptado por Castillo (2010), cuestionario que busc analizar las diferentes sintomatologas en dos empresas de distintos sectores en la ciudad de Bogot, Colombia. Generando un sondeo sobre la presencia y posible desarrollo de estas cuatro sintomatologas dentro de cada una de las organizaciones.
Debido a la problemtica del sedentarismo e inactividad fsica en edad escolar y sus implicaciones en la aparicin de enfermedades crnicas no transmisibles, surge un inters por realizar anlisis cualitativos que tengan en cuenta los contextos sociales en los que se da esta problemtica, con el objetivo de conocer, desde los actores inmersos en las comunidades, cmo se est llevando a cabo y cmo se entiende la actividad fsica; por tanto, se plante en esta investigacin un diseo narrativo en el cual se indag, por medio de entrevistas a profundidad, acerca de las representaciones sociales y prcticas de actividad fsica que desarrollan 9 docentes de educacin fsica pertenecientes a 3 colegios distritales de la Unidad de Planeamiento Zonal Tibabuyes, en la localidad de Suba en Bogot, Colombia. Resultados: Los docentes entienden la actividad fsica como todo tipo de movimiento humano, as mismo, se evidencia que las prcticas deportivas son las que predominan en el mbito escolar. En relacin con las condiciones sociales, se encontr que el aspecto familiar es un limitante para el desarrollo de las prcticas fsicas del estudiante. Las polticas escolares y distritales le restan importancia a las clases de educacin fsica en el currculo escolar y la inseguridad, debido al consumo de sustancias psicoactivas en el sector, deteriora los espacios deportivos y recreativos como parques y zonas verdes.
O estudo realizado analisa as experincias e vivncias profissionais dos inspetores da Autoridade de Segurana Alimentar e Econmica, tomando como pano de fundo a perspetiva de que o quotidiano da ao dos atores se configura como uma estruturao e ou restruturao de esquemas de desempenho especficos, mediada pela permanente criao e estabilizao de alianas e negociaes entre os atores. A partir duma abordagem qualitativa sobre as orientaes profissionais, o sentido e a direo da satisfao profissional e as tendncias das condies materiais e sociais das suas prticas quotidianas profissionais, conclui essencialmente o seguinte: por um lado, os entrevistados privilegiam uma nova ordem de modelo profissional para o seu grupo, com maiores margens de liberdade e ou de autonomia, e, por outro lado, os inspetores da Autoridade de Segurana Alimentar e Econmica vivem num dilema identitrio, face s dificuldades de reconhecimento social da sua profisso como rgo de polcia criminal especializada; Authorithy for the Food and Economy Security and his Inspectors: a sociological analysis of professional group identity dilemmas Abstract: The study analyzes the professional experiences of ASAE inspectors, using as theoretical perspetive that actors everyday action is configured as a structuring and or restructuring of specific performance schemes, mediated by permanent creation and stabilization alliances and negotiations between the actors. Through a qualitative approach to professional guidance, job satisfaction meaning and direction, and trends about the material and social conditions of professional daily practices, I essentially concludes that: on the one hand, respondents are favor a new order of professional model for their group, with higher margins and freedom or autonomy, and, on the other hand, ASAE inspectors are living an identity dilemma, given the difficulties of social recognition of their profession as specialized criminal police corps.
Usando procedimientos de trabajo con fotos areas de diferentes aos, se analiza en el caso de la ciudad de Limn el avance del poblamiento hacia reas costeras sujetas a inundaciones. Una vez diseado el mapa que muestra para cuatro perodos la informacin extrada de las fotos areas, se realiza-un anlisis fsico social de las condiciones que dan origen a la vulnerabilidad al riesgo por inundacin. En el caso del poblado de Parrita, se reconstruyen con ayuda de fotos areas, los distintos cursos fluviales que el ro Parrita ha formado en un perodo de toma fotogrfica area para cuatro aos diferentes. Una vez dibujado este documento, se efecta un anlisis sobre las reas de mayor riesgo por inundaciones, evaluando los aspectos sociales y econmicos de la poblacin afectada. SUMMARY Using aerial photographs of different years, we analyze in the case of the Limon city, the growth population in coastal areas affected by flooding. A map showing four periods of aerial photointerpretation, fieldwork and another sources, gives information about the physical and social conditions of some areas with vulnerability by flooding. In the case of Parrita town, the use of aerial photographs of four periods, make it possible to know the geomorphological dynamic of Parrita river. With this map, we evaluate the risk by flooding, taking into account the social and economical aspects of the affected population.
Resumo: Este estudo objetivou analisar a efetividade do Programa Cisternas utilizando abordagens tericas orientadas aos atores, a partir do desenvolvimento de novas prticas sociais implementadas pelos agricultores beneficirios do Programa para a convivncia com o Semirido brasileiro. Elaborou-se um estudo de caso selecionando a Comunidade Stios Areias, localizada no municpio de Sobral (CE). A coleta de dados foi realizada com a aplicao de questionrios s famlias beneficiadas pelo Programa. O marco terico utilizado foi a teoria da Abordagem dos Meios de Vida para caracterizar a efetividade do programa e compreender o processo de mudana social. Constatou-se que o Programa apesar de utilizar os preceitos do paradigma de desenvolvimento sustentvel para a sua implantao, no possibilitou a efetividade do programa em promover modificaes das prticas sociais, no revertendo a estratgia de migrao das famlias, ocasionada pelo processo de desativao dos beneficirios com a agricultura. A implementao do programa no conseguiu combater a pobreza rural, mesmo proporcionando o acesso gua as famlias. Concluiu-se que a forma de interveno exigia uma nova dinmica para o Semirido, bem mais complexa do que simplesmente a construo de tecnologias sociais de captao de gua. Recomenda-se polticas integradas e que contribuam para a melhoria dos meios de vida das famlias, mas que tambm ensejem seu protagonismo e o fortalecimento de sua autonomia frente s adversidades climticas frequentes da regio. [Evaluation of the effectiveness of the Cisterns Programe according to the Sustainable Livelihood Approach]. Abstract: This study was carried out in order to analyze the effectiveness of the Cisterns Program according to the new social practices implemented by the family farmers in order to survive and live in the adverse environment of the Brazilian semiarid. The empirical space chosen was the Municipality of Sobral (CE) and the case study was the Community Areia Branca. Data was collected on all the families benefited from the Cisterns Program. The analytical theoretical framework used was the Sustainable Livelihood Approach to characterize the effectiveness of the program and the process of social change. It was found that despite using the concepts of sustainable development paradigm in the implementation of Cisterns Program, the program was not effective in promoting social changes or to reserve the migration practice as well, which is a family strategy due to deactivation of agricultural activities. The implementation of the program failed to combat rural poverty other than providing access to water. The form of intervention in the semiarid requires a new dynamic approach, which is far more complex than simply building social technologies for water storage. In order to fight poverty in the region, it is necessary to implement integrated policies able to improve life style and bring about changes in order to empower and give autonomy to the families helping them to face the adverse climatic conditions typical of the region.
AbstractHousing rights are now one of the most fundamental social and economic human rights. It is therefore the duty of every country to implement such rights for its own citizens, irrespective of its economicdevelopment, political situation, or social conditions. Possession of appropriate living conditions determines, in fact, the possibility of using other, more advanced human rights (e.g. the right to health, right to development, right to peace, or access to culture). Realization of the right to adequate housing is increasingly problematic for developed countries. According to the United Nations, there areover 100 million homeless people worldwide and more than 1 billion inadequately housed. Poland is an example of a country particularly afflicted by housing problems after the Second World War.Experiences of Polish democratic transformation after 1989, therefore, provide interesting lessons (and warnings) for all countries wishing to deal with the social problems arising from housing difficulties.Keywords: right to adequate housing, human rights, housing rights, social transformation, transition, economic and social human rights, social issues, Poland, United Nations, communism.ResumenEl derecho a la vivienda es uno de los derechos humanos sociales y econmicos ms elementales. Por lo tanto, es un deber de todos los pases implementar esos derechos para susciudadanos y ciudadanas, independependientmente de su desarrollo econmico, situacin poltica, o condiciones sociales. La posesin de adecuadas condiciones de vida determinala posibilidad de utilizar otros derechos humanos ms avanzados (por ejemplo, derecho a la salud, derecho al desarrollo, derecho a la paz, acceso a la cultura). La realizacindel derecho a una vivienda adecuada es cada vez ms problemtica para los pases desarrollados. Segn las Naciones Unidas, hay ms de 100 millones de personas sin hogar en todo el mundo y ms de 1000 millones alojadas en viviendas inadecuadas. Polonia es ejemplo de un pas particularmente afectado por los problemas de vivienda despus de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Experiencias de la transformacin democrtica de Polonia despus de 1989 ofrecen lecciones interesantes (y advertencias) para todos los pases que deseen hacer frente a los problemas sociales derivados de las dificultades de vivienda.Palabras clave: derecho a la vivienda, derechos humanos, transformacin social, transicin, derechos econmicos y sociales, cuestiones sociales, Polonia, Naciones Unidas, comunismo.
Following the commencement of construction works of a 250 MW hydropower plant at Dumbbell Island in the Upper Victoria Nile in September 2007, BEL requested NaFIRRI to conduct continuous monitoring of fish catches at two transects i.e. the immediate upstream transect of the project site (Kalange-Makwanzi) and the immediate downstream .transect (Buyala-Kikubamutwe). The routine monitoring surveys were designed to be conducted twice a week at each of the tWo transects. It was anticipated that major immediate impacts were to occur during construction, and these needed to be known by BEL as part of a mitigation strategy. For example, the construction of it cofferdam could be accompanied by rapid changes in water quality and quantity downstream of the construction. These changes in turn could affect the fish catch and would probably be missed by the quarterly monitoring already in place. Therefore, a major cbjective of the more regular and rapid monitoring was to discern immediate impacts of construction activities by focusing on selected water quality parameters (total suspended solids, water conductivity, temperature, dissolved oxygen and pH) and fish catch characteristics (total catch, catch rates and value of the catch)