702 resultados para proposed curriculum
Rapport de stage présenté à la Faculté des sciences infirmières en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maître ès sciences (M.Sc.) en sciences infirmières option expertise-conseil en soins infirmiers
Ferrofluids belonging to the series, Ni x Fe1-x Fe2O4 and Zn x Fe1-x Fe2O4, were synthesized using cold co-precipitation. Liquid films of these ferrofluids were prepared by encapsulating the ferrofluids in between two optically smooth and ultrasonically cleaned glass plates. Magnetic field induced laser transmission through these ferrofluid films has been investigated. Magnetic field values can be calibrated in terms of output laser power in the low field region in which the variation is linear. This set up can be used as a cheap optical gaussmeter in the low field regime. Using the same set-up, the saturation magnetization of the sample used can also be calculated with a sample that is pre-characterized. Hence both magnetization of the sample, as well as applied magnetic field can be sensed and calculated with a precalibrated sample.
There are around 150 engineering colleges (ECs) in Kerala under the government, aided and self financing (S.F.) sectors. While the college libraries in the government and aided sectors receive several grants, the libraries of S.F. colleges are solely run by their own funds. The rising costs of scholarly publications and strict AICTE stipulations regarding libraries and their collection, pose great difficulties to the libraries in all sectors in finding adequate budgets to provide quality services. Library cooperation/resource sharing helps to overcome this problem to a considerable extent. The present study analysed the facilities and services of the ECs affiliated to M.G.University, Kerala to identify whether there is a need for resource sharing (RS) among these libraries. The satisfaction of the users with their library resources and services were also ascertained. The study put forward a model for RS and the opinion of the librarians and users regarding the same were collected. Structured questionnaires were used to collect the required data. The study revealed that a wide gap exist between the libraries with respect to their facilities and services and many of the S.F. libraries have better infrastructure when compared to the government and aided college libraries. Majority of the respondents opined that RS is necessary to satisfy their information needs. The model of RS proposed by the study was widely accepted by the librarians and users. Based on the opinions and suggestions of the respondents, the study developed the potential model for resource sharing- the Virtual Resource Sharing Centre (VRSC).
In comparison with mixed forest stands, the cultivation of pure plantations in Vietnam entails serious ecological consequences such as loss of biodiversity and higher rate of soil erosion. The economic evaluation is elaborated between pure plantations and mixed forests where the fast-growing tree species are mixed with slow growing tree species which are planted in stripes separating the segments with fast-growing tree species (Acacia sp.). For the evaluation, the input values were used from local costs of goods, services and labour. The results show that the internal rate of return is the highest in the case of pure plantation in comparison with mixed forests – 86% to 77%(first planting pattern: Acacia sp. + noble hardwood species) and 54% (second planting pattern: Acacia + Dipterocarpus sp. + Sindora sp.). The average profit per hectare and year is almost five times higher in the case of mixed stands. The first planting pattern reaches 2,650 $, the second planting pattern 2,280 $ and the pure acacia plantation only 460 $. From an economic point of view, the cultivation of mixed forests that corresponds to the principles of sustainable forestry generates a good economical profit while maintaining habitat complexity and biodiversity.
Ofrecer una alternativa al Curriculum Ordinario para el alumnado desmotivado, utilizando las Nuevas Tecnologías como recurso fundamental, con el objeto de lograr los objetivos generales de etapa y la consiguiente titulación.
Publicación financiada por el Programa Asia-Link de la Comisión Europea. - Notas a pie de página.
Probar mediante el análisis de diferentes materiales didácticos, libros de texto y Cuadernillos Argo, cómo cada uno de ellos responde a una concepción distinta del curriculum. Cinco libros de texto de diferentes editoriales y 7 cuadernillos del Grupo Argo de educación secundaria con contenidos en ciencia, tecnología y sociedad. En la primera parte se realiza una presentación en el ámbito internacional del enfoque Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad (CTS) que intenta contextualizar el origen intelectual, académico y educativo de la enseñanza CTS que se desarrolla en España. También se explica cómo se introduce la CTS en el curriculum español y cuáles son algunas de las lineas de trabajo representativas de los programas, y trabajos de investigación CTS en nuestro país. En la segunda parte, se pretende profundizar en las propuestas de enseñanza CTS a través del análisis de materiales didácticos, para terminar con las conclusiones generales. Tablas. La investigación en el curriculum de los aspectos sociales de la Ciencia y Tecnología debe intentar conseguir principalmente dos objetivos: relacionar las dos tradiciones CTS a través de casos de estudio que tengan relevancia social y hacerlo desde una perspectiva social crítica que fundamente los aspectos teóricos. Se debe optar por la investigación de un curriculum integrado en la enseñanza de las relaciones Ciencia, Tecnología y Sociedad en la Educación Secundaria, ya que el carácter interdisciplinar de los estudios CTS hace necesario un planteamiento didáctico coherente. Hay que abordar la investigación en el curriculum desde teorías socioculturales que fundamenten el aprendizaje del alumnado y que al mismo tiempo expliquen la construcción social de la ciencia y la tecnología.
This work shows the use of adaptation techniques involved in an e-learning system that considers students' learning styles and students' knowledge states. The mentioned e-learning system is built on a multiagent framework designed to examine opportunities to improve the teaching and to motivate the students to learn what they want in a user-friendly and assisted environment
This is a narrated slide presentation of a seminar delivered by Dr. Peter Smith, Associate Dean (Education) Faculty of Law, Arts and Social Sciences/Associate Dean Education and Student Experience Faculty of Social and Human Sciences. The recording lasts around 25 minutes. The seminar was delivered on 30 November, 2010 to the University of Southampton Higher Education Research Group. The presentation reflects the position of the University's Curriculum Innovation Programme as of November 2010/January 2011.
Presentations from the Curriculum Innovation Network Conference that took place on 18th & 19th January 2011 at the University of Southampton. The ambition was to bring together a global network of universities who are engaged in institution-wide curriculum innovation. The focus of the network is to share learning and practice in a collaborative way, to identify best practice and to explore practical solutions to the challenges we face. Keynote speakers from across the world and colleagues from leading universities came together to share their experience on approaches to transforming their curricula and the overall learning experience of their students. The challenges of doing this are significant, and there is much that we can learn from each other as we seek to transform the learning environment of our institutions. We hope that all who attend found these two days of great value in starting and enhancing a global dialogue about education transformation. Additional presentations will be uploaded in due course. Please note the copy right of these presentations remains with the author.
Este documento presenta una revisión de las principales aproximaciones teóricas sobre recursos humanos en ciencia y tecnología y la modelación empírica de las carreras académicas y científi cas utilizando los Curriculum Vitae (CV) como fuente de información principal. Adicionalmente, muestra los resultados de varios estudios realizados en Colombia basados en la teoría del capital conocimiento. Estos estudios han permitido establecer una línea de investigación sobre la evaluación del comportamiento de los recursos humanos, el tránsito hacia comunidades científi cas y el estudio de las carreras académicas de los investigadores. Adicionalmente, muestran que la información contenida en la Plataforma ScienTI (Grup-Lac y Cv-Lac) permite establecer de manera concreta las capacidades científi cas y tecnológicas del país. Palabras claves: Recursos humanos, carreras académicas y científi cas, regresión discreta y modelos de elección cualitativa. Clasifi cación JEL: C25, O15.